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Motivation Science

© 2019 American Psychological Association 2019, Vol. 5, No. 2, 93–105



The Development of Goal Setting Theory:

A Half Century Retrospective
Edwin A. Locke Gary P. Latham
University of Maryland University of Toronto
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This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

This chapter summarizes the authors’ joint development of the goal setting theory. The
basic concept was based on more than 50 years of research and the formal theory has
endured for 28 years (Locke & Latham, 1990). The theory was not developed through
overgeneralization from only a few studies or by deduction but rather by induction. The
inductions involved the integration of hundreds of studies involving thousands of
participants. The theory initially focused solely on consciously set goals. To date, the
goal setting theory has shown generality across participants, tasks, nationality, goal
source, settings, experimental designs, outcome variables, levels of analysis (individ-
ual, group, division, and organizational), and time spans. The theory identifies both
mediators and moderators of goal effects. Numerous subsequent studies since 1990
have supported the main tenets of the theory. New findings have enlarged our knowl-
edge of the relevant mediators and moderators as well as showing new applications
(Locke & Latham, 2013). Among these discoveries are when to set learning rather than
performance goals, the effect of goals primed in the subconscious on job performance,
and that goal effects are enhanced by having people write at length about them.

Keywords: goal setting, motivation, theory building

The present authors independently discovered My first course was Introduction to Industrial-
the importance of goal setting for significantly Organizational (I-O) Psychology taught by Pa-
improving the performance of individuals and tricia Cain Smith, who was among the earliest
teams. We subsequently formed a research part- and most respected female industrial psycholo-
nership in 1974 (Latham & Locke, 1975) that gists. The textbook she assigned to the students
has continued to the present day (e.g., Latham in this course was Principles of Industrial Psy-
& Locke, 2018). In this chapter we describe our chology that she had coauthored with Thomas
individual discoveries, our joint research that A. Ryan (Ryan & Smith, 1954). A figure in a
led to the development of the goal setting theory chapter in this book entitled Industrial Motiva-
in 1990, and new developments to the theory tion showed the results of an experiment con-
since that time period. ducted in England by C. A. Mace (1935). The
figure (p. 397) showed that employees who were
Locke given a specific goal to attain each day on a
computation task showed markedly greater im-
I entered graduate school in the Department provement than those who had been told to do
of Psychology at Cornell University in 1960. their best. However, no statistical tests had been
used to analyze the data. Nevertheless, this ap-
peared to be a promising way to approach the
topic of work motivation.1
Edwin A. Locke, R. H. Smith School of Business, Uni-
versity of Maryland; Gary P. Latham, Rotman School of To put this in context, I must digress with a
Management and Departments of Psychology, Industrial discussion of the field of psychology at that
Relations, and Nursing, University of Toronto.
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad-
dressed to Edwin A. Locke, 2451 Norwalk Avenue, Los In the late 1960s, Locke met Mace in England. He was
Angeles, CA 90041. E-mail: excited by Locke’s findings.


point in time. The dominant philosophy under- tial Freudian influence on some psychologists
lying empirical experiments was behaviorism, such as Henry Murray. Murray (1938) viewed
the doctrine that human action can be predicted, motivation as stemming from an individual’s
explained, and controlled without reference to unconscious motives or general needs as mea-
consciousness. John B. Watson (1924), the sured by projective tests. These were often poor
founder of behaviorism, argued that because predictors of job performance.3 The thrust of
consciousness can be neither weighed nor mea- Ryan’s book is an approach to motivation that
sured as with physical entities, it should not be includes conscious, task, and situationally spe-
considered as part of science. Only observable cific intentions on the premise that these are the
behavior should be studied. Behaviorists denied most direct regulators of an individual’s actions.
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

free will and asserted that psychology should Armed with philosophical confidence, I did
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embrace environmental determinism.2 my dissertation on goal setting, under Ryan’s

