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RESPIRATION as muscular contraction,

 It is the process by conduction of nerve

which food substances impulses, secretion of
are chemically broken enzymes, growth etc.
down in all living cells  Tissue respiration takes
to release energy, CO2, place mainly in cell
water or alcohol. organelles called
 It takes place in all mitochondria.
living cells and involves  Structure of
a series of complex Mitochondria
enzyme catalyzed  X
reactions.  Mitochondria are small
 NB- Respiration is a round or rod shaped cell
chemical process taking organelles found in cells
place inside tissue cells and provide sites for
while gaseous exchange respiratory activity.
is a purely physical  Living cells such as the
process which takes kidney cells, the flight
place at respiratory muscles of insects and
surfaces birds, the sperm cells
 Respiration is also called and muscle cells have
tissue respiration or high energy
internal respiration requirements and
 SIGNIFICANCE OF consequently posses’
RESPIRATION large number of
 It provides energy which mitochondria.
is obtained due to the  Mitochondrion has two
break down of food. membranes, the outer
Foods which can provide and inner membrane that
lots of energy are are separated by fluid
carbohydrates (starch filled spaces.
and glucose) and fats.  The inner membrane
 The energy derived from folds into projections
these food substances is inside the area for
used for activities such respiratory activities.
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Enzymes are bound to inorganic phosphate
the cristae. molecule to form
 TYPES OF another compound called
 There are two types: Triphosphate (ATP)
-Aerobic respiration
ADP +(PO4 )3- +Energy
-Anaerobic respiration
ATP (High Energymolecule)
(a) Aerobic
 It is the process in which (Adenosine Diphosphate)
food substances such as  Aerobic respiration can
glucose are broken down be summarized by the
in the presence of following equation
oxygen in tissue cells to  C6H12O6+6O2
release energy water and 6CO2+6H2O +Energy
carbon iv oxide. (ATP)
 The total energy released  Molecules of ATP store
at the end of respiration the energy released in
(oxidation) is very high. respiration in their bonds
 If all the energy were and avails it to cells
released at once in the readily when required.
form of heat it would  Activity 1: To
burn the body cells. To investigate what gas is
protect the cells from given off when food is
burning, the heat energy burnt
is released in small  Materials
quantities in stages.  Food sample (starch
 This energy is used to powder)
bring about a chemical  Source of heat
reaction in which a  Boiling tubes
compound in the cell  One holed rubber
called adenosine stopper
diphosphate (ADP)  Delivery tube
combines with an  Calcium hydroxide

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 Solution (lime water) test tube with the food
 Procedure
 Disconnect the apparatus
 Place some food sample and rub anhydrous
in a dry boiling tube and cobalt II Chloride paper
insert a one-holed rubber on the inner upper side
stopper into the mouth of of the boiling tube
the tube. containing the food
 Hold the boiling tube sample.
containing the food  Record the colour
sample horizontally. change observed on the
 Pour a little calcium cobalt II Chloride
hydroxide solution into  Discussion
another boiling tube and  When the starch was
support it. Using a heated at the beginning,
delivery tube connect the some drops of water
two boiling tube into the were deposited on the
lime water is as walls of the test tube.
illustrated in the figure This water comes from
below:- starch
 When the food sample
was heated strongly, it
turned into a black
substance. This
substance is carbon.
 When carbon was heated
 Heat the boiling tube with the delivery tube
containing the food dipped in the boiling
substance strongly. tube containing lime
 Observe and record water, the lime water
what happens to the food turned to a white
sample, lime water and precipitate/ became
the upper sides of the cloudy/turbid. This is
due to the presence of

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carbon iv oxide in the  C6 H12O6 enzyme

