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Primary & Secondary
University of
Notre Dame
English CONCEPT MAP Maths
o Jack and the Bean Stalk – create a short o Using own choice of measurement tool
text on how Jack used nutrients which to measure growth of a bean plant (e.g.
made his beans grow into a beanstalk. Religious Education / Spiritual Education Lego pieces, string, ruler etc.).
o Adding new science vocabulary to the o God created living things for us. o Using beans to measure objects in the
word wall to use in writing. o We need to love and respect all living things - We must classroom.
o Writing a science experiment recording care for God’s creation. How can we? o Using a variety of beans (colours and
sheet following a structure of a title, o How can we care for beans/God’s creation? sizes) to create patterns.
materials, predictions, method, results o A Prayer of Gratitude for Creation. o Compare and order bean growths based
and conclusion. o Adding nature to prayer tables. on length (measure using units of
o Deliver short presentations on the o I am thankful for…what types of craton (represented measurement e.g. cm, mm)
nutrients needed for a bean plant to through art). o Compare masses of objects using balance
grow. scales – E.g. how many beans are needed
o Writing observations using capital Concept: Life Cycle of a Bean Plant Term: 2 to balance a building block?
letters, commas, adjectives. Weeks: o Create displays of data – growth of bean
©The University of Notre Dame 2010 developed by C McGunnigle
plant over a period of time.

Science / Technology & Enterprise

o Using technology to research what a bean plant needs to grow. Health & Physical Education
o Bean Journal – growing a bean plant tracking what a bean looks like o Health and wellbeing: living things need nutrients to grow – we too
each day. like beans need nutrients to grow. What do we need to grow?
o Creating a time lapse of a bean growth – noticing the changes each o Healthy eating – healthy foods vs sometimes foods – are beans
day. healthy? Are they a fruit or vegetable?

Geography History The Arts

o Different growing conditions in o How farming was different to how it is o Acting out the growth of a bean through body
the world. today? movements.
o Types of beans in other countries. o British settlers – how did they farm? o Creating artworks which represent the stages
o How beans are used around the o Farming tools? of a life cycle of a bean plant.
world. o Do we use any of these farming tools still o Through indigenous cultural dance create a
o Local places – where are beans today to grow beans? dance performance on the growth of bean
grown? How are they grown? o Indigenous seasons – similarities and plant – traditional costumes.
o Where beans can’t be grown differences – what indigenous season o Native American rain dance.
because of climate? In the desert? would a bean plant grow best in?
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 2)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
Biological sciences  Living things grow, change and have offspring similar to themselves (ACSSU030) By the end of Year 2, students
describe changes to objects,
materials and living things. They
Science understanding

Chemical sciences  Different materials can be combined, including by mixing, for a particular purpose (ACSSU031) identify that certain materials and
resources have different uses and
describe examples of where science
is used in people’s daily lives.
Earth and space  Earth’s resources, including water, are used in a variety of ways (ACSSU032)
sciences Students pose questions about their
experiences and predict outcomes of
Physical sciences  A push or a pull affects how an object moves or changes shape (ACSSU033) investigations. They use informal
measurements to make and compare
observations. They follow
instructions to record and represent
Nature and  Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021)
Science as a human endeavour

their observations and communicate

development of  Science involves observing, asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and
science their ideas to others.
events (ACSHE034)
(Year 1-2)

Use and influence  People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things
of science (ACSHE022)

 Pose and respond to questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and
Science inquiry skills (Year 1-

Questioning and
predicting events (ACSIS037)

Planning and  Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations, with the assistance
conducting of digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026)
 Participate in guided investigations to explore and answer questions (ACSIS038)

Processing and  Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables (ACSIS027)
analysing data  Through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS212)
and information
 Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables and through
discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS040)
Australian Curriculum: Science (Year 2)
Sub-strands Content Descriptions Achievement Standard
Evaluating  Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS213)

Communicating  Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written
language, drawing and role play (ACSIS029)

General Capabilities Cross Curriculum Priorities Notes:

 Literacy  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
 Numeracy
histories and cultures
 Information and communication technology
(ICT) competence  Asia and Australia’s engagement with
 Critical and creative thinking Asia
 Ethical behaviour
 Personal and social competence  Sustainability
 Intercultural understanding


