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Just found these glasses: free

issue #7,000,009
Inside joke: $3 Nov. 5 -Nov. 11, 2003.

Carnegie Melton's leading source of Lego booty calls since 1895 -brought to you by the Activities Board

Hooked on Phonics Merges with Philip-Morris

In a move hailed by literacy advocates across
r r
early retirement after a 1991 study showed that
~~merica, Hooked on Phonics, a pioneer in more 6 year olds recognized him than ~Iicketi~
developing educated yTouths, publicly Mouse.
announced plans to merge with corporate
powerhouse Philip-I~Iorri.s, the world's largest Tests at the Cti=ert Center for Early Education
tobacco company. ".~~fter have shown phenomenal
repeatedly failing to con- results. "I gave Johnny the
vince people that reading is original Hooked on
FUl~Tdamental, we gave up Phonics book and lie just
and decided that onhr a stuck a crayon up his nose.
company= like Philip- ~-lfter that he started singing
~Ior~s could make chil- that Phonetic Ferret was a
dren think that reading is stupid-head. Then I gave We got Fancy Feast last time
cool. We desperately= need him the new version and lie
a hip HOP" said a Hooked got so excited that he Poor Family Rejects
on Phonics spokesperson.
When questioned about
sounded his ways through
an entire Surgeon General's
"Terrible" Food Banff
his company's intentions, warning, incluc~ i n g the Thanksgiving Basket
Louis Camilleri, CEO of words leukemia and
Philip-Morris, asserted that emphysema! The Smith Familti of East Liberty has
he has always advocated a message to organizations f2ulning
reading, emphasizing its cool, refreshing Unfoi-turiatelyT, some children couldn't stop canned food d~.ves for poor families
nature. reac~~ng after they started. "I can quit whenev- this Thanksgiving: "~To thanks!"
er Iwant! You don't know me!" screamed I~im
Last gear, the Smiths were the recipi-
The new company=, tentatively named "Hooked Baker, a kindergartener who was on her 100th
ents of fifteen cans of food for
on Plvlip ~Torri.s," will launch its new ad cam- consecutive reading of "CTt-Pen Eggs and
Thanksgiving diruzer, courtesy of the
paign. in Januai-~ X004. T1zis cutting edge mar- Hain." Older test subjects were even known to
Pittsburgh Food Bank. "Tl1at was the
keting ploy replaces its lame former mascots, expe~ence "Hogwarts Headaches", a term
Phonetic Ferret and Granny Grammar, with nerds gave to m~•aines caused by nonstop worst meal we'd ever eaten," said ~:~lec
the more influential role models Joe Camel and reading of Harry Potter books. There have Smith, father of the household, "`Yllio
the hell donates dog food to a food
the Marlboro l~1an. "It's great to be working even been rumors of phonics related deaths,
with kids again, but I've got a lot of catching but the bodies haven't been fotuZd yTet, accord- drive?" The family's dinner also
included five cans of green beans,
up.,. to do," said Joe Camel, who was forced into ing to the new companyT's lawjTers.
nacho cheese sauce, three cans of
Fraternity Donates Beer to Local Hot Chicks, Sluts chicken broth, diced pears, filet ptuZch
concentrate, and two cans of ~~attiral
~.-~ new service project started then we dfink the beer too!"
Ice beer. There was also one can of
by the brothers of Sigma said S~~E brother ~~.lex Barker.
green spray paint, which the fainilyT got
~~lpha Epsilon was a lnige suc- Baker then shotgluuzed a keg
high off of for dessert.
cess this weekend. Chapter of shitty fiat beer and passed
president Joe Marcus out.
The Pittsbuugh Food Bank is directed
explained the event, "Well,
by Cla~ssa Jennings, who did not
what we are doing is charging tiYlith the success of the event,
believe the food made for a bad meal.
admission at the door for guys the chapter plans to change
"C'mon, it's good stiiff. You could
and letting hot babes in for the "Booze for Babes" event
blend that up with some ice and make
free. Tlien we all get sloppy from an annual occurrence to
a pretty good pear and green bean
diluzk and hopefi.~lly two of evei~.~ Ffiday and Saturday.
r ~
daigtu~. Or put the chicken broth in
the chicks will make out. It's "We were thinking that it
Philanthropize those ladies the freezer to make some popsicles.
coYntnunit~- service, man." would be good to introduce
Oh wait, you're probably too poor to
freslunen to coinmtu~ity sei-v alcohol responsibly and to
have a freezer. Just use ~Totu imagina-
"Well, we're alwajTs told to tell ice, so we are going to hold a bang some hot skanks. It's
tion alittle and you can get some gour-
people that we do ... uh... week long B~-B event dtu~ng embarrassing to be the only
met ctusine out of that," said Jeruzings,
phil... and... tropy and that we Ofientation next rear," said house to have their buggy-
ifz between bites of cat food, "I don't
didn't just join S~~E for booze Barker. pulled over for a DUI... in
know what they're complaining about!
and sluts. We use the money Olio. `~'e still don't kizow how Suck it down!"
to buy the beer and then we "We want to show the campus she wotu~.d up there," contin-
give the beer to people and commtuvt~T that we can use ued Barker.
Issue 7,000,009 - readme p. 2 - November ~ -November 11

