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Examples on Deep Foundations

E8.1: From the static penetration test results shown in Fig. E8.1, determine the depth at which a
precast concrete pile width a diameter of 40cm should be driven to sustain as ultimate
load of 800 kN according to
1. de Beer
2. Soviet Code SNi PII – B.S-67[quoted in 38].

Total resistance ( Kp )
1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

0 100 200 300 2

Point resistance ( Kp / cm )




4.0 Total resistance


6.0 Point resistance


Depth ( m )

Fig.E8 .1 : Static penetration test result


a) Method of de Beer
From Fig. E8.1:  s1  40 kp/cm 2 , t gs  60 cm
Diameter of the penetrometer = 3.56cm
Area of the penetrometer = 10cm2
t gs  n s d s
n s  t gs / d s  60 / 3.57  16.8
t gp  n s d p  (16.8)( 40)  672 cm  6.77 m
800(100) 800(100)
The ultimate stress of pile,  sb    63.66 kp/cm 2
R 2 ( )(20 2
Since the variation of the point resistance below the limiting depth is approximately constant,
take  s (t )  250 kp/cm 2 .
One may directly determine tE from the equation given in Fig. 8.6a.
For the case t E  t gp :
 sb   s1  ( s (t )   s1 )
t gp
    s1 
t E   sb t
     gp
 s ( t ) s1 
 63.66  40 
  6.72  75.7 cm  0.8 m
 250  40 
The pile should be driven to a depth of 2.0m.

b) Method of SNi PII – B.S - 67

Assume a depth of penetration, tp = 3.0m
Since  s (t ) is constant below the limiting depth,
 s  250 kp/cm 2
From Fig. 8.7, KT = 1.25
 s A p 3
Qsb  10
KT 2
(250)( )(20 2 ) 3
 10  125.6 kp
At the depth of 3m from Fig. E8.1, QDG  3400 kp
QDS  (250)(10)  2500 kp
Qrm  QDG  QDS  3400  2500  900 kp
U p Qrm ( )(40)(900)
Qrb  10  10  80672.2 kp
U s KT  (3.57)(1.25)
Total bearing capacity Qb  Qsb  Qrb
= 125.6 + 80672.3 = 80797.9 kp
= 808 kN
Since the total bearing capacity 808 kN is greater than 800, this is acceptable.
E8.2: A pile system with loadings as indicated in Fig. E8.2 is given. It is required to determine
the force in each pile according to

a) Culmann
b) Nökkentved

A = 63.2 kN/m
E a  22.6 kN / m Pz  20.0 kN / m
K H  10.0 kN / m max V  731 .0 kN / m
Yoke distance, y, which is the center to center distance between the system of batter piles
measured along the length of the pile cap = 2.37m.


a) Culmann’s Method
Location of the resultant force:
H  K H  PZ  A  E a
= 10.0 + 20.0 + 63.2 + 22.6 = 115.8 kN
Taking moment about 0 (Fig. E8.3),
H y  E a (0.87)  ( K H  PZ )(2.0)
= (22.6)(0.87)(+(30.0)(2.0)
= 79.66
y  0.7 m
R  (H ) 2  (V ) 2  (115.8) 2  (731.0) 2  740.12 kN
V 731.0
  tan 1   6.31  81o
H 115.8
From graphical construction (Fig. E8.3), the forces in the system are
Group 1 = 450 kN/m
Force in each pile for a yoke distance of 2.37m = 450(2.37)/2
= 533.2 kN
Group 2 = 320 kN/m
Force in each pile for a yoke distance of 2.37m = 320(2.37)/2
= 379.2 kN
Group 3 = 25 kN/m
Force in each pile for a yoke distance of 2.37m = 25(2.37)
= 59.2 kN

B = 9.70

KH + P Z +10.00
max V S E'
+7.75 x

0.20 0.07 1.2

y = 5.71

1.2 4.70 1.2
System - -a

zero point
X 0= 4.33

1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 3

Pile designation

Fig.E8 .2: System of batter piles

R = 740.1 KN

1 = 450 KN
SV = 731.0 KN

R = 740 K
y = 0.70
SH = 115.8 KN

1 2 3
0 KN
= 32

3 = 25 KN

Fig.E8 .3: Method of Culmann

b) Method of Nökkentved
(i) Coordinates of the System Zero Point
The coordinates of the system zero point will be calculated using the following table:

n n cos  n Vn  cos 3  n tan  n Vn tan  n Vn tan 2  n an Vn a n Vn tan  n a n

- deg - - - - - - - -
1.1 0 1.000 1.000 0 0 0 1.20 +1.200 0
1.2 0 1.000 1.000 0 0 0 2.40 +2.400 0
2.1 18.43 0.949 0.855 0.333 0.285 0.095 7.10 6.071 2.023
2.2 18.43 0.949 0.855 0.333 0.285 0.095 8.30 7.097 2.365
3 -18.43 0.949 0.428 -0.333 -0.143 0.048 8.30 3.552 -1.184
Sum + 4.138 + 0.427 + 0.238 + 20.320 + 3.204

