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Roxas, Oriental Mindoro

Tel fax: (043)289-7056 /

HIGH SCHOOL Department

APRIL 29, 2023
A. Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts of sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations.
B. Performance Standard
The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and
polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate and accurate representations.
C. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
1. generate patterns (M10AL-la-1)
2. illustrates an arithmetic sequence (M10AL-lb-1) ; and
3. realize the importance and application of arithmetic sequence in real-life situation and real-world
Topic: Arithmetic Sequence
Reference: Our World of Math 10 pp. 9-10
Materials: Whiteboard and Marker, PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, TV


A. Preparatory Activity
1. Prayer Let us put ourselves in the presence of our Lord.
Everybody stand up and let us pray. (Prayer)
____________, kindly lead the prayer.

2. Greetings
Good morning/ afternoon class!
Good morning/afternoon Sir!
How are you, class? We’re fine Sir!

3. Classroom Management
Class, before we start, kindly pick up all the
trashes that you see and arrange your chair

And also I have rules that you need to follow,

alright? That rule is to:
1. listen carefully in order to understand the
lesson because we’re having an activity after
the discussion.
2. if you know the answer, kindly raise your
hand.; and
3. avoid unnecessary noise.
Is that clear? Yer Sir.
4. Checking of attendance
Do we have an absentee today? None Sir.
5. Checking of assignment/Review
Since we don’t have an assignment
considering that this is our first meeting. We will
proceed to our group activity.

B. Explore
Activity: 3, 6, 9
Directions: The students will count 1 - 100 and they
will clap if there is 3, 6, and 9. The student who
doesn’t perform the challenge will be eliminated.
Let’s practice first and we will start the game after.

Based on our activity, what do you think our first Arithmetic sequence Sir.
topic for Mathematics 10?


Do you have any idea about arithmetic sequence? Nothing yet Sir.

Alright. Without further do, let us proceed to our

lesson to know about arithmetic sequence.

C. Firm-up

Let us read the learning objectives, At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able
________________ kindly read. to:
1. generate patterns (M10AL-la-1)
2. illustrates an arithmetic sequence (M10AL-lb-
1) ; and
3. realize the importance and application of
arithmetic sequence in real-life situation and real-
world context.
Thank you ___________.

Arithmetic sequence or arithmetic progression is a

sequence of the form a 1, a 1 + 2d, a 1 +3d …. a 1 + ( n
- 1 ) d, where a 1, is the first term, d is the common
difference, and the nth term of the sequence is given
by a 1 + ( n - 1 ) d. Recursively, we can define an
arithmetic sequence by a n = a n− 1 + d given the first
term a 1.

To illustrate

This type of sequence where every term after the first

is obtained by adding a constant called the common
difference is know as an arithmetic sequence.

In the example above, the common difference is 1.

Because the succeeding term is determined by adding
one from the previous term.
In general, the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence
with a 1 as the first term and d as the common
difference are
a 1, a 1 + 2d, a 1 +3d …. a 1 + ( n - 1 ) d

If a 1 and d are known, it is easy to find any term in an

arithmetic sequence by using the formula
a1 + ( n - 1 ) d

Let’s try these examples:

Find the 45th term of the arithmetic sequence whose
first term is 35 with a common difference of 9.

First, we need to write the formula. Second, the given

and lastly is the solution in the form of this to find
what we are looking for.
a n=a1 +(n+1)d
a 1 = 35
n = 45
a 45 = ?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 45 =35+(45 −1)9
a 45 =35+(44) 9
a 45 = 35 + 396
a 45= 431
What is the 100th term of the sequence 5, 10, 15, 20,
25, …?
a n=a1 +(n+1)d
a1 = 5
n = 100
a 100 = ?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 100=5+(100 −1)5
a 100=5+(99)5
a 100 = 5+ 495
a 100= 500 None sir.
Do you have any questions?
None sir

Who wants to try on the board?

What is the 50th term of the sequence 1, 19, 37, 55, Formula:
73, …? a n=a1 +(n+1)d
a1 = 1
d = 18
n = 50
a 50 = ?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 50=1+(50 −1)18
a 50=1+( 49)18
a 50 = 1+ 882
a 50= 883
Alright, very good _______________.

