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First Trimester

a) Exercises- Aerobics, breathing techniques, Kegel exercises, and weight training can be done safely during the first trimester of pregnancy
o Aerobic Exercise -is any exercise that increases breathing and heart rate, such as brisk walking. It improve the body's use of oxygen and improve
circulation to the fetus. sessions should last 20 to 30 minutes
o Kegel Exercises - strengthening and toning the muscles of the pelvic floor. The pelvic floor muscles are those that you contract if you are trying to
hold back urine and can be identified by halting the urine stream while you are urinating.
o Avoid valslva maneuver in weighing things - increases pressure in your abdomen and pelvis and can be risky during pregnancy
b) Nutrition
o nausea and vomiting - choose small, light meals at frequent intervals(crackers)
o drink several glasses of water each day
o Eliminate junk food, processed foods, trans fats and excess sugar from your diet
o Include more foods that are high in Folic Acid in the diet but there are vitamin supplement 600 mcg . Fruit and vegetables should be eaten raw
whenever possible as cooking destroys Folic Acid (liver (best source), egg yolk, nuts, wholegrain breads, potato, sweet potato,

1. PROTEIN – will make the mother’s body and baby grow(fish, meat, beans, eggs and mild). Protein requirement is increased by 30 grams, from 44
grams to 74 grams for pregnant women.
2. 2. CALCIUM – will keep gums and teeth healthy and help in the growth and development of bones and hair(milk, cheese, dilis and shellfish).
3. 3. IODINE – prevent goiter and promote proper mental and physical development of the growing fetus(seafoods like seaweeds, alamang fish,
tahong, halaan, tulya and iodized salt.)
4. IRON – prevent anemia and increase production of RBC(dried dilis, tulingan, alamang, seaweeds, tahong, liver, internal organs and green leafy
5. CARBOHYDRATES – provide energy needed by the mother in her daily Activities (rice, corn, cassava, camote, ). A pregnant woman requires an
additional 300 kcal per day. Eat enough carbohydrates – rich foods to maintain the ideal weight increase for certain trimester of pregnancy
o recommend a prenatal vitamin and mineral supplement during
a. Vitamins A – rich foods will Increase resistance against infection ,Prevent blindness ,Make hair and skin healthy ,Prevent death from pneumonia, diarrhea
and measles. 4,000 and 5,000 IU each day. (Green leafy vegetables such as malunggay, sili, gabi, kangkong, alugbati and Yellow fruits and vegetables such as
carrots, squash, mango, ripe papaya and melon. Liver, meat, poultry and eggs.)
b. Vitamin C – rich foods will Increase body resistance against common illness like cough and colds,Keep gums and teeth healthy .70mg(guava, tomato, mango,
pineapple, papaya, calamansi and other fruits and green leafy vegetables like malunggay, camote tops, pechay and kangkong.)
c) Vitamin E -Protection of cell structure especially RBC and it also aids in the storage Vitamin A in the liver.
d. Vitamin D-Normal requirement is increase by 50% to 100% to facilitate and maximize calcium and phosphorous absorption for skeletal development of
both the mother and the fetus.
e. Vitamin K -For normal clotting ability of blood
f. Vitamin B -For blood clotting

a. Calcium and Phosphorus – for bone and teeth development.300mg
b. Magnesium – for healthy bones, muscles, and blood tissue
c) Iron – to increase hemoglobin levels supply in the maternal tissue, placenta and fetus.30mg
d) Zinc – essential for growth and enzymatic action
e) Iodine – to prevent maternal goiter