General Capabilities:
Literacy Numeracy ICT Critical and creative Ethical Behaviour Personal and social Intercultural Understanding
thinking Competence
Cross-curriculum priorities:
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and Cultures Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia Sustainability

5E’s- ENGAGE (1-2 lessons)

 To capture student interest and find out what they know about a beans growth.
 To elicit students’ questions/ prior knowledge about a beans growth.
 Diagnostic assessment used- in this lesson you will find out what the students already know about a beans growth. This will allow you to take account of students’ existing ideas when planning
learning experiences

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Wk 1 (ACSSU (ACSHE (ACSIS0 As a result of this DIAGNOSTIC Introduction: What will the
L1 030) 021) 37) lesson, students will bean turn in
be able to: Anecdotal notes Students, in small groups will explore a variety of to? Variety of beans
will be recorded different beans. The students will explore the physical What will it from Bunnings
Observe beans and on: appearance of the beans as well as their knowledge of look like? (snap beans,
respond to questions beans and if they have any questions. The educator will Have you seen asparagus bean,
based on their Student’s go around to the groups with focus questions for the a bean fava bean, lima
knowledge of the observations and students to discuss. before? bean etc.)
lifecycle of a plant. knowledge on Where?
beans. After observing the beans and responding to posed What will each
Create a growth questions, the educator will bring the students back to of the beans
timeline, using Noticing the mat. As a whole class, the educator will ask the grow in to?
illustrations, noticing similarities and groups to share their observations on the beans. The What do you
similarities and the the differences of educator will repeat some posed questions (asked think this bean
differences of themselves and during group observations) for the class to share their will need to ‘What we know
themselves and the the bean plant thoughts upon. The educator will record the student’s grow? about beans’
bean plant growth. growth through thoughts onto a poster titled ‘What we know about What changes poster.
the template of beans’. will the bean
‘young to old’. The educator will then introduce and discuss the go through ‘Science wonder
purpose of the ‘science wonder questions’ poster. before it is questions’
Purpose: A poster which we can record our wonder fully grown? poster.
questions which we can look to find out as scientists. As
we do more investigations into beans we can answer How long do
these questions together. you think it
will take the
The educator will ask the students if they have any bean to reach
questions about beans which the educator will add its peak
these questions to the ‘wonder poster’. growth?

The educator will explain to the students that they will

be growing and observing beans over the coming
weeks. The students will be encouraged to think of
wonder questions to add to the poster.

Lesson Body:

The educator will discuss with the students that living What did you
things experience growth and development. The look like when
educator will ask the students how they began their life you were
and what they will look like as they grow older? born?
After you
crawling what
did you do?
Have you
grown taller
since being a
What will you
look like when
you move to
year 6/year
10/become an
The students will then be asked to draw a timeline from
when they were babies to what they would look like as ‘Young to old’
adults (younger and older). The students will then draw activity
what they think will happen to a bean over time, from a template.
bean to a plant.

As a whole class the students will share their
predictions on how they think the bean will grow and
what it will look like as mature plant. The students will ‘What we know
discuss the similarities and differences of their growth about beans’
verse the bean plants growth. The educator will record poster.
this information onto a poster.


When drawing a timeline of growth, students will be

supported with an image of a young boy/girl in the
middle of the timeline. The student will need to draw
what the child looked like before this age and after this


Students will be encouraged to label their drawings

(man, women, baby, girl, boy, bean, stem, flower, root

In addition to their timeline growth drawings, students

will draw pictures of the required nutrients a human
and plant need to grow.

