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solution of the problematic in the cafetería

what is the problem? the problem of the cafeteria is that when the time of rest arrives in the
two cases of high school and primary school , even more this case is presented in high school
since most are going to buy at the cafeteria and few bring lunchboxes , this makes the grades
that are close to the cafeteria take before the place of those who are not available , which
makes the cafeteria fill up causing some people to go away all the rest , also we could highlight
that they have no respect for others and get in line , and that·s the problema

solution to the problema

more lines : to enter the cafeteria you could make more lines to make the entrance to the
cafeteria faster.

rows by degrees: inside the cafeteria one line could be made for each grade so that there is
not so much congestion

more employees : more employees could be hired to expedite the ranks

combos to sell : to the buying monsoon they take time to decide and delay the ranks then they
would have to sell food combos just to choose that and get out of the cafeteria fast and the
lines to be faster

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