New Physics Placement Test: F is for Splat readme Gives Poor Kid
It was leaked out on i~londati~ b~ the Phti~sics
Chocolate Factory After
Department that a new pass/fail/free vaca- Tour of AB Office
tion placement test will be implemented for
the Sp~ng semester entitled "F is for
Splat." The test will be divided into two
parts: calculation and application. Students
will be required to calculate the correct
length of bungee cord needed to jtunp off
of Wean and dip their head into a bucket of
water. 1~fter doing so, thetiT must also calcu-
late the velocities, trajectories, and torques ;~~ti:>:
of flti7ing canon balls while negotiating a
maze of convex mirrors. This part of the Last week, placed special golden tick-
test comprises oniti~ ?5% of the grade to ets in five issues, as part of a grand contest to
emphasize the true importance of real- Not even ACME could get him an A see who would take over readme's possession
world application. of a Chocolate Factor`T. Five students showed
other CF~~ student the readme reporter up at the ~3B Office two nights ago to redeem
had planned to question ran away fearfullti~. the tickets for their prize. What they got was a
Students will be encouraged to "walk the
So did the readme reporter after stealing joLu~etir into their own souls. Ok, so it was
planck" and to "sttidtiT hard" for the test, as
the wallet of Ti-umbal and the Phti~sics I actuallti~ just a toux of the two rooms of the
phtiTsics department spokesman, Francisco
student. 1~B office.
~~radajT said with a devilish gin. ti~Uhen
asked why this test was chosen, ~~radatiT
Most students are not looking foz-ward to Tlie five students, a greedy Southern girl, an
said, "~~fter 1-tuzning a battei-~T of tests, we
the test. "I'm a football platiTer - I didn't overweight Ge~nan student, two other stereo-
realized that the `l~ is for ~'~tom Splitting`,
think science would be so rough, so I took ~~Apical students, and a poor ~~neflcan boy
`B is for Burn-You-With-Lasers`, and `C is
ph~Tsics. Can I transfer to business now?" who's grandparents all sleep in the same bed.
for Cannon Ball Catching' exams just did
Greg Parkman asked anxiously. The Tlie tour started with Cl~.ris Rotella emerging
not produce the quality results that `F is for
readme reporter gave Parkman a strange from the office limping and supporting leis
Splat' did."
look and promptly pushed him off Wean. meager, emo weight on a cane. However, once
Students were asked bti= the readme he put on his magical Rivers Cuomo brand
To ease stt.~dents doubts, review sessions emo glasses, lze sprang up to greet the guests.
reporter what their reactions were to the
have been held and will continue to be held Tlie students were welcomed into the office
test. "Who cares? I'm in CF~," complained
on i~Iondati~s and Fridays at 9Pi~I, on top of and the tofu_ began in the first room. Students
Irving Tnunbal. Two seconds later, lze was
Wean Hall. EIS will be standing by, in were scared of what they thought were
sgtushed bti= a falling Physics I student. The
China. Oompa Loompas, but thetiT were actualljT just
the ~-~B Tecli members sittitzg around looking
Cohon Busted for Egging Wean Hall at magazines about lights or something.

