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Masama ba ang Sobra?

: A Qualitative Analysis on the Impact of Excessive Video Game

Usage on the Social Interaction of Selected Junior High School Students of STEFTI

A Research Paper presented to

St. Therese Educational Foundation, Inc.

Tacloban City, Leyte

Submission in Fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research I

Presented by:

Reverdy L. Abuyen

Rey M. Batan

Gerson A. Dumas

Angelica B. Gler

Bianca P. Pique

Kelly B. Quitalig

Mr. Erickson M. Noseñas

December 2018

Approval Sheet

This research paper entitled “Masama ba ang Sobra?: A Qualitative Analysis on the
Impact of Excessive Video Game Usage on the Social Interaction of Selected Junior High
School Students of STEFTI,” prepared and submitted by Reverdy L. Abuyen, Rey M. Batan,
Gerson A. Dumas, Angelica B. Gler, Bianca P. Pique and Kelly B. Quitalig in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the subject Practical Research I has been examined and is recommended
for acceptance and approval of oral defense.


Research Adviser


Approved by the Committee on Oral Defense with a grade of ________.

________________________ ________________________
Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the subject in Practical Research I.

Date: __________________


This study aimed to determine the impact of excessive video game usage on the social
interaction of Junior High School students of STEFTI. A survey was conducted to find possible
respondents to be interviewed for the study. The data were then retrieved from a select few who
have met the researchers’ criterion and have participated in the interview. The researchers have
found that the reasons behind their excessive video gaming can be attributed to the following:
stress relief, trend, hobby, game features and recommendations, and learnings gained from video
games. It was also concluded that each respondent has a different level of relationship and
communication with their friends, family, co-gamers and teachers. Video games were also
observed to cause strengthening and weakening of relationship between the gamers and the said
group/individuals. This study was conducted within the S.Y. 2018-2019, partially as a
requirement for the Practical Research I subject.


The researcher would like to express their special thanks to the following:

 To Almighty God who has guided us in our ways and answered all of our prayers and for

giving us strength despites the hardships faced while making this study possible.

 To our parents who have supported the researchers physically, emotionally and


 To our respondents for their cooperation and for their time. Without them, we may have

not been able to complete this study

 To the researcher’s adviser, Mr. Erickson Noseñas for the continuous encouragement and

for his guidance

And to everyone who has helped in the fulfilment of the study. The researchers could not have

done this without all of your help and support, thank you very much.


Approval Sheet i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii

Chapter I: Introduction

Background and Rationale 7

Statement of the Problem 9

Significance of the Study 9

Scope and Limitation 11

Definition of Terms 12

Chapter II: Review of Related Literature 13

Chapter III: Methodology 21

Research Method 21

Sample Size 22

Sampling Design 23

Research Instrument 23

Research Locale 24

Analysis Tool 24

Interview Questions 25

Data Gathering Procedure 28

Chapter IV: Results and Discussion 29

Chapter V: Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendation 43

Summary of Findings 43

Conclusions 47

Recommendation 48

Refererences 49

Appendices 51

Consent 51

Documentation 84

Transcription 86

Chapter I


A. Background and Rationale

The evolving world of technology has led to the progression of video games. Starting from

the 1970’s, two-colored game systems were designed in which it became a mainstream

entertainment for all ages, but what considered to be a mere science experiment and a leisure

activity, began to evolve into a huge industry. From 2-dimensional arcade games to virtual

reality and augmented gaming, it’s undeniable that the present gaming enthusiasts are getting

more and more substantial.

The rise of immersive and competitive gaming on mobile, console and PC have garnered

around 2.3 billion active gamers globally this year (Wijman, 2018). The Internet has also

contributed to the growing numbers of gamers, now that they are able to merge with thousands

of players and have the access to connect with them. In fact, Massively Multiplayer Online Role-

Playing Games (MMORPG) are quite common in the gaming culture.

A wide variety of games are now available for players to choose from such as Massive

Multiplayer Online (MMO), action, strategy game and simulations. And now that the gaming

industry have entered the popular media, they are gaining more exposure and are able to reach

out to their targeted audience which is one of the fundamental causes as to why the number of

gamers are continuously escalating.

The usage of video games among players have increased overtime. On average, people play

video games for two hours a day. However, a significant percentage of gamers tend to surpass

the average game time, playing for more than 5 hours or so (Rideout & Foehr, 2010). With the

growing popularity of video games, it became a subject matter among researchers and deeper

understanding has been given to it.

Video gaming has sparked scientific interest and among them are studies that have been

conducted with regards to its effect to the individuals. Researchers concentrated on various

topics such as the effects of video games to students’ achievement (Craton, 2011), effects on

child development (Dai & Fry, 2014) and as well as its effect on the aggression (Sheryl, 2006).

They have also included the effects of addiction to computer games on physical and mental

health ( (Eshrat, Chashmi, & Hedayati, 2009). Additionally, excessive use of video games is also

associated with sleep deprivation, resulting to poor job performance and atypical mood disorder

(Eickhoff, et al., 2015). However, little attention has been offered to the impact of video gaming

on the social interaction of the ones involved. That being said, the researchers decided to conduct

this present study in order to fully understand the underlying impacts of excessive video gaming

to the youth concerning social interaction with different individuals/group.

