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International Curriculum

Grade Topic
1. Numbers to 10, numbers bond, number to 20, numbers to 40,
4. Length
numbers to 100
5. Pictures graph
2. Addition within 10, Subtraction within 10, Addition within 20,
1st 6. Ordinal number and position
Subtraction within 20, addition within 40, subtraction within 40,
7. The concept of Multiplication & Division
addition within 100, subtraction within 100
8. Time and Money
3. Shapes and patterns
1. Numbers to 1000
2. Addition and Subtraction within 1000, Word problem 6. Fractions
3. Multiplication and Division, Multiplication tables of 2,3,4,5,10, Word 7. Time
2 nd
problem 8. Picture Graphs
4. Length, Mass, Money 9. Volume
5. 2D and 3D Figure
1. Numbers to 10 000
6. Length, Mass and Volume
2. Addition, Subtraction, and word Problem within 10 000
7. Bar Graph
3. Multiplication Tables of 6,7,8,9
3rd 8. Fractions
4. Multiplication,Division and Word Problem Involving Four
9. Perpendicular and Parallel lines
10. Area and Parameter
5. Money, Time, Angles

5. Fraction, Addition and Subtraction of Fraction, Decimal, the four

1. Numbers to 100 000
operation of Decimals, Word problem of decimals
2. Factor and multiples
4th 6. Area and Perimeter
3. Multiplication and division of Whole numbers, Word Problem
7. Tables and Line Graphs
4. Angles, Square&Rectangle, Symmetry
8. Time

1. Whole numbers, Fractions

6. Average, Percentage
2. Area of triangle
7. Angle, Properties Of Triangle and 4-Sided figure
5th 3. Ratio
8. Geometrical Constraction
4. Decimals
9. Volume of Cube and Cuboid
5. Measurement
1. Algebra
6. Speed
2. Angles in Gometric Figure
7. Circles, Pie Charts
6th 3. Fractions
8. Area anad Perimeter of Figures
4. Ratio
9. Volume of Solids and Liquids
5. Percentage
Numbers Geometry Equations

Arithmetic Measurement Statistic

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