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Project overview

Being able to study well, the students need a quiet place where they can study
peacefully. Library is one of the places where students can study well because it is
quiet, but sometimes students inside the libraries are making noise specially when
they are in a group,
In an article on library design, they found that the students “taught” each
other sometimes and causes noise, the librarians gave them the stare or glare that
means ‘Be Quiet!, In McGill University they could not request staff to patrol nor hires
security guards because of the number of the students studying in their library. Also,
relying on students self-monitoring would be unreliable (Foster and Gibbons, 2007).
Sometimes librarians cannot patrol all the time because they are busy doing
things like arranging the books, monitoring the books that the students barrowed,
and many more stuffs, that’s why the researchers design a project that will help the
librarian in maintaining the quietness inside the library.
The features in our project is that the device will give a warning sign to the
students that is making noise inside the library, and at the same time it has a
transmitter that sends signals to the librarians monitoring device to inform the
librarian on which specific part of the library is noisy.

Description of the Project

The researcher’s proposal for this project is an arduino based device. noise
detector and warning device incorporates the microcontroller that has a sound
sensor that detects unwanted noise inside the library and warns the students, it also
includes an L.E.D monitoring system for the librarians so that they will also know
where the noise are coming from, it is installed in the table of librarian that is
connected in the noise detector and warning device.
The researchers designed this project for the library to have a quiet and
peaceful room to study so the students can learn more and they can focus on what
they are studying. This also helps them to remind the noisy one to keep the noise
level down since it would be bothering for the other students who are trying to
concentrate in the library on whatever they are trying to focus. The main process of
this device is basically once the sensor senses and reaches the threshold of dB that
was programmed into it will make the L.E.D light up which we’ll explain after your
read further.
Not only that, this device also aims helping the librarians on their work mainly
because of the convenience it can give to them whenever they are performing their
job while on shifts. This could be made possible with the offer that our device gives,
and remind the others students by giving the librarians a way to easily determine
where the noise is coming from just from basing it to what L.E.D to lights up.When it
comes to the physical appearance of our device the researchers choose colored
L.E.D and was encased inside a crafted box from plywood in lettering form so it can
have higher impact towards alerting the noisy students. The researchers also
painted the box with black color so that the device can be easily distinguished since
the color of the walls on the library is white.

Objectives of the Project

The design aims to create a device that will detect noise inside the library as
well as to remind the library users to follow the rules and regulations that are strictly
implemented within the library. With this device, librarians will be able to
determine where the noise is coming from because of the monitoring system that
uses L.E.D to notify them on their table. The following points were considered in
order to implement the design project:
1. To be able to help the librarian by giving them a convenience by being able
to notify the noisy students without actually having to do it themselves;
2. To make an efficient device for the of students who are trying to study or even
have some peace of mind in the main school library
3. To be able to keep the awareness of the students and keep the noise level at
some point to where it doesn’t bother other students

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