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Teacher: Carlos Ramón Cruz Vega
Learning Evidence #1:
Group: 1 “A”-101
Matrícula: 2014761 - Adame Salas Patricio
Matrícula: 2006480 - Bazaldúa Rubio Ángel Mario
Matrícula: 2021036 - Dueñas Álvarez Carlos Alexis
Matrícula: 2025526 - García Martínez Emmanuel
Matrícula: 2027640 - Lerma Rodríguez Luciano Guadalupe

This is for representative
autors of the age

Thisis forimportant succes

in theage
This is the date when the
things happened
The fire
The technology made it
Nomads posible to obtain more The discovery of the fire
Began to grow and products. transformed the way of
Villages Human settlements
to divide the tasks life of the people.
They build the first Their key activities were
to survive.
houses with stone, aimed at hunting and
wood and straw. gathering wild fruits.
Tales of Mileto (460-370 BC)
(624-546 BC) He proposed the existence of a
Was the first philosopher of component so indivisible and
the pysis. infinitly small called atom.
Empedocles of Agrigento
(495-444 BC)
He proposed the four most
important elements in the world
(fire, water, air, earth).

Creation of cities The cities began to Social Clases Develop
Old villages were exchange knowledge In the biggest cities (like With the slaves, the
transformed in cities with others cities. Egipt, Greek, and Roma) biggest cities stop the
with agriculture, complex social and research to develop
aqueducts and politicals structures new techniques and
constructions. appeared. technology.
Aristotle (310-230 BC) Claudius Ptolomy
(384-322 BC) He proposed the heliocentric (85-165 AD)
He devised and recorded the theory; that the stars and the
He affirmed that all the celestial
first clasification of livings sun remain motionless and
bodies describe perfectly circular
beings. the earth revolves around
orbits around the Earth.
He formulated the geocentric the sun following
theory. circumference.
Robert Grosseteste
Technological advances Religious
The Arab and Chinese was one of the most Christianity spread
civilizations continued their prominent and remarkable throughout Europe,
scientific and technological figures in thirteenth-century taking control of its
advances. English intellectual life. political, social and
economic order
Robert Boyle
Galileo Galilei
An english scientist and a
Was the pioneer of the
pioneer in the area who would
experimental scientific method
Nicolaus Copernicus later by called “chemistry”. He
and the first to use a reflecting
proposed the concept of
Isaac Newton
(1473-1543) telescope. (1643-1727)
He proposed the heloicentric fundamental particles.
Found the deterministic laws of
theory proposed by Aristarchus the big mechanics of the
of Samos. Universe.

Manual and craft works

were replaced
Protestant reformation Bourgeoisie Began the mechanization of
It spread information Composed of merchants and Industrial textile industries and the
previously reserved only to artistans who don´t worked Revolution constructions of iron
select groups (clergy and longer for the feudal lord. machines.
The most critical
nobility) and laid the
technical advance was
foundations of the society
the steam engine.
we live reciently.
Capitalism Charles David Keeling
Taylorism The industrial revolution 1928-2005
This ideology consisted of brought with the capitalism, in
Presented the first evidence
the specialization of labor, which the labor conditions of
that carbon dioxide produced
the elimination of the worker worsens markedly. by automobiles and factories
downtime and maximize was negatively affecting the
their productivity. Earth's climate.
Stephen Hawking
Elon Musk
Stephen Hawking was a British scientist,
Elon Reeve Musk is a South
professor and author who performed
African-born American entrepreneur
groundbreaking work in physics and
and businessman

Easiness of access to new
The Internet, made it
posible to know nearly
Caused a significant increase in every fact all over the
the estandard of living . world in just moment.
• Luciano Guadalupe Lerma Rodriguez:
When we have to think about the innovation of the future we have to look at the mistakes
and the positive things of the past, where most of the things we have are of the characters
of the past who intervened in the development of different areas of life as well as past
civilizations that recognize the universe and the nature.
• Patricio Adame Salas:
In conclusion, the humanity have been evolved a lot since old times, this timeline help
us to see how it have been changed. We should be proud of the old thinkers, i think that
is incredible that they start to try to explain the things since 3,000 years. It would be
interesting to see them in their normal lives. Because of their investigations, we can
explain a lot of things that probably we didn't know without them, but there is a lot of
more things that don’t have an explication, so I hope in the future appear new thinkers
that make life a more understood place.
• Carlos Alexis Dueñas Alvarez:
Timelines are a very useful tool to better understand the landscape we want to analyze. In
this case it was possible to better understand the stages through which society has
passed, the characteristics of each period together with the most representative thinkers of
that time.
With the analysis of this line, it can be observed that in the earliest periods the thinkers
predominated who used mainly the observation (senses) to make their predictions
(empiricists) but from the renaissance where the scientific method was created, it is
observed that the thinkers now focus on doing experiments to test their hypotheses, and
that prevails until today.
• Angel Mario Bazaldúa Rubio:
The human exist since a very long time and they have evolved over the years in they
techniques, technologies, organization, ways to think, etc.
The human since a have they exist they research answers for phenomenons of the place
of they lives. The research of new knowledge was the cause of origin the philosopers,
because of them, now they know about the matter composition, about the body human,
about the world, about the universe, etc. This knowledge and ways of think these
originated the sciences.
All the knowledge its was used by humans in daily life to create new techniques and
technologies so that the human species will continue to developing.
Thanks to all the research of techniques and technologies, and the knowledge learning, the
human was could evolve to present day and that is why it is important to know about many
scientific areas to know the right and the wrong, ways to work more easily, etc. All this will
help us to live a beautiful and easily life.
• Emmanuel García Martínez:
In this work it was seen how the development of science and technology have helped
transform our reality as we know it. It is impressive how philosophers were able to intuit
something they did not experience physically. In the timeline, the scientific and technical
advances that were developed in each of the ages of humanity are described, up to what
we know today. Each event forged a foundation for all the knowledge we have today.
Always the study of the past will help us to do better in the future.
• Editors. (2014). Elon Musk Biography. August 30, 2019, of
A&E Television Networks Sitio web:
• Editors. (2014). Stephen Hawking Biography. August 30,
2019, of A&E Television Networks Sitio web:
• Name Lewis. (2007). Robert Grosseteste . August 31, 2019, de Metaphysics
Research Lab, Stanford University Sitio web:
• Ángel Díaz. (2005). Charles David Keeling, descubridor del cambio
climático. August 31, 2019, de El mundo Sitio web:

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