~~t 11:30 on Halloween night, Campus regarding the distiubance, in which he is Tlie German student was the first to break the
Police responded to a report of a distur- quoted as sa~-ing, "UPenn woL~ldn't get all n~les when he tamed to eat the readme pretzels
bance outside the 5th floor entrance of pisstiT about this. That's cuz UPei~uz knows without pa~~ing $"10, so Chess Rotella lead the
tiYlean Hall. Upon arflval, theti foLuad Ci~IU how to chill out. They'z in~T hoinies up .~~B Tech members sing a song and kick hi.m
President Jared Cohon giggling madltiT and there. ~~TlitiT `~ou gotta hate the player? out of the office. IVText the bratty- Southern gul
throwing rotten eggs towards the weird Kizew I shot~lda taken that job." Cohon wanted to buti~ the Street Fighter II machine
sculpture. Seeing the arflval of the campus then proceeded to fip off his clothes, and wouldn't shut up about it, so Chfls Rotella
police, two other Luzidentified individuals smear himself down ~-itli paste, and set was again forced leave the Tech members kick
immediately fled the scene, but Cohon l~nself afire in anon-denominational sort her out after singing a stupid song about it.
remained huddled behind the giant idiotic of protest against "the man" keeping him The two other stereot~~pical kids were later
orange blocks shouting "tijUe draw the line down. kicked out in the second room for doing
I~ere~" Cohon's pupils were slightly dilated, something stereotypical.
but he showed no other signs of beifig Computer Science freshmen were to be
intoxicated. Cohon was unable to offer anti assigned the task of cleat~ulg up Colion's .~~t the end of the tour, the only student
reason for his actions. Under izztense ques- mess, but the~~ were all tflck-or-treating for remaining was the poor, l~Ynet7can boti~ and his
tioi~zg, he sLu:rendered two small white computer parts in Crert Hall. Therefore, Grandfather, who he brought along for some
pills that were revealed to be sugar pills on an odd odor continues to emanate from reason. readme rewarded the boy- with R-
testing. the vicinitti of Wean Hall. Cohon was I~ellti's hit albLun, Chocolate Factoi~cT, and told
hitn to leave. Readrne also corninented that he

released the next morning into the custody-

Cohon was then escorted back to the cam- of UPitt soro~tti- girls who slapped his butt sliot~ld make sure the door doesn't lut hun on
pus police station for additional question- and planned to take l~if11 clubbing. the ass on lus way out. readme kept its cool-
ing. readme acquired the police reports ass fl~Ting elevator for itself.
issue 7,000,009 - readme p. 3 - November 5 -November 11

Top Unwanted $800 Spent Advertising a $250 Party

Lego Kits I~Tembers of the ~~sian Student ~~ssociation
wanted their latest part- to be super awe-
some, so tlleja went all out with tlleir adver-
tising. Je11n~- Li, 1~5~~ president, said "Look
gu`~s, we gotta have the best part ever, and
to do that, we're gonna need like 40 million
fl~Ters that are all laminated and have some

realljT cool name like, `Disoriented."' _Je11nj'