The philosophy of behaviorism was accepted and Smiths’ supervision. Following in Mace’s
by most psychologists in Canada and the United (1935) footsteps, I added task and goal variety
States because it did not encounter much oppo- and, most importantly, statistical tests. The lab-
sition. For example, instinct theory turned out to oratory experiments I conducted supported
be a dead end because people were not found to Mace, and I was able to publish my results. I
have inborn goals or knowledge. Superficially, was subsequently hired by the American Insti-
the school of introspectionism seemed better tutes for Research where the director of the
than the study of instincts because it dealt with Washington office, Ed Fleishman, helped me
consciousness, but its core was narrowly fo- get a grant from the Office of Naval Research.
cused on reports of physical sensations. The With my research assistant, Judy Bryan, I con-
success psychologists had in influencing animal ducted additional laboratory experiments on the
behavior at that time through the use of rewards
goal-performance relationship. Two years later
was considered to provide support for behavior-
I was hired by the University of Maryland De-
partment of Psychology. There I continued my
Ryan (1970) rejected behaviorism as inade-
research on goal setting.
quate and asserted that conscious intentions
should be studied. He was writing his book on Here it is worth pointing out why a large
intentions during my time in the Cornell doc- number of researchers proceeded to conduct
toral program (1960 –1964). Thus, I was able to goal setting experiments after seeing these re-
read drafts of his chapters. sults. Goal setting is a technique that, if properly
In this same time period, I was reading the implemented, works, and it works reliably to
work of philosopher Ayn Rand (for a summary increase an individual and a team’s perfor-
see Peikoff, 1991). I learned that consciousness mance. Researchers like their experiments to
had the status of an axiom, that is, a concept that succeed because it is difficult to publish null
along with other axioms such as existence, findings.
formed the basis for all knowledge and are Frederick Herzberg’s motivator-hygiene the-
self-evident to perception and thus irrefutable. ory (Herzberg, Mausner, & Snyderman, 1959)
Consequently, I knew that behaviorism, includ- was a competing theory to goal setting. Herz-
ing Skinner’s (1953) operant model and envi- berg’s theory asserted that extrinsic aspects of
ronmental determinism, was wrong in principle. the job, that is, hygiene variables (e.g., an em-
As a result, I wrote a number of critiques of ployee’s pay) cause job dissatisfaction but not
behaviorism (e.g., Locke, 1971) and its alleged job satisfaction. The theory claimed that intrin-
applicability to management (Locke, 1977). Ul-
timately the behaviorist doctrine failed because 2
Some psychologists who adhered to this model viewed
of its inadequacy as an explanation of human the study of consciousness in psychology as a regression to
action. mysticism.
Another aspect of Ryan’s book proved espe- McClelland, Atkinson, Clark, and Lowell (1953) sub-
cially useful to me. He reviewed the most com- conscious need for achievement motive predicts entrepre-
neurship, but it does so no better than self-reports of con-
mon, contemporary attempts at dealing with the scious achievement motivation (Collins, Hanges, & Locke,
issue of motivation, aside from the behaviorist’s 2004). For recent data on this issue, see Howard (2013) and
concept of reinforcement. He noted the substan- Locke (2015).

sic aspects of the job, that is motivating vari- psychologists during World War II, instilled in
ables (e.g., such as the work itself) influence job students the desire to make a difference as sci-
satisfaction but not dissatisfaction. This theory entist-practitioners. I was assigned to work with
was based on only two studies and did not focus William Ronan as his research assistant. Ronan
directly on performance. The methodology used was a former student of Flanagan (1954), the
in both studies was the critical incident tech- developer of the critical incident technique
nique (CIT), a technique originally developed noted above.
for conducting a job analysis, not for identifying In the summer of 1968, Ronan was hired by
sources of job satisfaction (Flanagan, 1954). the American Pulpwood Association to find
Research that used different methodologies did ways to increase the productivity of pulpwood
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not replicate Herzberg’s findings (e.g., Locke, crews. Organizations such as International Pa-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

