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Solve each item and encircle the letter/s of the correct answer. Show your brief solution.
1. It is a set of points in a plane equidistant from a fixed point called center.
a. circle b. ellipse c. parabola d. hyperbola

2. Which of the following is NOT true?

a. Every diameter is a chord.
b. A radius is perpendicular at the point of tangency of a tangent line.
c. The measure of an inscribed angle is twice the measure of its intercepted arc.
d. An angle inscribed in a semi-circle is a right angle. D
3. In OF, AG is a diameter. What is m𝐴𝐷̂ if 𝑚∠𝐷𝐹𝐺 = 75? F
a. 75 b. 150 c. 37.5 d. 105 A

4. Quadrilateral ABCD is inscribed in a circle. Which of the following is true about the angle measures of the
I.m  𝐴+ m  𝐶 = 180 II. m  𝐵+ m  𝐷 = 180 III. m  𝐴+ m  𝐵 = 180
a. I and II b. I and III c. II and IV d. I, II and III
5. . Which of the following shows common external tangent AB? A
a. c.


b. A B d.

6. How many line/s can be drawn through a given point on a circle that is tangent to the circle?
a. 4 b. 3 c. 2 d. 1

7. What is/are the intercepted arc(s) of ∠1 in the figure on the right? 1
a. arc MH b. arc AM and arc HT c. arc HM and arc TA d. arc AMT H

8. Line BD is tangent to OC at D. If m𝐷𝐹̂ = 166 and m𝐷𝐸

̂ = 78. What is m  𝐷𝐵𝐹 ? F
a. 44 b. 61 c. 88 d. 122 E
13 9 R
9. In the figure, what is the length of AS? D
a. 6.92 b. 117/10 c. 14.4 d. 130/9 A 10

10. The figure at the right shows two chords intersecting at point Q. What is the power of Q with
respect to the circle? 2 x
a. 2(5) b. 4(5) c. 2(4) d. 7(4x) 4 Q 5
11. In circle U at the right, what is 𝑚∠𝑃𝑅𝐸 if ∠𝑃𝑈𝐸 = 56 ?
a. 28 b. 34 c. 56 d. 124 L
12. In the figure, TA = 18cm, LT = 8cm and AE = 10cm, what is the length of AH?
a. 18cm b. 20cm c. 22.5cm d. 24.5cm H T
13. In ʘ O, m𝐻𝑇 = 45 and the length of the radius is 8 cm. What is the area of the shaded region H
in terms of π?
a. 6 π cm2 b. 8 π cm2 c. 10 π cm2 d. 12 π cm2 S
14. In ʘ R, what is the measure of  SRT if AST is a semicircle and m  SRA = 74? A T
a. 37 b. 74 c. 106 d. 154
15. Quadrilateral ABCD is circumscrib56789ed about circle O. If AB = 24, BC = 17 and CD = 25, find AD.
a. 16 b. 18 c. 32 d. 23

16. Quadrilateral LUCK is inscribed in circle S. If m  LUC = 96 and m  UCK = 77, find  ULK. L U
a. 77 b. 84 c. 96 d. 103
17. In OS, what is RT if QS = 18 units and VW = 4 units? Q T
a. 4√2 units b. 8√2 units c. 14√2 units d. 16√2 units

18. A circular garden has a radius of 2m. Find the area of the smaller segment of the garden determined by a 90 0
arc. A. (π – 2) m2 b. 2 m2 c. π m2 d. ( 4π – 2) m2
19. Mang Ben cut a circular board with a diameter 80 cm. Then, he dividedthe board into 20 congruent sectors.
What is the area of each sector?
a. 80π cm2 b. 320π cm2 c. 800π cm2 d. 1600π cm2
20. Andrea designed a pendant. It is a regular octagon set in a circle. Suppose the opposite vertices are connected
by line segments and meet at the center of the circle. What is the measure of each angle formed at the center?
a. 22.50 b. 450 c. 67.50 d. 1350 B
21. In the figure, m∠𝐸 = 40 and m𝐴𝐵 ̂ = m𝐴𝐷 ̂ =m𝐶𝐷 ̂ . Find m∠𝐴𝐶𝐷. E
a. 10 b. 15 c. 25 d. 35
22. In the circle on the right , 𝑚∠P = 30 and 𝑚∠DEB = 140, then 𝑚∠D is equal to— B A
a. 40 b. 80 c. 85 d. 100 P
23. A semi-circle is divided into 6 equal arcs. Find the measure of each arc.
a. 120o b. 600 c. 300 d 150
24. The diameter of a circle is 10cm long and a chord parallel to it is 6cm long. Find the distance between the chord
and the center of the circle.
a. √94 b. √61 c. 3 d. 4
25. In a circle whose diameter is 12 cm, there is central angle whose measure is 90 0. A chord joins the endpoints of
the arc cut off by the angle. Find the length of the chord.
a. 6 b. 6√2 c.6√3d. 12√2
26. A wheel has 30 spokes which are evenly spread and numbered consecutively from 1 through 30. Find the degree
measure of the central angle formed by spokes 1 to 14.
a. 240 b. 280 c. 168 d. 156
27. A right triangle is inscribed in a circle whose legs are 32 cm and 24 cm. Find the radius of the circle.
a. 40 b. 20 c. 16 d. 18
28. The centers of three externally tangent circles on the right are connected to form a
triangle. If the radii of the circles are 5, 7 and 12 respectively, what is the perimeter of
the triangle?
a.24 b. 36 c. 48 d. 96 B
29. Triangle ABC is circumscribed about circle O as shown on the right. The points of tangency
of sides AB, BC and AC are X, Y and Z respectively. If ∠𝐴 = 450 and ∠𝐵 = 800 , find X
the measure of arc 𝑌𝑍.
a. 1250 b. 650 c. 1150 d. 550
30. If one side of the square measures 4cm, find the area of the shaded region.
a. (16 − 16𝜋)sq. cm. b. (16𝜋 − 16)sq. cm. c. (16 − 4𝜋)sq. cm. d. (16 + 4𝜋)sq. cm.

ON YOUR OWN! Illustrate and solve.

31-35.A rope fits tightly tied around two pulleys. What is the distance between the two centers of the pulleys if the radii
of the bigger and smaller pulleys are 10cm and 6cm respectively, and one portion of the rope tangent to the two pulleys
is 50cm long?


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