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Children need more play time in order to develop into

healthy adults

When I was a child, I used to play every day on the

street with my friends, neither there were computer
games nor mobiles phones, my mother took care of
me from the kitchen, in my opinion it was a happy time,
for this reason, I think that children need more play
time to be healthy adults.

Doctors say that children should have one hour of

physical activity a day to have health benefits in the
future. If they do more physical activities, they don´t
develop diseases such as obesity. Usually it´s a huge
problem of children nowadays. At the same time, it
depends of play, it would increase creativity, and
develop communication skills with children of the
same age.

On the contrary, a recent article of New York Times

says that children don’t need more free time, if the
play alone it is not as beneficial as when they play
with their parents or friends. They need more
attention. They need strong bonds with their family.
Parents would try to play and talk with their kids and
start cultivating a real home. Also, parents must
control time that children waste with addictive
computer games it isn´t healthy. In the same way, if
we think in healthy adults, doctors say that are other
factors that are more important for children than play,
like nutrition and peaceful environment.

As a conclusion, play is important, but in this assay, I

try to present other factors that are more important
than get long time to play, the type of game and the
strong bonds that could form with other people.

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