Vn a n 20.320
a o    4.911 m
Vn 4.138
Vn tan 2  n 0.238
tan      0.557
Vn tan  n 0.427
Vn tan  n a n 3.204
a o    7.504 m
Vn tan  n 0.427
Vn tan  n 0.427
tan      0.103
Vn 4.138
C  a o  a o  4.911  7.504  2.593 m
tan a o  a o  0.557  0.103  0.454
C  2.593
yo    5.71 m
tan    tan   0.454
xo  a o  y o tan  
= 7.504 – 5.71(0.557) = 7.504 -3.175 = 4.33m

ii) Influence Values

Vn  tan    tan  n  Vn  0.557  tan  n 
Cv     
Vn  tan    tan    4.138  0.454 
Since the influence values should be determined for each pile, it is advantageous to tabulate the
calculations as follows:

Number 0.557  tan  n Vn

Pile of Vn tan  n 0.557  tan  n 0.454 4.138 Cv N Cv
Group Piles, N
- - - - - - - - -
1 2 1 0 0.557 1.227 0.242 0.297 0.594
2 2 0.855 0.333 0.224 0.493 0.207 0.102 0.204
3 1 0.428 -0.333 0.890 1.960 0.103 0.202 0.202
Check: N C v  1.000

Vn  tan  n  tan    Vn  tan  n  0.103 

CH     
(Vn tan  n )  tan    tan    0.427  0.454 
Number tan  n  0.103 Vn
Pile of Vn tan  n tan  n  0.103 0.454 0.427 CH N CH
Group Piles, N
- - - - - - - - -
1 2 1.000 0 - 0.103 - 0.227 2.342 0.532 - 1.064
2 2 0.855 0.333 0.230 0.507 2.002 1.015 2.030
3 1 0.428 - 0.333 - 0.436 - 0.960 1.002 -0.962 - 0.962
Check: N C H  0.004  0

Vn Vn ( x n  5.71 tan  n )
CM  

 Vn ( x n  y o tan  n )  
 Vn ( x n  5.71 tan  n ) 2 
x n  xo  a n  4.33  a n
z n  x n  5.71 tan  n
N an xn tan  n 5.71 tan  n zn z n2 Vn Vn z n2 Vn z n CM
2 2
- m m - - m m - m m -
1 1.20 3.13 0 0 3.13 9.80 1.000 9.80 3.13 0.096
2 2.40 1.93 0 0 1.93 3.72 1.000 3.72 1.93 0.059
3 7.10 - 2.77 0.333 1.903 - 0.87 0.76 0.855 0.65 -0.75 -0.023
4 8.30 - 3.97 0.333 1.903 - 2.07 4.28 0.855 3.66 -1.71 -0.055
5 8.30 - 3.97 - 0.333 - 1.903 - 3.87 34.36 0.428 14.75 -2.51 -0.077
sum 32.5 Check:  C M  0.000
(iii) Forces in the Piles
The magnitudes of the forces acting on the pile cap are tabulated below:
Designation Force Moment arm Moment
- kN/m m kN.m/m
A 63.2 5.71 360.87
max V 731.0 0.07 51.17
E a 22.6 6.58 148.71
PZ + KH 30.0 7.71 231.30
max H 115.8 max M  792.05
Vmax  731.0 kN/m 

H max  115.8 kN/m  The yoke distance y = 2.37m
M max  792.05 kN/m 
The corresponding pile forces may be calculated from:
Fn cos  n  V CV  H C H  M C M
The results of the calculation are presented in the following table:

Pile cV V cV cH HcH cM McM F cos  cos F y Fext

- - kN/m - kN/m - kN.m/m kN/m - kN/m m kN
1.1 0.297 217.11 - 0.532 - 61.61 0.096 76.04 231.54 1.000 231.69 2.37 548.7
1.2 0.297 217.11 - 0.532 - 61.61 0.059 46.73 202.23 1.000 202.23 2.37 479.5
2.1 0.102 74.56 1.015 117.54 - 0.023 - 18.22 173.88 0.949 183.22 2.37 434.2
2.2 0.102 74.56 1.015 117.54 - 0.055 - 43.56 148.54 0.949 156.52 2.37 370.9
3 0.202 147.66 - 0.962 - 111.40 - 0.077 - 61.00 - 24.74 0.949 - 26.07 2.37 - 61.8

A comparison of the two methods clearly indicates the inaccuracy of Culmann’s method.
E8.3 Determine the minimum wall thickness of a long restrained steel pipe that is required to
resist a lateral load of 300 kN. The pile is driven through a deep layer of clay having an
average unconfined compressive strength of 30 kN/m2 within a significant depth. The
outside diameter of the pile is 812.8 mm.


