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8/21/2019 Boone Theater Summer Program offers more to children - News - Boone News-Republican - Boone, IA

Boone Theater Summer Program o ers more to

By Michael Murrell, General Intern
Posted Jun 30, 2019 at 12:01 AM
As summer is approaching the halfway point it is time for parents to find other
things for their kids to do this summer.

That can be challenging for parents in Boone to find other things for their kids
to do other than maybe going to the local pool.

The local Boone Movie Theater is here to help with the 2019 Boone Theater’s
Summer Movie Program.

Every Tuesday and Thursday morning the Theater Is putting on free showings
of different movies for local kids. Each movie begins at 10:00 am, with doors
opening at 9:15 am.

Owner Erin Robey decided to put on the program, which she started in 2014, to
help out the parents of Boone.

“The main reason is because there is not really a lot to do during the summer in
Boone. So it kind of gives the kids a chance to come in and watch a movie. It
gives the parents a chance to relax a little bit.”

According to Robey, each movie averages around 90 people.

The theater has a capacity of 164 people with two handicapped seats. She
recommends people arrive early to make sure they get their seats.

Concessions are available upon arrival but the theater does ask that no outside
food or drinks are brought into the theater.

The list of movies being shown are available at the theater and are also posted on
the door if the theater is closed. 1/1

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