then answered her ti11~T, expensive cell phone
that has t111j' Flello I~ittj- cllat-ms hanging off
o f it. ~~~:::<frr>::N=~
~: I wanted to go
Lego Cllildren's Lego ICY Je11~- l~S~~ quickly- went down to ILi11ko's in their
Tj-lenol Lego Sperm~~ Old black BMWs and dropped X800 on the fl~Ters
and posters for their pai-t~. However, this Tl1e part- in question o111jT cost 1~5~~ X250
Lego Pregnanc~- Condom
wasn't really a big deal to them as t11e~T all and wasn't that big of a success, but there
rI'est Lego Prison Bitch was lots of bubble tea. The reason for the
Lego Weed Lego Hate Crime have tons of mone~~ and X800 is, like, ilotll-
ing to them. They drove back to campus, part's failure was that all 57 other ~~sian cul-
Lego Giant Lego Lego Holocaust ture organizations were also tllrowillg parties
Lego Stepfather Lego ~.Ij Eggo taking a short break to do some illegal street
racing, and then started to pass out their fl~T- on the same night. ~~t the end of the night
Lego Breast Lego His toi.~. though, a giant robot showed up and pla~-ed
Implants Degree ers to every-Tone.
Lego Contact Lens Lego You're
Lego He-men ~~dopted
Lego Las Lego Goatse Obese Math Major Eats First 100 Digits of Pi
Lego Circumclsioll Lego Hot Parental
I~it Sex Jacob Tubman, a 350-pound math major ~~:~:~:
Lego Stew Lego Thong and self-described "Pie-allolic", is being
Lego Pubes Lego Cruxification questioned bj7 the Nerd Police for allegedly
Lego Boxing I~it eating the first one-hundred digits of the
Gloves Lego Illegitimate number pi. Pi, the ratio of a circle's circum-
Lego readme Child ference to its diameter, was alwa~-s known to
Lego String Lego Parkinson's be about 3.1416. Now, thanks to Tubmall,
Lego You're Gad- Disease professors are changing their textbooks to
Lego Rivers Cuomo Lego Sui-pt-ise Sex reflect pi's new value, 9.8215. ~:
Emo Glasses Lego Malignant <~:
Lego Stick of Gum ZyL11110 r readme interviewed Tubman to find out wh~T Because of Tubmai-1's appetite, ~~the eartll
Lego Lego Set Lego Your Dog's he did this. "Well, I just love pie," 11e said, now takes 3 ~~ears to revolve around the sun,
Receipt Dead `lend when I learned that pi has infinite dig- but on the bright side, Tour car's gas mileage
Lego Perfume Lego Sausage Fest its, Ifigured 110 one would notice if I took is now 3 times better, and ~~our beer can
Lego Sandwich Lego BEEEEEES! some." holds 3 times as much beer.
Lego Drunk Fat Lego Creepy
Cluck CTrandmotller Nerd Police C11ief Simon Proleck~- declined In related news, fellow math major Lance
Lego Rectal Lego l~lotorcj-cle most of readme's questions, but did sajT that Schwartz died of a dt-ug overdose at a rave
Thermometer ~~ccldent "I thought us cops were pigs, but tllis dude on Fr-ida`T after eating the first 30 digits of e.
Lego Wllite Stripes Lego ~~IDS takes the cake, er, pi. He didn't even consid- Other lrrati©11x1 numbers are urged to use
`Tideo er the ramifications of his decisloll." caution around nerds.

Editing & Writi~ Staff

DDR: Chris Rotella
Pump it Up: Muffin, Aileen D'Esposito, Dana Vinson, Greg Modzelewski, Brian Leahy, Brian Gray,
Ashley Holtgraver, Esteban Bowles-Martinez, '~, Andrey Dolgov, Alison Lauer, AB Hair Chris Smoak,
Fred Merkle, Alisa Brown, Zachary Harris, James Troup, Katie Wallat, Mike Blain, Evan Sundwick,
Karthik Parasuraman, Jake Portnoff, Zach Hiwiller, Sarvajit Patil, Adam Suhy, and Andrew Klein
What is readme? Well, it's fu1111j' and it's useful. ~,11d free. So it's better than sliced bread. activities board
Who makes it? readme is pt-inted b~- the ~~ctivities Board, sponsored b~- -our student activities fee
Where do i get it? readme is handed out at .~~B events and left 111 stacks around campus
How do I help? Email We need fu11n~- writers, non-funll~a writers, and Pllotosllopers
And remember: Oi11~T a couple of sllir-ts left!
Issue 7,000,009 -readme p. 4 - November 5 ~ November 11
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

Cheap Movies at
All the nights, brought to you by A►B, except
Pretty kinky An emu-lated work citt-'s health department Saturday which is SDC. - 1 Buck.
~~n Indian man will marl-~~ out said the move would
two sisters simultaneousl~~ ~~ 6-foot-tall emu led a enable three corpses to be Wednesday: Drowned Out (AB Political
next month in an arrange-

