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Male sterilization


Institutional Affiliation

Male sterilization

Use of the Method

Male sterilization is referred to as vasectomy, it is a procedure that is applied on males making it

impossible for them to make a woman pregnant. It prevent the sperms of a man from going to his

penis thus his ejaculation does not have sperm to fertilize the woman.

How it Prevent Pregnancy

The procedure is done under local anesthesia, the healthcare provider makes a tiny incisions on

the scrotum and cuts, block or tie the tube that carry sperms to the penis. After that procedure

sperms are not able to enter the penis to fertilize the egg.

Unique risk

 Collection of blood on the scrotum

 Sperm linking from the tubes that may cause an infection

Unique Advantages

 It more than 99% effective to prevent pregnancy

 It does not have long-term effects on health

 Do not affect sex drive or hormone levels

 It is simple and a safe procedure

STI protection

Vasectomy does not have any protection against STI. A person who have unprotected sex and

have vasectomy is still on the risk of getting STI. It is because the man is not prevented from

having contact with virginal fluid by the procedure.

How much it cost

In most countries vasectomy is available for free of charge. However, waiting list can be several

months. The waiting time for the procedure is dependent on the location. Since the waiting list

can be long some people may pay to have it done privately. The average cost of the procedure

when done privately is $ 1000 including visits and follow up.

Where to get the service

GP surgeries

Sexual health or genitourinary medicine clinics

Contraception clinics

How to bring up a new partner

It may be not hard to bring the issue with a new partner even if the procedure is irreversible one

could still be able to make a woman pregnant by the use IVF. The man needs to explain why he

decided to do the procedure.

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