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Kacy Maala BSIT 1-2

Advocacy Campaign

Advocacy: Save the Mother Earth: One Family One Tree

Target Audience: Every family who are willing to save Earth


The goal and objectives of this advocacy is to:

1. Provide better quality to our environment.

2. Develop a sense of responsibility to the environment especially when it comes to


3. Help recover forests due to deforestation.

4. Raise awareness to every family that trees are fading, animals are crying, earth is dying
and our love for our environment is slowly fading.

5. Encourage every family to plant a tree.


Trees are not there just to bring nature but it also help clean the air by absorbing
pollutants, provide oxygen, save water, and grow food. The fading color of the heart-shaped
planet symbolizes not just our slowly fading nature but it also shows how our love for our planet
is slowly fading. I used different color for the words "The Earth" and "Tree" to emphasize the
most important ideas of my advocacy. Let us all become environmentally literate and responsible
citizen who will protect the environment.

BSIT 1-2

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