The effect of video game usage is still debatable up to this point whether it encourages

interaction among individuals or it alters the way of how they interact negatively. According to

some researchers, forming relationships within the gaming community might cause problems in

forming relationships in the physical environment because they may find the relationships in the

virtual realms more secure (Peter & Malesky L.A., 2008). However, some researchers also claim

that forming relationship in online environment is also same with face-to-face interaction (Stiles,

2010). In order to gain more in-depth knowledge about this, a qualitative analysis was done by

the researchers to determine the impact of excessive video gaming.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study generally aimed to determine the impact of excessive video game usage on the

social interaction of Junior High School students of STEFTI.

Specifically, this study attempted to answer the following objectives;

1.) What are the reasons behind excessive video gaming?

2.) What are the impacts of excessive playing of video games towards the following


a. Family

b. Friends/peers

c. Co-gamers

d. Teachers

C. Significance of the Study

Generally, this research aimed to provide the readers an idea on the behavior of selected

junior high school students that undergo excessive video games activity or usage. Specifically,

on how they interact with the people around them be it friends, family, society and the likes.

The study aimed to identify the reasons as to why the selected students practice the excessive

usage of video games more specifically the social interaction of the chosen respondents and the

impact they have towards certain individuals, whether they are able to properly function in

modern day society and the different categories under it.

The study also focuses on the reasons as to why the sample chooses to practice excessive

gaming and identify the several impacts of excessive video gaming has on the individual and

their environment.

Specifically, this research will benefit the following:

The respondents since it will give them an idea as to how their excessive use of video

gaming affect the people around them. It will also give further analysis on what their behavior is

like with certain individuals. Thus, making them more aware on the effects of excessive video

gaming not only to them but to the people around them.

The family of the respondents, it will provide them a clearer understanding on the

dynamics of excessive video game practices and address the need to resolve the problem be it

personally or to seek professional help. This will also provide a deeper understanding as to why

their child acts a certain way or the child’s coping mechanisms.

The peers since it will provide them an answer as to why a person who undergoes

excessive video game usage behaves in a certain way and prevent from being seen in a negative

light. This will also answer the question if peers play a significant role as to why the chosen

subjects practice excessive video game usage.

The society since this research will be able to properly inform and lessen the negative

image of those who practice excessive video game usage and be able to properly aid the people

under this situation without any discrimination.

The teachers since this study will give a clear answer as to what really is the behavior of

a person with excessive video game practices be it as a coping mechanism or a past time. This

will also showcase the struggles and hardships of the affected people and will lead for teachers to

become more sympathetic and understanding towards them and not entirely dismiss their


The researchers since it can give a summary or explanation on how excessive use of

video games could affect social interactions and could serve as a basis for future researchers

about the topic. This will also lead further researchers to handle the subjects with an air of

professionalism and sensitivity.

D. Scope and Limitations

This study aimed to explore the behavior of adolescents involved in video games and how

its excessive use affects the social interaction of these gamers towards other people, e.g. their

parents, siblings, relatives, friends, co-gamers, and teachers. This study also covered their opinions

about how others view their hobby, the communication between the gamers and the said people

involved, awareness of how their excessive video gaming affects the people around them and its

effects towards those involved. The respondents involved are Junior High School students of

STEFTI who fit our criteria for a semi-structured interview. This survey was conducted to find

possible respondents to be interviewed for the study. The criterion of the researchers’ ideal

respondents: their gaming time exceeds 5 hours a day. This criterion was used based on another

study, which will be discussed in the Review of Related Literature. The locale of this study would

only be within Tacloban City. The information was retrieved from a select few whom the

researchers believe will satisfy their queries. This study was conducted within the S.Y. 2018-2019,

partially as a requirement for the Practical Research 1 subject.

E. Definition of Terms

To understand and clarify the terms used in the study, the following are given a conceptual


1. VIDEO GAMING - refers to playing electronic games whether, consoles, computers,

mobile phones or another medium altogether. The term suggests regular gameplay

usually as a hobby and traditionally a solitary form of relaxation.

2. VIDEO GAME - an electronic game that involves interaction with user interface to

generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor.

3. GAMING CONSOLE - is a computer device that outputs a video signal or visual image

to display a video game that one or more people can play.

4. RELATIONSHIP - the way in which two or more people or organization regard and

behave toward each other.

5. EXCESSIVE - going beyond a normal or acceptable limit in degree or amount.

6. IMPACT - the quality of an utterance that provokes interest and produces an effect.

7. SOCIAL INTERACTION - is an exchange between two or more individuals and is a

building block of society.

Chapter II


Video gaming is played by electronically manipulating images produced by a computer

program on a television screen or other display screen. Video games are sports that take place in

a computer. Depending on the platform, video games can be subcategorized into computer

games and console games. In recent years however, the emergence of social

networks, smartphones and tablets introduced new categories such as mobile and social games.

Video games have come a long way since the first games emerged in the 1970s.

This chapter shows the list of the related studies or literature that serves as a guide to the

research being fulfilled. This portion of the study presents the in depth understanding of the

problem background. It indicates what has already been studied by other researchers or authors

that is beneficial to our present study. This is also composed of discussions of facts and

principles to which the present study is related. These discoveries would serve as a structure for

an accurate and believable research.