1976). per were dependent on these crews for timber to

Another competitor to goal setting in the make paper. Ronan accepted the consulting as-
1960s–1980s was the expectancy theory signment on the condition that I be hired as a
(Vroom, 1964). This theory states that an em- research assistant for that summer to initiate and
ployee’s decisions are made by multiplying va- implement a project that would be of sufficient
lence (value) of a Task ⫻ Expectancy of per- quality to serve as a master’s thesis. I chose to
forming a Task Effectively ⫻ Instrumentality to conduct a job analysis, using the CIT, to iden-
the individual for doing so, and the product of tify behaviors that differentiate effective from
these in turn leads to making choices. This ineffective pulpwood crews. Among my discov-
theory was developed through deduction. How- eries was that effective crews set specific pro-
ever, it turned out that people do not typically duction goals for the amount of wood that they
make choices by performing such multiplica- would harvest in a day and/or week.
tions and Vroom later admitted this fact (Latham, During the second year of my master’s pro-
2012). gram, Ronan was factor analyzing the results of
Another motivation theory, the prospect the- questionnaires that had been completed by for-
ory, is based on Kahneman and Tversky’s re- esters regarding their observations of pulpwood
search. Heath, Larrick, and Wu (1999) and Wu, crews. Fortuitously, the questionnaire included
Heath, and Larrick (2008) claimed that the pros- an item on setting a weekly goal for the amount
pect theory parsimoniously explains goal set- of wood to be harvested. This item loaded on
ting results when, in fact, few if any of its the same factor as an objective measure of crew
claims about goals and goal setting theory are productivity (i.e., cords per employee hour).
correct (Locke & Latham, in press). The claims Thus, two different methodologies, the CIT and
of prospect theorists include misstatements a questionnaire, yielded the same conclusion:
about goal setting such as: (a) the theory does There is a goal-performance relationship.
not take into account reference standards, even The very day in 1969 that I presented the
though a goal is a standard for self-evaluation; results of my thesis to the American Pulpwood
(b) it cannot explain the effect on performance Association, the organization hired me to be its
of setting a difficult-to-attain goal; (c) claiming first staff psychologist. On Saturdays I fre-
goal difficulty and specificity are the same; (d) quently returned to the Georgia Tech library
failing to take into account the theory’s moder- where I perused the quarterly issues of Psycho-
ators (e.g., goal commitment) and goal determi- logical Abstracts. In issue after issue, I read
nants (e.g., values, self-efficacy); and (e) an over- abstracts of journal articles that described labo-
reliance on paper people experiments in which ratory experiments in which people who had
an individual’s actual performance is not mea- been assigned a specific, high goal brainstormed
sured. more ideas, solved more arithmetic problems,
made more tinker toys, and so forth than did
Latham those who had been randomly assigned to a
placebo (control) condition in which they had
In the fall of 1967, I began my pursuit of a been urged to do their best. Racing into his
master’s degree in I-O psychology at the Geor- office the following week, I excitedly ex-
gia Institute of Technology. The I-O faculty, claimed, “Dr. Ronan, an I-O psychologist by the
most of whom had served in the military as name of Locke has found. . . .” Suddenly, we

had the beginning of a theoretical framework criticized for lack of external/ecological validity
for conducting our research and explaining our (e.g., Heneman & Schwab, 1972; Hinrichs,
inductively obtained results (e.g., Locke, 1968). 1970).
Based on Locke’s laboratory experiments, Unbeknownst to me, the global forest prod-
Sid Kinne, a PhD forester who reported directly ucts company, Weyerhaeuser, was aware of my
to Georgia Kraft Company’s CEO, convinced research conducted at the American Pulpwood
him to allow the two of us to conduct a field Association as well as my progress in the doc-
experiment in which we randomly assigned toral program at the University of Akron. In
pulpwood crews to an experimental condition in November 1972, they offered me a job starting
which they were assigned a specific, high- in June 1973 as their first staff psychologist. I
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

productivity goal or to a placebo condition in immediately accepted the offer when the com-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

which they were urged to do their best. The pany informed me that upon joining them I
importance of the latter exhortation to these could choose any topic for my dissertation and
crews was highly relevant for them because that I would be given all the resources I would
they were paid on a piece-rate basis. In the very need to complete it. The reason for this won-
first week and throughout this 3-month experi- derful offer was the results of my goal-setting
ment, the crews that had specific, high goals research involving pulpwood crews.
outperformed those in the control condition. Weyerhaeuser’s senior management had
The goals provided the crews with a purpose, a been astounded that something so simple and
sense of challenge, and feelings of accomplish- straightforward as setting a specific, high goal
ment for otherwise tedious work. Consequently, could have such a positive effect on an employ-
in addition to significant increases in weekly ee’s and a team’s performance. “Doesn’t every-
productivity, job attendance soared in the goal- one set goals?” was the question commonly
setting condition because cutting trees was now asked of me. The answer was and is yes, but the
meaningful to the crews. The goal was a stan-
goals are almost always general or vague in
dard for self-assessing their effectiveness (Latham
nature and thus have little or no effect on a
& Kinne, 1974).
person’s behavior. Remaining a bit skeptical yet
By this time Ronan was far more than my
intrigued by my findings, they asked whether
thesis supervisor; he was a trusted mentor to
me. Sadly, the psychology department’s empha- “my methodology” could be tweaked to further
sis in that time period was solely on industrial inspire productivity.
psychology and human factors engineering. There As a doctoral student, I was impressed by
was no organizational psychology faculty. Rensis Likert’s (1967) research on principles
Thus, rather than return to Georgia Tech to that he had labeled a system 4 style of leader-
pursue a PhD, I entered the doctoral program in ship, namely encouraging employee participa-
psychology at the University of Akron (Akron, tion in decision making, goal setting, and devel-
OH) in 1971. Two things had attracted me to oping a supportive relationship with subordinates.
that department. First, only a PhD in I-O psy- Thus, my response to the question of tweaking
chology was offered; second, the department goal setting determined my choice of my doc-
had recently hired Gary Yukl, a rapidly rising toral dissertation. I compared the effect of as-
star in I-O psychology. signed versus participatively set goals on per-
The assigned readings in Yukl’s doctoral sem- formance versus a do-your-best condition
inar included Locke’s research. Hence, I (Latham & Yukl, 1975). This led to program-
showed Yukl the technical reports on goal set- matic research involving about 17 subsequent
ting published by the American Pulpwood As- field and laboratory experiments on this topic. I
sociation for its client companies. He immedi- found that the crews that participated in setting
ately urged me to send copies to Locke. Within their performance goals had the highest produc-
the week Locke sent me a letter in which he tivity. Moreover, they set higher goals than
suggested that I submit them for publication, those who had been assigned goals by the crew
which I did (Latham & Kinne, 1974; Ronan, supervisor. The goal setting theory states that
Latham, & Kinne, 1973). The timing was per- high goals lead to higher performance than easy
fect because that was the time period in which goals (Latham & Locke, 2018; Locke & Latham,
Locke’s goal-setting experiments were being 1990).

