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Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances

Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna1
K. Ramash Kumar2
R.Srinivas Rao4

1Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavram, A.P, INDIA.
2Departmentof Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore,
Tamilnadu, INDIA.
3Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, AU Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, A.P, INDIA.

4 Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University College of Engineering JNTU,

Kakinada, A.P, INDIA.


This paper presents on the fault analysis of digital proportional integral controller (DPIC) and hysteresis
current controller (HCC) for brushless DC motor (BLDCM) drive with help of the wavelet transform (WT). In this
case, inter-turn short detection, open circuit fault, short circuit fault, phase to phase fault, and DC voltage (sag and
swell) variations are analyzed for BLDCM drive.

BLDCM is very popular in various scenario uses, because of its excellent speed versus torque characteristics,
proficient dynamic operation, noiseless operation, simple in manufacturing and functioning. The electronic circuits
can identify only the open and the short circuit faults not for other kinds of faults of the system, whereas the WT is
utilized for identify other faults of the given system.

The WT is detecting the faults accurately and so identified faults are rectifying by using this designed method.
The performance of DPIC and HCC for BLDCM using a WT is validated through the MATLAB/Simulink
computer simulation of the WT method at different faults condition.

Key Words- BLDC Motor, Fault Analysis, Wavelet Transform, MATLAB/Simulink.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 402
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao


A DC commutorless motors are most famous types in current scenario. The BLDCMs are one kind of
synchronous motor for the reason that the magnetic field generated by both the stator and the rotor rotate on the
same frequency. The BLDCMs are utilized in many industrial applications, record players, and tape drive for video
recorders, spindle drives in hard disk for computers, instruments and control systems [1-3].

The BLDCMs are electronically commutated motors, which are powered by a DC power source through an
integrated electronic inverter or switched-mode power supply, which generates an AC electric signal to drive the
motor. The alternating current does not imply a sinusoidal waveform, however rather a bi-directional current with
no restriction on waveform. The additional sensors and electronics control the inverter output magnitude and
frequency. The optical encoders and Hall Effect sensors are more frequently utilized sensors.

Many of the BLDCMs are frequently applied in significant high performance uses. Before, the time detection of
fault could permit preventive action to be performed and so, decreasing the costs of outage time and repairs. There
are various range of faults analyzed on the BLDCMs contains stator faults, rotor faults, and inverter faults has been
well presented [4-6].

However, the power quality disturbances analysis of BLDCM has not been presented using wavelet
transforms. The speed control of the conventional proportional integral derivative (PID) controller for BLDCM at
different load variations has been discussed in [7-8]. However, the only speed response of BLDCM using this
controller has been discussed and also it produced more peak overshoots and long settling time during dynamic and
transient regions.

The rotor speed control of the BLDCM with help of PI controller via. Wavelet denoised technique has been
reported [9]. Still, the speed response of this machine has produced some noise using this method. The many of
controllers (like PI controller and sliding mode controller (SMC)) are applied for speed control of the BLDCM has
presented [10-15].

The mechanical chararacteris of the BLDCM has been discussed in [16]. Yet, this article presented only the
performance characterizes analyses of machine parameters in normal and abnormal conditions. The wavelet
transform (WT) is a more powerful tool to detect the disturbances of time changing signals [17-20]. From above
literatures, it is clearly focused that the power quality issues of the BLDCM drive has not been neatly presented.

Therefore, in this article is to analyze the power quality problems of BLDCM drive using DPIC and HCC
through the WT. The modeling of the BLDCM is derived at first and then, the DPIC is designed. The design of
HCC is entirely depends upon the bandwidth, which is selected trial-and-error method. The various faults are
analyzed for BLDCM with help of controllers via. Wavelet Transform.

Organization of this article is as follow: Operation and modeling of BLDCM drive is presented in section 2.
Section 3 presents the detailed analysis of Wavelet Transform. Design of DPIC and HCC is discussed in section 4.
The simulation results of BLDCM using controller through WT under the different faults are analyzed in section 5.
The conclusions are reported in section 6. Reference paper details are listed in section 7.


A wavelet series is a illustration of square integrable function by a certain orthonormal series generated by a wavelet.
Now days, the WT is one of the most famous technique of the time frequency transformations. The WT traces the
signal modifies in time domain and simultaneously decomposes the signal in the frequency domain. In the WT
based approach the mother wavelet is employed for determining the wavelet coefficients of the signal, which affect
the effectiveness in identifying the disturbances present in the signal. The merit of using WT is that it does not need
to assume the stationary and periodicity of signals [7], [8].

