Effects of Bullying

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A research paper on

Submitted In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
For The Subject Practical Research

Presented by:

Presented to:

This piece of work hereto titled “EFFFECT OF BULLYING IN QUIRINO

GENERAL HIGH SCHOOL”, prepared and submitted by Jeni Soriano, Dianne Taguiam,

Nobilyn Yagyagon, Rowena Dulnuan and Dennis Dimalanta, in prejudiced fulfillment of

requisite for the Practical Research I is hereby endorsed for approval.

Research Teacher
Head Teacher


Research linguistic

Approved and accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Practical
Research I.

Principal IV

The authors wish to extend their deepest thanks and appreciation the following

persons who helped them to finish this piece of work.

Mrs. Nimfa F. Yarcia , Principal IV, School Principal of Quirino General High

School, for allowing the researcher to float their questionnaire to the student of Grade X.

Mr. Roman G. Pagaduan, Jr, Head Teacher III, for his encouragement and for

helping the researcher sought approval from the school principal.

Mrs. Maria Concepcion Domingo, research linguistic for her guidance

throughout the duration of the study and for her sacrifice in editing the manuscript.

Mr. Dominick Domingo, research teacher, for his constructive criticisms and

encouragement to improve the manuscript.

Their parents, for their endless financial and moral support, concern and


Most of all, the father God, for his countless favor and wisdom for giving the

researcher confidence and good health to complete successfully this piece of work.

The authors

This piece of work is lovingly dedicated to our very own adviser, Mrs. Marianne T.

Danao who

always motivates us that we can do it. To our parents who trust us every

time we need to work this out. To our friends who continually help

us until we got to finish our research. To The students of

Quirino General High School who are very

cooperative. To the teachers and

staffs who treat us with

respect. And lastly,

to our heavenly

Father who is

Always been there

watching us and delivering

us from all kinds of human evil.

Chapter I



Bullying have a serious negative impact and often has long-term consequences for

both the student who bullies and the student who is being bullied which includes

increased school absenteeism, diminished educational achievement, behavior issues, low

self-esteem, sleep deprivation, anxiety, and self-harm. Bullied students are also at risk for

physical symptoms including stomach pain, sleep disturbance, headaches, tension,

bedwetting, fatigue and decreased appetite. Any student can be bullied at school,

particularly students with disabilities and other vulnerable populations such as students

with academic difficulties and speech impairments. Student may be bullied based on their

physical appearance such as glasses, hair color and weight. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and

transgender students are more likely the subject of bullying. Bullying is not an isolated

incident but occurs repeatedly everywhere. Therefore, we should be knowledgeable about

bullying, aggression and victimization. Be aware of the importance of not labeling the

students as “bullies” or “victims”. Share informations, observations and alert the teacher

in charge to indications that may identify students at risk. Knowing the case scenario and

elevating the issues with the school team to intervene and mitigate a bullying. Bullying

occurs when one has a habitual cruelty to others weaker than himself. Bullying is a

universal problem. Bullies keep doing it even more often when they see that whom they

bullying is affected. They also do it without considering what that person could feel.
According to the book (Biological Psychology, article 29,08/09) guilt is widely

recognized as an important self-regulatory emotion, yet alternative to the ore tic of

accounts view guilt primarily as either a punishment we or a pro-social motivation.

Integrating those vices, we propose that guilt functions dynamically to first provide a

negative reinforcement we associated with reduced approach motivation. This transforms

into approach motivated behavior when an opportunity for preparation presents itself.

(David M. Patrical.)

According to Secretary Vitaliano A., from the newspaper (the Philippine star,

2017) he said that let us dig deeper to understand other people on how they react, there

may be someone thinking about higher expectation to you.

When we said ‘bullying” it’s not always about doing violence against others for

fun, as secretary Vitaliano said that let us dig deeper to understand other people on how

they react towards others. There are people who become bullies because of their

experiences in life that they just want to revenge or express their selves.

People knew bullying to be negative, harmful or simply bad. It’s because more of

those who were being bullied, thinks about it negatively. They can’t just assume that it’s

nothing, especially if bullying became an act of discourtesy towards them, ruins their

dignity, creates anxiety, and lowers their self-esteem. But if we get also the side of those

people who always bully their fellows, most of them have testimonies that you’ll be

pleased of.
The result of the study presents the reading ability of students and can give the

teachers informations about their performance level in reading. Teachers may then use

the informations in planning to aid the said continually popping up problem.

