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If an infection occurs, these cells send chemical

alarm signals that travel through the bloodstream,
Cardiovascular System which subsequently transports infection-fighting
cells to the site of the infection.
 The cardiovascular system, also known as the 4. The circulatory system also carries chemical
circulatory system, includes the heart, arteries, veins, messengers that attract cells to heal tissues that
capillaries and blood. have been damaged due to injury or disease.
 The heart functions as the pump that moves blood
through the body. d. Hormone Delivery
 The arterial circulation delivers blood from the heart to 1. Hormones are chemical messengers produced by
the body, and the venous circulation carries it back to endocrine glands that affect distant organs.
the heart. 2. The cardiovascular system serves as the
 Capillaries are tiny blood vessels at the interface of the transportation connection between the endocrine
arterial and venous circulation where exchange of glands and the organs or tissues they control via
substances between the blood and body tissues occurs. hormones.
3. For example, hormones produced in the pituitary
Major Functions of the Cardiovascular System:
gland in the brain control other endocrine glands –
a. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Transport such as the thyroid, ovaries and testes – as well as
1. Supplying oxygen to the body is the most essential directing childhood growth.
function of the cardiovascular system. 4. Similarly, the blood-sugar-lowering hormone
2. All cells require oxygen, especially the brain cells insulin produced in the pancreas affects the uptake
which is the most sensitive and begin to die in as and use of blood sugar throughout the body.
little as 3 minutes if deprived of oxygen. Thyroid hormones affect the metabolic rate of
3. During inhalation, air enters the lungs and oxygen virtually every body organ and tissue, thanks to
is absorbed through the air sacs into the their body-wide delivery via the circulatory system.
4. This oxygen-rich blood is pumped through the e. Body Temperature Regulation
heart into the arterial circulation. 1. Body temperature regulation is an important
5. In the capillaries, oxygen diffuses out of the blood function of the cardiovascular system.
and into the cells of the body’s organs and tissues. 2. If body temperature drops, surface blood vessels
At the same time, carbon dioxide – waste product constrict to conserve body heat.
produced by cells is absorbed into the blood and 3. The cardiovascular system works in concert with
transported to the lungs through the venous the body’s sweating mechanism as the primary
circulations. regulators of body temperature.
6. When this oxygen-poor blood reaches the lungs,
Cardiac Drugs are used in:
carbon dioxide diffuses through the air sacs and is
then exhaled. This cycle occurs with every breath. a. Hypertension
b. Angina Pectoris (chest pain)
b. Nutrient and Waste Product Transport c. Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)
1. Delivering nutrients to the body is another critical d. Shock
function of the cardiovascular system. e. Arrhythmias
2. After food is digested into the stomach and f. CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) – a weakness of the
intestines, its component nutrients are absorbed heart that leads to a buildup of fluid in the lungs and
into the bloodstream. surrounding body tissues.
3. These nutrients include sugars, fats, vitamins,
minerals, and protein building blocks called amino Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors:
4. Each of these nutrients is vital to healthy body  These are commonly called ACE inhibitors because the
function. For example, the sugar glucoses is the agents BLOCK the conversion of AI to AII in the LUNGS.
body’s primary fuel to generate energy, and amino  These agents alter one of the mechanisms of blood
acids enable the body to manufacture new cells. pressure control – the RAAS or renin-angiotensin-
5. Like oxygen, nutrients diffuse from the aldosterone system.
bloodstream into body cells via the capillaries.  Angiotensin II is a very powerful vasoconstriction and
6. In addition to carbon dioxide, the circulatory stimulus for the release of aldosterone.
system picks up the metabolic waste products and
ACE Inhibitors:
toxins and transports them to the liver, kidneys,
and lungs for eventual elimination from the body.  benazepril (Lotensin, Lotensin Het)
 captopril (Capoten)
c. Disease Protection and Healing  enalapril (Vasotec)
1. The circulatory system serves as the path for  fosinopril (Monopril)
disease-fighting cells and proteins, and messengers  lisinopril (Prinivil, Zestril)
of the immune system.  moexipril (Univase)
2. Immune system cells called white blood cells  perindopril (Aceon)
patrol the body in search of invading germs.  quinapril (Accupril)
Pharmacodynamics of ACE Inhibitors: Uses of ARB:

 The mechanism of action of the ACE Inhibitors prevents a. Control high blood pressure
the conversion of angiotensin I to angiotensin II by b. Treat heart failure
inhibiting the enzyme in the lungs – the angiotensin c. Prevents kidney failure in people with diabetes or high
converting enzyme. blood pressure
 Angiotensin, a potent vasoconstrictor, increases d. Prevents diabetes and reduce the risk of stroke in
peripheral resistance and promotes the release of patients with high blood pressure and an enlarged
aldosterone. heart.
 Aldosterone in turn, promotes the retention of sodium e. Prevents the recurrence of atrial fibrillation.
and water, increasing the volume of blood in the
Examples of Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers include:
causing the heart pump.
 ACE Inhibitors work by preventing the conversion of  Azilsartan (Edarbi)
Angiotensin I to Angiotensin II. As Angiotensin II is  Candesartan (Atacand)
reduced, arterioles dilate, thus reducing peripheral  Eprosartan
vascular resistance.  Irbesartan (Avapro)
 The action leads to decreased AII and decreased  Losartan (Cozaar)
aldosterone level leading to a decrease in blood  Olmesartan (Benicar)
pressure.  Telmisartan (Micardis)
 The effect of lowering the blood pressure is attributed  Valsartan (Diovan)
to the decrease in cardiac workload and decrease
peripheral resistance and blood volume. Calcium channel blockers

Pharmacokinetics of ACE Inhibitors:  Calcium channel blockers are prescription medications

that relax blood vessels and increase the supply of
 ACE Inhibitors may be used alone or in combination blood and oxygen to the heart while also reducing the
with another drug such as thiazide diuretic to treat heart’s workload. Examples of calcium channel blockers
hypertension. include: Amlodipine besylate (Norvase), Bepridil
 ACE Inhibitors are commonly used when beta blockers (Vascor), Verapamil hydrochloride (Isoptin)
or diuretics are ineffective.
 ACE Inhibitors are also used to manage heart failure. Pharmacokinetics of Calcium channel blockers:

Drug Interactions:  Calcium channel blockers are smooth muscle dilators

and have a negative inotropic effect on the working
 ACE Inhibitors can cause several different types of myocardial cells of the atria and ventricles.
interactions with other cardiovascular drugs. All ACE  When administered orally, CCB are absorbed quickly
Inhibitors enhance the hypotensive effects of diuretics and almost completely.
and other hypertensives such as beta blockers. They  Because of the first-pass effect, the bioavailability
can also increase serum lithium levels possibly resulting (active effect) of this drug is much lower.
in lithium toxicity.  CCB highly bound to plasma protein (penetrate tissues
less and excreted faster)
Angiotensin II Receptor Blocker:
Pharmacodynamics of Calcium channel blockers:
 Angiotensin II is a very potent chemical formed in the
blood that causes muscles surrounding the blood  Calcium channel blockers are a group of medications
vessels to contract, thereby, narrowing the vessels. This that disrupt the movement of calcium through calcium
narrowing increases the pressure within the vessels and channels.
can cause high blood pressure (hypertension).  Also called calcium antagonists, relax and widen blood
 Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBs) are medications vessels by affecting the muscle cells in the arterial
that block the action of angiotensin II by preventing walls.
angiotensin II from binding to angiotensin II receptors  It prevents calcium from entering cells of the heart and
on the muscles surrounding blood vessels. As a result, blood vessel walls, resulting in lower blood pressure.
blood vessels enlarge (dilate) and blood pressure is Channel calcium blockers are used as antihypertensive
reduced. Reduced blood pressure makes it easier for drugs i.e., as medications to decrease blood pressure in
the heart to pump blood and can improve heart failure. patients with hypertension.
 In addition, the progression of kidney disease caused by
the high blood pressure or diabetes is slowed. ARBs Pharmacotherapeutics of Calcium channel blockers:
have effects that are similar to angiotensin converting
enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, but ACE inhibitors act by  Calcium channel blockers are used only for long term
preventing the formation of angiotensin II rather than prevention of Angina.
by blocking the binding of angiotensin II to muscles on  CCB are particularly effective for preventing
blood vessels. Prinzmetal’s angina, a temporary increase in coronary
vascular tone (vasospasm) causing a marked, but
transient reduction in luminal diameter.
Vasodilating drugs:  When veins open, it reduces the amount of blood
returned to the heart chambers.
 A vasodilator is a drug that causes vasodilation, a
widening (opening) of diameter of the interior (lumen) Pharmacotherapuetics of Vasodilating drugs:
of the blood vessels that results from relaxation of the
smooth muscle of the vessels. The opposite of  Vasodilating drugs are rarely used alone to treat
vasodilation is vasoconstriction. hypertension. Instead they are usually used in
combination with other drugs to treat the patient with
A. Actions: arteriolar smooth muscle, dilate arteries moderate to severe hypertension (hypertensive crisis).
and decrease peripheral vascular resistance.
Nursing Implications:
B. Uses: moderate to severe hypertension and
hypertensive crisis (extreme increase in blood 1. Monitor VS every 5 to 15 minutes, titrate dose to BP
pressure) and do not leave patient unmonitored. (Titrate means
C. Major side effects: the process of adjusting the dose of a medication for
1. Headache the maximum benefit without adverse effects)
2. Sodium retention 2. Monitor I&O preferably with a foley catheter in a
3. Rebound hpn critical care setting.
4. Increased workload of heart; tachycardia, 3. Use microdrip tubing and have IVF on a controller
palpitations, n/v, abdominal pain pump.
4. Do not mix this drug with any other drugs.
 This type of medicine works through several 5. Since sodium nitroprusside (Nipride) must be protected
mechanisms. For example: from light, wrap IV bag and tubing with foil.
 ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme)
inhibitors: ACE inhibitors slows (inhibits) the Vasodilating drugs: Common drugs
activity of the enzyme ACE, which decreases
the production of a chemical (angiotensin)  Sodium nitropusside (Nipride)
that causes the blood vessels to narrow. As a  Hydralazine hydrochloride (Apresoline)
result, blood pressure reduces (lowers)  Diazoxide (Hyperstat)
because of the enlarged (dilated) blood  Guanetidine sulfate (Ismelin)
 ARB’s (angiotensin receptor blockers): ARBs is 5. Ganglionic blockers:
another type of medicine that enlarges blood  Ganglionic blockers inhibit autonomic activity by
vessels. They work by blocking angiotensin interfering with neurotransmission within autonomic
from attaching to the smooth muscle of blood ganglia.
vessels. This causes vasodilation.  This reduces sympathetic outflow to the heart thereby
 CCB’s (calcium channel blockers): the smooth decreasing cardiac output by decreasing heart rate and
muscle cells of the arteries use calcium for contractility.
muscle contraction. CCBs block calcium from  Reduced sympathetic output to the vasculature
entering into the smooth cells, which relax the decreases sympathetic vascular tone, which causes
artery muscles. This leads to dilation (opening) vasodilation and reduced systemic vascular resistance,
of the artery. which decreases arterial pressure.
 Nitrites: Nitrates are converted to nitric  Parasympathetic outflow is also reduced by ganglionic
oxide, which activates another chemical that blockers.
causes the veins and arteries to open. Doctors
prescribe nitrates to treat angina (heart or Therapeutic Indications of Ganglionic blockers:
cardiac pain).
 Ganglionic blockers are not used in the treatment of
Pharmacokinetics of Vasodilating drugs: chronic hypertension in large part because of their side
effects, and because there are numerous, more
 The drugs are absorbed rapidly and distributed well. effective, and safer antihypertensive drugs that can be
They are metabolized in the liver and most are excreted used. They are, however, occasionally used for
by the kidneys hypertensive emergencies.