Video Gaming and Social Interaction

This study investigated relationships between problem video game playing, self-esteem

and social skills in an adult sample (Loton, 2007). 621 (560 males and 61 females) primarily

Australian participants completed the following scales: Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale,

multidimensional Social Skills Inventory and Problem Video Game Playing Scale. The stated

hypotheses include the following: video game playing would be related to social skills and self-

esteem; time spent playing online games would be related to social skills; and social skills and

self-esteem would predict problematic play. Resonating with past studies that found links

between gaming, introversion, and social anxiety, a pattern of significant (p < .001) correlations

emerged between 3 social skills subscales, together representing social hesitancy, and problem

video game playing; however, the magnitude of relationships was minute. To determine whether

problematic play is propelled by social difficulties, a multiple regression analysis was utilized to

predict problematic playing scores with scores on the social skills and self-esteem scales. The

researcher used ANOVA as the statistical treatment for this descriptive study wherein a

significant model was found: F (9, 611) = 15.051, p < .001, accounting for 16.9% of variance.

Time commitment (B = .314, p < .001), one social skill subscale (B = .184, p < .001) and self-

esteem (B = -.103, p = .03) emerged as significant predictors. The results suggest that a small

proportion of problematic play is related to the given scope, social skills and self-esteem, but

considering the magnitude of relationships, other factors may contribute to problematic play of

the gamers. More broadly, this study aligns with others that found little negative consequences of

problematic electronic game play.

The significance of this study to the researchers’ research is the behavioral aspect of

video gaming that would affect the player’s relationship and connections and his or her behavior

towards them. Self-esteem and social skills play an important role in determining the competence

of gamers to establish a connection to others.

Recently a study was performed at Oxford University and published in the journal

Pediatrics (Hot Topic: Does Playing Video Games Help or Hinder Social Interactions?, 2015).

Under 5,000 people between the ages of 10-15 participated in the study (half male and half

female). They were categorized into two groups, one which would play video games for up to 1

hour per day while the other would play video games for more than 3 hours per day. Each group

was also split by type of video game system (console vs. computer, and each group was

monitored. After that, the participants were required to fill in the given questionnaires in order to

determine how they felt about their social interactions. This study concluded that those who

participated in video games for most of their day were less well adjusted. This could be a result

of the quality and type of social interactions online. The young people who participated in video

games for up to an hour per day seemed to be well-adjusted and even displayed proactive social

behavior. However, in the long run the results became difficult to determine due to external

factors potentially effecting the questionnaire results, such as family situations. As a result, there

is still no clear conclusion as to whether playing video games is beneficial or a hindrance to

social interactions.

An important thing to note about video games and social interaction is that it is not solely

video games that are attributed for the changes in the players’ social interaction. This study

proves that social interaction of a person is affected by other factors apart from a main obvious

one such as gaming. The uncertainty of this study only shows video gaming is not necessarily

detrimental nor beneficial.

The study entitled Video Games Linked to Poor Relationships with Friends, Family

(Walker & Jensen, 2009) is based on information collected from 813 college students around the

country. As the amount of time playing video games went up, the quality of relationships with

peers and parents went down. "It may be that young adults remove themselves from important

social settings to play video games, or that people who already struggle with relationships are

trying to find other ways to spend their time, my guess is that it's some of both and becomes

circular," Walker said. Study participants reported how often they play video games. They also

answered a battery of questions measuring relationship quality, including how much time, trust,

support and affection they share with friends and parents. But the researchers say video games do

not themselves mean "game over" for a relationship because the connection they found is

modest. The best quality of this study is that it answers how video gaming weakens connections,

or worse, cut them off as a form of escape from real life situations. This proves that video

gaming does affect the social interaction and trust of players towards others.

“Physical Interpersonal Relationships and Social Anxiety among Online Game Players”

(Lo, Chih-Chien, & Wenchang, 2005). According to this study, many online game players spend

extreme amounts of time in the virtual world. A huge percentage of these players are teenagers

who show behaviors normally associated with physical addiction. Social scientists are therefore

saying that online games are sources of social problems. The authors surveyed 174 Taiwanese

college-age online players to gather data on the effects of online games on the quality of

interpersonal relationships and levels of social anxiety. Based on their results, the quality of

interpersonal relationships decreased and the amount of social anxiety increased as the amount of

time spent playing online games went up. This finding answers how the time spent for playing

can affect the confidence of a person. The presence of social anxiety is a factor on social

interaction. Thus, this condition can be considered when the researchers’ question about the

length of a player’s gaming time is brought up.

The study “The effect of video games on family communication and interaction”

(Redmond, 2010), examined the effect of video games on communication and interaction

between participants and their family members. These variables were measured using the

following online survey: Family Communication Scale, the Inventory of Parent and Peer

Attachment, and the Anderson Video Game Questionnaire. A total of 480 18-year-old college

students were recruited via email to complete the survey. Correlational and regression analyses

revealed a significant negative relationship between the total amount of time an individual spent

playing video games and the amount of parent communication and sibling communication.

However, the relationship between video game usage and interaction with parents or siblings was

not significant. This study proves that the amount of time spent on gaming will affect how the

gamers will respond to social situations and family communication. The amount of time used in

playing is a factor the researchers are considering for the study. Thus, this study is the basis for

its use. The relationship of time spent for playing and family communication is inverse, based on

this study.

