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Janiela Brea Talosig

BSHM 1-2N Prof. Valenzuela

Rhythmic activities- are usually expressed as synchronized dancing with preplanned

movements. History of Rhythmic Activity Rhythmic activities trace back to the Olympics, with
sports such as gymnastics that combined movement with the use of rhythm. This created a form
of physical expression with strength and ability. Now, rhythmic activities commonly extend to
physical games with elements of song and dance. Purpose of Rhythmic Activities Rhythmic
activities are combinations of physical movements with sounds, beats, or music. Rhythmic
activities rely on an internal or external rhythm used for self-expression, exercise, demonstration
of physical ability, socialization, and expression of culture. What are the five phases of rhythmic
activity program? Aerobics - a kind of exercise that merges rhythmic aerobic exercise and
strength training exercise. ... Break dancing - an athletic style of dance. Gymnastics - a sport that
needs balance, strength, flexibility, agility, coordination and endurance in order to execute.
Bending - a movement around a joint. Stretching - muscles or tendons are flexed. Examples of
rhythmic activities line dancing, classic dances like the waltz, and other popular social group
dances. Skills include: walking, running, hopping, skipping, galloping and sliding to music; moving
to music with a partner or in a group, with others in a circle and in a square. Activities: Explore
the kinds of movement which can be done to music when large groups are formed in circles and
squares. Now, rhythmic activities commonly extend to physical games with elements of song and
dance. Some current examples include jump rope games, popular dance workouts, like Zumba,
or even the use of noisemakers. Benefits of Rhythmic Activities: Rhythmic activities improve
physical and mental health. Aside from increased physical confidence, rhythmic activities can also
improve mental functions because rhythm regulates the brain and prevents cognitive decline. It
also boosts the chemicals in our brain that support better memory and learning.

Social recreation - supports and services that allow the consumer to socialize with friends or
spend structured or unstructured time engaged in recreation activities. ... The purpose of
social/recreation services is to meet the consumer's need for socialization and access to
recreational activities. Social recreation activities: Exercise and fitness activities Educational and
recreational programming Professional entertainment Pastoral Care Daily Mass and other
religious services Social gatherings Recreational activities Arts and crafts Spiritual programming
Intergenerational activities Pet visits

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