Safety Considerations:
- Make sure bean is not placed near mouth due
to choking hazards.
- Accepting classroom environment where all
questions and observations are valued.
5E’s- EXPLORE (2-3 lessons)
 To provide hands on, shared experiences of the life cycle of a bean.
 To support students to investigate and explore ideas about the life cycle of a bean.
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Wk 2 (ACSSU (ACSHE As a result of this Introduction:
L2 030) 034) lesson, students will
Anecdotal notes Story: ‘Jack and
be able to: The students will be read the story of ‘Jack and the What size
will be recorded the Bean Stalk’.
Bean Stalk’. After the reading the students will discuss were the
and transferred
Describe the the changes that the beans went through and what beans to begin
into a checklist Whiteboard
elements needed for nutrients the beans needed to mature. The educator with?
which will marker.
a plant to grow will record the student’s ideas on the whiteboard What did the
indicate if a child
represented in a pic through drawing form. beans look
is meeting the
collage form. like?
lesson objectives.
Recall the stages of nutrients
Checklist will
the life cycle of a would the
assess directly
bean by drawing beans have
the lesson
images onto a paper needed to
plate. grow?
Students will be
What would
assessed against
Examine different happen if the
elements of a bean beans got all
plant through cross the nutrients
section and a they needed?
magnify glass and list
the observations Lesson Body:
expectations and
does not meet
The following will be set up in table top activities
whereby the students rotate in groups through three
activities exploring the different elements relating to
beans and completing the activity tasks. Each table top
activity will be accompanied by student friendly
instructions for students to follow.

Activity One: How Do Beans Grow?

iPads – Pic
The students will be required to Collage App.
research and investigate images on the internet
to create a Pic Collage. This activity is based on the
1. What does a bean / plant look like?
2. What do they need to grow or survive?
3. What will it look like in the future?
4. It's environment and weather conditions.

- An example pic collage will be provided for Completed Pic
Collage –
students which will provide a basis for their
own creation. students.
- Students will be required to add text onto their
pic collage stating what the bean plant looks
like, what nutrients it needs, what it may look
like in the future etc. Descriptive words will be

Safety Considerations:
1. The educator is to monitor iPad or internet
use for majority of the lesson.
2. Restricting the students' research
to specific websites for sourcing their images.
3. Copyright laws of the images selected by
the students.

Activity Two: Life Cycle of a Bean Plant

Life cycle of a
The students will be required to investigate and bean plant
distinguish the different stages of a plant's life. The images.
students will place the cut up pictures of a life cycle of a
bean plant and put them into the correct order. The Paper Plates.
students will then draw and cut out their own images
and stick them correctly onto a paper plate. Paper squares.
Enabling: pencils.
- The educator will provide the students with
images of the life cycle of a bean plant which Scissors.
they will have to glue into the correct order
Glue sticks.
onto their paper plate.
- Other students may only require the visual
representation of the life cycle of a bean plant
to complete their drawings.

- Students can write an explanation of the
process the plant undertakes at each stage of
their life cycle, including what external factors
may affect the life of a plant.

Safety Considerations:
- Educator will monitor hat the scissor and glue
are being used correctly.
- Educator will monitor that collaborative
learning is shown through group work.

Activity Three: Observing Cross Sections of Bean

The students will be provided with a variety of
beans, stems,
materials such as beans, stems, roots, soil, leaves etc.
roots, soil,
The students using magnify glasses will observe the
bean elements. Using a child friendly knife, students
will complete a cross section of the materials and use
Child friendly
the magnify glass to notice observations. The students
blunt knife.
will be encouraged to take pictures of the cross
Cutting board.
iPad – camera.
- Students will be provided with visual diagrams Visual diagram
to show what each element of the cross cross sections.
sections are.
- Students will be able to explore freely the bean

Plant name
- Students will be asked to name the different
parts of the bean plant using the name cards.
E.g. roots, stem, leaves etc.

Safety Considerations:
- An educator will be closely monitoring this
- Students will be informed about using a knife
(child friendly blunt knife); not to point at
people, fingers out of the way, cut on a board
- Close supervision will be made so students do
not put the materials near their mouth for
choking hazards.

The students as a class will discuss what they noticed ‘What we know
during the cross section of bean plant activity. Student about beans’
observations will be written in the poster ‘What we poster.
know about beans’.
The students as a class will complete an interactive Interactive life
game of match the life cycle of a bean pictures. cycle of bean
5E’s- EXPLAIN (1 lesson)
 To support students to develop explanations for experiences and make representations of developing conceptual understandings
 Formative assessment