As students of Quirino General High School, we have been observing about this

massive case of bullying in schools. Those who are being bullied are those silent-type

students; those who can’t express themselves because they felt that they don’t know how

to act on this kind of circumstances. This research is concerned about the violence of

bullying to those Junior High School Students of QGHS. This will help them know why

and how to deal if they are to encounter bullying and to drop the impact of its effects to


Statement of the problem

Generally, this research that we have conducted is for us to be aware to the

effects of bullying to the students of Quirino General High School.

Specifically, this research aim to answer the following question.

1. What is the profile of the respondents?



2. What are the effects of bullying to the students along following:

2.1 Reaction

2.2 Thinking

2.3 Feeling

3. Are there significant differences on the effect of bullying respondents when they

are grouped according to their profile

Objectives of the study

Generally, this research evaluated the Effect of Bullying in Quirino General High

School of the grade X.

This research targets to:

1. Determine the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Sex

1.2 Age

1.3 Ethnicity

2. Identify the Effects of bullying to the students of Quirino General High School

along the following:

2.1 Reaction

2.2 Thinking
2.3 Ethnicity

3. Assesses the significant differences of The Effect of the Bullying to the

respondents according to their profile.

Null Hypothesis

The study worked along the following hypothesis:

1. There are no significant differences on the Effects of Bullying to the students

according to their profile.

2. There are no significant differences on the level of bullying when they are



This study is primarily focus on the effects of bullying to the grade X students of Quirino

General High School.

The respondents are the grade X junior students of Quirino General High School, section

of Humility, Generosity, compassion, and Fortitude.

This limits the degree to which the result of the study may be generalize to the target

population of 95 respondents.

The result of this study is important to the following:


Students who are experiencing or will be experiencing bullying will have the

benefit. They will get tips on how to cope up on that situation. This study will serves as a

guide for the students to be more cautious with regards to the words they utter and actions

they take. The result of the study will be an eye opener to the students of Quirino General

HS on bullying and perceived frequency of crimes occurrence. This will make the

students especially the weak ones to be aware of the severity of such violence. With the

result, the students will be warned so that they will not encounter such bullying.


Parents are the most approachable advisers of every student in any level. This

research helps them to be more knowledgeable in cases of bullying and enable them to

make a way to help their children who are in this kind of situation. It is beneficial for

parents to be connected and be fully informed with all forms of bullying experiences of

the students so they can guide, follow up, check them home and most especially to avoid

the possibility of their children in becoming a victim of bullying.


Teachers are known to be the second parents of every student, thus, they are also

somehow responsible to guide there advisories with the help of this research. The result

of this will serve as guidelines to the teachers about the different acts of bullying. This

gives them insight to make ordinances for the prevention and control of such violence.

Future Researchers

The result of the study reserves as reference materials to future researchers who

wish to conduct research in this particular topic.

Theoretical and Conceptual Framework of the Study

This research on the effects of bullying also considered these scenarios, we often heard

cases of students’ who committed suicide, experienced anxiety and felt isolation after they

encounter bullying. Many factors should be considered in understanding bullying but this

research focused on its effects.

Teachers are conscious of the need to consider why students keep on bullying the other,

the problems to the students who can’t positively understand bullying and the experiences of

those bullies. The motivation behind is the implementation of “no to bullying” of the future SSG

President in Quirino General High School, Reylond.

For this research, the input-process-output (IPO) model is used to assess the

variables under the study. The input is a checklist on the bullying experiences in Quirino

General HS. The input uses in the assessment of the effects of bullying in this school. It

will be used to determine sex, age and ethnicity as intervening variables. The expected

output is informations on how frequently bullying experiences affect the students.


 Grade X Students  Assessment of  Database on the

of Quirino Respondents’ proficiency level
General High Hobbies related to of respondents in
School reading reading as
 Checklist on  Assessment of influenced by the
Hobbies Related Respondents’ identified variables
to Reading performance in
 Reading Passage Reading
Questionnaire Comprehension

Intervening Variables

 Profile of the respondents as to:

o Sex
o Age
o Dialect spoken at home
o Ethnic Affiliation

Bullying- Any severe or repeated use by one or more student of a written, verbal,

or electronic expression, a physical act that frightens, hurt, or threats a person.