Design Cohesive Strength

With an under-strength factor of 0.75
cdesign  0.75 cu  (0.75)(0.5)(30)  11.25 kN/m 2
Design Load
With a load factor of 2.0,
Pdesign  ( 2.0)( P )  ( 2.0)(300)  600 kN
Pdesign 600
  80.7
cdesign D (11.25)(0.8128) 2
From Fig. 8.28a, for a value of 80.7 the corresponding yield moment coefficient would be
approximately 250.
i.e. M yield / cu d 3  250 .
M yield  (250)(cu )(d 3 )  (250)(11.25)(0.8128) 3  1510 kN . m
The section modulus, Z, may be determined from Eq. (8.67).
M yield
1.3 f design
Using StSp 37, f  2400 kp/cm 2  24 kN/cm 2
f design  (0.9)( f )  (0.9)(24)  21.6 kN/ c m 2
Z  5377.5 cm 3
A pipe with a thickness of 12.5mm, an outside diameter of 812.8mm and Z = 6189cm3 is
selected (Table E 8.1). To prevent any possible buckling, the pipe should be filled with concrete.
Table E8.1: Steel Pipe Piles Extruded and Welded According to DIN 2448 and 2458[15]

out side diameter


Cross- Cross- Moment

Outside Wall Peri- Sectional Sectional of Section Produc-
Diameter Thick- Mass meter Area of Total Inertia Modulus tion
ness Steel Area I Z Method
mm mm kg/m cm cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 -
273.0 8.0 52.1 86 66.6 585 5852 429 EW
8.8 57.1 73.0 6380 467 EW
10.0 64.9 82.6 7154 542 EW
11.0 71.4 90.5 7783 570 E
323.9 8.8 68.1 102 87.1 824 10820 668 EW
10.0 77.4 98.6 12158 751 EW
11.0 85.3 108 13250 818 E
12.5 96.7 122 14847 917 E
355.6 8.8 74.9 112 95.9 993 14423 811 EW
10.0 85.2 109 16223 912 EW
11.0 93.9 119 17695 995 E
12.5 107 135 19852 1117 E
406.4 10.0 97.8 128 125 1297 24476 1205 EW
11.0 108 137 26724 1315 E
12.5 122 155 30031 1478 E
14.2 138 175 33685 1658 E
457.2 10.0 110 144 140 1642 35138 1537 EW
11.0 122 154 38398 1680 E
12.5 138 175 43208 1890 E
14.2 156 198 48529 2123 E
508.0 10.0 123 160 156 2027 48520 1910 EW
11.0 135 172 53056 2089 EW
12.5 154 195 59755 2353 EW
16.0 193 247 74909 2949 EW
558.8 10.0 135 176 172 2452 64930 2324 W
11.0 149 189 71038 2543 W
12.5 170 215 80074 2866 EW
16.0 213 273 100572 3600 EW
609.6 10.0 148 192 188 2919 84677 2778 W
11.0 163 207 92685 3041 W
12.5 185 234 104545 3430 W
16.0 233 298 131515 4315 W
Table E8.1(Cont’d)

Cross- Cross- Moment

Outside Wall Peri- Sectional Sectional of Section Produc-
Diameter Thick- Mass meter Area of Total Inertia Modulus tion
ness Steel Area I Z Method
mm Mm kg/m cm cm2 cm2 cm4 cm3 -
711.2 10.0 173 223 220 3973 135417 3808 W
12.5 217 274 167487 4710 W
16.0 273 349 211222 5940 W
20.0 341 434 259576 7300 W
812.8 10.0 198 255 252 5189 203212 5000 W
12.5 249 314 251672 6189 W
16.0 313 401 317982 7824 W
20.0 391 498 391613 9636 W
914.4 10.0 223 287 284 6567 290532 6355 W
12.5 280 354 360187 7878 W
16.0 353 452 455750 9968 W
20.0 441 562 562215 12297 W
1016 10.0 248 319 316 8107 399850 7871 W
12.5 312 394 496123 9766 W
16.0 393 503 628480 12373 W
20.0 491 626 776324 15282 W