According to the article ‘How Many Hours of Video Games is Too Much?’ (Peterson,

2018), experts in the fields of health, such as physical, mental, psychology and development

conducted studies regarding the impact of screen time (time spent using electronic devices,

including video game devices), but there isn’t a clear recommendation yet for the maximum

number of hours’ teens or kids should spend playing video games. While there isn’t a consensus

on how many hours of video is too much, the finding by Twenge and her colleagues that more

than five hours per day is excessive seems reasonable. The safe limit for teens is one to two

hours daily, and more than five hours of video games is too much.

The researchers’ based their criterion on this article. Five hours of video game usage is

enough to be considered as excessive gaming. That being said, the following respondents who

have reached this criterion were included in the interview.

The study entitled “Social Interactions in Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing

Gamers” (Cole & Griffith, 2007). This study explored the social interactions that occur both

within and outside of MMORPGs. The sample consisted of 912 self-selected MMORPG players

from 45 countries. MMORPGs were found to be highly socially interactive environments

providing the opportunity to create strong friendships and emotional relationships. The study

demonstrated that the social interactions in online gaming form a considerable element in the

enjoyment of playing. The study showed MMORPGs can be extremely social games, with high

percentages of gamers making life-long friends and partners. It was concluded that virtual

gaming may allow players to express themselves in ways they may not feel comfortable doing in

real life because of their appearance, gender, sexuality, and/or age. MMORPGs also offer a place

where teamwork, encouragement, and fun can be experienced. The relevance of this study to the

researchers’ is that video games can also be an avenue to strong social connections and networks.

Social groups can be discovered in games involving many players.

A study conducted in the United States of America entitled “Teens, Video Games and

Civics” (Lenhart, et al., 2008) had several findings regarding social interaction. It discusses how

video games contribute to the players’ civic engagement, which is a form of social involvement

in the community. With alignment to the researchers’ study, these are a few of the findings that

that expounds the role of social interaction in video gaming: a) Gaming is often a social

experience for teens, b) teens encounter both pro-social and anti-social behavior while gaming,

and c) parental monitoring of gameplay varies. Since it is a social experience, gaming is used not

only to spend leisure time but also to connect to other gamers, allowing social interaction to

develop both inside and outside the gaming facility, room or console. Video games made

connections with other people that there are guilds or groups that are formed for that reason.

Within the gaming community, gamers would find both healthy and unhealthy group norms in

the group they wish to belong to whether they are playing or not. Lastly, the involvement of

parents is another social interaction wherein restriction or monitoring is noted. Some parents try

to limit the time their child play, others are lenient and still others even tag along with their

children in gaming.

The same study reveals about the social nature of teen video game play. It has been found

that “games are social experiences for the majority of teens”. This points out that teens play with

other people, whether they are contacted online or are physically present within the same room.

This interaction allows players to connect in a communication buildup through the chats,

discussion boards, video or audio calls and comments on things like “walkthroughs”, which are

demos played by other players for new players to get to know how the game is played, and

gameplays. As a communicative tool for social interaction, video games are often played with

others. This related study used list-assisted random digit dialing (RDD) methodology, as they

have had telephone interviews with the respondents. The respondents are 1,102, all ranging from

12 to 17 years old. RRD methodology is classified as a form of random sampling.

Another study entitled “The Civic Potential of Video Games” (Kahne, Middaugh, &

Evans, 2009) also explores the civic and political aspect of social interaction in gaming. Though

this study is a joint investigation and reference for the study of Amanda Lenhart and company, it

delves into civic engagement as augmented from a player’s video game experience. Their study

explores the social context of video game play as a means of connecting civic engagement to

video games, players and social interaction. It revealed that social communities and groups with

“healthy group norms” and allowance of social network development yielded better engagement

from players.

In connection to the researchers’ study, the previous two findings provide a basis that

social interaction with online and offline players is strengthened through video games.

These related studies and literature are contrary in findings. Because of that, it can be said

that video gaming has both positive and negative effects on the social interaction of players to

other people. These findings will provide the basis and the standard of the results of the

researchers’ study.

Chapter III


A. Research Method

For this study, the appropriate approach to be used is the phenomenology method. The

purpose of the phenomenological approach is to illuminate the specific, to identify phenomena

through how they are perceived by the actors in a situation (Lester , 1999). A phenomenological

study attempts to set aside biases and preconceived assumptions about human experiences,

feelings, and responses to a particular situation. From this, in can be stated that

phenomenological research deals with studying phenomena or events as viewed by several

accounts or people who have witnessed and or experienced them.

There are several main characteristics of phenomenological research, namely: a) It seeks to

understand how people experience a particular situation or phenomenon, b) conducted primarily

through in-depth conversations and interviews, diaries, drawings, or observation, c) small

samples sizes, often 10 or less participants, are used, d) interview questions are open-ended to

allow the participants to fully describe the experience from their own view point, e) it is

centered on the participants’ experiences with no regard to social or cultural norms, traditions,

or preconceived ideas about the experience, f) It focuses on these four aspects of a lived

experience: lived spaced, lived body, lived time, and lived human relations, and g) Data

collected is qualitative and analysis includes an attempt to identify themes or make

generalizations regarding how a particular phenomenon is actually perceived or experienced

(University, n.d.).

Much of the study’s qualities are reflected from the characteristics of phenomenology, which

qualifies this method for use in the research process. This involved interviewing several gamers,

particularly students, who have met the researchers’ quotas for interview and are able to share

their individual experiences with gaming and how it affected their social interaction with their

friends, teachers, co-gamers and other loved ones. Through this, the researchers would try to

draw a general theme or conclusion from their individual responses to the researchers’ queries,

which is another reason why phenomenology can be applied in this particular study.

