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Brief Lesson Plan in Christian Living Education

(Second Year High School-Let Your Light Shine)

At the end of the lesson the students are expected to:
1. Demonstrate and show an act of kindness to everyone.
2. Proved that our values are being changed from inside out.
3. Realize the importance of being good to others.


Topic: Let Your Light Shine
Reference: In-Step: Following God, the Faithful Guide by Sur Del Rosario

Visual aids


a. Daily Routine
a.1. Prayer
a.2. Greetings
a.3. Classroom management
a.4. Checking of Attendance
a.5. Verse reading and reflection
b. Review of Past Lesson
"Our past lesson is to be 'Forever Grateful' so, Let's LOOK IN: How much have you thanked God and others for all the blessing
you enjoy. LOOK UP: Recite the amazing grace as a prayer. Do it over again until you are convinced that God's amazing grace has bestowed
upon you many blessings you do not really deserve. LOOK AROUND: Think of every single person that surrounds you. Take time to thank
God for your family and friends. LOOK OUT: Stop comparing yourself with others. Stop counting what you don't have.
c. Motivation
"Today is the 'Full of Angels Day'. On a 1/8 sheet of paper, write one good deed you want to do to anyone in the class (e.g.
can be as simple as a back massage for a minute). Put it in this fish bowl and everyone gets a chance to enjoy the angel's service."
d. Presentation of the Lesson
"From the activity, how does it feel to receive an act of kindness from somebody? How does it feel to show good deeds to
e. Discussion
1. What does the Parable of the Salt and Light trying to imply?
2. As God's workmanship, we are created to do good works.
3. Showing good deeds not to impress God but a wonderful privilege to shine for God.
4. Showing kindness to people is to inspire them to do good also
5. Filipinos are known for "pagmamalasakit"
f. Application
Read the "Real People, Real Model: The Life of Hazel Reposo and reflect on it.
g. Activity
Fill out the 'Good Deeds Data Bank'
Name of individual Good deeds done

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