Determine whether the given numbers can be the

first five terms of an arithmetic sequence or not, if so
give the common difference.
1. Yes , the first five terms can be arithmetic
1. 15, 27, 39, 51, 63 sequence with common difference of 12.
2. 5, 12, 19, 27, 34 2. No, the given numbers do not form an arithmetic
25 11 19 sequence since 7 = 19 - 12 ≠ 27 -19 = 8.
3. 7, , , , 4 3. The numbers can be the first five terms of an
4 2 4
arithmetic sequence with common difference - .

Let’s try different examples:

What is the 1st term of an arithmetic sequence with
common difference of 43 and its seventh term is
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a1 = ?
d = 43
a 7 = 949
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
949=a1 +( 7 −1) 43
949=a1 +(6)43
949=a1 +¿ 258
a 1 = 949 − 258
a 1 = 691

Find the common difference of an arithmetic

sequence with first term value of 11 and the sixth
term is 56.
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 1 = 11
a 6 = 56
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
56=a1 +( 6 −1)d
56=a1 +( 5)d
56=11+ ¿ 5d
5d = 56 − 11
5d = 45
5d 45
5 5

In the sequence 7, 20, 33, 46, …, which term is 306?

a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a1 = 7
d = 13
a n= 306
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
306=7+( n −1)13
306=7+13 n −13
−13 n = 7 − 13 −306
−13 n −312
= −
−13 −13
n = 24

The fourth term of an arithmetic sequence is 27, and

the eleventh term is 69. Find the common difference,
the first term, and the 25th term of the sequence.

We know that a 4 = 27 and a 11 = 69. Thus, we have to

add the common difference d to 27 7 times ( 7 = 11 -
4) to obtain the 11th term. This means that a 11 = a 4 +
7d. Solving for d
a 11 = a 4 + 7d
69 = 27 + 7d
7d = 69 - 27
7d = 42
7 d 42
7 7
Therefore, the common difference is 6 .
We then subtract d = 6 three times to a 4 = 27 to
obtain a 1. Thus we get,
a 1 = 27 - 3(6)
a 1 = 27 - 18
a 1= 9
Solving the 25 term, we get

a 25 =a1 +(25− 1) d
a 25 =9+(24)6
a 25 =9+¿ 144
a 25 = 153

Real-life examples:
Jessica started going to school in 2009 having
P5,000 annual allowance and received an increment
of 600 each year. In which year did her annual
allowance reach P9,800.
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 1 = 5,000
d = 600
a n= 9,800
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
9,800=5000+(n− 1) 600
9,800=5,000+600 n −600
−600 n =5,000 − 600 - 9,800
- 600n = - 5,400 2017
−600 n −5,400
= −
−600 −600
2009 + 8 = 2017 is the year that Jessica reach her
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
P9,800 allowance.
What is the year that Jessica reach her P9,800 Given:
allowance? a1 = 5
Try this on the board. d=5
Anna saved P5 today, will save P10 tomorrow, and a n= ?
P15 the day after. If the pattern continues, how much
will Anna save on the 10th day? n = 10
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 10=5+(10 −1)5
a 10=5+( 9)5
a 10 = 5+ 45
a 10= 50
P50 is the amount of money that will save on the 10th day.

a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 1 =185
a 6 = 220

The height of six basketball players form an a 4 = ?

arithmetic sequence. If the shortest player is 185cm d=?
tall and the tallest is 220 cm., how tall is the fourth
player when they arranged from shortest to tallest?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
220=185+(6 − 1)d
220=185+¿ 5d
5d = 220 − 185
5d = 35
5d 35
5 5
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 4=185+(4 −1)7
a 4=185+(3)7
a 4 = 185+ 21
a 4= 206 cm

A sequence which consecutive terms have a common


The formula of an arithmetic sequenceis

a n=a1 +(n −1)d
D. Deepen
There’s a lot of application of arithmetic sequence in
Again what is arithmetic sequence?
real-life situation and real - world context such as
in our daily budgeting, saving, and even paying
What is the formula of an arithmetic sequence?
debt weekly is an example of arithmetic sequence
that people don’t usually notice.
(Student’s answer may vary)
How arithmetic sequence apply in real-life situation
and real - world context?