Foods Should be Avoid During Pregnancy

Alcohol, Caffeine

Second trimester

o Weight gain- Healthy eating is incredibly important, and dieting to lose weight or prevent weight gain during pregnancy is detrimental to both you and
the baby.
o Cravings and Food Aversions

o Nutrition-food groups like carbohydrates, fats, proteins, minerals and vitamins in your diet
i. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits: Fresh vegetables and fruits are an important part of second trimester diet. Make sure that you include 3-5
servings of fresh fruits and vegetable in your second trimester pregnancy diet plan. Dark green leafy vegetables and yellow and orange
vegetables and fruits are important. Always try to keep sweet fruits with you when you are out.
ii. Fiber Rich Diet: Generally, it is observed that during second trimester pregnant woman suffers from constipation. Hence, you need to include
lots of fiber in your second trimester pregnancy diet plan. Fiber rich diet ensures smooth bowel movement, relieving you from constipation.
iii. Low Fat Foods: Excess of fat in your diet will increase your weight which might be risky for your pregnancy. Hence, try to cut down all your
junk and fat laden food from your second trimester pregnancy diet plan.
iv. Dairy Products: Dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, etc. are essential during second trimester of pregnancy. Try to
consume one glass of milk daily but make sure that you take skimmed milk. Dairy products are rich source of calcium and are essential for
healthy growth of your child.
v. Limit Your Sugar: Be careful while consuming any sugary product. Try to limit your sugar consumption as they add on to your weight. Excess
weight gain is unhealthy during the pregnancy. Look for sugar-free options and avoid adding sugar in your juices or other beverages.
o Exercise- maintain your heart rate at less than 140 beats per minute.It is important to prevent circulatory stasis in the lower extremitie
Perineal and Abdominal Exercises
1. Tailor Sitting The woman should place one leg in front of the other. As she sits in this position, she should gently push on her knew until she feels her
perineum stretch
Purpose: Stretches the perineal muscles without occluding blood supply to the lower legs.
2. Squatting -The woman tend to squat on their tiptoes. For the pelvic muscles to stretch, the woman must keep her feet flat on the floor
Purpose: Useful in second-stage labor that it also stretches the perineal muscles.
3. Kegel Exercises - The woman tightens the muscle of the perineum.
Purpose: Helpful in the postpartum period, promotes perineal

Health Teachings
1. Never exercise to a point of fatigue.
2. Always rise from the floor slowly to prevent orthostatic hypotension.
3. To rise from the floor, roll over to the side first and then push up to avoid strain on
the abdominal muscles.
4. For leg exercises, to prevent leg cramps, never point the toes (extend the heel).
5. To prevent muscle strain, do not attempt exercises that hyperextend the lower
6. Do not hold your breath while exercising because this increases intra-abdominal
and intrauterine pressure.
7. Do not continue with exercises if any danger signal of pregnancy occurs.
8. Do not practice second-stage pushing. Pushing increases intrauterine pressure
and could rupture membranes.

Third trimester

o you need to consume about 300 more calories each day

o Don’t attempt to diet during your last trimester, but do make sure that the weight you gain is from eating healthy foods, and not junk food.
o fresh fruits and vegetables
o You’ll also feel better if you eat several small meals throughout the day rather than eating fewer, large meals
o One food you need to be sure to include in your third trimester diet is healthy fat The last weeks before birth are when your baby's brain does most of its

Type of healthy fat Food source

Monounsaturated fat Olive oil, peanut oil, canola oil, avocados, nuts and seeds

Polyunsaturated fat Vegetable oils (such as safflower, corn, sunflower, soy and cottonseed
oils), nuts and seeds

Omega-3 fatty acids Fatty, cold-water fish (such as salmon, mackerel and herring),
flaxseeds, flax oil and walnuts

What Pregnant Women Should Eat During Stage Three

B-complex vitamins like B6 and B12 along with calcium and iron are extremely important during your final prenatal months. B6 helps your body metabolize
protein, which builds your baby’s muscular system. B vitamins are also great stress relievers. To get more B’s into your diet, add some daily servings from this

 whole grain bread  chickpeas

 brown rice  whole grain cereals
 baked potato (with skin)  eggs
 bananas, prune juice, carrot juice  chicken and fish
 nuts, including nut butters  broccoli

Calcium builds your baby’s bones, and keeps your own bones healthy. Some good sources are:

 dairy products (yogurt is an especially good source of calcium)  figs (ripe or dried)
 soy products, including tofu  green leafy vegetables
 almonds  oranges
 sesame seeds

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