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 403
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

WT is applied to the disturbance waveform for extracting wavelet coefficients. For a given signal this transform is
defined as the inner product of the non-stationary signal g(t) with the two parameters scale factor a and delay τ as
expressed as (1)
  t  
  ,a (t )  a 2  
 a  (1)

In mathematical form, the WT of the signal is engraved as (2)

1 
   t  
WT ( , a )  a 2
 g (t )  dt
  a  (2)

Parameter, “a” defines the width and height of the wavelet function, “ψ”. A smaller scale, “a” makes ψ narrower;
thus the wavelet represents fast changes and the transform focuses on the higher frequency components of the
signal. Parameter, “τ”, shifts the wavelet function along the time axis, so that the transform represents different
locations of the signal. Using different values of scale, “a” and position, “τ”, it is able to observe the signal at
different position and in different frequency range.

Discrete wavelet transform (DWT) produces enough information both in analyzing and synthesizing of the
signals in shorter computation times. DWT is the most frequently used method due to its simplicity and non-
redundancy. DWT is implemented by specially designed bank of high pass and low pass discrete filter units “h” and
“g” as exposed in Fig.1 (a) and (b).

g(n) 2 Approximation Coefficients

X(n) h(n) 2 Detail Coefficients

(a) Level 3

Level 2
g(n) 2 A3 …..
Level 1
g(n) 2 h(n) 2 d3 …..

g(n) 2 h(n) 2 d2

X(n) h(n) 2 d1

Fig.1 (a) Analysis wavelet filter banks (b) DWT Decomposition.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 404
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

As the input signal x(n) propagates through the filters, the filter bank, at each stage, decomposes the signal
into low pass and high pass components through convolution with filters g and h. A low pass filter captures
approximations and takes the low frequency and high scale components of the signal called approximate coefficients
AJ(n) at level m=J. A high pass filter however, corresponds to low scale and high frequency and captures the details
of the signal called detail coefficients dm(n), which represents the detail at levels

Am ( n )   g (2n  k ) A
m 1 (k )
d m ( n )   h ( 2 n  k ) Am 1 ( k )
n (4)
At level m, both Am(n) and dm(n) are composed of 2-m N coefficients forming a tree-like relationship between the
coefficients at successive scales.


The model of the brushless machine is based on the following assumpations.(i) All electrical quantities are referred
to direct and quadrature reference frames mounted on the rortor.(ii) The inverter is balanced three-phase voltage
source.(iii) The inverter employs 180 degree six-step switching.(iv) The fundamental frequency has a dominant
effect on system dynamics.(v) The air gap is uniform.

dt (5)
d 3 p  D 1
 iq    T L
dt 4J J J (6)
di q r  1
 iq   id    V q
dt L L L (7)
di d r 1
  i q  id  V d
dt L L (8)
Vq  cos 
 (9)
Vq  sin 
 (10)
id direct component of the stator current;
iq quadrature component of the stator current;
ω rotor speed;
 rotor angle;
r stator resistance;
L self-inductance;
 amplitude of the flux linkages established by the permanent magnet as viewed from stator windings;
D damping factor of the machine;
J inertia constant of the machine;
p number of poles;
V motor voltage;

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 405
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

The angle  is defined by

 = v(0) + r(0) (11)

Where v(0) is the initial phase angle of stator voltage, r(0) is the initial rotor position with respect to the stator axis.
The load torque is assumed to be given by

TL (t) = 2(t) (12)

Where  is constant. The functional form of the load torque is set up so that the direction of the load torque always
opposes the direction of motion. The motivation for choosing this particular function is that it is a common
characteristic for most propeller-drives like fan-type load. Taking Laplace transform from equation (9) to (14) we
1 3p
(s)  ( )*( i q (s)  TL (s)) (13)
sJ  D 4
1/ r
i q (s )  ( ) * ( Vq (s)  (s)  r(s)i d (s))
1  s
1/ r
i d (s )  ( ) * ( Vq (s)  r(s)i q (s)) (15)
1  s
Using equations (13)-(15) model of 3 phase BLDCM is obtained and it is shown in Fig. 2.

Vq (1 / r ) iq
Ʃ ( s  1)

Vd  (1 / r ) iq
( s  1 )

3 pJ

TL 1 

( Js D)

Fig.2 Model of 3 phase BLDC motor.