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Wk 3 (ACSS (ACSIS0 As a result of this FORMATIVE Introduction: What YouTube video -
L3 U030) 37) lesson, students will happened on Bean Time
be able to: Anecdotal notes The students as a class will watch the time lapse of a day Lapse
will be taken on bean over a 25-day period. The students will discuss 1/4/8/12/16 https://www.yo
Observe the five student what changes they noticed in the beans growth and if etc.
stages of the bean conversations they could name any of the parts of the bean. What h?v=w77zPAtVT
plants and describe during the nutrients uI
changes in each activity. would the
stage using bean need to
descriptive language. The educator will grow?
collect the Can you name
Distinguish the five students final any parts of
stages of the life piece of work the bean?
cycle of a bean by (bean stages
drawing an image in drawing) and in a Lesson Body:
the correct stage. checklist form
record if the  Prior preparation will need to be made by the Plant beans –
students have educator. The educator must plant beans which educator.
placed each stage show the growth rate at five stages. For
in the correct
example, the educator will need to plant have a
order. The
checklist will bean at day 1, 4, 8, 12, 16.
relate directly to
the lesson 1. Around the room will be placed five different 5 bean stages.
objectives. bean growths in plastic cups. Each cup will
represent one day of the life cycle of a bean 5 desks.
plant. The beans will not be placed in the
correct life cycle order.
2. The students in will be placed in 5 groups and Blank template
will be given a blank template of the life cycle of life cycle of a
of a bean. bean.
3. The students will begin at different stages of
the bean at the desks. pencils.
4. The students will be required to draw what
stage of the life cycle they think the bean is at Lead pencils.
through collaborating with their peers.
5. The students can use descriptive language to
label they drawings.
Bell timer.
6. When the bell rings, the students will rotate to
the next stage of the bean until all the 5 stages
are completed.

Number of life
The students will walk around the room with the cycle stage card.
educator as the educator revels what stage the bean is
at in its life cycle. The students will compare if their
predictions and drawings were correct or not.

- Students will work in groups who can share and
discuss ideas.
- Students will be introduced to the lesson by
watching the life cycle of a bean in a time lapse

- Students will be required to use descriptive
language to label their 5 stage drawings.

Safety Considerations:
- Open, friendly collaborative group work will be
encouraged by all.
- Students will be asked to not touch the beans
or place near the mouth for choking hazards.
5E’s- ELABORATE (1-2 lessons)
 To challenge and extend students’ understandings in a new context or make connections to additional concepts through a student planned investigation
 To use investigative/ inquiry skills
 Summative assessment of science inquiry skills

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Wk 4 (ACSS (ACSIS0 As a result of this SUMMATIVE- Introduction:
L4 U030) 37) lesson, students will
be able to: Science Inquiry The students will conduct a bean growth
What Whiteboard +
nutrients does marker.
(ACSIS0 Skills experiment. As a class the students will discuss the a bean plant
38) Conduct a science Anecdotal notes question ‘For a bean to grow it needs what?’. This need to grow? Picture cards.
experiment by will be taken on question will be written on the whiteboard. On the mat
making predictions student will be a number of pictures. The students will have to
on changed variables conversations pick the correct images which help a bean plant grow
and observing during the and stick them around the question.
changes. experiment. Images will include:
- Cupboard in darkness
Construct a science The educator will - Sugar
experiment collect the - Salt
recording sheet students final
- Sunlight
focusing on, a title, piece of work
materials used, (science - Shade
making predictions, experiment - Water
procedure, results recording sheet) - Coca Cola
and conclusion. and in a rubric - Soil
form will judge - Chips
the student on
exceeding Lesson Body:
meeting The students will be conducting a science experiment.
expectations, The educator will discuss with the students that they
approaching will be experimenting whether a bean needs sunlight to
expectations and grow. The educator will tell the students that some
does not meet beans will be placed in the sunlight whilst others will be
expectations. placed in darkness.
The educator will discuss with the students how they What variables
could keep the variables of this experiment the same. will we need
The educator would like the students to name: to keep the
- The amount of soil given same so we
- The amount of water given have a fair
- The number of beans experiment?

