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Get up early/late
2. Have breakfast at… (home or a restaurant?)
3. Go to work by… (car or bike?)
4. Go home by… (boat or motorbike?)
5. Have lunch at… (time)
6. Eat… (a pizza or a hamburger?) for lunch early – cedo

7. Attack… (pirates or criminals?) in the street/on the sea late – tarde

8. Go to bed early/late

1. Follow the steps:

1st – Decide with your partner which of you is Captain Jack and Catwoman.
2nd – Ask your partner questions about their daily routine. Use the question words –
When / Where / How / What.
3rd – Choose the expressions from the box and answer the questions.
Task 2



1. Use a dice to see which number you get.

2. Match the picture with the number corresponding to a verb and a sport.

3. Talk to your partner about your sport heroes.

e.g. Vanessa Fernandes is number 1. She doesn’t like judo.

Useful Strategies
– Olha atentamente para a caixa das expressões. Verifica se as compreendes todas. Caso contrário tenta
encontrar o significado na página de vocabulário ou questiona o teu professor – What does the expression …
mean? (task 1).
– Pratica a memorização das expressões durante uns minutos, individualmente ou em pares (task 1).
– Formula corretamente as questões ao teu colega.
– Responde usando as expressões sugeridas na caixa.
– Observa o tipo de frases sugerido no exemplo e adequa as tuas frases de acordo com as colunas do teu
exercício (task 2).
– Relembra a utilização correta dos verbos na 3.ª pessoa do singular.

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