In this error between the actual speed and reference speed is operated upon by the DPIC controller to
generate iqref. The DPIC parameters, proportional gain (Kp) and integral times (Ti), are obtained by using Zeigler –
Nichols tuning method [10-11]. From this method, the proposed system is providing a sustained oscillation with
ultimate gain for stability can be obtained by use of the Routh-Hurwitz condition (Kcr = 0.2) and its corresponding
ultimate period (Pcr = 0.12 s). Using this method the values of Kp = Kcr/2=0.1 and Ti = Pcr /1.2=0.1 s are found.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 406
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

In the constant air gap flux mode idref = 0. This goes through Park’s transformation to generate A, B and C
phase stator reference currents. Rotor position feedback is needed in order to generate these currents. The current
controller attempts to force the actual motor currents to equal the commanded values at all times. Current feedback
is required in order to generate these current.

The current controller attempts to force the actual motor currents to equal the commanded values at all times.
Current feedback is required in order for the hysteresis current controller to achieve this. Current control is
implemented by appropriate firing of power devices T1 to T6. For speed control system speed feedback is also
needed. Both position and speed feedback can be obtained from a resolver/signal processor combination. Fig.3
shows the simplified block diagram of the conventional controller for BLDCM. The controlling ability of the
controller is tested under different cases.

Iaref Δi1 BLDCM

Hysteresis VSI
Δi3 Controller

Ia Ib Ic
2 phases to 3

DPIC Speed controller

ref 

Fig. 3 Block diagram of DPIC for BLDCM.


The simulation model of the proposed fault detection method is depicted in Fig.4. the specifications of
BLDCM is as follows: The stator resistance is 0.2 ohm, the stator inductance is 8.5e-3, flux induced by magnets is
0.175Wb, back emf flat area (degrees) is 120, inertia J = 0.089 kg m2, friction factor F= 0.005 N m s and pairs of
poles P=4.

Fig.4 Simulation model of BLDCM.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 407
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

A. Healthy Conditions

Fig. 5 show the simulated stator current of phase – a BLDCM drive operated at a speed of 1500 rpm during the
healthy conditions and its corresponding WT detailed coefficients. It is clearly showed that the stator current and its
co-efficient has null overshoots and quick settling time using this designed controller in normal operating condition.

Fig.5 Simulated responses of BLDCM phase-a stator current in normal conditions and corresponding its detailed

B. Voltage swells

Fig. 6 show the simulated responses of two stator phases (a and b) of the BLDCM drive are short circuited. From
this figure, it is clearly observed that the stator current of the BLDCM drive using controller has raised from 13s to
15s. Thus, the swell of the stator current is observed and its corresponding approximate and detailed coefficients are
as shown in Fig.6.

Fig.6 Simulated stator current responses of the BLDCM drive during the two phases in short circuit conditions and
its detailed coefficients.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 408
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

C. Voltage Sag
The load is increased up to 1000 ohm. It is observed that a drop of voltage is obtained from 1s to 4s. Thus,
voltage sag is found in this period and the waveforms are as shown in Fig.7.

Fig.7 Voltage sag and its detailed coefficients.

D. DC Voltage Fault conditions

Fig. 8 show the different D.C input voltage of inverter (100V and 1000V ) is applied for BLDCM drive using the
designed controller. From this figure, it is observed that the variations of D.C input voltage of inverter are obtained
from 0s to 3s for 100V and 3s to 9s for 1000V. From this figure, it is clearly found that large voltage when the
voltage is very high the motor takes long time to get constant state. The faulty waveforms with its corresponding
detailed coefficient using WT are shown in Fig.8 (a) and (b).


Fig.8 Response of the phase- a stator current of BLDCM drive for various input D.C voltage of inverter and its
detailed coefficient, (a) 100V and (b) 1000V.

Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 409
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao


In this paper, an attempt has been made to detect the power quality disturbance using WT method of the
BLDCM drive using the DPIC has been successfully demonstrated in computer simulation using
MATLAB/Simulink and Wave Menu Tool Box. Also, the time of different fault occurrence is found out. In
addition to this, DC voltage fault is also detected using BLDC motor drive. The faults are detected accurately and
the faults are overcome by this WT method. This method is more efficient than the conventional electronics circuits
design based faults detection methods.


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• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 410
Wavelet Based Power Quality Disturbances Analysis of BLDC Motor Drive

G. Veeranna ; K. Ramash Kumar ; K.Vaisakh ; R.Srinivas Rao

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Fronteiras: Journal of Social, Technological and Environmental Science •v.6, n.2, may-august. 2017 • p. 402-411.
• DOI • ISSN 2238-8869 411

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