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Speed is an important transportation consideration because it relates to safety, time,

comfort,convenience and economics. Spot speed studies are used to determine the
speed distribution of a traffic stream at a specific location. The data gathered in spot
speed studies are used to determine vehicle speed percentiles, which are useful in
making many speed-related decisions. Spot speed data have a number of safety
applications, for a spot speed study at a selected location, a sample size of at least
100 vehicles or one hour test. Traffic counts during the peak period may Show
exceptionally high volumes and are not normally used in the analysis; therefore,
counts are usually conducted on the other times.


1. To establish the speed distribution of a traffic stream at the specific site or called
as basic speed data

2. To determine vehicle speed percentiles via speed trend analysis, which are useful
in speed related decision making

Spot speeds are the vehicle speed taken at the specific points along the road way
and the average of such speeds is referred to as time mean speed. A spot speed
study is carried out by recording the speed sample of vehicles at the specific location
in order to estimate the distribution of speed of vehicles. Spot speed data have a
number of safety applications, including determine speed trends by systematic
continuous speed studies, the measurements of traffic control device or traffic
programs effectiveness, the evaluation of speeding problems, assessing speed as
causal factor to crashes, investigate existing parameter in respect to the traffic
operation and control like speed limit, speed zone and the limit of no-passing zone,
establishes and evaluate the roadways geometric design for example sight distance
elements and so forth. Depending on the use of data, the observer must consider
whether to collect speed all vehicles, including platooned vehicles or only the speeds
of unimpeded vehicles. It is impossible to obtain a radar measurement for every
vehicle under heavy traffic conditions. One may collect all speeds during the peak
period for the peak flow analysis whereas the speed of unimpeded vehicle would be
collected for assessing general speed trends or for setting speed limits or assessing
the impact of speed zone signing, thereby off-peak measurement (free-flowing traffic)
are more appropriate. Study duration of one hour or a sample size of at least 100
vehicles. Position the radar meter according to procedure specified in the user


Few cases of accident have been reported occur near the UiTM Pasir Gudang that
located at Bandar Seri Alam. It is believe that over speeding are the major causes of
this accident. Speed limits are implemented to prevent over speeding of vehicles. To
determine whether the drivers of vehicles comply with the speed limit, speed spot
studies are carried out to determine the speed of vehicles operating on the road.

1. Radar Speed Meter

2. Stopwatch

3. Paper Clipboard & Field Data Form


1. Necessary preparations were performed such as sufficient pens and pencils, radar
meter spot speed study data forms and clipboards, radar speed meters are in good
condition, read instructions and procedure for the used radar gun, obtain backup
battery, safety vests and others.

2. Study location was decided and selected site should be straight and level road
selection the represent different traffic control.

3. Enumerators arrived 30 minutes early at site in order to familiarize by visual survey

with it prior to select strategic location, distribute the equipment, fill in the general
information of the spot speed data recording forms that comprise the observer’s
name, time and date of study, name of site, posted speed limit and weather condition
and begin at the planned time.

4. Layout of the study sketched with the description of the chosen reference points,
position of observation, number of lanes and road class.

5. The enumerators, the radar unit and the station for speed data collection should be
inconspicuous where possible so that vehicular speeds are significantly not affected
by the data collection activities.

6. Sample were randomly selected for example the observer could record a speed
reading for every third vehicle or every fifth vehicle.

7. The radar meter made as direct as line with oncoming traffic as possible, meaning
to make it as close to the roadway as possible.
8. A slash was recorded on the speed data sheet corresponding to the speed
observed for each selected vehicles under appropriate vehicle-type classification.

9. Vehicle speeds for duration of one hour study were recorded.


(fv²) (fv)²
10102.51 50512.56

51331.54 872630.22

80151.55 1522879.40

140437.56 3510939.06

151546.55 3182477.60

108186.03 1298232.36

11014.50 11014.51

Total 552770.24 10448685.71

Speed Mean Frequency,f fv Percentage Cumulative

(km/h) Speed,v of Percentage
(km/h) Frequency Of
(%) Frequency
( ) × 𝟏𝟎𝟎%
40.0-49.9 44.95 5 224.75 5 5
50.0-59.9 54.95 17 934.15 17 22
60.0-69.9 64.95 19 1234.05 19 41
70.0-79.9 74.95 25 1873.75 25 66
80.0-89.9 84.95 21 1783.95 21 87
90.0-99.9 94.95 12 1139.4 12 99
100-109.9 104.95 1 104.95 1 100
Total 100 7295

a) Arithmetic Mean Speed

= 𝑁

= 100

= 72.95 km/h

b) Median Speed
( )−𝑓1
=𝐿+ (𝑓ᵐ)
( 22)
=60 + 2 (9.9)
=74.59 km/h

c) Standard Deviation,S

𝑓𝑣 2 (𝑓𝑣)2
√( )−( )
𝑁−1 𝑁(𝑁 − 1)

552770.24 10448685.71
=√ −
99 9900

=67.29 km/h


The obtained data are used in establishing the basic speed data and determine the
speed percentiles via speed trend analysis. The designated speed limit at this area is
60km/hr. Based on the data obtained, most of the vehicles speed are 70.0-79.9 km/h
which exceed the designated speed limit. This shows that most of the driver disobey
the designated speed limit due to some factor which is where they are in hurry or due
to their own behaviour where they enjoy driving fast. The arithmetic mean speed
calculated is 72.95km/hr while the median speed is 76.21km/hr.

However, there are few factors that may affect the data obtained which is systematic
error and experimental error. For example, human error where the person may
record a wrong value, misread a scale, forget a digit when reading a scale or
recording a measurement. Other than that, equipment may not give an accurate
value as it has been used so many times by other students as well.

The speed distribution of a traffic stream at site which is the basic speed data and the
vehicle speed percentiles via speed trend analysis were determined in this laboratory
activity. A spot speed study was carried out by recording the speed of 100 vehicles at
the site location using the radar speed meter. The arithmetic mean speed is
72.95km/hr while the median speed is 74.59km/hr. The standard deviation is


Appendix 1.0

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