half-dozen Florida pest buried in the space cur- Speakers) After the lecture
ment that has the blessing control workers on a 90- rentlj- occupied bjT one. ~'111s documentai-~- features the tale of a family in
of their falni).ies but wllicll minute chase through India that decides tllej- would rather drown in their
has raised legal dilemmas. woods and brush land Put your money soon to be submerged village than relocate. "Tllere
before the flightless bird where your mouth will also be a lecture b`T the films Director Frann~-
Somewhat kinky was snared and then gang- is? ~~1-mstrong, who's other notable film was l~kL,ibel.
~ Polish undertaker was tackled. Despite threatening to
caught with his hearse bo~~cott French products Thursday: That Obscure Object of
packed with illegal ciga- A new undertaking when Paris opposed the Desire 8, 10, 12
rettes oil F1"lda~~, Polish ~~ senior local government U.S.-led war in Iraq, So Ili°IDS can't decide if this movie is from France
customs officers said. official in the Philippines ~~merlcans overtook or Spain. ~n~~llow, it's about tllis gu~T that dumps
"Tl1is attempt was a bit has suggested that the Germans as the biggest water on tllis girl, then spends the rest of the film
morbid. Even on dead should be buried in a spenders on France's in flashback tallying about why- he dumped said
Halloween," said a spokes- vertical position because ~ o rde aux wines 111 the water.
woman for the customs the biggest cemetel-~a in the 2002-03 sales ~~ear.
office 111 the eastern cit~T of capital l~~Zanila has run out Friday: The Hulk 7:30, 10, 12:30
Przem~-sl. of space. 'Tl1e head of the He's big, and he's green, and he has a fully featured
stuffed tojT. but that toj~ isn't lf1 this movie. 'Tl1is
was a prett~~ big movie done b~~ the same guy' that

readme shirts, $10 did Crouching ~'iger, Ridden Dragon, wllicll is

sort of odd. He'll probably- smash a lot of stuff
and deflect nuclear missiles with his face, cause

consistantness, he's the Hulk. Go see it!

$10 ghetto ad Saturday: Terminator 3: Rise of the

Machines 8, 10, 12
Let's just ignore all the governor of C alifo rnia
jokes I could make and just saj~ that this movie is
the third Tet-lnvlator movie and it's prett-~~ cool. ~~
lot of cars get blown up for no reason and there's
an evil female 'Terininati-ixxx! So go see this
movie because it's the last new
Scllwarzeneggererrserser movie jTou'll see in a long
time. ®11, and 11is state is on fire.

Sunday: The Last Unicorn 8, 10, 12

"'Tl1e Last Unicorn lit the world goes on a quest to
discover what ~~ ~~~ happened to all the others of
her kind. ~~long t11e wajT she meets a variety- o f
interesting characters includillg the rather inept
Scllmendr-ick the ~Tagician, a sensible middle-aged
woman named ~Iollj- G1-ue, and the evil IL111g
Haggard." 'Thanks I~~~! Igo thanks to ~-ou,

Hey you.
Yea, you.
Join readme
Issue 7,000,009 -readme p. 5 - November 5 -November 11
This is the True section, where we tell you how to live your life