Among my other findings in that time period In 1968, Locke published an article entitled
was that goals improve performance in the ab- “Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and In-
sence of monetary incentives. For example, centives” based primarily on the results of his
they did so for unionized loggers (Latham & early goal-setting experiments and the ideas of
Baldes, 1975) and truck drivers (Latham & Mace. But there was insufficient empirical evi-
Saari, 1982),4 who were paid by the hour. They dence at that time to build a formal theory.
also did so for scientists/engineers, most of However, the evidence supporting the develop-
whom possessed graduate degrees. Consistent ment of a theory soon began to accumulate
with the goal setting theory, those individuals based on hundreds of studies conducted by our-
who were urged to do their best despite receiv- selves and others. Thus, in 1990 we published a
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

ing praise, public recognition, or a monetary book that presents the goal setting theory based
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

bonus performed no better than those in the on approximately 400 studies (Locke &
control group. The scientists/engineers who par- Latham, 1990).
ticipated in the goal-setting process had the A good theory must be based on a clear defi-
same level of goal commitment as those who nition of its concept or concepts (Locke, 2003).
had been assigned goals. But, as was the case Key concepts require careful measurement.
with the loggers (Latham & Yukl, 1975), the We discovered empirically that the best goal
difficulty level of the participatively set goals measure was: “What is the minimum score you
was higher than the goals that had been assigned would be satisfied with?” (An untested alterna-
by a manager. For the same reason, as was the tive would be, “What is the lowest score you
case with the loggers, job performance was would not be dissatisfied with?”). Previously
highest in the participative goal condition such measures had not been used. Usually peo-
(Latham, Mitchell, & Dossett, 1978). Subse- ple had simply been asked to try for X.
quent laboratory experiments (e.g., Latham & Several meta-analyses had been done on the
Saari, 1979; Latham, Steele, & Saari, 1982), as effects of goals on task performance (Locke &
well as an earlier field experiment involving Latham, 1990, Tables 2-1 and 2-2). These anal-
word processing operators (Latham & Yukl, yses show that people with specific, challenging
1976), showed that when goal difficulty be- goals reliably outperform those with do-your-
tween conditions is the same, the performance best goals because the latter type of goal is
of those with assigned versus participatively set interpreted too subjectively. Moreover, the de-
goals does not differ. gree of goal challenge or difficulty is linearly
Locke and I met at the 1974 annual meeting related to performance, given sufficient skill or
of the American Psychological Association. As ability. We concluded that the most effective
noted earlier, we coauthored our first paper to- goals for increasing performance are those that
gether a year later (Latham & Locke, 1975). are specific and difficult. With regard to goal
Based on data from the American Pulpwood specificity, we found that it alone does not nec-
Association, we discovered that pulpwood essarily lead to high performance because a goal
crews, paid on a piece rate basis and restricted can be both specific and easy to attain. We
to cutting wood to 2–3 days a week cut as much found that specific goals in and of themselves
as they normally did in a 5-day week. The affect the variance in performance only to the
restricted number of days had become a spe- degree that performance is controllable.
cific, challenging time frame (i.e., a goal).
Often overlooked by subsequent researchers
are our Appendixes C and D in Locke and Latham
Theory Building (1990), which present guidelines for conducting
laboratory and field experiments. Ignoring these
We did not begin our research with theory
building in mind. Because of Herzberg, we were guidelines can lead to substandard performance
acutely aware of the dangers of premature the- and erroneous conclusions. For example, as-
orizing (Locke, 1976, 2007; Locke & Latham, signing impossible goals in a laboratory in-
2005). As we noted earlier, Herzberg’s database creases performance because there are no pen-
was very small, his methodology was dubious,
and his results could not be replicated using 4
We never had a union grievance filed by a logger or a
different and sounder methodologies. driver over goal setting.