B. Sample Size

Phenomenology typically requires small samples sizes, often 10 or less participants to enable

the research question to be addressed appropriately and reduce the potential of having a biased

sample. Hence, the researchers’ present study consists of nine respondents, all from which were

be selected from the Junior High School population of STEFTI. The researchers have set a

predetermined criterion which helped identify possible respondents. In order to do so, the

researchers have conducted a survey to determine who will fit the following criterion: gaming

time exceeds 5 hours per gaming session. The researchers have also acknowledged their right to

voluntary participation and right to withdraw from the study.

C. Sampling Design

The sampling design used in conducting the study is a criterion type of sampling. Criterion

sampling is a non-probability sampling method, and it uses a series of criteria to meet the

researchers demand. It is the fit and right type of sampling technique considering that the sample

size should achieve the predetermined criteria of 5hrs or more to meet the researcher’s criteria.

Criterion sampling can add an important qualitative component to a management information

system or an ongoing program monitoring system. All cases in the data system that exhibit

certain predetermined criterion characteristics are routinely identified for in-depth, qualitative

analysis. The point of criterion sampling is to be sure to understand cases that are likely to be

information-rich because they may reveal major system weaknesses that become targets of

opportunity for program or system improvement

D. Research Instrument

The instrument used was a qualitative method called: semi-structured interview. There was

no formalized list of questions made for the researchers to strictly follow instead it is used as a

guide for the conversation. Since there is no strict set of questions, this provided possibilities for

the interviewer and the respondent to have further responses and explore more particular ideas.

The semi-structured interview format encourages two-way communication; both the interviewer

and the respondent can ask questions, which allows for a comprehensive discussion of pertinent

topics. Because of the conversational tone, the candidate may feel more comfortable expanding

on their thoughts and ideas. The majority of the interview were led with open-ended questions

and then spontaneously devise follow-up questions that draw out more specific evidence about

the respondents meaning. The basis of the draft of our semi-structured interview was heavily

factored by the formulated research questions and discussions among the research group. Such

questions were created based on previous studies conducted by other research groups. In

preparation of the instrument, the requirements in the designing of good data collection were

considered. The research questions contained ‘how’, ‘what’ and ‘why’ which opened

conversations and gave an opening to the respondents to further elaborate their ideas. Follow-up

questions were also asked to further clarify the meaning of the respondents and as not to create

misunderstanding of interpretation.

E. Research Locale

The study was conducted in St. Therese Educational Foundation of Tacloban Inc. Brgy.

91 Abucay, Tacloban City, Leyte. The respondents were interviewed inside STEFTI grounds

in any comfortable place inside the school. The researchers chose the place of

implementation because it was convenient to both the researchers and the respondents. The

study was conducted in the first semester of the school year 2018-2019.

F. Analysis Tool

Thematic analysis, according to the University of Auckland of New Zealand, “is a

widely-used qualitative data analysis method. It is one of a cluster of methods that focus on

identifying patterned meaning across a dataset”. This method of analysis is applicable to

many qualitative approaches, if not all. It allows researchers to thoroughly analyze data by

labeling words, phrases, sentences or paragraphs with substantial value to the research and

ordering these into themes. These themes are then placed for interpretation of the whole

study, thus creating a sound final report.

The reason why thematic analysis is applicable to the researchers’ study is because: a) the

type of data being gathered is suited for this type of analysis, b) it is practical, c) used by both

novice and expert researchers, and d) this method is well-made for phenomenological studies

such as this one.

G. Interview Questions

The following are the questions that were included in the interview:

 Reasons behind excessive gaming

1. Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Why?

2. How often do you play video games? (once a month, once a week, 5 times a week)

3. Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive, negative, or


4. How does playing video games tend to make you feel?

5. What is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

6. Do you feel any guilt or shame when you play games? why or why not?

7. Have you learned anything from playing video games?

8. Can you give us a few reasons why you play video games for more than 5 hours?

9. What is your favorite thing about video gaming or the gaming industry in general?

10. What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you treat the

people around you?

 Interaction with the family

1. Do you play games with your parents or siblings? If yes, how often do you play games

with them?

2. What did your parents think of you playing video games for more than 5 hours?

3. Do you hide or lie about your excessive video gaming to your family? why or why not?

4. What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you're into

excessive video gaming?

5. What can you say about your relationship with your sibling/siblings now that you're into

excessive video gaming?

6. Can you explain how concerned your family is about you regarding your [excessive]

video gaming?

7. Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with your

family? why do you think so?

8. Have you sacrificed important family events or occasions because of video games?

 Interaction with friends

1. Do you play games with your friends? If yes, how often do you play games with them?

2. You have some friends that are gamers like you. How do you feel around them?

3. How is your relationship with them? (Optional: Elaborate)

4. What do you think they feel around you, in and out of the gaming world?

5. You also have peers who don't share the same interest as you. What do they think about


6. Are they concerned about you regarding your excessive video gaming?

7. How is your relationship with them so far?

8. Would you use video games to make your relationship with them better? Why or why


9. Can you explain how video games brought you and your friends together/tore your

relationship apart?

