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CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Consumer Health refers to the decisions you make about the
purchase of product and use of health information and services that will have direct effect on
your health

2. CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Health Information is the data and facts you got from media
and people including the professionals and agencies.

3. CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Health Products are those substances, materials or

equipment prepared or manufactured for you to buy and use in the maintenance of health and
the treatment of diseases. Example is foods, eyeglasses, medicines, cosmetics, cars, appliances
and others.

4. CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Health Services refer to health information, actions,

procedures or work furnished, or supplied to help satisfy your needs and wants as a consumer.
This is services and things people do to and for other people. Example of health services are
medical consultation and treatment, using the telephone, using the electricity, and payment for
transportation, payment for haircut, payment for news papers and your favorite magazines and

5. CONSUMER HEALTH EDUCATION Consumer Health Education is the process of assisting you to
acquire the correct information and understanding so that you will able to make wise decision
about a certain health item.

6. WHO IS A CONSUMER? We all are because we are all users. We use goods and services every
day. We need food, clothing and shelter. We travel on busses and trains, visit the doctors and
dentist, go to the library, or watch television. At home we use energy in the form of gas,
electricity, coal, expect clean drinkable water from the tap.

7. WHO IS A CONSUMER? CONSUMER- means a natural person who is a purchaser, lessee,

recipient or prospective purchaser, lesser or recipient of consumer products, services or credit.

8. DIFFERENT KINDS OF CONSUMER • Spendthrift • Close – Fisted • Wasteful • Bargain Addict •

Intelligent • Panic Buyer • Impulsive Buyer

9. Consumer Source of Information in buying Products and Services 1. Labels and Directions 2.
Practitioners 3. Health Publications 4. Consumer Advocacy Group 5. Government Agencies 6.
Health Educators 7. Family and Friends 8. Advertisement and Commercials 9. Folklore 10.Mass

10. CONSUMER RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES Being good consumer means knowing what to
look out for and what to avoid. It means know where and how to get the best value for money,
where to go if things go wrong. Your role as a consumer has both right and responsibilities. 1.
The right to safety- To be protected against products, production, processes and services that are
hazardous to health or life 2. The right to be informed- To be given facts needed to make an
informed choice and protected against dishonest or misleading advertising and labeling 3. The
right to choose- to be able to select from a range of products and services and competitive
prices with an assurance satisfactory quality.

11. REPUBLICT ACT NO. 7394 - CONSUMER ACT OF THE PHILIPPINES It is the policy of the State
to protect the interests of the consumer, promote his general welfare and to establish standards
of conduct for business and industry. Towards this end, the State shall implement measures to
achieve the following objectives: ØProtection against hazards to health and safety; ØProtection
against deceptive, unfair and unconscionable sales acts and practices ØProvision of information
and education to facilitate sound choice and the proper exercise of rights by the consumer
ØProvision of adequate rights and means of redress ØInvolvement of consumer representatives
in the formulation of social and economic policies

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