alties for failure to attain them. Impossible goals back work better together to increase perfor-
can motivate in the short run if people try hard mance than either one alone.
to attain them. In field settings, impossible-to- A second moderator is goal commitment. A
attain goals can lead to demoralization and pun- goal that one is not committed to attain will not
ishment. In organizations, goals should be chal- affect that person’s actions. The ultimate proof
lenging yet attainable. of commitment is action, but self-report scales
Generality. Inductive theory building re- can be useful (Klein, Cooper, & Monahan, 2013).
quires evidence of generality. Although we had Commitment is especially important when a goal
no formal theory of induction when we began is difficult to attain because the goal requires more
our research, we reported evidence of generality effort and persistence when setbacks are inevita-
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

across tasks (n ⫽ 88), participants (n ⬵ 40,000), bly experienced. Commitment is affected by val-
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

countries (n ⫽ 7), outcome measures (n ⫽ 10), ues, including incentives, and self-efficacy.
and time spans ranging from 1 min to several A third moderator, which as noted is also a
years,5 designs (experimental, correlational), mediator, is ability, namely knowledge or skill.
settings (laboratory, simulation, field), and goal People cannot attain goals if they do not know
sources (assigned, self-set, participatively set). how to do so. This is an example of motivation
Studies also showed that goal setting could be and cognition working together (see Wood,
used successfully with groups/teams, divisions, Whelan, Sojo, & Wong, 2013). Perceptions by
and even small organizations (e.g., Porter & supervisors that the goals assigned to them by
Latham, 2013; Pritchard, Young, Koenig, Sch- their managers are excessively difficult has been
merling, & Dixon, 2013). shown subsequently to be related to their abuse
Our focus on generality has implications for of employees (Mawritz, Folger, & Latham,
how the issue of replication might best be ad- 2014).
dressed in the psychological sciences and Situational factors. Situational factors, a
maybe elsewhere. The emphasis in many dis- fourth moderator, affect the goal-performance
cussions of replication has been on exact repli- relationship. Goal-directed action may be facil-
cation of single studies. But it is hard to know itated or hindered by environmental factors and
how a study using one task, one set of instruc- the degree of support an individual receives
tions, one setting, one type of measure, one time
(e.g., people, money, facilities).
span, and one class of participants and so forth
Affect. Goals are by their nature something
will generalize. Our view is that generality is
one values. Emotions are based on subconscious
best achieved by replication with variation of
value judgments (Locke, 2009). Thus, goal attain-
the type used in our research program.
ment is related to affect (see Locke & Latham,
Mediators. Goal research showed that goal
mediators include choice/attention, effort, and 1990, Chapter 10). Numerous studies show that
persistence. Goals were also found to motivate goal attainment is related to satisfaction. However,
people to use existing strategies for goal attain- there is an apparent paradox. Difficult goals are
ment or to discover new ones (Seijts & Latham, less likely to be attained than easier goals, thus
2005; Winters & Latham, 1996). Having rele- making satisfaction harder to experience. So why
vant strategies for goal attainment is a fourth do people try to attain them? The explanation,
mediator. provided by an experiment by Mento, Locke, and
An important finding of goal research on the Klein (1992), is that attaining challenging goals is
opposite side of the mediator coin showed that often the path to more internal and external ben-
self-set goals along with self-efficacy could me- efits than easier goals (e.g., pride, educational cre-
diate the results of other motivators on perfor- dentials, better job, higher pay).
mance (e.g., assigned goals, feedback, person- Expectancy and self-efficacy. Another par-
ality, incentives, job design, and leadership). adox arose in relation to the expectancy theory,
This research was updated by Locke (2001). which states that a higher expectancy of perfor-
Moderators. We identified four modera- mance effectiveness is more motivating than a
tors of goal-performance effects. Feedback is
critical to goal effects because it enables people 5
Subsequent to 1990, Howard (2013) reported that set-
to track progress so that effort and strategy can ting a specific, high goal predicted job advancement 25
be adjusted to attain the goal. Goals and feed- years later at AT&T.