Harassment- Any form of unwanted and unwelcome behavior which may range

from mildly unpleasant remarks to physical violence.

Vulnerable- Easily hurts or harmed physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Intervene- To occur between two or events to be become involved in something

(conflict) to have an influence on what happens.

Mitigate- To make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful.

Abusively- Using harsh and insulting language.

Browbeating- To use threats or angry speech to make someone do or accept


Retaliation- To do something bad to someone who has hurt you or treated you


Withdrawal- An act of ending your involvement in something.

Chapter II


This chapter presents the related literature and studies both on foreign and local

sources read thoroughly and investigated by the researcher which were all foundations

of its enhancement.


According to (Leandro C., 2017) in the newspaper “Manila Bulletin”, said that let

a man’s words define him: with his rough manner and tough words, he has incited those

people involve to rebel.

From the holy bible (proverbs chapter 24:1-2) it stated there, do not be envious of

evil man, nor desire to be with them; for their heart devices violence , and their lips talk

of trouble making.

According to (Secretary Vitaliano A., 2017) from the newspaper “The Philippine

Star”, he said that let us dig dipper to understand other people on how they react, there

may be someone thinking about higher expectation to you.

From the book of the senior high school (Personal Development) there stated that

as we grow up, we gradually became aware of many things in external world which are

largely beyond our ability to control. This includes other people in general and most

events in our lives. Initially, this is difficult to accept, but a more shocking realization is

that there are many things about us that seem we are powerless to control. Some of this is
our own thoughts, feelings, and action which unfortunately can be a source of much


According to (Jeffrey N., 10th edition) in his book of “Psychology and the

Challenges of Life”, he stated that bullies tend to believe that violence will be rewarded,

and they use aggression to get what they want. They are more likely to believe that

retaliation is acceptable.

According to (Egan, Monson and Renny, 1998), “It’s okay to shove people when

you are mad”. Seeing violent acts go unpunished probably affirms and encourages this

belief. In addition to be surrounded by violence and believing that violent “pay back” is

appropriate when you are resulted on harmed, some children, particularly boys, have

difficulty reading the intention of others(Zelli, 1999). As we saw earlier, they assume

another child” did it on purpose” when their block tower toppled, they are pushed on the

bush or some mistake is mold. Retaliation follows and the cycle of aggression


In the same book, (Espencer R.) said that some students tend to be bullies; other

children are victims. These victims tend to have low self-esteem and they feel anxious,

lonely, insecure, and unhappy. They often are prone to crying and withdrawal; when

affected, generally they want defend themselves. Recent research suggests that victims

may blame themselves for their situation. They believe that they rejected because they

have character flaws that they can’t change or control-no wonder they are depressed and
helpless. The situation is worse for your adolescent victims whose peers seem to have

little sympathy to others.

All people have needs that can be fulfilled only in human relationship. Chief

among this is universally learned need for positive regard, the experiencing of oneself as

making the positive difference in the lives of other people and as receiving warmth,

liking, respect, sympathy, acceptance caring and trust from others. (Rogers, 1959:

Standal, 1954)

Chapter III


This division tells about the methods that are being used in this study. The

methods presented are as follows: research design, research locale, the respondents,

sampling procedure, instrument used, data gathering procedure, and the statistical

treatment of data.

Research Design

The researcher availed of the descriptive method of research using such data

gathering tools as the questionnaire and the passage.

The inferential statistics was also used for more comprehensive analysis.
Research Locale

This study is conducted in Quirino General High School, Zamora, Cabarroguis,

and Quirino, where in selected grade X students responded.

Samples and Sampling Procedures

The respondents of the study are Grade X students who are enrolled for SY 2016-

2017. There are 95 respondents generated from the total number of population. To know

the number of respondents for each section, the stratified random sampling technique was

used. The distribution of respondents is presented in Table 1.

Table1. Number of Students and Respondents Section

Section No. of Students Total Respondents

1. Generosity 37 24

2. Compassion 37 24

3. Humility 37 24

4. Fortitude 36 23

Total 144 95

There are four (4) sections in grade X regular class that we have selected to be our

respondents. Our target number of respondents is 95 but the sum of the students in those

four sections is 144. The sampling distribution to know the number of samples to get

from each section in Grade X particularly Compassion, Generosity, Humility and

Fortitude is made used of the formula, n=1+𝑁(𝑒)2 . Fortitude has the lowest number of

students so there were lesser respondents as compared to the rest of the sections which

have the same number of students and respondents as well.