 Interaction with co-gamers

1. Do you usually play with gamers you met online or your friends in real life?

2. How often do you play with co-gamers?

3. What do you feel upon playing with other co-gamers?

4. With regards to gamers you met online, have you formed any friendships with them yet?

If yes, do you classify them as real friends? Why or why not?

5. Do you think that video gaming has affected both your life and your co-gamer in a way

that is more positive or negative? Explain.

6. Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life people?

7. Have you ever been involved in a squabble about video games with other gamers? If yes,

what was the reason behind it?

 Interaction with teachers

1. How are your relations with your teachers? (Optional: Elaborate)

2. Can you explain how your excessive gaming may affect them?

3. How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

4. Do you care about what the teachers think? Why or why not?

5. In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering from your class or not?

6. How would you react should a teacher relate to you on a gamer's level?

7. Has your teacher scolded you or have any opinions about your video game use?


H. Data Gathering Procedure

Initially, the researchers have composed a Communication Letter to inform the school

authority about the research study entitled “Masama ba ng Sobra?: A Qualitative Analysis on the

Impact of Excessive Video Game Usage on the Social Interaction of Selected Junior High School

Students of STEFTI”. The said form was then approved by the school coordinators including the

research adviser. The interview questions and the survey questionnaire were constructed by the

researchers themselves and were validated by the research teacher and the school conduct


The researchers have then gathered their data from the Junior High School students of

STEFTI, specifically in Grade 9 and 10. Survey questionnaires were distributed to determine

who is fit in the given criterion which is 5 or more hours of gaming per day. This criterion was

based from an article called “‘How Many Hours of Video Games is Too Much?” by Peterson (2018),

wherein there was no final consensus on how many hours was considered excessive. However, it was

concluded that playing time beyond 5 hours is a reasonable basis for excessive video gaming. Only nine

of the participants who have met the criterion were asked to participate in the interview. A

separate informed consent form for the interview and for recording the content of the interview

were given to the respondents for them to sign on before the researchers conduct the said

activity. After the interview, the researchers then proceeded in analyzing and interpreting the

collected data.

Chapter IV


This study aims to determine the impacts of excessive video gaming on the social

interaction of junior high school students of STEFTI (S.Y. 2018-2019). As seen in the previous

chapters, the researchers conducted a survey among Grade 7 to 10 to know who were qualified to

partake in the study in which 9 students – at least one for each grade level – were chosen to be

included in the interview. The method used in gathering the data was semi-structured interview,

following a series of questions as a guide. The results procured were put through thematic

analysis and are presented in this chapter. For further understanding, the researchers have

categorized the data according to their specific questions.

Specific Objective (1). What are the reasons behind excessive video gaming?


The first section of the results and discussion deals with the different reasons that triggers

excessive video game usage. This has a major effect and plays a significant role on the social

interaction of junior high school students. The following reason are discussed in details as stated


A1. Stress Relief

Stress relief refers to techniques or programs intended to help individuals deal more

efficiently with stress by taking positive actions to minimize their effects. Some of the

respondents are experiencing stress due to school work and everyday life. Their go-to coping

mechanism then becomes video gaming.

According to Student 1:

“…Gaming is my way of relieving my stress when I come back from school going home
and it really help me a lot.”
Student 6 also stated something similar:

“…because there’s a lot of games that help me reduce stress and my anger you know,
hold down my anger and my pressure and there's a lot of games that helps with other things in
my life and that's it,”
Excessive video gaming is not just a way to relieve stress but it also helps in controlling

‘frustration, using it as a strategy in managing anger by some of the respondents. Video games

may have a reputation for causing violence among gamers but in reference to the response of the

interviewees, video games appear to help them gain control of their own emotions.

The interviewer asked “how does playing video games tend to make you feel?” and

student 7 and 8 answered it is a stress relief to them as well.

Based on the given statements of the respondents, video gaming and stress relief has a

connection. When one is under stress, they have the tendency to find ways to relieve themselves

from their current burdens, e. g. school works, family problems, etc. Since these gamers undergo

stress, they resort to video gaming to feel less strained by their problems.

A2. Trend

Some of the respondents have stated that the reason they partake in playing video games

is because it is trending and they don’t want to be behind the latest games on release.

According to Student 3:

“Waray man ak kuan, waray man kami mga neighbors kay ha amon street bagat waray
mga ka-edad ko tapos hirayo it mga balay tak mga sangkay asya nagmiminulay la ako ha amon
for five hours or more. And paragmulay man liwat akon iba na classmate so bagan ako
nakikijoin-in nala liwat,”
Video games also serve as a hub for players, wherein they can interact and join in for

leisure. Since they are inviting those with only their common interests, they get influenced to

copy their interests as well in order to be “in”.

According to Student 7:

“…Nagiging in ka liwat ha mga new games kun ano an mga sikat,”

Video gaming serves as a platform for disseminating information from and within the

gaming community. This introduces new updates on old games as well as new game releases that

invites others into their community.

A3. Hobby

Video gaming is also a common hobby for students, especially among males. It is

considered by many as a regular activity usually done during free time. It is a source of

entertainment that gives delight and pleasure to its targeted audience and players often gain their

satisfaction by engaging in games and by garnering rewards which is why it is favored by many.

Some of the respondents practice excessive video gaming because they consider it as their main


“I play games because it’s my hobby”

“I just love playing and I’ve got used to it and I have no other hobbies aside from

A4. Game Features and Recommendation

Another factor behind the want to play video games is within the features of the game

they are introduced to or are playing. It can be from the game features such as the gameplay

system, the plot or story in the game, the incentives or rewards taken from the game, etc. Gamers

often play depending on how good or popular the games that catches their attention. This is a

factor that urges them to play excessively.

