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- Pangandaran Beach -

Pangandaran Beach is located in Ciamis, West Java . Pangandaran beach

has beautiful scenery. This beach has white sand. Pangandaran Beach, we can see the
beautiful waves, boats, assorted shellfish, and fish. Pangandaran Beach is very famous
in Indonesia. This beach is the most visited while on vacation.

We can go to the beach by car, small bus, medium bus, or big bus. It would be
better if we went to the beach with family or friends. Pangandaran Beach, we can
enjoy the fresh coastal air, water play, sand play, diving, play with the fish, and the
boat road.
Different from the west Pangandaran beach, east Pangandaran beach offers a
paradise for seafood enthusiasts. Thousands of processed seafood snacks are offered,
ranging from restaurants and food stalls along the beach. Besides stalls, in the south
of Pangandaran east coast there is also a fresh fish market that is distributed directly
from fishermen. In addition to being a surge for sea food lovers, East Pangandaran
beach is also a destination for those who like to do water sports such as jet skis and
banana boats.
In Pangandaran there are many stalls selling "souvenirs" are ready to take home.
Ranging from temporary tattoo shop, clothes shop, knick knacks beach, to wait for
salted fish stall visited. And we can also enjoy the typical food Pangandaran on the
waterfront. There are also natural caves and artificial caves such as stage cave, Parat
cave, Mudal Well cave, lanang and Japan caves. As well as water sources Rengganis.
We will also go Pangandaran nature reserve. In this Pangandaran nature reserve
along the forest we would save a million charm. 1,000 ha nature reserve has a variety
of flora and fauna such as the lotus flower raflesia, bison, deer, and various species of
If you go to Pangandaran beach, you will feel happy. All the problems that exist
in your head will be lost.

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