Research Instrument

There are two portions of the research instrument that has been used. The first

portion is a profile checklist where the respondents placed the information as to their sex,

age, and ethnicity. The second portion is a checklist on the effects of bullying. An

unstructured which is the interviewer conducted randomly in a conversational manner.

This gave the teachers of the respondents a greater freedom in stating their opinions about

the topic and established and improved the informations collected through the assessment


Data Gathering Procedure

We asked permission from the principal of Quirino General High School before

we conducted the actual research. After the approval, we sought the consent of the

subject teachers of the sections we planned to conduct our survey.

We individually floated the accomplished questionnaire and assessment tool. The

data from the questionnaire and from the assessment tool were put in the generated

desired tables.

Statistical Tool Used

In analyzing the data gathered, the following statistical tools were used:

1. Frequency count and percentage were used to describe the profile of the


2. Mean and ranking were utilized to agreements of the respondents to the effects of



The result of this study is presented in the following order: profile of the Grade X

respondents, effects of Bullying to the Students, Mean on the Effects of Bullying to the

Students and tests of differences between and among variables.

Part I. Profile of the Respondents

Table 2: Frequency and Percent Distribution of Respondents when they are grouped by


Sex Specifics Frequency Percentage

F 55 58%

M 40 42%

Total 95 100%

Age Specifics Frequency Percentage

14-15 44 46%

16 51 54%

Total 95 100%

Ethnicity Specifics Frequency Percentage

Ibanag 2 2%

Ifugao 12 13%

Ilocano 71 75%

Tagalog 10 11%

Total 95 100%
The frequency and percentage distribution of the respondents as to their profile is

contained in Table 2. There are 95 student respondents in this research and 55 or 58% of

these are females while 40 or 42% are males.

Most of the Grade X students is16 years and older with a frequency of 51 or 54%

and 14-15 years old has a frequency of 44 or 46%.

The mean age of the students is 12.80 which is the ideal age of Grade 7. It is

perceived from the data that 113 respondents whose ages are within the mean while 25

respondents have ages are above the mean. In other words, these 25 respondents are over

age for their curriculum year.

There were four (4) specific ethnicities of Grade X students: Ibanag, Ifugao,

Ilocano, and Tagalog. Most of the respondents are Ilocano with a frequency of 71 or 75%

followed by Ifugao with 12 or 13%, then Tagalog with 10 or 11% and Ibanag with two

(2) or 2%.

Part II. General Effects of Bullying

Table 3: Mean of the Effects of Bullying

Effects Mean Description

1. Develops Self-Esteem 1.98 slightly agree

2. Likely to Commit Suicide 2.14 slightly agree

3. Anxiety 2.27 slightly agree

4. Ruins Dignity 2.48 Agree

5. Isolation(aloneness) 2.33 slightly agree

Total 2.24 slightly agree

3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree
2.50-3.24 Agree
1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree
1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree

Table 3 shows the general mean on the effects of bullying when the respondents

are not grouped according to their profile.

Ruins dignity has the only description of “agree” with the highest mean of 2.48

and the rest has the same description of “slightly agree” but with different mean such as

2.33 in isolation (aloneness) which is the second to the highest mean followed by the

mean of 2.27 in anxiety, then 2.14 in likely to commit suicide and the last is 1.98 in

develops self-esteem which has the lowest mean with a total of 2.24 describes as “slightly


As shown in the table, all of the listed effects of bullying are slightly to be true but

the most effect for them which they have agreed is that bullying ruins dignity. The table

presented that bullying can develop self-esteem but it’s the least effect of it.
Part III. Mean on the effect of Bullying when they are grouped according to their profile

Table 4.Mean on the effect of Bullying when they are grouped according to their sex

Female Male

Effects Mean Description Mean Description

1. Develops Self-Esteem 2.07 Slightly Agree 1.85 Slightly agree

2. Likely More to Commit Suicide 2.15 Slightly Agree 2.13 Slightly agree

3. Anxiety 2.33 Slightly Agree 2.2 Slightly agree

4. Ruins Dignity 2.33 Slightly Agree 2.7 Agree

5. Isolation 2.25 Slightly Agree 2.43 Slightly agree

Total 2.226 Slightly Agree 2.262 Slightly agree

3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree
2.50-3.24 Agree
1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree
1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree

Table 4presents the mean on the effects of bullying when the respondents were

grouped according to their sex.

