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Chapter 3


This chapter discusses the research design and methodology of the study.

It shows how the procedural operations of the research problem of this study were to be


Research Design

To meet the aims and objectives of the study it is important that the researcher selects the

most appropriate design for achieving the aims of the study (Parahoo 2006). This study will

utilize the descriptive-correlational research design. Through this research design, where in the

researchers looked into the relationship between two variables, specifically it will explain and

relate the effects of dissociative disorders on the academic performance of senior high school


Sources of Data

The study has two sources of data, namely; primary and secondary sources. The primary

sources of data are the original source that documents an event in time, a person or an idea

(,20).The researchers will use a closed/structured questionnaires as

their primary source of data.

The secondary sources of data build upon primary resources by analyzing, interpreting,

synthesizing or discussing them (,20). The researchers will collect the

information from a diverse source of documents as their secondary source of data.

Population of the Study

The researchers will employ simple random sampling method wherein the senior high

school population will be divided into subgroups according to grade level and section. Random

sampling technique refers to a variety of selection techniques in which sample members are

selected by chance, but with a known probability of selection (Lavarkus, 2008). The respondents

were then randomly selected proportionally from the different subgroups. The target respondents

of the study will be composed of 150 participants from the senior high school students. The

sample size of the study will be determined using the statistical formula.

Instrumentation and Validation

The research will use a questionnaire for the purpose of collecting the needed primary

data. The instrument is divided into three (3) parts. Part 1 deals on their personal information like

grade level and section. Part II covers the symptoms of dissociative disorder and levels of

outbreak. Part III focuses on the level of performance of the senior high school students based

on their academic performance and GPA.

Since the questionnaires are non-standardized, it will be subjected to the face and content

validity. It will be presented to the panel of experts; one in behavioral teacher, in research, and in

statistics for their comments and suggestions.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will personally administer the survey instrument to the respondents.

First, questionnaires will be distributed to senior high school students of Holy Rosary College.

After giving the survey form, the researchers will explain the procedures of answering the

questionnaire. The questionnaires will be collected right after they answer them. Then the

researchers will ask the senior high school advisers to provide the students’ GPA and guarantees
them of confidentiality. Along with this will be the consent to allow the researchers to have the

specific data (GPA) in order to make this study successful. The gathered data will be tailed,

tabulated, analyzed, and interpreted.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools used for the quantitative analysis in this study were the following:

1. Weighted mean will be used to determine the number of senior high school students who have

dissociative order, and it will also determine

2. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation will be used to determine if there is significant effects of

dissociative disorder to the academic performance of senior high school students.

3. Pearson-Product Moment Correlation will be used to determine if there is significant

relationship between the effects of dissociative disorder and its effect to the academic

performance of senior high school students.

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