gas that was produced. CH3COCOOH + 6O2

 The results indicate that 6CO3
the food sample contains +6H2O + ATP (Pyruvic acid)
Carbon, Hydrogen and controlled reactions in cytoplasm
Oxygen (CHO)
 Respiration takes place  Second phase (Kreb’s
in two major phases i.e. cycle) citric acid cycle
First phase (Glycolysis)  This phase takes place in
 The earliest stages of the matrix of the
respiration takes place mitochondria.
without using oxygen.  It involves a series of
These stages involve a enzyme controlled
series of chemical reactions that require
reactions which occur in oxygen
the cytoplasm of the cell.  The pyruvic acid formed
 A compound with a 3- in first phase is further
carbon molecule called oxidized by oxygen in a
pyruvic acid is formed series of enzymatic
from glucose. reactions into CO2,
 After pyruvic acid has Energy and water as end
been formed and oxygen products i.e.
is not supplied to the
cell, pyruvic acid is enzyme
partially broken down to
6CO2 + 6H2O + ATP
lactic acid in animals or
 (Pyruvic acid) Oxygen
ethyl alcohol (ethanol)
controlled reactions carbon iv oxide
and CO2 in plants e.g.
water30 molecules
 At the end of this cycle,
30 molecules of ATP are
produces thus at the end
 NB- In Glycolysis one
of aerobic respiration, 38
molecule of glucose
ATP molecules are
yields 8 molecules of
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produced i.e. 8 ATPS –  Place a thermometer in
Glycolysis each flask such that the
bulb is surrounded by
 For the above process to seed
be maintained in the  Hold each thermometer
living cells, the with cotton wool and
following conditions are record the initial
necessary: - temperature
 Cells must be provided
 Record the temperature
with glucose/food
every morning and
 Oxygen must be taken
evening for a week.
in and react with glucose
 There must be
respiratory enzymes to
catalyze the reaction
 Favorable temperature
should be maintained for
efficient enzyme
 The end products of the
reaction i.e. CO2, water  Germinating seeds break
and energy must down stored
constantly be removed carbohydrates in the
from the mitochondrion. process of respiration in
order to get energy
 Expt: To show that which they require for
heat is produced growth.
during respiration  Some of the energy is
 Soak seeds for 24 hours released as heat; hence
and then divide them there will be temperature
into 2 equal portions rise in the flask
 Boil one portion of the containing germinating
seeds for 10 minutes, let seeds.
them cool and wash  The boiled seeds did not
them in 10% formalin produce any heat
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because they didn’t carry form alcohol, CO2 and
out any respiration. energy.
 Before the experiment  In animals anaerobic
the seeds were respiration leads to the
disinfected with 10% formation of lactic acids
formalin to kill bacteria and energy e.g.
that would cause decay
of seeds C6H12O6
 The flasks were inverted 2C3H6O3+2O2 + energy
in order to prevent loss (Glucose) (lactic acid)
of heat. Warm air rises  NB the incomplete
up and if the flasks are breakdown of glucose in
not upside down, warm anaerobic respiration
air in the flask would result in the production
rise and lead to heat loss of less energy than in
from the germinating case of aerobic
seeds respiration.
 In the absence of O2,
 Anaerobic respiration
most plant and animal
 It occurs in the absence tissues can respire
of oxygen. In the plants anaerobically for a
glucose is oxidized in limited period.
the absence of O2 to give  It is essential that they
ethanol, CO2 and energy get rid of the end
e.g. products (lactic acid in
animals and ethanol in
C6H12O6 2C2H5OH +2CO+ plants) immediately.
energy(Glucose)(Ethanol) This is because these end
(Carbon IV oxide) products become toxic to
 Anaerobic respiration in the organism if left to
plants is also referred to accumulate within the
as Fermentation cells.
Fermentation occurs  Oxygen debt
when bacteria or fungi  This is the O2 required to
breakdown glucose to get rid of the lactic acid
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that accumulates in the There are 2 types of
body tissues when the anaerobes.
supply of O2 is less than  Obligate anaerobes.
the demand.  Respire in the absence of
 Under these conditions O2 and die in the
the animal’s tissues presence of O2. They
respire through lack the enzyme
anaerobic respiration and catalysis which breaks
this causes lactic acid to down hydrogen
accumulate in the peroxide. (H2O2) e.g.
tissues.  Escherichia coli
 The lactic acid might  Bacillus subtilis
cause fatigue and result  Clostridium botulinum
in muscular cramps e.g.  Clostridium tetan.
When a short distance  Facultative anaerobes
runner or driver holds  Respire in the presence
his/her breathe while or absence of O2 e.g.
running or diving. The yeast, most bacteria,
O2 debt incurred here is parasites or fungi.
“paid” back by the Comparison between
person breathing more aerobic and anaerobic
quickly and more deeply Aerobic Anaerobic
in order to increase the respiration respiration
supply of O2 during the O2 is necessary O2 is not
recovery period after the for the process required
race. to take place hence
 During the process of hence a substrate is
paying back the O2 debt, complete not broken
lactic acid is oxidized to oxidation of down
CO2, water and energy the substrate completely
when O2 is available.
 Anaerobic organisms More energy Less energy
 The organisms that carry released ( 38 released (2
out anaerobic respiration ATP ATP
are called anaerobes. molecules) molecules)
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from one from one  Distillation of some of
glucose glucose the products of
molecule molecule. fermentation gives rise
Substrate is Substrate is to stronger alcoholic
completely not drinks called spirits e.g.
broken down completely Distilling wine makes
to CO2 and broken down brandy.
water producing In the dairy industry
lactic acid  Milk contains lactic acid
and alcohol bacteria which
The end End products anaerobiccaly breaks
products are are alcohol in down milk sugar called
water and CO2 plants. Lactic lactose to form lactic
acid in acid which makes the
animals. milk sour. The dairy
Occurs in Occurs in products include: cheese,
cytoplasm. cytoplasm butter, yoghurt and
Mitochondria cream.
Sewage treatment
Application of plants
anaerobic respiration  Certain bacteria are
Commercial introduced into the
production of alcohol sewage to break it down
 In the brewing industry, by anaerobic respiration.
barley is fermented with These reduce the bulk of
yeast to produce beer. the sewage which on
 In the wine industry, further treatment is
sugar from grapes is the purified and is safe for
source of germination. release into rivers or
Different strains of yeast water bodies.
are used during the In agriculture
anaerobic process to  The making of silage is
produce wines of an anaerobic
different flavours. fermentation process