This is confirmed by the statement given by Student 4:

“I only play a game for more than 5hrs if I’m really into it. And then-if that game has a
very good story and that story is somewhat I find interesting that I can spend 5hrs of my time to
spend on the ill go with it pero if it was unnecessary the I wouldn’t pursue. And usually I play
games if someone recommend good games,”
Student 4 is stating that he involved himself in playing games if he’s really into them and

if it is something that is given as a good recommendation. If the game matches his interest, then

he would continue on playing.

A5. Learnings from Video Games

Each respondent has his own individual experience on gaming. Thus, there are things that

they have learned that are unique to them Some, though, have not learned anything at all.

Three of the respondents said that they did not learn anything from video gaming.

“No, I think I have not.”

“Not really.”

“Morally? Nothing.”

Two of the respondents said that teamwork and cooperation is what they’ve learned from

playing video games, especially on the account that players must cooperate with NPCs or non-

playable characters or other fellow players to play the game.

Student 3 said:

“Cooperation, amo ito it pinakanumber one…”

Two of the respondents said that they learned the value of friendship. Student 3 adds:

“… tapos friendship dapat strong talaga tim bond haimo mga friends mga sugad.”

Another two respondents said that video games help in socializing with people and

making connections with both real-life friends and online friends. Student 8 testifies to that


“… It has help me socialize to other people and talk better to unknown people helps me
make friends.”
Other respondents have learned something else outside of these shared lessons, such as

operations, multitasking, playing accurately, language and culture. Student 6 and Student 9,

respectively, share their extensive learnings from their gameplay.

“Like learning how to deal with operations or something and learning how to deal with,
ano adto, multitasking and all that.”
“I learned how to be good to people and sometimes video games will even help you with
language because sometimes playing video games will teach you many things in language and
stuff like their culture, their behavior and etc.”

With all these lessons stated, the lessons they’ve learned can also be an underlying reason

why they continue to play games. When they value the lessons they’ve learned from it, they see

it as a positive reason to continue.

Specific Objective (2): What are the impacts of excessive playing of video games towards the

following individuals/group; Family, Friends/peers, Co-gamers and Teachers


This section is concerned with the underlying impacts of excessive usage of video games,

more specifically, its effects on social interaction towards different individuals or groups. The

impacts that will be under this section may be either positive or negative and will solely depend

upon the given statements of the respondents.

A. Family

The following shows the impact of excessive video gaming of the gamers towards their

family on different contexts:

A1. Perception

Majority of the students reported that their parents were not against playing for more than

5 hours as long as they balance their studies and maintain their good grades. Most of them were

not really concerned with their excessive use of video gaming for they have learned how to

balance their time with their family and their hobbies.

One student stated that:

“They said it’s okay as long as I maintain my good grades in school, its fine to play
games for a long time,”
Another student also answered:

“My relationship with my parents is pretty much normal since there's not really much
going between us… They don’t really bring about the topic about video games, they just talk to
me normally like any other parents,”
It was observed that most of the parents of the respondents were neutral in terms of

playing video games. The researchers have also perceived that the students that do not

experience conflict with their parents prioritizes their studies over gaming.

In other words, some of these students have internalized the ways to balance leisure

activities and studies, therefore their parents are not against excessive video gaming.

On the other hand, some parents also expressed their concern towards their children’s

habits. Some of them tend to react negatively and they see it as a downside that would affect the

health of the respondent.

According to student 3:

“An ira la bagat nasisira na tak health mismo tas naruruba na tak mata, mga sugad,”

It can be inferred that the main concern of some of the parents is the health of their

children and they believe that too much video gaming can badly affect their health, including

their eye sight. With that, they enforced strict rules with regards to their gaming time.

A2. Relationship and Communication

Majority of the respondents stated that excessive video gaming did not affect their

relationship with their family. Some of them also added that it didn’t also affect the bond that

they have with their siblings.

The respondents stated that:

“My relationship with my parents are still pretty good because I don’t let video games
get a head of me because I usually go family first before video games “

Furthermore, he stated that:

“For me my relationship with my brother is pretty steady because video games won’t
really get in between because we have a strong bond. Love you [redacted].”
The other respondents have also said:

“Waray kay I still find time na makasama hira, makigisturya haira amo ito”

“My relationship with my parents are great”

“I think... since our parents also like playing it actually brought us closer. It didn’t really
affect it in a bad way”
According to their statements, video games do not hinder them from communicating with

their family. The way they bond with each other is still the same to when they weren’t into

gaming that much before. One of the respondents even said that video games brought them

closer with their family for they have the same source of entertainment.

But some of the respondents reported that towards their interaction with their family it

has affected them in a way that it has a negative effect towards their relationship.

“Yes, because too much, I play too much video games before so like I can’t really talk
with my parents and siblings”
“I sometimes have bad relationship with them because sometimes I don’t speak to them. I
lock myself to my room. Watch pro players play. Sometimes I don’t get to bond with them”
The two respondents’ statements contradict to what the others have stated saying that

video games did changed the relationship between them and their family. They tend to isolate

themselves and do not really talk to them due to being involved too much in gaming.

