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Jana Marice O.

Bercasio August 18, 2019


Based on the previous class activity, my level of self-awareness was 53. Firstly, it means
that my self-awareness is okay though I get to be overwhelmed by my emotions. I realized that
there are times that I still cannot handle and control my feelings especially when it’s in its peak.
During my frustrations, I am having a hard time in controlling my temper and in calming myself.
Secondly, my self-awareness result implies that I cannot avoid conflicts. There are times that
conflicts really drive my emotions. Lastly, it also infers that I have a few close relationship but I
still encounter difficulty in building rapport to others. I realize that I still need to improve more on
myself in terms of how I become easily affected in times of disappointments and problems and in
building my social relationship around me. Because of this self-awareness assessment, it made
me realize that I must control my emotions and handle my thoughts very well. During sadness,
pains, rejections and frustrations, I have to keep myself calm and focused because I realized how
I become distracted when problem arises. It made me appreciate also the relationship I built with
my friends and my family. I still have to enhance it and gain more social relationships.

In this gift of life, I aspire to be a certified public accountant. And with this ambition, I
want it to be my purpose in life. When I became a certified public accountant, I could help the
company that I will be working to in reaching success and I can help my family survive life as
well. I believe that this is my purpose. To be passionate on the accountancy profession while
helping the people around me. I aim to contribute my knowledge and skills in all the best I can.
In this career that I want to take, I must be self-aware to be able to be effective and efficient in
performing my purpose of existence. I must know my strengths and weaknesses in order for me to
be knowledgeable of the points for improvement. With this self-awareness activity, I realized how
these aspects could help me achieve my career and comply with my purpose. Building
relationships with others would help me enjoy my future career with my co-workers and being
calm and focused in times of conflicts, will help me to stay focused and passionate in the
workplace. If I enhance my coping abilities, it would help me to become stronger and braver in
facing life.

Therefore, in doing my purpose in life, these weaknesses and strengths will help me to
become more. More of myself and more of what I want to be. I realized that I can always be more
everyday. As long as I open myself for constructive criticisms, opportunities and especially for
change to be able to be more aware of myself, to make the most of this existence and to create a
life of purpose.

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