Table 4 presents the mean on the effects of bullying to the respondents along the

different dimensions when they are grouped by sex. It is shown in the table that the male

respondents got higher mean than the females along all dimensions with 1.85 in develops

self-esteem described as “slightly agree,” 2.13 in likely more to commit suicide described

as “slightly agree,” 2.2 in anxiety described as “slightly agree,”2.7 in ruins dignity

described as “agree,” and 2.43 in isolation described as slightly agree with a total of 2.26,
.04 higher than the female described as “slightly agree.” The female respondents’ mean is

2.07 in develops self-esteem described as “slightly agree,” 2.15 in likely more to commit

suicide described as “slightly agree,” 2.33 in anxiety described as “slightly agree,”2.33 in

ruins dignity described as “slightly agree,” and 2.25 in isolation described as slightly

agree with a total of 2.23, .03 lower than the male described as “slightly agree.”

Almost all of the effects of the bullying for the respondents when they are

grouped according to their sex are slightly agree but males has higher rate for the effect

such as ruins dignity with the mean of 2.7 that has description of “agree”. It means that

men encounter bullying most than women.

Table 5: Mean on the effect of Bullying when they are grouped according to their age

Effects 16 14-15

Mean Description Mean Description

1. Develops Self-Esteem 2.04 Slightly Agree 1.91 Slightly Agree

2. Likely More to Commit Suicide 2.06 Slightly Agree 2.23 Slightly Agree

3. Anxiety 2.18 Slightly Agree 2.39 Slightly Agree

4. Ruins Dignity 2.43 Slightly Agree 2.55 Agree

5. Isolation 2.25 Slightly Agree 2.41 Slightly Agree

Total 2.192 Slightly Agree 2.298 Slightly Agree


3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree

2.50-3.24 Agree
1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree
1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree

Table 5 presents the mean on the effects of bullying when they are grouped

according to their age.

It is shown that respondents who are 14-15 years old have higher mean along all

dimensions with mean of 1.91 in develops self-esteem, 2.23 in likely more to commit

suicide, 2.39 in anxiety, and 2.41 in isolation both described as “slightly agree”, and 2.55

in ruins dignity described as “agree”. Respondents ages 16 and above has mean of 2.04

in developing self-esteem, 2.06 in likely more to commit suicide, 2.18 in anxiety, 2.43 in

ruins dignity and 2.25 in isolation with all described as “slightly agree”.

Even though they have the same description of “slightly agree”, the 2.298 total

mean of 14-15 years old respondents is 0.106 higher than the total mean of 16 years old

and above with 2.192.

Table 6: Mean on the effect of Bullying when they are grouped according to their


Effects Ibanag Ifugao Ilocano Tagalog

Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description

1. Develops Self-Steem 2.5 Agree 2.42 Slightly Agree 1.99 Slightly Agree 1.3 Dis-Agree

2. Likely More to Commit Suicide 2 Slightly Agree 1.42 Dis-Agree 2.13 Slightly Agree 3.1 Agree

3. Anxiety 4 Too Much Agree 2 Slightly Agree 2.24 Slightly Agree 2.5 Agree

4. Ruins Dignity 4 Too Much Agree 2.25 Slightly Agree 2.41 Slightly Agree 3 Agree

5. Isolation 3 Agree 2.42 Slightly Agree 2.34 Slightly Agree 2.7 Agree

3.1 Agree 2.102 Slightly Agree 2.222 Slightly Agree 2.52 Agree
3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree
2.50-3.24 Agree
1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree
1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree

It is shown in the table under develops self-esteem, Ibanag respondents has the

highest mean with 2.5 which indicated that they are “agree” followed by Ilocano with

1.99, and Ifugao with 2.42, both described as “slightly agree,” and the lowest for this

level is the Tagalog with 1.3 which is “dis agree.” For likely more to commit suicide,

Tagalog takes place the highest mean with 3.1 describes as “agree”, followed by Ilocano

with 2.13, Ibanag with 2, both describes as “slightly agree” and the only ethnic affiliation

who are dis agree with a mean of 1.42 is Ifugao.

