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Full name : guedda aymane

Adress : oum Selma city eloued Algeria

Phone : +213 782246749
Email :
Position tittle : visiting student research program

This letter is to express my interest in the position of visiting student research program at king
Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), announced on your website , I am also
sending a CV, showing that my expertise exactly match as requirements listed in the position

This position particularly caught my eye, and I really like this object of teaching cars to drive and
UAVS to race as I recently read it on your website . My academic background is considered as
bachelor degree in ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING , in addition to this , my participation in many events
for instance : STEAM days of technology witch learn there skills to remote by Arduino in addition I do
projects by Arduino for example : intelligent light stop , smart house .., I also have training certificate
on solar energy witch give me big experience in this field ,

Those have given me strong skills to provide your organization with active development services
including every thing related to this position . Furthermore , as a volunteer in young activity in English
club and charity and engineering club more over trade and collective sport like football witch make
me social man and give me strong skills to develop public speaking , problem solving and decision
making .

I think my skills and experience make me an excellent fit for your organization . My CV is enclosed
for more review . My skills and experiences are qualifying me to be a good visiting student research
program .

I am looking forward to hearing from you .

Yours sincerely

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