From the Desk of

Student Body President
Dan Gilman
Well, sort of. Rather than telling you what comes to Pittsburgh, and Eric Idle (jTes, the ~~s we near the halfway point in the school
show to go to this week, I'm feeling a bit l~°Iontti~ Pti~tlion Efic Idle) leaves no doubt as `=ear, I wanted to talk about some of the
chafitable. ~~s a result, I will provide a short- to wliti= he's doing his shows. Nothing like major tu~.dertakings that Student
er preview of each of the several shows I honestti~. This is a wonderful expefience for Government has been working on
endorse spending tiTour hard-earned dollar at all you I~Tonty Pti~thon fans out there as it throughout the year.
this week. Unfortunately for those of you includes stand-up, sing-alongs, and other ran-
who are as eclectic as I, this works out to dom x-ubbish including things from the leg- ~~s I promised doling mti=campaign, dining
four shows on two nights. Good luck with endary Rutles documentaiti~. So bring out and secufity were going to garner much of
that. For specific details regarding place and jTour dead, grab your Noi-wegia.n Blue Parrot, my attention this year. On the secufity
time, check the Back Page or the Internet. and go. Because like he said in the Rutles front, we have added numerous blue light
song, "~~11 you need is cash," and that's what phones that you have seen on campus, as
Event #1: The G3 Tour with Steve tai, Joe Eric Idle is looking for. well as created well identified stops for the
Satfiani, and Yngwie 1~Ialmsteen. Tl~.ree of shuttle/escort service. While there is still
the best guitarists of our time, all together on Event #4: Chevelle has been blowing the much work to be done, dining is showing
one stage. Effectivelti=, it's gonna be two minds of Bard rock and metal audiences improvement this year. The new upper
hours of fidiculous guitar solos. What's not since their tfiumplzant return to rock on class meal plans have attracted more non-
to love? Sure, it's not a cheap ticket, but it's 2002's Ozzfest. ~~fter playing the second first years to campus dining than in previ-
a great chance to see some good rock. ~~nd stage there last year, opening for several ous tiTears, and many have been pleasantly
it includes one of the coolest names (and bands inch~.ding Stone Sour and Distiubed, sLu-pfised. I am also currently working
best guitafists) in metal: YNGWIE ~L~I,M- and then opening the mainstage at Ozzfest with the Student Body Dilzing Cliair to
STEEN! this past st~rntmer, the brothers Loeffler are create improvements in the vegetafian and
out on their own heach~zg tour. They rock vegan dining options on campus. We are
Event #2: The ~Tiolent Femmes are back. hard, they put on a good show, and theti='re dedicated to making the upgrades to din-
Unfortunately for those of ti-ou determined actually talented, something often lacking in ing that are necessary, and I am confident
to see Yngwie, this is the same night. But the today's metal. that we are at least headed in the right
Violent Femmes damn near created alterna- direction.
tive music and college radio and all that won- i~I`T suggestions of what to pick on each of
derful stuff we take for granted now ~~id these two nights: definiteltiT The `violent l~lso, the new University Center basement
with classics like "Blister in the Sun," "Kiss Femmes, because the G5 tour happens ever` has been a Huge success, and I am working
Off," and "~~dd It Up," it's a wonderful year and who knows when Gordon and
r with the administration to continue to
karaoke opportunit-~~ without embarrassing Company are going to once again decide develop the UC into a space that attracts
yourself — everyone else is going to be they hate each other. That's yotu Saturdati- more students. I believe that the
singing along, and fortunately for ever-~-one, night. ~.~nd for Tuesday, as much as I like Universit`~ Center has to become more of
Gordon Gano has a microphone to drown Chevelle, and they do put on a rocking show, a social space on cammpus for students, fac-
yOtl al). OLlt! Efic Idle is Efic Idle. Give the Greedy t~lty, and staff.
Bastard your money.
Event #3: "The Greedy Bastard Tour" There are many more things developing
Censored TV: Tuesday nights at 8 and 10 in McConomy on campus, but this column only allows
ime so much room. I encoLuage you to
CensoredTV is a collection of never Wfitten by ~Ier~-~11 ~Iarkoe ("Late Night with contact me via email (sbp hci) or stop by
before seen pilots and censored comedy David Letterman", "T~~ Nation") office hours, Tuesday from 5:15-6:15 in
TV shows that were too edgy, unconven- Starling Jack Black, ~Iefill ~Iarkoe, Laura UC ~18F to learn more about what we are
tional, or controversial to be aired. Free Kightlinger doing to improve student life on campus.
with ID


