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Will using objects to represent the

BACKWARDS people or places make the problem
easier to solve?

It is to start with the final solution 4. Reflecting and Generalizing.

and work back one step at a time to get to 4.1. Consider if your answer makes
the beginning. This strategy is used to solve sense and if it has answered what
problems that include a number of linked was asked.
factors or events, where some of the 4.2. Check your answer by working
information has not been provided, usually forward through the problem.
at the beginning of the problem. 4.3. Will you be able to apply this
method of problem solving to other
In general, problems that list a series of similar problems?
events or sequence of steps can be solved 4.4. Consider if it is possible to do the
by working backwards. problem in a simpler way.
In math, these are called inverse
5. Extension
operations. When using backwards
strategy, each operation must be reversed 5.1. How can this strategy be applied to
to get back to the beginning. more complicated problems
involving bigger numbers and
additional factors?

The Solving Process: In order to use this strategy effectively, you

will need to develop the following skills and
1. Understanding the Problem
1.1. Identify what the problem is asking
you to do, and the relevant 1. Using the opposite operation
information necessary to solve the when working backwards – If
problem. working forward requires
1.2. What do you know? addition/multiplication, then in
1.3. List the important facts from the working backwards you will have to
problem. subtract/divide.

2. What do You Need to Find Out? Examples:

2.1. Read the problem carefully until you o So if the problem the correct
understand what is wanted. round is: ? ÷ 𝟖 × 𝟐 = 𝟏𝟒 then
2.2. Underline unfamiliar words and backwards it will be 𝟏𝟒 ÷ 𝟐 ×
understand their meaning. 𝟖 = 𝟓𝟔.

3. Planning and Communicating a Solution o Jack is 35 years younger than

3.1. Use a logical step-by-step way. Karen. Frank is half of Jack’s
3.2. How many steps are required? age. Jennifer is 17 years older
3.3. Is all the information necessary? than Frank. If Jennifer is 35
years old, how old is Karen?
Jennifer is 35 and she’s 17 years
older than Frank. When using
the opposite operation, plus
becomes minus. Therefore,
Frank is 𝟑𝟓 − 𝟏𝟕 = 𝟏𝟖. Frank is
half Jack’s age so the opposite
operation is 𝟏𝟖 × 𝟐 = 𝟑𝟔. Jack is
35 years younger than Karen, so
𝟑𝟔 + 𝟑𝟓 = 𝟕𝟏. Therefore, Karen
is 71 years old.

2. Starting with the answer and

working backwards.


o In a dancing competition all the

contestants started dancing
together. After three minutes half the
people were eliminated. During the
next ten minutes half of the
remaining were eliminated. At the
15-minute mark, half again were
eliminated, and at the 20-minute
mark, half of those still remaining
were eliminated. In the last 2
minutes, one more contestant was
eliminated. Leaving a winner of the
competition. How many dancers
were there in the beginning?

Start with the winner: 1.
Last 2 minutes: 1 + 1 = 2.
After 20 minutes: 2 × 2 = 4.
After 15 minutes: 4 × 2 = 8.
After 10 minutes: 8 × 2 = 16.
After 3 minutes: 16 × 2 = 32.
Therefore, 32 dancers started.

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