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Indonesia has a very iconic tower called monas or monumen nasional, placed in central Jakarta, exactly
in the centre of merdeka square. This tower represents the great heroes who really struggled for the
right of Indonesia to get liberated. This Monas began its contructions in 1961, commanded by the first
president in Indonesia, Ir. Soekarno. People stsrted to visit it in 1975. Interesting part of this monas is
that it has a flame at the top, covered by gold foil. People can start visiting the monument and museum
at 8 am and will be closed at 3 pm (based on western Indonesian time) except on Monday in every last
month. There, people will find merdeka square where it is the place for indonesian flag, red and white
was flown for the first time at proclamation of independence day event. The national monument is 137
meter tall, 14.3 meter meter bronze flame, covered with 32 kilograms gold leaf with original text of
Independence’s proclamation on it

The national monument was built for nothing but to recall former indonesian’s struggle to obtain the
indepence of Indonesia from deutch colonialism. Ir. Soekarno then demanded to construct this
monument national, started on august 17th1961 until 12th july, 1975, so it took about 14 years
contracting the national monument. There is flame in the top to prove the spirit or enthusiasm of
Indonesian’s struggle. There are lots of retty scenery to see from the to of monas.

Merdeka square is quiet famous and important in indonesia’s history record that this place was a centre
of deutch government called koningsplein Or the king ‘s square. There is merdeka palace as the house
office of preSsident and the cabinet that used to be home of the deutch governor generals, placed in
north side. There are vice president house office, jakarta’s governor, provincial parliament building and
american embassy in the south part. There is national museun, the constitutional court, the ministry for
culture and tourism and indosat building in the west side.

Inside of marble-building:


The bronze flame at the top is 17 meters tall, 14.5 tons in weight, 6 meters in diameters, covered with 45
kg gold .

-peak court

Top breadth of 11x11m. People can use lift to go at the top to see beautiful sceneries like mount salak,
java sea, and skyscrapers buildings.

-lower court
Lower court breadth of 45x45m with 17 meters tall. People can see beautiful city forest here.

national museum at the bottom is filled with indonesian effort during the independence day, starts with
kingdom era until bleeding day g30s pki. This museum is 8 feel, breadth of 80x80m, 12 windows and
interesting colorful dancing fountain at night, accompanied by beautiful songs.

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