1. The students, in six groups will plant a bean. Spray bottle
They will add soil, a bean, and water (how can with water.
variables be the same? 3 sprays of water, 1 Soil.
bean and 5 tablespoons of the same soil). Measuring
2. Three of the bean cups will be placed as normal spoons.
outside to get sunlight and the other three cups Plastic cups.
2x trays.
will be placed in a dark cupboard.
Cupboard –
3. Using the science experiment recording sheet How could you darkness.
(attached to document), the students will include the Outside –
record a title for the experiment, list the changed sunlight.
materials/equipment needed, make a variables into
prediction if the bean will grow faster with your title? Science
sunlight or with darkness? And write the What experiment
materials did recording sheet.
method of planting the bean.
you use to
4. The students will continue to care for their plant your Paper.
beans over a number of weeks by spraying bean? Coloured
water and will observe the changes in the What is your pencils.
beans. The students on day five, ten and fifteen prediction?
will draw an image of the beans growth. What were the
steps to
5. After two weeks the students will collect the six
planting your
beans. The students will observe the changes bean?
and record their observations in the science
experiment recording sheet. The students will What changes
comment on the results and write a conclusion. do you see in
the beans?
As a class the students will observe the bean which had Can you notice
sunlight and the bean which had darkness. The any similarities
students will discuss the similarities and differences of or differences
the beans. The students will discuss the question ‘can between the
beans grow without sunlight?’ beans?
Which bean
Enabling: grew the
- Students will work in small groups to plant a fastest?
bean – collaborative work. Is sunlight
- The students when completing their science necessary?
experiment recording sheet can be assisted by
an educator to scribe for them or students can
draw images to company their writing.

- Students will be encouraged to write a detailed
science experiment recording sheet. Student
will need to add the variables which they are
changing and which are being kept the same
under the ‘method/ section of the recording

Safety Considerations:
- Close supervision will be made so students
don’t place any of the bean growing materials
near their mouth due to choking hazards.
- Open, friendly collaborative group work will be
encouraged by all.
5E’s- EVALUATE (1 lesson)
 To provide opportunities to review and reflect on their learning about the life cycle of a bean plant and represent what they know about this life cycle.
 Summative assessment of science understanding

(include learner diversity)
Science Science as Science
Understand a Human Inquiry
ing Endeavour Skills
Wk 5 (ACSHE (ACSIS0 As a result of this SUMMATIVE- Introduction:
L5 034) 40) lesson, students will
be able to: Science The students through drama will act out a bean plants
What could Yellow, blue and
the yellow, brown fabric.
Understanding growth. The students will be given yellow, blue and blue and
Create an image brown fabric. The students will be asked which brown fabric
which represents a The educator will nutrients these fabrics could represent. represent?
stage in the life cycle collect the Some students will begin as beans, other students will How could you
of a bean plant. students final add the yellow, blue and brown fabric over the beans. use your body
piece of work and The beans will grow and through the student’s body to show how a
Describe the stage of in a rubric form shapes they will represent the growth of a bean. At bean grows?
their bean plant will judge the each stage the students will name what parts of the
using descriptive student on bean have developed (roots, stem, leaves).
language. exceeding
expectations, Lesson Body:
Sort and classify as a meeting
group the art pieces expectations, 1. The students will have a choice to pick one of
into the correct approaching the five stages of the life cycle of a bean plant
stages of a life cycle expectations and (indicated below).
of a bean plant. does not meet
Additionally, materials:
students will be Coloured tissue
assessed on: paper
-Use of labelling Clay
the stage (roots, Paint
stem, leaves). Coloured
-Can identify a 2. Using a variety of collage materials, the What Fabric
stage of the life students will construct that stage of their bean materials Pipe cleaners
cycle of a bean. onto a piece of paper. could you use Cotton wool
to represent Coloured paper
-Accurately the
represents the 3. The students will then name which stage of the roots/stem/le
stage through art. life cycle the bean is at, what changes happen aves of your
at this stage and will label the bean with bean plant?
descriptive words.
What occurs
Closure: during your
stage of the
The students will place their bean stage art pieces in life cycle of a
the correct life cycle order. The students will then have bean plant?
a gallery walk and observe their peer’s artworks.

- A poster of the life cycle of a bean will be Life cycle of a
placed at the front of the classroom for bean plant
students to refer to. poster
- Students can refer to the word wall for
Word wall.
descriptive language.
- The educator can assist in scribing the students
stage of the life cycle.

- Students will need to name the stage that
comes before and after their chosen stage
within the write up of their artwork.
- Students will be encouraged to use the collage
materials to show the roots, stem, leaves etc.

Safety Considerations:
- Close supervision will be made with the scissors
and glue materials.
Science Experiment Recording Sheet Template – Lesson 4


My Prediction




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