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which is carried out on produced. Thus the
farms. bread becomes porous.
 Silage is prepared by Commercial
allowing bacteria to production of oxalic
ferment vegetation acid, citric acid and
giving it a good flavour vinegar.
and scent. The silage is  These are produced
used as animals feed. through anaerobic
Production of biogas respiration. Those
and gasohol products are used in food
 Manures from cows or processing.
other waste plant Fossil fuel formation.
materials can be used as  As the organic remains
a substrate for take many years to
fermentation, producing decay. Fossil fuel such
biogas which contains as natural oil, gas, coal
70% methane. The gas and peat are formed.
can be used for cooking Expt: to investigate the
and lighting. gas produced during
 Cane sugar is used to fermentation
produce gasohol in the  Boil about 20 cm3 of
presence of yeast. glucose in a tube, cool to
Gasohol can also be 40 Oc and add some
pressed from ethanol. yeast.
Gasohol can be used on  Pour onto the glucose
its own to run engines. and yeast suspension
In the home. some kerosene oil.
 In bread production for Leave for about one
domestic and hour. ( several minutes)
commercial use. During  Put some lime water
fermentation using yeast, (calcium hydroxide) in a
CO2 produced in the test tube and connect this
dough mixtures causes test tube to the boiling
the dough to rise as tube using the delivery
bubbles of the gas are tube. Rubber
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 stopper as shown in the makes the lime water
diagram below appears turbid (white
precipitate is formed).
This is carbon iv oxide
Respiratory substrates
 They are substances that
are oxidized to release
energy. They are:
 They are the common
oxidized substrates.
Discussion Excess carbohydrates are
 The water was first stored in plants in the
boiled to expel any form of starch and in
dissolved oxygen to animals in the form of
prevent any aerobic glycogen.
respiration form taking  Carbohydrates are
place. broken down into simple
 Yeast being a living forms of glucose and
organism would be fructose before being
killed or its enzymes oxidized
denatured with hot  19% carbohydrates
water. This is the reason release 17kj when
for first cooling the oxidized.
water before the yeast is Fats
added to it.  They are oxidized when
 As the yeast respires in carbohydrates resources
the absence of O2, it uses are depleted. Fats are
up some of the sugar and broken down by
produces a gas and enzymes called lipases
ethanol. into glycerol and fatty
 The gas causes a lot of acids before being
frothing in the conical oxidized.
flask and some of it goes  Ig of fat yields 38kj
up the delivery tube and when oxidized. Most
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food stored in plants and the amount of oxygen
animals is in the form of used in respiration i.e.
fats and lipids. R.Q= volume of CO2
 Fats are not the main produced
substrates of respiration Volume of O2 consumed
because:  During aerobic
 They are not very respiration of
soluble and therefore not carbohydrates the RQ=I
easily transported to the i.e.
sites of respiration.
 It will also require more
O2 to oxidize one gram  R.Q of fat= 0.7
of fat than one gram of  R.Q of proteins= 0.9
glucose  R.Q of Carbohydratest=
Proteins 1.0
 They are oxidized when Factors affecting
both carbohydrates and Respiratory quotient
fat reserves are (R.Q)
exhausted especially  Type of respiration-
during prolonged Aerobic respiration gives
starvation. Proteins are an R.Q of 1.0 or less
hydrolyzed by enzyme while anaerobic
protease into amino respiration gives an R.Q
acids. The amino acids greater than 1.0.
are denominated to urea  Type of substrate-
and a carboxyl group. Oxidation of
 One gram of protein carbohydrates gives an
produces 22kj when R, Q of 1.0, proteins 0.9,
oxidized. lipids 0.7.
Respiratory  Metabolic processes
quotient (R.Q)  Synthesis of fats,
 It’s a ratio showing the carbohydrates and
relationship between the organic acids use a lot of
amount of carbon IV oxygen to produce low
oxide produced against volumes of CO2.
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 During seed dormancy  Factors affecting the
the R.Q is more than rate of respiration
1.0.During germination  Age
the value of R.Q reduces  Young people are more
to 0.7. active than old people.
 Hibernation-It’s the The rate of respiration or
state of inactivity during metabolism is faster in
winter when animals young people than in old
burrow underground to people.
escape the low  Young plants have a
temperatures. faster rate of respiration
 During this time the than old plants.
animals are less active.  State of health
The major substrate  The rate of metabolism
respired are fats. increases during illness
 Aestivation- It’s the so as to remove toxic
state of inactivity during substances released by
which some animals pathogens.
burrow to escape hot  Size
weather.  Small animals have a
 (g) Age--R.Q increases large surface area to
when one becomes volume ratio compared
older. to bigger animals. Small
 Temperature of the animals lose heat at a
surrounding-R.Q will faster rate thus they
be lower in low respire at a faster rate to
temperatures and higher replace the lost heat.
during higher  Temperature
temperatures.  Respiration is an enzyme
 Health status of controlled reaction. At
organism-During low temperatures, the
sickness R.Q increases rate of respiration is low.
due to the effect of the An increase in
infection such as the temperature increases
presence of toxins. the rate of respiration.
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 Above the optimal available in the tissues.
temperature, enzymes When the amount of
become denatured and oxygen is low the rate of
the reaction stops. respiration slows down.
 Activity When the amount of
 An organism at rest oxygen is high the rate
mainly requires energy of respiration increases.
for sustaining of life  In diving animals the
processes e.g. breathing oxygen concentration in
and circulation of blood. their environment is low
This energy is referred to hence as soon as they
as Basal Metabolic Rate dive, cardiac frequency
(BMR) drastically decreases
 BMR increases in active (bradycardia) and the
organisms. In humans, arterioles of all the vital
males have a higher body organs constrict so
BMR than females. that oxygen can be
 Hormones delivered to the vital
 Certain hormones in the organs that cannot
body such as adrenaline endure oxygen
and Thyroxine increase deprivation e.g. the brain
respiratory activities. and the heart.
 Substrate  As a result of this, less
concentration oxygen reaches other
 The primary respiratory body tissues and organs
substrate in the tissues is hence their respiration
sugar. When sugar rate reduces.
concentration increases,  Expt; To demonstrate
the rate of respiration that respiration takes
also increases. The place in plants
reverse is also true.  Procedure
 Oxygen concentration  Set up the apparatus as
 Respiration is affected shown below
by the amount of oxygen

