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Mary Welk

What is Creativity?

Creativity is a word that can be used by anyone at anytime. ​What is creativity?​ doesn’t
just have one answer. It varies from person to person. Some believe that creativity can only be
seen in art while others believe that creativity is someone's idea put into real life. I personally
believe that Youtube videos have lots of creativity.

TheOdds1sOut is one of my favorite creative Youtubers.

4 Ways TheOdd1sOut is Creative
❖ He has a variety of different animations in each video
❖ He narrates real life events in a way that captures his audience's attention
❖ He's funny
❖ His name shows creativity and style (Just look at it. I wouldn’t have thought of that)

Another very creative Youtuber is Superwoman. She is very comedical which draws a lot
of people in to watch her videos. She puts on attire to show the audience that she is her parents
and acts like them. I would classify that as creative because no one else (that I know of) does
that on Youtube. Her videos are typically less than 5 minutes long but they never lose my
interest. Her content is a mixture of stuff; from comparisons to beauty regimes to parodies to
comedical skits (this one is one of my
favorites:​​). She knows how to make anything
funny, even when she has a video about school.

On Youtube, MrBeast creates incredibly unique content by getting his friends or

sometimes random strangers, to do a certain task for as long as they can until one person is
left. That person then gets money (typically $20,000 or more). I consider his videos to be
creative because that’s something that hasn’t been done on Youtube before, especially with that
kind of money. Aside from giving his friends money, he also does 24 hours challenges. Not the
typical “24 hours in Walmart” or “24 hours in my car”. No. He does stuff like ‘24 hours on top of a
mountain” and “24 hours on a deserted
island”:​​. Again, very few people have content
that extreme out there.

The final Youtuber I want to praise for being creative is David Dobrik. His videos are
always 4 minutes and 20 seconds long (you can probably guess why). Anyway, in most of his
videos, he does crazy stuff with his friends. Additionally, he buys gifts for his friends, like tickets
for their favorite show or a car:​​ but don’t click
on the video if you don’t like swear words. I consider him a creative Youtuber because he does
so much in such a short amount of time. I’m always anxious to watch his next new video
because I know it’s going to be something different from his last video, maybe even crazier than
his previous one.

Creativity is everywhere. Different people bring unique things to the table and that’s what
classifies them as being creative. Someone is good at animations. Someone is good at comedy.
Someone is good at giving money away. Someone is good at giving gifts. They all offer various
content and that is why they are all creative beings.

Word Count (not including links): 512

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