E = Extruded
W = Welded
E8.4a: Design an uncased drilled pier for a load of 3000 kN with a maximum settlement limited
to 4cm. The base of the pier will be placed at elevation of -10m as shown in Fig. E8.4a.
Use f c  2500 N/cm 2

P P 3000
Area of shaft required, Ac     4800 cm 2
f c 0.25 f c (0.25)(2.5)
(4) Ac (4)(4800)
D   78.2 cm : Try 80cm
 
Tentative estimate of the base diameter B = 3  80 = 240cm. Weighted average of the number of
blows in a zone 1 meter above the base and 1.5B below it, i.e. between elevation -9, ad -14.0 is,
N = 28.
Allowable bearing pressure for a settlement of 2.54cm according to Terzaghi and Peck
 B  1
Pallow  1440( N  3)  B w
 2B 
 7.87  1 
 1440(28  3)   (0.5)
 (2)(7.87) 
= 1440(25)(0.159) = 5495.0 psf  280 kN/m2
For a settlement of 4cm,
Pallow  280  440.9 kN/m 2
Area of base required  6.804 m 2
B  2.94 m

B/D  3
No . of blows per 30 cm of penetration

0.0 0 10 20 30 40
-1.0 GW 6



5.0 8
fS 10



10.0 22 -10

28 B

Depth ( m )


15 30




Fig. E8.4a : Soil data and location of pier

Since it is difficult to under ream a bell much over 3 times the shaft diameter, increase the shaft
diameter to 1.0m.
For the given soil profile, one does not need to check the Pallow with the new dimensions since it
will be bigger than the calculated size,
The reinforcement may be calculated by taking p = 1.5%
100 2
Area of steel, As  0.015( )  37.5 cm 2
Use 12  20
Note: The reinforcement is minimum. If the pier were subjected to a horizontal load, additional
reinforcement must be provided.
E8.4b: Design an uncased under reamed drilled pier for the given soil profile Fig. E8.4b). The
clay is stiff and has an average value of E s  8000 kN/m 2 . The top 4 metres is water-
bearing sand. The pier is expected to sustain a load of 10000 kN and should have an
overall factor of safety of 2.
f c  2500 N/ cm 2


P P 10000
Area of shaft Ac     16000 cm 2
f c 0.25 f c (0.25)( 2.5)
4 Ac (4)(16000)
D   142.8 cm
 
Try 150cm
Tentative estimate of the base B = 3  150 = 450cm (Fig. E8.4b)

Ultimate Bearing Capacity

Average shear strength
u c (kN/m )
? 0
+ 0.00 100 200 300
- 2.00 GW 4.0

- 4.00


10.0 160
14 .5

15.0 240

20.0 3 .0

300 - 22 0 .5

Depth ( m )



30.0 340

Fig. E8.4b : Soil data and location of pier

From the variation of the shear strength values, it is suggested to locate the base of the pier at E
– 22.00 (Fig. E8.4b)
The net shaft length L = 22 – 3.5 – 4.0 = 14.5m.
The ultimate bearing capacity according to Eq. (8.70).
Pu  9 C t At  C s As
C t  314 kN/m 2 (Fig. E8.4b)
C s  175 kN/m 2 (Fig E8.b)
 = 0.35
 (4.5) 2
At   15.90 m 2
As  DL   (1.5)(14.5)  68.29 m 2
Pu  9(1)(314)(15.90)  (0.35)(175)(68.29)
= 44933.40 + 4182.76
= 49116.16 kN
P 49116.16
Safety factor  u   4.9  2.0 O.K.
P 10000
One may place the pier at a shallower depth, if it is so desired. The new safety factor should then
be recalculated.
Immediate Settlement
The expected immediate settlement may be calculated according to Eq. (8.71):

s  b
P  Pskin
10000  4183
   365.8 kN/m 2
 u  9C t
 u  2826 kN/m 2
 10(14.5)   (0.295)(175) 
  9 
 175   8000 
= (10.933)(0.00645)
= 0.0705
( 459)(0.0705)(365.8)
S  4.1 cm
Neglecting the compression of the pier itself, the settlement is 4cm.
Shaft Reinforcement
The reinforcement is calculated by taking p = 1.5%.
 150 2
As  0.15( )  264.93 cm 2
Use 85  20
E8.5: A concrete seal is to be poured for the caisson shown in Fig. E8.5. The allowable bearing
capacity of the soil is 400 kN/m2. The caisson is to be emptied of water after the concrete
seal has set. Determine the appropriate thickness of the seal.
f c  2000 N/cm 2  c  25 kN/cm 3

