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Menghitung Panas Yang dibutuhkan untuk menguapkan air pada material

Heat input :
1. Grinding heat
Qg = ( 3.6 x Eff x N ) / G , kJ/kg
2. Clinker heat
Qk = ( ( 0.00046 x tk ) + 0.733 ) x ( tk - to )

Heat output :
1. Cement heat
Qc = ( ( 0.00046 x tc ) + 0.733 ) x ( tc - to )
2. Radiation / Convection
Qr/c = ( ( (D/2) + L ) x D x phi x k ) / ( G x 1000 )
3. Venting air
Qa = ( Cpa x Va x ( ta - to )) / ( G x 1000 )
4. Water evaporation
Qw = ( r x w ) / 1000

Diketahui bahwa : Input Data

N = mill motor power 2500 kw
Eff = mill drive efficiency 0.87
G = mill output/cement product 65.00 ton/h
Cpk = Specific heat value for clinker 0.7514 kj/kg.C
tk = clinker temperatur 40 C
to = ambient air temperatur 30 C
Cpc = specific heat value for cement 0.7675 kj/kg.C
tc = cement temperatur 75 C
D = nominal mill diameter 3.86 m
L = mill length 12.50 m
k = heat transfer factor 12000 kj/m2.h
Va = venting air volume 27757 Nm3/h
Cpa = specific heat value for air 1.3 kj/Nm3.C
ta = air temperatur after mill 80 C
W = water rate ( include moisture content in feed material ) 14.7949901912 kg/ton feed
r = heat of evaporation ( include heating up of water ) 2257 kj/kg

Result :

Item Heat Input Item Heat Output

Grind. heat 120 Cement heat 34.538
Clinker heat 7.514 Radiation /
Convection 32.289
Venting air 27.757
Water Evap. 33.392

Total input 127.976 Total output 127.976 Kj/Kg

39123.65781415 kJ/jam

Total Air dalam Raw Material :

Gypsum 126.75 kg
Limestone 633.8 kg
FA 211.3 kg
Trass 211.25 kg
Total 1183 kg

shg panas utk menguapkan raw material feed = 2670031.00 kJ/jam

Kekurangan panas yang harus ditambahkan = 2630907.342 kJ/jam
2493609.21861 BTU/jam
628802.640226 Kcal/Jam

Kebutuhan bahan bakar untuk mengurangi moisture material feed

Kalori Solar 9240 Kcal/liter
Kalori yang harus ditambahkan 628802.64 Kcal/Jam
Kebutuhan solar untuk mengurangi moisture 68.0522 Liter/Jam
11.7068286 m2

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