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Morning Worship teachers and employees of St.

Middle School Yoseph Medan Youth

Before starting our morning worship, let’s sing

I. Opening Song

II. Sign of the Cross (let us mark ourselves with the triumph of Christ)

Q: (†) In the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

U: Amen

Q: May the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, God's Love and Spiritual Fellowship

Holy Is Always With Us.

U: Now and forever

III. Introduction

Ladies and gentlemen, our beloved children and brothers, on this occasion we will listen

and meditate on the Word of God that greets us through the reading of the gospel which

emphasizes that we have a strong faith like a young woman who asks for the healing of

her child from Jesus. before God, let us regret our sins and mistakes first.

Penance Prayer (doa tobat)

I confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have greatly sinned,

in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to

do, and, striking breast, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous

fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my

brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

P: Lord have mercy

U: Lord have mercy

P: Christ have mercy

U: Christ have mercy

P: Lord have mercy

U: Lord have mercy

IV. Opening Prayer

Thank God, for your presence and your care in our lives through the breath of life,

health and through this beautiful new day that you provided for us. Right now we will

listen to your word, may God, the word we will listen to be the basis and guide for our

lives in this world. In Your Son’s name Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen

Gospel introduction song

P: The Lord be with us

U: now and forever

Q: This is the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to St. Matthew 18:1-5, 10, 12-14

U: glory to You Lord

Gospel (Bacaan)

P: This is the word of God

U : Praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ

Reflection (Renungan)

V. Prayer requests (Doa Umat)

Thank you, Lord, for your word that you sow this morning for us. May your words, O

Lord, be our guide to speak, think and act in this world. Right now our Lord will deliver

our prayer requests:

1. Church leaders

P: We beg our Lord

U : Lord, hear our pray

2. Management of LPK Kam Don Bosco

P: We beg our Lord

U : Lord, hear our pray

3. For ladies and gentlemen of St.Yoseph Youth Junior High School staff

P: We beg our Lord

U : Lord, hear our pray

5. For those who do not have faith

P: We beg our Lord

U : Lord, hear our pray

VI. Closing pray

God the good Father, we turn to you again and give thanks for the grace you have given

for us. Let all our activities and thoughts throughout the day always be pure,

and fulfill with Your love and Your glory. In Your Son’s name we pray and give thanks


VII. Thanks to

Q: Dear brothers and sisters, with this our worship is finished

U: Thank you Lord

Q: May almighty God bless us

P + U: (†) Father, Son and Holy Spirit. amen

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