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Evidencia 2 Market Projection

Actividad de aprendiza

Evidencia 2: Market Projection

Presentado por:

Olga Liliana Mejía


Negociación internacional
N° de ficha 1749913
Evidencia 2 Market Projection

Actividad de aprendizaje 3

Elabore en inglés un mapa conceptual del tema visto en el primer material

complementario indicado.

Market Share Projection

Tips for Small Businesses

It is about looking at the

How Can a Company
whole market, instead
Project its Future
of a specific territory.
Market Share?
So, how is this done?

The small company has

Market Share Projection a market share of 25%
is Similar to a Gap However, for a project
Analysis of participation in the
future, the small
business must
determine what part of
the remaining business
can steal from its
Determine Current
Determine Current
Determine Market Size Business Relative to
Market Share
Potential Business

the fundamental Every small business must be able

Determining current
principle to determine to quantify their existing business.
although it is more complicated market share simply
The size of the market is when it comes to determining the involves dividing current
the potential amount of business remaining. this
is about understanding how much business by total market
consumption within the customers could actually buy in a size.
market. given year.

Realice un resumen en inglés que contenga como mínimo dos párrafos, de la

lectura del segundo material complementario mencionado anteriormente.
Evidencia 2 Market Projection


Everyone who wants to market wants to be a marketing success. So, is there a

shortcut to achieve such success? If there is to be part of the perfect marketing
plan. And the success of a marketing plan. However, the collection and use of
this information is divided into 8 different parts Explore, Explore your customers,
Explore your competitor self-analysis, Prepare a marketing plan, Implement
Tracking, Explore other opportunities.

These 8 steps ensure that you cover each and every aspect of your marketing
plan and ensure marketing success. Each of these steps can be carried out.
Based on the information, planning and implementation that depends on the
information that poses and in which lies the key to Marketing success.

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