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University of San Carlos

Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Name: Reyar P. Seno Date Submitted: January 15, 2015
Schedule: 10:30-1:30/Thursday :
Experiment#3 and Experiment#4
Mixing and Amplitude Modulation Principle
DSB and Balance Modulator

I’ve learned that the carrier wave’s amplitude will change however the frequency and the
phase angle will still be the same.Through the diode modulator . I’ve synthesize that if the
message or signal wave has higher frequency than the carrier wave then there will be no
amplitude modulation only when the carrier wave is higher than the message or signal wave.
Using the diode which is a non-linear component then an amplitude modulation will happen and
it will show the half part of the modulation and by adding a tank circuit which will give us the
positive and negative cycle of the amplitude modulation and in our circuit the transistor acts as
the non-linear component or acts as a diode for us to get the half amplitude modulation. In the
experiment we can say that there are two parts of the signal wave which in between is the
carrier wave. If is it to be drawn in to vertical line then one part of the signal wave or the
message is located at the left side of the carrier wave and the other one of the message or
signal wave is located at the right part of the carrier wave or these signal wave can also be
called as sidebands as the name tells that it is a band located the both sides of the carrier wave.
I’ve learned that the modulating signal uses the peak value of the carrier wave rather than zero
as its reference point. If the amplitude of the modulating signal is less than the carrier amplitude,
no distortion will occur sometimes a phenomenon called overmodulation. I’ve also learned that
the ideal percentage modulation should not exceed to 100 percent for there might be distortion
that might happen if it will exceed. The purpose of the balanced modulator is to produce the
sum and difference frequencies but to cancel or balance out the carrier.

This circuit below shows the ring modulator circuit

The conducting pair carry the signal from the left transformer secondary to the primary of
the transformer at the right. If the left carrier terminal is positive, the top and bottom diodes
conduct. If that terminal is negative, then the "side" diodes conduct, but create a polarity
inversion between the transformers. The carrier, which alternates between positive and negative
current, at any given time, makes one pair of diodes conduct, and reverse-biases the other pair.
A ring modulator produces sum and difference frequencies between the audio input and a
carrier oscillator.
As shown in the picture below is a plate modulator.

It is so named because the message signal (AF) is superimposed on +Vsb and tVsb and
then applied to the plate of a triode tube. Now we will study how modulation occurs in this
modulator. the most widely used method for amplitude modulation is known as plate
modulation. In this system, radio-frequency or "driver" voltages are applied to the grid of an
amplifier (called the "modulated" tube). The audio-frequency or "modulation" voltages are
inserted into its plate circuit in series with the B-power supply.

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