lower expectancy (Vroom, 1964). A challeng- Induction

ing goal is less likely to be attained. Neverthe-
less, a high goal leads to higher performance The goal setting theory appears to be unique
than one that is easily attained. The resolution to among work motivation theories in withstand-
this paradox was found in Bandura’s (1997) ing the test of time—some 50 years since the
concept of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers to first goal-setting experiments were conducted
task or domain self-confidence and is positively and 28 years since the first statement of the
related to performance. It is measured by ratings theory. It has been rated as the most valid and
across multiple performance levels and then practical theory of work motivation (Lee &
averaged. In contrast, expectancy is normally Earley, 1992; Miner, 2003; Pinder, 1998). We
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

measured in relation to only one outcome level at attribute this success to the use of the inductive
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

a time. A single outcome expectancy rating does method.

not predict well across participants when differ- Induction goes against what has become all
ent individuals are assigned different goal levels but an axiom in psychology: Deduce a theory
relative to the more comprehensive self-efficacy and then test it. When an experimental hy-
scale because the frame of reference is not con- pothesis is supported, theory building often is
stant (see Locke & Latham, 1990, Chapter 3). considered closed. Induction, on the other
The self-efficacy theory (Bandura, 1997) has hand, helps prevent premature theorizing and
been incorporated into goal theory and vice premature closure. Induction minimizes the
versa. This is because self-efficacy is affected temptation for harking, namely formulating
by assigned goals, influences self-set goals, af- hypotheses after the results are known. Induc-
fects responses to performance feedback, af- tion lengthens the time perspective for theory
fects goal commitment, and is associated with development. Most importantly, once a theory
the use of effective task strategies (Locke & is formulated inductively, the theory is open
Latham, 1990, 2002). to further development; The theory continues
Supplemental results. Other issues dis- to be a work in progress rather than a closed
cussed in our 1990 book include the hypothesized system. New studies are not a threat to the
causes of null results from goal setting, the flaws theory; rather, they are an opportunity for
in Atkinson’s deductively derived motivation the- further development. In sum, induction helps
ory, the positive effects of proximal versus distal prevent premature theorizing, premature clo-
goals on tasks that are complex for an individual, sure, and desperate attempts to prove one is
the determinants of goal choice, the role of par- not wrong.
ticipation in goal setting, the effects of value im- Following the publication of our 1990
portance on affect, and the application of goal book, goal-setting research exploded to more
setting to human resource management. than 1,000 studies (Latham, 2012; Mitchell &
Contingencies. A noteworthy aspect of our Daniels, 2003). Thus, we decided that an up-
1990 book is that we analyzed every goal- date to the theory was needed. There were
setting study that obtained contingent or nega- more studies than we could keep track of so
tive results. The law of contradiction asserts that our new, edited book involves some 70 schol-
something cannot be true and not true at the ars who updated the literature (Locke &
same time and in the same respect. Usually Latham, 2013). Below are examples.
replication problems are caused by one of two
factors: (a) the theory is wrong or at least needs Participative Versus Assigned Goals
further development or (b) the theory was tested
inappropriately. Our analyses suggested what Prior to 1990, experiment after experiment on
could be done to verify our hypotheses. So far, assigned and participatively set goals showed
no one has followed up, but we believe that that performance, whether in the laboratory or
such an analysis serves as an antidote to the in the field, was the same if goal difficulty was
all-too-common procedure in psychology of cit- held constant as long as the rationale or logic for
ing only results that fit one’s theory while ig- the assigned goal was provided. This was not
noring those that do not. the case if the goal was assigned in a curt

manner (Latham, Erez, & Locke, 1988).6 That which participants sought to increase market
an assigned goal was as effective as a partici- share under rapidly evolving changes in the
patively set goal ran counter to the prevailing telecommunications industry, the researchers
belief in I-O psychology (e.g., Likert, 1967). found that those who had a specific, challenging
The explanation for this seemingly contradic- learning goal to discover and implement a spe-
tory finding was provided in an experiment by cific number of strategies or were urged to do
Latham, Winters, and Locke (1994). Research- their best significantly increased market share
ers, including us, had been looking in the wrong versus those with a specific challenging perfor-
direction. That is, we were searching in vain for mance goal. A learning goal orientation pre-
the motivational effects of participation in set- dicted performance only when a vague goal had
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