R = 4m

0 .6 m

6 .80 m

0 .6 m

15 m

h = 20 m


Fig. E8.5: Open box caisson

(i) Preliminary Estimation of the Structural Thickness of Seal
When the caisson is dewatered, the net upward hydrostatic pressure on the seal will be
 o   wh   ct
= (10)(20) – 25t
= 200 – 25t
Taking f c  0.1 f c
= (0.1)(2000) = 200 N/cm2 = 2000 kN/m2,
the thickness required for the seal may be calculated from Eq. (8.80).
 oR2
t  1.09

(200  25t )(3.4) 2

 1.09
t 2  1.373  0.171t
The value of t required is 1.09m.
(ii) Check on Dewatering Possibility
Weight of Seal =  c (Area)(t)
= 25[π (3.42)(1.09] = 989.13 kN
Weight of Shell = ( r12  r22 ) h  c
= (4 2  3.4 2 )( )(2)(25)  6970.80 kN
Total weight = 989.13 + 6970.80 = 7959.93 kN
The buoyant force =  w h Area
= (10)(20)π42 = 10048.00 kN
Net force = 7959.93 – 10048.00 = -2088.10 kN
Since the upward force is much larger than the downward force, one cannot empty the caisson
unless it is anchored or the thickness of the seal is increased.
(iii) Determination of the necessary depth required to withstand the perimeter shear at the
junction of the shell and seal due to buoyant force
 D t f c  10048.00
t  2.35 m
( )(6.8)(2000)
Taking a factor of safety of 1.5, the depth required = (2.35)(1.5) = 3.5m
(iv) Recheck on dewatering possibility
One may now check if water can be emptied with the new depth of the seal.
Weight of seal = (25) (π) (3.42) (3.5) = 3176.10 kN
Weight of shell = 6970.80 kN
Total weight = 10146.90 kN
Net Force = 10146.90 – 10048.0 = 98.90 kN
Hence, with seal thickness of 3.5m, one is in a position to dewater the caisson.
P8.1: Redo Example E8.1 with a pile diameter of 30cm.

P8.2: A shear wall 25cm by 400cm carries a load P =500 kN, and M = 8500 kN.m as shown in
the sketch below. A two row pile system with a pile diameter of 40cm and spacing of
120cm c/c is suggested for the foundation. The piles will be embedded in the rock layer,
and each pile has an allowable compressive strength of 5000 kN/m2.
a. Determine the number of piles necessary for the given loads.
b. Calculated the efficiency of the group.
c. Design the pile cap.

Use: f c  20 MN/m 2
f s  160 MN/m 2
Allowable stresses according the ACI Code:

P = 500 kN

M = 8500 kN . m
4 00 cm

25 cm

x a ) Shear wall section


t = 500 kN/
b ) Soil profile
Rock bed

P8.3: Determine the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile group given below. What would be
the factor of safety if a load of 500 kN is applied?
500 kN


?t = 20 kN/3 m

Ko = 0.4
Ø = 32

G.W.L -2.00 m


?t = 19 kN/3 m

C D = 20

cu = 5 kN/2 m
f = 200 kN2/ m

-5.00 m









P8.4: Redo Example E8.2 with the following data:

A = 70 kN/m
E a  30 kN/m
K H  20.0 kN/m
Pz  20.0 kN/m
max V  800.0 kN/m
y  2. 5 m
P8.5: A pile, with a diameter of 0.4m, projects 1m above the ground surface. Its embedded
length is 3m. A horizontal force of 20 kN is sustained at the tip of the pile.
If K sh  60z kN/m 3 , plot the variation of pressure, shear force and moments along the
length of the pile.
P8.6: A pile with a diameter of 0.3m, has a total length of 8m with 1m of it projecting outside
the ground level. A horizontal force of 20 kN is applied at the top end of the pile.
If E  10 4 M N/m 2 , Ks =120 MN/m3, plot the variation of pressure, shear force and
moments along the depth of the pile.
P8.7: Redo Example E8.3 for a lateral load of 200 kN, with unconfined compressive strength
value of 20 kN/m2 and outside diameter of pile 609.6m.
P8.8: Design the pier of Example E8.4b if it is to sustain a load of 15 MN.
P8.9: If the allowable bearing capacity of the soil in Example E8.5 is 200 kN/m2, what will be
the thickness of the seal required?

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