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The magnitude of colligative properties in all colloidal dispersions is ?.than

A. Lower
B. Higher
C. Both
D. None
Equimolar solutions in the same solvent have [AIEEE 2005]
A. Same boiling point but different freezing point
B. Same freezing point but different boiling point
C. Same boiling and same freezing points
D. Different boiling and different freezing points
Which of the following is a colligative property
A) Osmotic pressure
B) Boiling point
C) Vapour pressure
D) Freezing point
The colligative properties of a solution depend on
A) Nature of solute particles present in it
B) Nature of solvent used
C) Number of solute particles present in it
D) Number of moles of solvent only
Which of the following is not a colligative property
A) Osmotic pressure
B) Elevation in B.P.
C) Vapour pressure
D) Depression in freezing point

Which of the following is not a colligative property

A) Optical activity
B) Elevation in boiling point
C) Osmotic pressure
D) Lowering of vapour pressure

7) Colligative properties of a solution depends upon

A. The relative number of solute and solvent particles
B. Nature of solute only


C. Nature of solvent only

Colligative properties are used for the determination of

A) Molar Mass
B) Equivalent weight
C) Arrangement of molecules
D) Melting point and boiling point
E) Both A and B

11) What does not change on changing temperature

A) Mole fraction
B) Normality
C) Molality
D) None of the

1. How can boiling point elevation be achieved in Evaporators?

a) Increasing pressure
b) Decreasing pressure
c) Increasing Temperature
d) Increasing concentration
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Answer: d
Explanation: The boiling point of the solution increases as the water evaporates
and the concentration increases, this is known as boiling point elevation.
2. Boiling point of the solution ________ as the evaporation process proceeds.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same
d) Becomes half
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Answer: a
Explanation: The boiling point of the solution increases as the water evaporates
and the concentration increases, this is known as boiling point elevation. Boiling


point, melting point are few properties of liquids that depend on the
concentration of solid.
3. Boiling point of a solution is a colligative property.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The boiling point, melting point and osmotic pressure are few
properties of liquids that depend on the concentration of solid in them, this is
known as colligative properties.
4. The boiling point of a solution is a colligative property because?
a) It depends on the temperature of solution
b) It depends on the concentration of solution
c) It depends on the applied pressure on the solution
d) It depends on the heat capacity of the solution
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Answer: b
Explanation: The four properties of fluid that are colligative in nature are –
i. Vapour pressure depression
ii. Boiling point elevation
iii. Melting point depression
iv. Osmotic pressure.
Colligative properties are those properties of the liquid which change (either
increase or decrease) with increasing the number of solute molecules
(concentration) in the solvent.
5. Boiling point elevation causes the driving force of evaporation in the fluid to
a) Decrease
b) Increase
c) Remain same
d) Increase tenfold
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Answer: a


Explanation: Boiling point elevation causes the boiling point of the solution to
increase and hence the temperature now required to evaporate water also
increases, thus the driving force decreases.
6. The temperature of water vapour released from the solution after facing
boiling point elevation is ________
a) Equal to 100℃
b) Below 100℃
c) Above 100℃
d) Much larger than 100℃
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Answer: c
Explanation: After the boiling point elevation has occurred and the solution now
boils at a temperature above the normal and hence the steam ejected is also at
that temperature, hence the steam is superheated.
7. The vapour released from the feed after being considerably concentrated is
superheated steam.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: As boiling point is a colligative property, as the boiling point
elevation has occurred and the solution now boils at a temperature above the
normal and hence the steam ejected is also at that temperature, hence the steam
is superheated.
8. The Boiling point elevation as the evaporation in an evaporator proceeds can
be approximately measured by __________
a) Duhring’s rule
b) Arrhenius rule
c) Kozeny Carman rule
d) Sieder tate rule
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Answer: a


Explanation: The verified rule known as the Duhring’s rule measures the value of
BPE of a solution. The rule states that – the boiling point (BP) of a given solution
has a linear function with the boiling point of that same solution’s solvent which is
pure water at the same temperature and pressure.
9. To help coping with boiling point elevation in evaporators, which of the
following can be done?
a) Increase the feed temperature to its boiling point
b) Use superheated steam at the temperature of maximum boiling point
c) Increase pressure
d) Reduce pressure
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Answer: b
Explanation: To cope with the BPE problem, industries mostly use superheated
steam with the maximum Boiling point to ensure evaporation till the very end of
the operation.
10. Which one the following properties of fluid in not a colligative property?
a) Osmotic pressure
b) Surface tension
c) Boiling point elevation
d) Vapour pressure depression
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Answer: b
Explanation: The four properties of fluid that are colligative in nature are –
i. Vapour pressure depression
ii. Boiling point elevation
iii. Melting point depression
iv. Osmotic pressure.

11. The vapour pressure of the solution ________ when the concentration of
solutes increases.
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same


d) Becomes zero
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Answer: b
Explanation: The four properties of fluid that are colligative in nature are –
i. Vapour pressure depression
ii. Boiling point elevation
iii. Melting point depression
v. Osmotic pressure.
Hence the vapour pressure decreases on increasing concentration.
12. To cope with the change in vapour pressure with increasing concentration and
considering the sensitivity of the solution to high temperatures, which one of the
following step can be undertaken?
a) Increase the feed temperature to its boiling point
b) Use superheated steam at the temperature of maximum boiling point
c) Increase pressure
d) Reduce pressure
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Answer: d
Explanation: If the temperature cannot be increased to the maximum considering
sensitivity of feed, the only option we have is to reduce pressure as it would bring
down the boiling point of the feed.

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