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This November, our Graham Schools are on the ballot for a modest 1 percent earned income
tax . The levy is needed to provide more resources to our teachers so that our Graham students
do not fall behind. Resources like up-to-date technology, textbooks and lab materials.

The earned income tax is a tax on earned income only. Earned income is income that you
receive from wages, salary, self-employment income, tips and other compensation.

Important to know, however, that is earned income does NOT include such income as Social
Security benefits, pensions and annuities, disability and survivor benefits, welfare benefits, child
support, alimony, interest and dividends, IR distributions, capital gains, profit from rental
activities, lottery winnings and worker’s compensation benefits. These sources, because they
are not considered earned income, are not subject to the tax.

Graham Schools operate in a lean manner. During tough times for the community and the
district, Graham cut millions of dollars from its budget, eliminating $2.35 million in 2011 and
2012, resulting in 24 lost teachers and other support and administrative staff. The cuts hurt
and came with an immediate impact as our test scores declined in the years immediately after.

With this modest increase, we can provide what our teachers and students need. As always,
we will continue to be frugal and to stretch every dollar.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact my office directly. I am glad to answer any
questions that you may have.

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