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Prepared By:
Sayantan Dutta

Checked By:
Partha Pratim Singha Roy
Contents of this report are the property of RHI MAGNESITA and should not be
reproduced, published or used in any way without the permission of RHI
Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting

 Lower the time consumption and engagement of labour
 Uninterrupted process to avoid defects like cracks , cavity formation , bulging etc.
 Lower the surface temperature of ladle shell /Energy Saving
 Targeted time to execute the shot casting within 120 hours

To resist high service temperature and improving the durability of the ladle , a backup monolithic casting is
done . Initially insulation backup was done with Low Cement 70% Alumina castable (hydraulic bond) by
the process of vibration casting. The process was converted into short working schedule by the use of
pumpable castable (batch mix prepared in shotcrete machine). The working schedule of 132 hours was
reduced to 96 hours.
Issues with casting method with LC 70 LI
1. After the preparation of the mix , it is collected in the bucket and transferred & poured in the
formwork with the help of EOT crane. Total duration for completing the cycle of a single batch mix
(300 kg at a time) will be 12-15 minutes and more.
2. As there is no feeding as well as discharging system additional manpower required for feeding the
castable into the pan mixer and collecting the mix into the bucket from discharge end. Manpower is
engaged even for pouring of the mix into formwork
3. As LC 70 LI doesn’t have good flow-ability , therefore during the transfer of the mix & pouring , it
get solidify for quick setting time.
4. After pouring the mix into the formwork , continuous vibration is required to avoid formation of any
gap or cavity.
5. Due to quick setting time of LC 70 LI, we couldn’t prepare the next batch mix for casting until the
mix collecting bucket reaches to the discharge end of the mixer machine.
6. As there is material handling issue , the process is restricted to lower capacity for the preparation of
the mix.
7. As the procedure is fully dependent on the EOT crane (only mode of transport for the mix), it
becomes difficult to execute other jobs in ladle repair shop.
8. Due to multi-time casting , the process time material losses is comparatively more.
9. The process involves multiple safety issues like opening of bucket lock with mix , breakdown of
EOT crane while travelling etc.
Merits of Shotcasting/ Pumping method
1. Only for feeding the castable into the mixer of shotcrete machine , the process has to depend on EOT

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Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting
2. With the help of the material hosepipe , the mix from the machine is transferred into the shell
formwork .Hence additional cycle time for transferring the mix from machine end to ladle reduces
3. Due to better flow-ability of the pump-able castable , no defects like cavity formation etc are visible
after the completion of the casting (i.e. Uniform distribution of the mix at each point).
4. The procedure doesn’t require continuous external vibration alike casting with LC 70.
5. Only a skilled operator at feed end and 2-3 manpower for handling the material hose at the discharge
end are required (Manpower engaged is less).
6. The mix travels through a close system(pipe) , hence process time material loss is reduced. The
capacity of the machine is high therefore the time cycle for multiple layer casting reduces as well as
continuous preparation of the mix due to better flow-ability
7. Safety issues in this procedure can be mitigated .
Steel Ladle No- 6
Start time and date – 10:40 am – 24th May’19
End time and date - 05:30 pm – 28th May’19
Total material consumption for sidewall shot casting – 13T
-68T (Three different suppliers because of the availability of the material at site)
Total duration – 96 hours

 Previously the shotcreting was done in the slagzone region of steel ladle (SL#2 , SL#11 & SL#10).

1. After handover of the steel ladle ,we have checked the shell for slag/metal jam and loose retainer
plate and started for cleaning of shell (removal of worn insulation paper ) and vent holes .
2. Previously we first attempt for anchor cutting ,grinding and new welding , this time we skipped it
and started preparing for bottom casting .

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Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting
3. After completion of bottom casting , we left the cast for 4-5 hours for air drying/setting and then we
started Point.2.
4. There are total five sidewall formwork for casting and each formwork has to be casted one by one.
Each time after casting , we have to wait for at lest 3 hours (soaking time) for next formwork fixing
.The process was been shortened by casting the two sidewall formworks at a time.
5. Previously we used low cement 70% Alumina castable , which quickly set up if the mix didn’t flow
properly(or uniform vibration is not attempted). This time we used pumpable castable which has the
inherent property of streamline flow, hence chance of air pocket /cavity formation due to quick
solidification was avoided.
6. Accessories job like anchor welding & bending ,fixing of insulation board with plastics and fixing
the formwork along with support welding was completed during the soaking time (2-3hours later)
instead of completing it entirely before the casting.
Shell Cleaning
Bottom formwork fixing
Bottom Casting
Anchor cutting,grinding,welding, insulation board
fixing & Formwork fixing
1st & 2nd layer

3rd & 4th layer Job sequence in Shotcasting with

Shotcasting pump-able castable

5th layer


removal &

formwork Total number of sidewall
fixing formwork – 5


Insulation + Job sequence in Casting with LC
Formwork 70 LI

layer Casting

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Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting

Above figures shows the process of shotcasting in SL#6

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Steel Ladle Back up casting steps including timeline:

Comparison of backup casting vs Plan Actual %
1 (beyond % Complete (beyond plan)
backup shotcreting Duration Start Complete
Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting

Steel Ladle Back up shotcasting steps with pumpable castables including timeline:

No of steps reduced
along with time

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The graphs shows
1. The duration dedicated for casting the sidewall layers individually was reduced by shot casting to
two layers at a time.
2. Other accessories jobs like anchor cutting , grinding ,welding etc was done simultaneously in
shot casting , which was previously executed on individual basis.

Observations after installation

 In case of casting , previously we have observed cavity / pocket formation due to
interrupted mixing process during transferring the mix through EOT crane inside ladle and
solidification time of castable . Major cracks in the cast layer also observed.

Vertical cracks after heating (Casting)

Minimal Surface Defects (Shot-casting)

Cavity formation (Casting)

Steel Ladle Backup Shot Casting
 In shot casting, we can ensure the uniform / streamline flow of mix , hence can avoid the
real-time defects . Also interruption is avoided as the mix is directly sent from the machine
to the ladle shell through material hose pipe ( as per the pumping property of the castable)
.Hence uniform distribution of the mix throughout each point of the formwork can be
Further to Monitor
 After every relining , the backup condition needed to be checked specifically the backup
behind the slag zone because of the impact of chisel during dismantling .

Way forward
 As we have tried to mitigate the demerits of casting with LC 70 method, replacing it with
shotcreting / use of pump able castable , we didn’t face any difficulty in this procedure as
per now.
 We will evaluate the performance of the installation after completion of first circulation
campaign .

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