E. Transfer
Directions: Group yourselves into two and each
member of the group will solve the arithmetic
sequence to find the nth term. The first member will None sir
find the 10th term, the second member will find the
15th term, the third member will find the 20 th term,
25th term, 30th term, until to the last member.
Do yo have any questions?
Alright let’s begin your group activity. a n=a1 +(n+1)d
Select only 1 problem and solve it quietly.
a 1 = 379
Problem 1: d = 93
In the sequence 379, 472, 565, 658, 751…, find the n = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
10th ,15th , 20th , 25th, 30th , 35th, 40th, and 45th term .
a 10 = ?
a 15 = ?
a 20 = ?
a 25 = ?
a 30 = ?
a 35 = ?
a 40 = ?
a 45 = ?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 10=379+(10 −1)93
a 10=379+( 9)93
a 10 = 379 + 837
a 10= 1,216

a 15 = a 10 + 5d
a 15 = a 10 + 5(93)
a 15 = 1,216 + 5 (93)
a 15 = 1,216 + 465
a 15 = 1,681

a 20 = a 15 + 5d
a 20 = a 15 + 5(93)
a 20 = 1,681 + 5 (93)
a 20 = 1,681 + 465
a 20 = 2,146

a 25 = a 20 + 5d
a 25 = a 20 + 5(93)
a 25 = 2, 146 + 5 (93)
a 25 =2, 146 + 465
a 25 = 2, 611

a 30 = a 25 + 5d
a 30 = a 25 + 5(93)
a 30 = 2, 611 + 5 (93)
a 30 = 2, 611 + 465
a 30 = 3, 076

a 35 = a 30 + 5d
a 35 = a 30 + 5(93)
a 35 = 3, 076+ 5 (93)
a 35 =3,076 + 465
a 35 = 3, 541

a 40 = a 35 + 5d
a 40 = a 35 + 5(93)
a 40 = 3, 541+ 5 (93)
a 40 = 3, 541 + 465
a 40 = 4, 006

a 45 = a 40 + 5d
a 45 = a 40 + 5(93)
a 45 = 4, 006+ 5 (93)
a 45 = 4, 006 + 465
a 45 = 4,471

Problem 2:
What is the 10th ,15th , 20th , 25th, 30th , 35th, 40th, 45th , Formula:
term of the arithmetic sequence, 346, 405, 464, 523, a n=a1 +(n+1)d
a 1 = 346
d = 59
n = 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45
a 10 = ?
a 15 = ?
a 20 = ?
a 25 = ?
a 30 = ?
a 35 = ?
a 40 = ?
a 45 = ?
a n=a1 +(n −1)d
a 10 =346+(10 − 1)93
a 10=346+( 9)59
a 10 = 346 + 531
a 10= 877

a 15 = a 10 + 5d
a 15 = a 10 + 5 (59)
a 15 = 877 + 5 (59 )
a 15 = 877 + 295
a 15 = 1,172

a 20 = a 15 + 5d
a 20 = a 15 + 5(93)
a 20 = 1,172 + 5 (59)
a 20 =1,172 + 295
a 20 = 1,467

a 25 = a 20 + 5d
a 25 = a 20 + 5(59)
a 25 = 1, 467 + 5 (59)
a 25 = 1, 467 + 295
a 25 = 1,762

a 30 = a 25 + 5d
a 30 = a 25 + 5(59)
a 30 = 1, 762 + 5 (59)
a 30 = 1, 762 + 295
a 30 = 2, 057

a 35 = a 30 + 5d
a 35 = a 30 + 5(59)
a 35 = 2, 057 + 5 (59)
a 35 = 2, 057 + 295
a 35 = 2, 352

a 40 = a 35 + 5d
a 40 = a 35 + 5(59)
a 40 = 2, 352 + 5 (59)
a 40 = 2, 352 + 295
a 40 = 2, 647

a 45 = a 40 + 5d
a 45 = a 40 + 5(59)
a 45 = 2, 647+ 5 (59)
a 45 = 2,647 + 295
a 45 = 2, 942


Directions: Solve the given problem and show your complete solution.5pts. each

1. Find the 38th term of an arithmetic sequence whose first term is 835 and common difference of 13.
2. What is the 1st term of an arithmetic sequence with common difference of 36 and its fourth term is 627?
3. Find the 16th term of the sequence 389, 434, 479, 524…
4. In the sequence 7, 10, 13, 16, …, which term is 43?

Directions: Solve the following problem.

A water tank develops a leak. Each week, the tank loses 5 gallons of water due to the leak. Initially, the tank is
full and contains 1500 gallons.

a. How many gallons are in the tank 20 weeks later?

b. How many weeks until the tank is half-full?
c. How many weeks until the tank is empty?


Prepared by:
III -BSED Mathematics

Checked by:
Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

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