Pharmacodynamics of Vasodilating drugs: Specific Drug:

 A blood vessel carries blood. They also help the body  Several different ganglionic blockers are available for
regulate blood pressure and blood low to organs. When clinical use; however, only one (trimethaphan
a blood vessel dilates (opens), it allows more blood camsylate) is sometimes used in hypertensive
flows. emergencies or for producing controlled hypotension
 Widening of arteries (a type of blood vessel) reduces during surgery.
blood pressure because dilation of the arteries makes it
Side Effects and Contraindications of Ganglionic blockers:
easier for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the
 It can produce excessive hypotension and impotence
 When arteries open, it increases the blood flow and
due to its sympatholytic effect, and constipation,
oxygen supply to the heart.
urinary retention, dry mouth due to its
parasympatholytic effect. It also stimulates histamine  Digoxin increases the force of cardiac contraction,
release. causing cardiac output to more closely resemble that of
 Sympatholytic effect: inhibit the transmission the normal heart.
of nerve impulses in the sympathetic nervous
system. Other effects of Digoxin:
 Parasympatholytic effect: reduces the activity
 Blood vessels: Digitalis has mild direct vasoconstrictor
of the parasympathetic nervous system.
action and increases peripheral resistance in normal
Cardiac Glycosides: individuals.
 In CHF patients, digoxin decreases peripheral
A. Actions: a positive inotropic, negative chronotropic, resistance.
and negative dromotropic, effect produced by  Digitalis has no notable effect on BP. Systolic BP may
inhibiting the adenosine triphosphatase (ATPase) increase and diastolic may fall in CHF patients.
enzyme and increasing calcium into the myocardial  Kidney: Diuresis occurs promptly in CHS patients.
cytoplasm.  CNS: in higher doses digoxin activates CTZ
Effects of Drugs on the Heart (chemoreceptors trigger zone).
Inotropic Affects the force of contraction
Chronotropic Interferes with the rate of the heart Pharmacokinetics of Digoxin:
 Absorbed orally. Absorption varies from zero to nearly
Dromotropic Pertains to contraction
 Distributed widely to tissues, including the central
 Positive inotropic – increases myocardial nervous system. Digoxin is not extensively metabolized
contraction, which may decrease heart size in in humans.
clients in cardiomyopathy and CHS, and increases  Almost two thirds is excreted unchanged by the
renal blood flow. kidneys. Its renal clearance is proportional to creatinine
 Negative chronotropic effect – decreases heart clearance, and the half-life is 36-40 hours in patients
rate with normal renal function.
 Negative dromotropic effect – slows conduction
through the atrioventricular node. Adverse effects of Digoxin:

Overall Effects:  Toxicity of digitalis is high, margin of safety is low

(therapeutic index 1.5 – 3)
1. Increased cardiac output without increased oxygen  Higher cardiac mortality has been reported among
demand in non-myocardial infarction situations. patients with steady-state plasma digoxin levels >1.1
2. Decreased workload from the effect of decreased heart ng/ml but still within the therapeutic range during
rate maintenance therapy.
3. Mild diuretic effect
4. Decreased heart size in cardiomyopathy (chronic Uses of Digoxin:
disease of the heart muscle) clients
 Treatment of CHF (systolic and diastolic dysfunctions)
Uses of Cardiac glycosides:  Cardiac arrhythmias (atrial fibrillation, atrial flutter, and
paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia)
 Congestive heart failure (CHF) – the heart has trouble
pumping blood Current Status of Digitalis:
 Atrial dysrhythmias – irregular heartbeat
 Before the introduction og high ceiling diuretics, ACE
 Atrial flutter – abnormal heart rhythm associated with a
inhibitors and B blockers, digitalis was considered an
fast heart rate
indispensable part of anti-CHF treatment.
 Supraventricular tachycardia – an abnormally fast heart
 However, digitalis is still the most effective drug
rhythm arising from improper electrical activity in the
capable of reliving symptoms of CHF and restoring
upper part of the heart
cardiac compensation, especially in patients with
Cardiac glycosides: dilated heart and low ejection fraction.