tings goals (e.g., commitment) when the main been set, namely to do one’s best. In short,
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

benefit is cognitive. A mediation analysis re- specific goal setting masked the effect of a
vealed that the quality of the strategies that are learning goal orientation on subsequent perfor-
used is responsible for the high performance of mance. Self-efficacy and information search
the individuals who participate in the goal- (strategy) mediated the learning goal–perfor-
setting process. Scully, Kirkpatrick, and Locke mance effect.
(1995) found that participation’s benefits were Primed Goals
based on knowledge exchange.
Arguably the most remarkable finding with
Learning Versus Performance Goals regard to the goal setting theory since 1990 is
that it is as applicable to goals primed in the
When participants were given a task that ex- subconscious as it is to consciously set goals
ceeded their knowledge or ability, a moderator (Latham, 2018). Additive effects on perfor-
in the goal setting theory, participants with a mance of these two types of goals have been
do-your-best goal had higher performance than obtained in both laboratory (Ganegoda, Latham,
those assigned performance goals. People who & Folger, 2011; Stajkovic, Locke, & Blair,
were given high goals under time pressure typ- 2006) and field experiments (Shantz & Latham,
ically failed to explore alternative strategies. 2009). A context-specific primed goal has been
The best procedure here is to assign specific, shown to lead to higher job performance than a
challenging learning goals (Seijts, Latham, & general one (Latham & Piccolo, 2012). On a
Woodwark, 2013; Winters et al., 1996). Self- task that is complex for people, a primed learn-
efficacy and strategies mediate learning goal ing goal led to higher performance than a
effects. Learning goals are especially effective primed performance goal (Chen & Latham,
when negative feedback is given on the perfor- 2014). Latham, Brcic, and Steinhauer (2017)
mance of a task that is experienced as highly found that a goal can be primed for the subse-
complex (Cianci, Klein, & Seijts, 2010). Learn- quent conscious choice of a difficult versus an
ing and performance goals actually can be as- easy goal as well as effort expended. Choice
signed together so long as the cognitive load is and effort, as noted earlier, are mediators in the
not too high (Masuda, Locke, & Williams, goal setting theory. Latham et al. (2017) also
2015). found that the more difficult the goal primed in
the subconscious, the higher the goal that is
Learning Goals Versus a Learning
consciously set. Moreover, a conscious self-set
Goal Orientation goal partially mediated the subconscious goal–
performance relationship. A self-report measure
A learning goal, a state, is not to be confused
of conscientiousness moderated this relation-
with a learning goal orientation conceived by
Dweck (1986) as a quasitrait. Setting a specific,
high goal provides direction for one’s behavior; 6
This article was awarded the best paper of the year by
it serves as a motivator for performance attain- the organizational behavior (OB) division of the Academy
ment. The importance of not blurring the dis- of Management not so much because of the findings but
because of the process used to obtain the findings. Two
tinction between these two concepts was shown protagonists, Latham and Erez, used a mutually respected
empirically by Seijts, Latham, Tasa, and mediator, Locke, to conduct four experiments to shed light
Latham (2004). Using a complex simulation in on their conflicting findings.

ship. The effects of goal priming are not limited provides a detailed method of how organiza-
to an individual’s performance. A primed goal tions can and should use goal setting to be
can even increase satisfaction with customer successful. Based on his work at Intel, he
service (Brcic & Latham, 2016). introduced Google’s leadership team to goal
setting (based on a study by Locke), which is
Other Findings now a critical part of Google’s leadership
strategy. Doerr explained the necessity of
Among the other findings since 1990 are the
making goals transparent to all departments,
following. First is the economic benefits of goal
thus making unethical behavior less likely.
setting. Schmidt (2013) calculated, on the basis
Similarly, Kerr and Lepelley (2013) described
of utility analysis, that given an average salary
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

how G.E. managers, at the insistence of Jack

of $50,000, the average increase in output of
This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