Ibanag got the highest mean with 4 which is “too much agree” in anxiety, Tagalog

with 2.5 described as “agree”, Ilocano with 2.24 and Ifugao with 2 both described as

“slightly agree”. Ibanag dominated the other three ethnicities with mean of 4 for ruins

dignity described as “too much agree.” Tagalog got 3 described as “agree,” Ilocano with

2.41 and Ifugao with 2.25 both described as “slightly agree.” On isolation, Ibanag with

the mean of 3 and Tagalog with 2.7 are both “agree”, Ifugao has a mean of 2.42, Ilocano

with 2.34 both described as “slightly agree”.

The total mean revealed that Ifugao and Ilocano got the lowest mean with 2.1 and

2.22 which are described as “slightly agree”, while Tagalog and Ibanag with the mean of

2.52 and 3.1 respectively which both described as “agree”. As the result, Tagalog and

Ibanag are often experiencing bullying with those negative effects.

Table 7: Mean of the Effect of the Bullying when grouped according to their sex and age.

16 14-15 Female Male

Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description Mean Description

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

1. Develops Self-Esteem 2.04 1.91 2.07 1.85
Agree Agree Agree agree

2. Likely More to Commit Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

2.06 2.23 2.15 2.13
Suicide Agree Agree Agree agree

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

3. Anxiety 2.18 2.39 2.33 2.2
Agree Agree Agree agree

Slightly Slightly
4. Ruins Dignity 2.43 2.55 Agree 2.33 2.7 Agree
Agree Agree

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

5. Isolation 2.25 2.41 2.25 2.43
Agree Agree Agree agree

Slightly Slightly Slightly Slightly

Total 2.19 2.3 2.23 2.26
Agree Agree Agree agree


3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree

2.50-3.24 Agree

1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree

1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree

Female with the age of 16 with the mean of 2.04 in develop self-esteem described

as “slightly agree”, with the mean of 2.06 in likely more to commit suicide which is the

lowest mean described as “slightly agree”, with the mean of 2.18 in anxiety described as
“ slightly agree”, with the mean of 2.43 in ruins dignity which is has the highest mean

described as “slightly agree”, and with the mean of 2.25 in isolation described as “slightly

agree”. As the result, the total means of all different dimensions is 2.209 with the

description of slightly agree. It means they are just slightly agreed that those the negative

effects of bullying.

Table 8: mean on the effects of bullying when grouped according to their sex, age, and


Ibanag Ifugao Ilocano Tagalog

16, Male 0 2.47 2.2 2.9

16, Female 0 1.94 2.41 1.2

14-15, Male 3.1 2.4 2.33 2.6

14-15, Female 0 1.8 2.13 2.6

Total 3.1 8.6 9.1 9.3


3.25-4.00 Too Much Agree

2.50-3.24 Agree

1.75-2.49 Slightly Agree

1.00-1.74 Dis-Agree
What was shown in table 8 is the mean on the effects of bullying when the

respondents are grouped according to their sex, age, and ethnicity.

As shown in the second column, there are no male and female Ibanag respondents

who are 16 and females who are 14-15 years old. Hence it has the lowest sum of 3.1.

Among all, Tagalog has the highest sum of 9.3, followed by the Ilocano with 9.1 and

Ifugao with 8.6.

The Data’s was presented on table 8 just shown that the only respondents who are

belong to Ibanag group are males who are 14-15 and that they are agree with those effects

of bullying. on the other ethnicity, 16 years old Ifugao males are slightly agree with those

negative effects of bullying, 16 years old females slightly agree also, 14-15 years old

males are still slightly agree and 14-15 females as well. For the Ilocano’s, those 14-16

years old male and female are slightly agree with that effects of bullying. Lastly, 16 years

olds Tagalog males agree, 16 years old who are female are dis-agree, 14-15 males and

females also agree with those effects of bullying.

Hence, males either 14-16 years old and belong to any ethnicity experienced

bullying that made them agree that developing self-esteem, likely more to commit

suicide, anxiety, ruins dignity, and isolation are the effects of bullying.

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