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SCHOOL: Scoala Gimnaziala Boldur

SUBJECT: English
TEXTBOOK: Learn English with music- Booklet TEACHER: Laudacescu Roxana-Miruna
YEAR/NO. OF LESSONS PER WEEK.: year 0/1 lesson

Planificare didactica pe semestrul I

Anul şcolar 2019-2020

Nr. Unităţi de învăţare C.S. Conţinuturi Nr.ore Data Obs.


Hello 1.1 1.2 1.3 - introducing oneself

1. 2.1 2.2 .2.3 -„my name is ... „ song 1 9.09-15.09

- numbers 1 – 10
Clap with me - clap with me! Game 16.09-20.09
I’m six 1.1 1.3 - talking about age: How old are you? 2 23.09-27.09
2. 2.1 2.3 .3.1 - „I’m six” song

How are you? - expressing simple feelings: How are you?

Pets are great! 1.1 1.2 1.3 - „How are you today?” 30.09-4.10
3. 2.1 2.2 3.1 - pets 2 7.10-11.10
- listen and clap- game

- parts of the body(1) O
My body 1.1 1.2 1.3 - Listen, chant and do! 14.10-18.10 L
4. I’ve got three arms 2.1 2.2 . 2.3 - parts of the body(2) 2 21.10-25.10 I
3.1 4.1 - what’s missing? game D
- clothes(1)
My hat is blue 1.1 1.3 - „I’ve got...’ song 4.11-8.11
5. My shirt is green 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 - colours 2 11.11-15.11
4.1 - „ what are you wearing today?” - project

- family members
My family 1.1 1.2 1.3 - „Hello, dear !- song 18.11-22.11
6. I’ve got a pink dress 2.1 2.2 2.3 3.1 - clothes(2) 2 25.11-29.11
4.1 - guess who’s this? game

Let’s play! 1.1 1.2 1.3 Revision of songs and vocabulary 2.12-6.12
7. 2.1 2.2 (2.4) 3.1 Game: Simon says! 2 9.12-13.12

- Christmas poems
Christmas time! 1.3 - Carols
8. 2.1 3.1 1 16.12-20.12

Total ore: 14
1. LEARN ENGLISH WITH MUSIC- caiet de lucru pentru clasa pregatitoare, Ed. Booklet, 2019;
2. ENGLISH TOGETHER – manual de limba engleză pentru începători;
3. ENGLISH NURSERY RHYMES – manual de poezii pentru cei mici;
4. GAMES FOR CHILDREN, Ed. Litera, Bucureşti, 1994;
6. HIGH FIVE – manual de cântece pentru cei mici, Longman;
7. SELECTED ENGLISH SONGS, Ed. Aramis, 1999;
8. THE MUSIC BOX – manual de cântece pentru cei mici;
9. Programa şcolară pentru disciplina COMUNICARE ÎN LIMBA MODERNA 1 Clasa pregătitoare, clasa I şi clasa a II-a Aprobată prin ordin
al ministrului Nr. 3418/19.03.2013

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