NEXT! -Episode 2
More sly, sarcastic, subversive sketches.
On AOL Instant
~~n awesome action-comedy about asuper-
intelligent astronaut and his talking motorcy-
Written btiT Bob Odenkirk ("~Tr. Show", "Tlie
Ben Stiller Show")
Messenger all day?
cle on the ru.n from a vicious N~.3S~3 Starling Bob Odenkirk, Fred ~~i-misen Talk to readme while you
enforcer. cyber with the 40-year-otd
Wfitten by Rob Schrab and Dan Harmon ME & MY NEEDS
Directed bti- Ben Stiller Single-camera comedy about a netuotic ~otu:- men!
Starling Jack Black, Owen `Filson, Ron Silver nalist Our screen name is
Wfitten by JudtiT Toll ("SeY and the Cit<~") and
THE LEWIS LECTURES Cynthia Greenberg ("Less Tlian Perfect") readmecmu
~.~xiumated pilot about a dog as a motivational Starling Nicole Sl,llivan If you're funny enough, we'll
speaker ti-~~ing to educate other dogs. put you in readme!
Events and Things On and Off Campus
Wednesday, November 5 concert: The Cash Brothers ~~ Rosebud, 8pm, ~10,
lecture: Guerrilla Girls. 1VIcConomy. 5pm. Free 21+
lecture; Filmmaker Franny Armstrong. McConomy.
.8pm. Free Sunday, November 9
movie: Drowned Out. McConomy. Following the lec- movie: Last Unicorn. S, 10, .12. 1
ture. Free. concert: Yonder Mountain String Band @ Mr. Smalls
readme: readme meeting. 5rd floor UC lounge. 6pm. A Fun House/Theatre
good -time will be had b~T all.
event: Habishack: Marslzmellow Tower Contest. The Tuesday, November 11
.Fence. 12pm. ~2 event: Censored TV, week 2. McConomy. 8pm Free
concert: Habislzack: A capella performance. The Fence. anime: AB Anime continues. New Doherty Lecture
Afternoon. Free hall. 7pm. Free
concert: Eric Idle ~~ Byham Theatre
Thursday, November 6 concert: Chevelle, Campfire Girls, S.T.U.N. ~~ Club
movie: The Obscure Object of Desire. McConom~ 8, Laga, 7pm, X17.50
10, 12. ~1 concert: Jump, Little Cll.ildren, Buchanan ~~ Hard _
concert: The Legendary Shack Shakers ~~ 51st Street Rock Cafe, 9 pm, ~10
concert: Rebecca Gates ~~ Quiet Storm Wednesday, November 12
concert: Barbarito Torres ~~ Rosebud, 8pm, X15, 21 + comedy: Dustin Diamond @Clarion University,
Clarion, PA
Friday, November 7 concert: Buchanan @Hard Rock Cafe
movie: The Hulk. McConomy 7:50, 10, 12:50. 1 concert: Visqueen @Quiet Storm
concert: French Kicks, Apollo Sunshine ~~ Highlander
Cafe. 8pm $5 for stLidents, ~7 others Ongoing: x

art: "Patterns" opening reception. The Frame. 7-10pm event: Rotaract Food and Clothing Drive. Nov 8 -Nov
concert: Habis~hack: The Girls. The Fence. Free. 25. Drop spots around campus.
concert: Bob Weir & Ratdog ~ Byham Theatre Upcoming Su~e~-Awesome AEA E ents:
concert: Sugarcult, Story of the Year, Plain White T's ~lednesday ZZI~: Guerrilla. Girls. McConorn~~. 5pm..
~~ Club Laga, 7pm, $12 Free. Fiann~T Armstrong. McConom~: 8pm. Free
concert: Elliott ~~ Mr. Smalls Fun House/Theatre
concert: Vans "Off The Wall" Club Tour w/ The Friday 11 / 7: French I~icks Apollo Sunshine cr
Suicide Machines, The Unseen, Avenged Sevenfold, and Highlander Cafe. 8pm $3 for students $7 others
Breath of Silence ~~ Nick's Fat Cif; . G:30 pm, 15.50
concert: Silverstein, Wings of Azrael, Visions Upon 'I`uesday 11./1;. Censored TV, vreek 2. N.fcConom~:
Bleeding, Haste, Ba~Tside ~~ VF~I, C1larleroi, PA 8pm. Free

Saturday, November 8
movie: Terminator 5. McConomy. 8, 10, 12. 1 Do you have events?
event: Delta Gamma's Annual "Ancho Slam" Basketball
Do you like FREE advertising?
Tournament. Skibo Gym. 11am. ~5 /person. Sign -up In
front of DohertyT or with Delta .Gamma sls tors. YOU DO?!
cox~.cert: G5 w/ Steve Vai, Joe Satriani, Yngwie o~ Email with your event informa-
tion. Include a description, the time, date, location and
1Vlalmsteen ~~ A J. Palumbo Center, 7:30 pm, X35-42.50
cost. We will include it in this event listing ABSOLUTELY
concert: Melissa Ferrick, Jeff ~..ang ~~ Club Cafe, FREE! Believe it or not, people actually read this thing.
7:50/10 pm,~16,21+ I mean, you are, right?
concert: ti®iolent Femmes ~~ Club Laga, 8pm, ~20

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