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Lesson Plan

Teacher’s name: Mayte Cecilia Morales Jiménez; Graciela Michelle López Marcial.

Date: Friday 30th November 12:00 pm. Length: 25 minutes.

Group: 6° B. Level: Pre-


Topic: Describing clothes

Objectives: Learners will be able to describe a person, according to what he or she is

wearing in oral way.
Learners will know the correct order of the characteristics of the clothes to
describe it.

Possible Problems: Learners would get confused about the order of the characteristics and do not
know the vocabulary related to this.

Materials: Markers, whiteboard, pictures, clothes, flashcards.

Procedures: Materials: Time:

Stage 1 Presentation of the teachers and Markers, 5 min.

Presentation: clarification of classroom rules. whiteboard,
The teacher will explain the structure of
the topic.

Stage 2 The teacher will give a picture to each Pictures. 8 min.

Practice: student, the student will put every picture
in the right place.

In pairs the students will write a short

description of famous people outfit, after
that they will read it.

Stage 3 In the activity called Fashion Show the Clothes. 10 min.

Production: students will be divided in teams of 5
people, then the teacher will give the
following instructions in which the
students will describe the outfit of their
partners meanwhile they model on the

Feedback: Clarification of doubts. Markers, 2 min.

A volunteer student will come to the front whiteboard.
of the class and with his partners help he
will write on the board the structure to
describe clothing.

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