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 After 30 minutes, a
 The delivery tubes white precipitate forms
should be arranged so in the lime water in
that one arm forms the conical flask B. this
inlet and the other outlet. shows that the potted
 Use petroleum jelly or plant is respiring
wax to seal off any gaps producing carbon iv
in the tubes to stop air oxide which reacts with
entering into the lime water to produce
apparatus. the white precipitate.
 The potted plant is  The black cotton
placed under the bell jar prevents the green plant
and the bell jar is from carrying out
covered with the photosynthesis.
impermeable materials Expt; To show aerobic
to exclude any carbon iv respiration in animals
oxide from the soil.  Put some 2cm³ of
 When the filter pump is bicarbonate indicator
switched on, air flows solution in 2 conical
through the whole set flasks and label them A
up. and B.
 NB Soda lime is used to  Put 2 grasshoppers on a
remove any carbon iv muslin cloth or wire net
oxide in the air entering and place them in
conical flask A hence conical flask A. Cover
lime water in A remains the conical flask
clear. immediately with the
rubber bung.
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 After 30 minutes the
 In conical flask B place bicarbonate indicator
only a muslin cloth or solution in A turns from
wire net. Cover the red to yellow. This
conical flask shows that grasshoppers
immediately with the are releasing carbon iv
rubber bung and leave oxide through
the set-up for 30 respiration.
minutes.  The bicarbonate
indicator solution in B
remains red. Set-up B
acts as a control

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