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Surface  Protozoa Main substrate needed glucose

RESPIRATION Divided into 1.External:
Gills  Fishes
-a mechanical process
-also known as breathing
Lungs  Humans
2. Internal: -maintains a continuous
-also called cellular respiration. exchange of CO2 and O2.
Tracheal system  Insects Structures
-a biochemical process.
Of Animals
Lungs, skin,  Amphibians -energy released from ATP.
mouth cavity
Divided into Divided into
2. Aerobic respiration:
Inspiration / Inhalation: Expiration / Exhalation:
-requires O2.
-O2 taken in through -CO2 released through
-breakdown of glucose is complete.
mouth / nostrils mouth / nostrils
-large amount of energy ↑.
-energy is used toform ATP. (a) Human muscle:
-occur in mitochondria. -happens during vigorous exercise.
(b) yeast / plants:
-CO2 released as waste products. -lactic acid builds up in muscle
-glucose is converted into
 causes muscle fatigue.
1.Anaerobic respiration: ethanol + energy + CO2.
process is also called -after exercise, deep and fast breathing
-≠ require O2.
-breakdown of glucose is not fermentation.
 to break down lactic acid.(in muscle
complete. -ethanol is converted back to CO2
and liver)
-less amount of energy↑. and energy when O2 is present.
Occurs in -amount of O2 needed for the
-occur in cytoplasm.
breakdown is called “Oxygen debt”.
-by products are:
-lactic acid is broken down to form CO2
i)lactic acid in animals.
and energy.
ii)ethanol in yeasts & plants.
-energy from this process is less.

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