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Reviewer in MUSIC 1 First Trimester Test

Name: ________________________________________ Date: _______________

Grade and Section: _______________________ Teacher: __________________
I. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which of the following produces a soft sound?

a. striking a can
b. cutting a piece of paper
c. tapping the table

2. How can you produce a loud sound?

a. whisper to your classmate
b. walk to your teacher
c. cheering in a basketball game

3. Which of the following is pleasant to the ears?

a. the falling rain
b. the roaring of the thunder
c. the barking of a dog

4. How can you make the sound of the television pleasant to the ears?
a. turn off the volume
b. adjust the speaker
c. use another speaker

5. What should you do to avoid hurting your ears caused by loud sounds?
a. talk softly
b. cover your ears
c. stay away from noisy places

II. Classify the sounds produced as pleasant or unpleasant. Write the name of the object in
the correct box.

firetruck fireworks airplane

flute ambulance piano
tambourine horn violin
loud speaker

Pleasant Sound Unpleasant Sound

III. 1. Which do you prefer to listen to, loud music or soft music? Why?

I prefer to listen to _______________________ because ____________________


2. How does music help you?

Music helps me to ______________________________


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