Welch, set stretch goals, that is, goals that

employees is $9,200 a year as the result of a
were arguably impossible to attain. These
goal-setting intervention. Second, Klein et al.
were set to stimulate creative outside-the-box
(2013) updated their goal commitment scale
thinking. No one was penalized for failure to
and identified several determinants of commit-
attain these goals. Hence, no one was tempted
ment. Third, Wood et al. (2013) updated the
to cheat or exaggerate goal attainment.
research on strategy as a moderator. Specific,
Stretch goals were in addition to assigned
challenging goals combined with appropriate
minimum goals that did have to be attained.
strategies produce stronger performance effects
than either one alone. Fourth, Sun and Frese
(2013) shed light on multiple goal pursuit. Prox- The Biological Basis for Goals
imal goals are especially important for attaining
We noted in our 1990 book that the foun-
sequentially interdependent distal goals that are
dation of goal directed action is biology. Life
long term and are complex for an individual or
is a conditional process; it requires action that
team (Latham & Locke, 2007; Locke, 2018b).
sustains survival. If no action is taken or the
Fifth, the goal-performance relationship is not
wrong actions are taken, the organism does
restricted to the workplace. Goal setting has
not survive and cannot reproduce. At the level
beneficial effects in sports, psychotherapy, cre-
of lower animals, action that is guided by
ativity, leadership, negotiation, health care, and
sensory perception and perceptual level learn-
entrepreneurship. And sixth, writing about goals is
ing is needed. At the human level, there is the
beneficial. For example, in the field of education
need for conceptual thought (reason), voli-
Morisano, Hirsh, Peterson, Pihl, and Shore
tional goal choices (Locke, 2018b), and long-
(2010) found that when students wrote at length
range thinking.
about their goals, their grades improved, regard-
Given the nature of life and human nature,
less of whether a goal for a specific grade had
it seems obvious that goal-directed choice and
been set. Similar to Morisano et al.’s quantita-
action are at the core of human motivation.
tive experiment, Travers (2013) conducted a
This fact shows the inadequacy of control
qualitative study that showed the self-develop-
theory models of goal setting (Locke, 2018a).
ment benefits of students simply writing about
Machines (e.g., thermostats, torpedoes) do
their goals. These findings are inconsistent with
not have goals; only their builders and users
the goal setting theory, which advocates match-
do. Contrary to control theory, discrepancy
ing the goal to the desired outcome. Rather than
reduction between a desired goal and one’s
viewing these results as a threat to our theory,
level of performance cannot be the primary
we view it as an opportunity to expand it based
source of motivation; otherwise the easiest
on corroborating and further exploratory re-
path to take would be to not set goals. More
foundational than discrepancy reduction is
Goals and Organizations that the goal-setting process involves discrep-
ancy production (Bandura & Locke, 2003).
All organizations require goals; otherwise Furthermore, once a goal has been attained,
they have no purpose in being and would not given self-efficacy, people typically set an
achieve anything. A recent book by John Do- even higher goal rather than rest on their
err (2018), inspired by goal-setting research, laurels.

Conclusion Collins, C. J., Hanges, P. J., & Locke, E. A. (2004). The

relationship of achievement motivation to entrepre-
We have two closing comments. First, it is neurial behavior: A meta-analysis. Human Perfor-
widely believed that intrinsic motivation in- mance, 17, 95–117.
cludes achievement motivation. It does not 327043HUP1701_5
(Locke & Schattke, 2018). This confound, un- Doerr, J. (2018). Measure what matters. New York,
NY: Penguin.
fortunately, has been accepted in psychology Doyle, A. C. (2003). The complete Sherlock Holmes
for more than 100 years. In psychology, intrin- (Vol. 1, p. 189). New York, NY: Barnes & Noble.
sic motivation properly means loving an activ- Dweck, C. S. (1986). Motivational processes affect-
ity just for its own sake, regardless of how well ing learning. American Psychologist, 41, 1040–
This article is intended solely for the personal use of the individual user and is not to be disseminated broadly.

one performs it (e.g., walking) or just for the 1048.

This document is copyrighted by the American Psychological Association or one of its allied publishers.

sake of contemplation (e.g., music). It means .1040

loving what one is doing. The goal setting the- Flanagan, J. C. (1954). The critical incident tech-
ory is based on achievement motivation (Mc- nique. Psychological Bulletin, 51, 327–358. http://
Clelland, Atkinson, Clark, & Lowell, 1953),
which involves striving to meet a standard of Ganegoda, D. B., Latham, G. P., & Folger, R. (2011).
The effect of subconscious goal setting on organi-
excellence; it means not just doing but also
zational justice. In Meeting of the Society for In-
doing something well (e.g., attaining a sales dustrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago,
objective). Ideally, the two go together, but they IL.
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(pp. 177–194). New York, NY: Routledge. Accepted November 16, 2018 䡲

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