 Often called digitalis or digitalis glycosides Treatment Options for Various Stages of Heart Failure:
 They are a group of chemically similar compounds that
 ACE – angiotensin converting enzyme
can increase the contractility of the heart muscle, and
 ARBs – angiotensin receptor blockers
therefore, are used in treating heart failure.
 FDC – fixed dose combination;
 The digitalis glycosides have a low therapeutic index,
 HYD – hydralazine
with only a small difference between a therapeutic
 ISDN – isosorbide dinitrate
dose and doses that are toxic or even fatal. The most
widely used cardiac glycoside is digoxin. Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors:

Cardiac glycosides Digoxin:  Phosphodiesterase inhibitors are another positive

inotropic group of drugs given to treat CHF when there
 Mechanism of action: Increased contractility of the
is no response with the use of other agents.
cardiac muscle.
 This drug group inhibits the enzyme Beta Blockers:
phosphodiesterase, thus promoting a positive inotropic
response and vasodilation.  Isosorbide, monoitrate, Erythrityl tetranitrate,
Pentaerythritol tetranite, Propanolol, Metaprolol,
2 Drugs in this group: Atenolol, and others.

 Amrinone lactate (INOCOR) Calcium channel blockers:

 Milrinone lactate (PRIMACOR)
 Phenyl alkylamine, Verapamil – Benzothiazepine:
 These drugs increase stroke volume and promote Diltiazem – Dihydropyridines: Nifedipine,
vasodilation. Felodipine, Amlodipine, Nitrendipine, Nimodipine,
Lacidipine, Lercanidipine, Benidipine
 They are administered IV.
 Severe cardiac – dysrhythmias might result from the Nitrates:
use of phosphodiesterase inhibitors therefore, the
client’s electrocardiogram (ECG) and cardiac status Nitrates act in the following ways:
should be closely monitored.
 Digoxin immune fab or Digoxin-specific antibody  Preload reduction: Peripheral pooling of blood
(Digiband) – antidote for overdose of digoxin. decreased venous return (preload reduction).
 Afterload reduction: Nitrates also produce some
Antianginal Drugs: arteriolar dilation slightly decrease total
peripheral resistance or afterload on heart.
 Angina pectoris refers to a strangling or pressure-like
 Redistribution of coronary flow: In the arterial tree,
pain caused by cardiac ischemia (inadequate blood
nitrates preferentially relax bigger conducting
(angiographically visible) coronary arteries than arteries
 The pain is usually located substernally but it than arterioles or resistance vessels.
sometimes perceived in the neck, shoulder and arm, or
epigastrium. Adverse Effects of Nitrates:
 Women develop angina at a later age than men and are
less likely to have classic substernal pain.  Headache is the most common adverse effects of
 Antianginal drugs are those that prevent, abort, or nitrates.
terminate attacks of angina pectoris.  High doses of nitrates can also cause:
o Postural hypotension
Types of Angina: o Facial flushing
o Tachycardia
a. Atherosclerotic angina (classic angina and a common
form) Anti-arrhythmic drugs:
o Attacks are predictably provoked (stable
angina) by exercise, emotion, eating, or coitus  Arrhythmia is an abnormality of the rate, rhythm, or
and subside when the increased energy site of origin of the cardiac impulse or an abnormality in
demand is withdrawn. the impulse conduction.
o Rest, by reducing cardiac work, usually leads  Cardiac arrhythmia may be due to abnormal generation
to complete relief of the pain within 15 mins. or conduction of impulses.
Atherosclerotic angina constitutes about 90%  Factors like myocardial hypoxia, ischemia, electrolyte
of angina cases. disturbances, trauma, can cause arrhythmias.
b. Vasospastic angina (rest angina, variant angina, or
Prinzmetal’s angina (uncommon form) Factors that can cause Arrhythmias:
o Attacks occur at rest or during sleep and are
 Tachycardia arrhythmias.
 Brady arrhythmias
o Vasospastic angina is responsible for less than
 Digitalis-Induced Arrhythmias
10% of angina cases.
 Based on the site of impulse origin, they may be
Treatment of Angina Pectoris: grouped as supraventricular or (SA node, AV node,
atria) or ventricular arrhythmias. VA is a common cause
 Drugs used in angina have to main strategies: of death, particularly sudden death.
- Reduction of oxygen demand
- Increase of oxygen delivery to the myocardium. Other arrhythmic:

Classification of Antianginal drugs:  Adenosine – has rapid and short antiarrhythmic

action. Given orally suppress automaticity, AV
 Nitrates – short acting conduction (electrical continuity between the atria
 Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN, Nitroglycerine) – long acting and ventricles) and dilate the coronary arteries. It is
 Isosorbide dinitrate – short acting by sublingual route the drug of choice for PSVT
 Atropine – is used in sinus bradycardia. It acts by
blocking M2 receptors (muscarinic receptors) found
in the SA and AV nodes that have a large amount of
vagal innervation.
- The heart is innervated by vagal and sympathetic Types of Diuretics:
fibers. The right vagus nerve primarily innervates
the SA node, whereas the left vagus innervates the a. Loop Diuretics
AV node - are diuretics that act at the ascending limb of the
- Muscarinic receptors regulate heart rate by loop of Henle in the kidney. They are primarily
altering the electrical activity of the sinoatrial used in medicine to treat hypertension and edema
node. often due to congestive heart failure or renal
- Activation of M2 receptors can affect conduction insufficiency. Examples of loop diuretics include:
of electrical impulses through the atrioventricular Bumetanide (Bumex), Ethacrynic acid (Edecrin),
node. Furosemide (Lasix)
 Digoxin – depress the AV conduction, reduce heart - it is often called a high-ceiling diuretic because it is
rate and increase the force of contraction of the more effective than other diuretics. Flurosemide
myocardium decreases the sodium, chloride, and potassium
 Magnesium sulfate – is used to treat digitalis reabsorption from the tubule… Dilute urine is
induced arrhythmias. produced because water is retained in the tubule
when it reaches the distal tubule.
Diuretic Drugs: - Act primarily on the thick ascending loop of Henle
(part of the nephron responsible for concentrating
 Diuretics are used to promote the excretion of water urine) to increase the secretion of sodium,
and electrolytes by the kidneys. By doing so, diuretics chloride, and water.
play a major role in the treatment of hypertension as - These drugs also inhibit sodium, chloride and
well as other cardiovascular conditions. water reabsorption.

The Major Diuretics Used as Cardiovascular Drugs: Pharmacokinetics of Loop Diuretics:

 Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics  Loop diuretics usually are absorbed well and
 Loop Diuretics distributed rapidly. These diuretics are highly
 Potassium- Sparing Diuretics protein bound. Loop diuretics undergo partial
or complete metabolism in the liver, exceot
a. Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics –sulfonamide for furosemide, which is excreted primarily
derivatives. unchanged. Loop diuretics are excreted
Thiazide diuretics include: primarily by the kidneys.
 Chlorothiazide (Diuril)
 Hydrochlorothiazide (Microzide) Pharmacodynamics of Loop Diuretics:

Thiazide-like Diuretics include:  Loop diuretics are the most potent diuretics
available, producing the greatest volume of
 Chlorthalidone diuresis (urine production). They also have a
 Indapamide high potential for causing severe adverse
Pharmacokinetics of Diuretic Drugs:
 Bumetanide is the short-acting diuretic it is
 Thiazides are readily absorbed and are extensively 40x more potent than another loop diuretic,
bound to plasma proteins (hard to excrete). They are furosemide.
eliminated largely by secretion into the proximal
Pharmacotherapeutics of Loop Diuretics:
 Thiazide cross the placenta and are secreted in breast  Loop diuretics are used to treat edema
milk. associated with heart failure as well as
hypertension (usually with a potassium-
Pharmacodynamics of Diuretics Drugs:
sparing diuretic or a potassium supplement to
 Thiazide and Thiazide-like Diuretics work by preventing prevent hypokalemia.
sodium to be reabsorbed in the kidney. As sodium is  Loop diuretics are also used to treat edema
excreted, it pulls water alone with it. associated with liver disease or nephrotic
 Thiazide and Thiazide-like diuretics also increase the syndrome (kidney disease).
excretion of chloride, potassium and bicarbonate,
Adverse Reactions to Loop Diuretics:
which can result in electrolyte imbalances.
 Risk of ototoxicity (damage to the organs of
Pharmacotherapeutics of Diuretic Drugs:
hearing) when aminoglycosides are taken with
 Thiazides are used as long term treatment of loop diuretics.
hypertension and are also used to treat edema by mild  Loop diuretics reduce the hypoglycemic effect
to moderate heart failure, liver disease, kidney disease of oral antidiabetic drugs possibly resulting in
and corticosteroid and estrogen therapy. the hyperglycemia.
 Loop diuretics may increase the risk of lithium
 An increased risk of electrolyte imbalances underlying disorder causing the lipid abnormality, fail to
that can trigger arrhythmias is present when lower lipid levels.
digitalis glycosides and loop diuretics are
taken together. Causes of Hyperlipidemia:

 The biochemistry of Plasma Lipids

b. Potassium-sparing Diuretics
 Lipids are the heterogeneous mixtures of fatty acids
- Have weaker diuretic and antihypertensive effects
and alcohol that are present in the body
than other diuretics but they have the advantage
 The major lipids in the bloodstream are cholesterol
of conserving potassium.
and its esters, triglycerides, and phospholipids.
- Potassium-sparing diuretics include:
 Amiloride Normal Functions of Cholesterol in the Body:
 Spironolactone
 Triamterene  It is necessary for new cells to form and for older cells
- Potassium sparing refers to a special group of to repair themselves after injury.
diuretics which helps the body eliminate excess  Cholesterol is also used by the adrenal glands to form
water, while preventing the loss of potassium, hormones such as cortisol, by the testicles to form
which is why it is called potassium-sparing testosterone, and by the ovaries to form estrogen and
diuretics. progesterone.

Pharmacokinetics of Potassium-sparing Diuretics: Normal Functions of Triglycerides and Phospholipids in the Body:

 Potassium-sparing diuretics are only available  Triglycerides supply energy for the body.
orally and are absorbed in the GI tract.  Triglycerides either meet immediate energy needs in
 Metabolized in the liver except for Amiloride muscles or stored ass fat for future energy
(which is not metabolized) and excreted requirements.
primarily in the urine and bile.  Phospholipids are compounds that are used to make
cell membranes, generate second messengers, and
Pharmacodynamics of Potassium-sparing Diuretics:
store fatty acids for the use in generation of
 The direct action of potassium-sparing prostaglandins.
diuretics on the distal tubule of the kidneys
Antilipemic Drug Classes include:
produces in the following effects:
o Urinary excretion of sodium and water  Bile sequestering drugs (cholestyramine and colestipol
increases, as does excretion of chloride hydrochloride)
and calcium ions.  Fibric acid derivatives (clofibrate and gemfibrozil)
o The excretion of potassium and  Cholesterol synthesis inhibitors (lovastatin, pravastatin
hydrogen ions decreases. sodium and simvastatin)
o These effects lead to reduced blood
pressure and increased serum a. Bile sequestering drugs
potassium levels. - They are medications for lowering LDL cholesterol
in conjunction with diet modification.
Pharmacotherapuetics of Potassium-sparing Diuretics:
 Cholestyramine (Questran, Prevalite)
 Colestipol (Colestid, Flavored Colestid)
 Potassium-sparing diuretics are used to treat:
 Colesevelam (Welchol)
o Edema
o Diuretic-induced hypokalemia in patients
b. Fibric acid derivatives or fibrates
with heart failure
- Are regarded as broad-spectrum lipid lowering
o Cirrhosis
drugs. Their main action is to decrease triglyceride
o Nephrotic syndrome (abnormal condition
levels but they are also tend to reduce low density
of kidneys)
lipoprotein (LDL) chloresterol levels and help to
o Hypertension
raise high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol
o Spironolactone is also used to treat
 Gemfibrozil (Lopid)
hyperaldosteronism (excessive secretion
 Clofibrate (Antromid-S)
of aldosterone including hirsutism
associated with Stein-Leventhal
Pharmacodynamics of Fibric acid derivatives:
(polycystic ovary syndrome)
 Fibrates are a class of medication that lowers
Antilipemic Drugs:
blood triglyceride levels. Fibrates lower blood
triglyceride levels by reducing the liver’s
 Antilipemic drugs are used to lower abnormally high
production of VLDL (the triglyceride-carrying
levels of lipids, such as cholesterol, triglycerides, and
particle that circulates in the blood) and by
phospholipids. The risk of developing coronary artery
speeding up the removal of trigylcerides from
disease increased when serum lipid levels are elevated.
the blood.
Drugs are used when lifestyle changes such as proper
diet, weight loss, exercise and treatment of an  Lipid-lowering agents are used for controlling
the high cholesterol and triglyceride level in
the blood.
Pharmacokinetics of Fibric acid derivatives: clotting factors required for a clot to form;
there are many newer agents, such as
 Both drugs are absorbed readily from the GI Enoxaparin (brand name Lovenox),
tract and are highly protein bound. Clofibrate Fondaparinux (brand name Arixtra), and
is hydrolyzed and Gemifibrozil undergoes others.
extensive metabolism in the liver before both o Oral anticoagulants such as Warfarin and
drugs are excreted in the urine Dicumarol – which act by inhibiting the liver’s
production of vitamin K dependent
Pharmacotherapeutics of Fibric Acid derivatives:
 Anticoagulant solutions are also used for the
 Fibric acid derivatives or fibrates are used preservation of stored whole blood and blood
primarily to reduce triglyceride levels fractions. These anticoagulants include heparin
especially very low density triglycerides and and acid citrate dextrose (commonly called ACD).
secondary to lower cholesterol levels.  Anticoagulants are also used to keep laboratory
blood specimens from clotting. These agents
Cholesterol Synthesis inhibitors: include not only heparin but also several agents
that make calcium ions unavailable to the clotting
 Also known as statins lower lipid levels by interfering process and so prevent the formation of clots,
with cholesterol synthesis. these agents include etylenediaminetetraacetic
 Statins include: acid (commonly called EDTA), citrate, oxalate and
 Atorvastatin (Lipitor) fluoride.
 Simvastatin (Zocor)

 Statins lower the chance of a “cardiovascular event”

such as a heart attack

Side Effects of Cholesterol Synthesis Inhibitors:

 Intestinal problems
 Liver damage (rare)
 Muscle inflammation
 High blood sugar and type 2 diabetes may also be more
likely with statins, although the risk is “small” and the
benefits outweigh the risks, according to the FDA

Pharmacodynamics of Cholesterol Synthesis Inhibitors:

 Reduce the synthesis of LDL

 Enhance the breakdown of LDL

Pharmacotherapeutics of Cholesterol Synthesis Inhibitors:

 By lowering cholesterol levels, the cholesterol synthesis

inhibitors reduce the risk of coronary artery disease.

Drugs Affecting Blood Coagulation:

 Anticoagulant – an agent that is used to prevent the

formation of blood clots. Some anticoagulants are used
for prevention on treatment of disorders characterized
by abnormal blood clots and emboli.
 Anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs eliminate or
reduce the risk of blood clots. They’re often called
blood thinners, but these medications do not really
thin the blood. Instead, they help prevent or break up
dangerous blood cloths that form in your blood vessels
or heart.
 Anticoagulants are used for the prophylaxis
(prevention), and treatment of thromboembolic
disorders, such as stroke, heart attack (myocardial
infarction) and deep venous thrombosis (DVT). Emboli
are clots that break free, travel through the
bloodstream, and lodge in a blood vessel, such as
pulmonary embolism. The anticoagulant drugs are sued
for these clinical purposes include:
o Intravenous heparin – which acts by
inactivating thrombin and several other

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