Moreover, the effect of video game playing on the communication is dependent on the

user: the duration of his play, whether he gets hooked into gaming or not and if they value family

over gaming.

B. Friends

The following shows the interpretation of the impact of excessive video gaming of the

gamers toward their friends:

B1. Perception

Most of the respondents reported that their friends just see them as normal people or

they’re not really affected by excessive gaming.

Some respondents stated that:

“They think of me as okay lang because anyway I don’t really prioritize kuan gaming”

“In and out of the gaming world they still talk to me and we still talk online we are
basically friends”
From the data above, it can be said that there are some significant effects of excessive

video gaming that are positive towards the friends of gamers.

B2. Relationship and Communication

Majority of the students have said that excessive video gaming has affected their

friendship in a way that is more positive.

One student stated that:

“Uhm its good because playing video games with them is making our bond stronger.”

Student 2 also stated something similar. According to him, video gaming gives way to

strengthen the relationship between him and his friends. They both share their interest in gaming,

which is why they can use video games as a mean to make their relationship stronger.

“Han summer bagat mas nag brought haamon together kay tikang ha gabi hasta mag
aga nagmiminulay kami tas bagat nagstrengthen pa an amon bond han relationship”
Two respondents also opened up about their relationship with their friends where video

games were the reason why their bond is stronger.

“I had a friend before I didn’t really know but we happen to play the same game so I
invited him to play along and we got closer because of the game.”
“It doesn’t really tore my friendship apart but uhm like my relationship with my friends is
becoming bigger and greater”
Therefore, the researchers inferred that excessive video gaming has served as a pathway

for a better and stronger relationship toward their friends. However, there were still some

negative feedbacks around excessive video gaming.

Two respondents reported that, not most of the time excessive video gaming could help

positively but could mean otherwise.

“Like sometimes me and my friends play games each night and sometimes we like, fight
over games”
“We sometimes have fights…”

Sometimes video gaming may cause conflict among friends and strain their relationship. Usually,

gamers tend to find themselves in a situation wherein gaming is a competition rather than a

friendly match but gamers are still treated normally and talked to as normal friends. Excessive

gaming of gamers is not a hindrance to normal and casual conversations with their friends.

C. Co-gamers

The following data shows the impact of excessive video gaming of the respondents

towards their co-gamers:

C1. Perception

Majority of the students have stated that they consider their co-gamers as real friends

even if they have not met each other in real life and discussed that interacting with their fellow

gamers help them build stronger bonds.

One student stated

“Uhhhh yes I did form a lot of relationships with strangers online in video games but I
consider them as real friends too because in the game we help each other and we form bonds like
what I said so yeah.”
“Yes, I classify them as real friends because, there was this one gamer that I met from a
specific video game, that I talk to him a lot then eventually I met him in V&G, and we became
close friends since then”
Some students however have also stated that they do not consider co-gamers as real

friends since they only interact with them in game and have no relationship outside of it.

One student also stated:

“…I haven’t met them in person so I can’t really call them real friends”

All of the students however have stated their preference of talking to their friends in real

life rather than online. The students have stated that when compared to real life people they

would prefer them to their friends online. This denotes their own preference for face to face

interaction rather than indirect ones.

“…online people are just strangers and I don’t know what they can do to me but for real
life people since I know them I am in a relationship with them I feel more comfortable with
“…I wouldn’t open much to the ones I don’t know ‘cause it would be awkward.”

C2. Relationship and Communication

Some of the students have mentioned getting into fights with their co-gamers over a

video game.

One student stated:

“Maybe there are times when we lost in a team game and it’s my friend to blame or me to

blame and they would quarrel about it”

Similar to what the other respondents have said regarding their relationship with their

friends, some of the students treat the video games as a competition which can lead to arguments

between them and their co-gamers.

However, the majority of students have stated that they do not fight with their co-gamers.

If they do it is usually very rare.

D. Teachers

The following shows the impact of excessive video gaming of the gamers towards their


D1. Perception

Most of the respondents said that teachers didn’t have any opinions towards them or that

they weren’t caught playing video games. The four remaining respondents stated that their

teachers had differing opinions about either the respondents or the games they both have interest

on. The following are the respondents’ statements regarding their teachers’ opinions about them

or the video games they both play.

Student 1 said:

“Actually a lot of teachers are fan to me about video games because there are a lot of

teachers in STEFTI who played Dota 2 like sir [redacted] and Sir [redacted] and then it makes

the bond stronger and our opinions with each other like it become better and we get to know

each other more.”

In response to the question whether he cared about the teachers’ opinions about his

excessive gaming, Student 5 replied:

“A little bit… stating that I’m not studying a lot or something like that.”

Student 8 recounts the time when his parents were told by his parents to let him minimize

his video game playing.

“Yeah. They actually talked to my parents about it to minimize my playing time so it

wouldn’t affect my school activities but I still continue playing hehehe.”

Meanwhile, Student 9 told about another experience that left him with a lesson. He said

that months before this interview, he had been playing MOBA until late in the night. One of his

classmate’s parents went looking for them and lectured them in their classroom.

From this finding, it can be inferred the teachers can even relate to the student-gamers if

they share the same interest. Some other teachers know the limits and boundaries in playing

video games, where it should be minimized.

D2. Relationship & Communication

Based on the interviews, several had reported mostly positive relations with teachers. The

rest of the respondents expressed either distant or no significant relationship with their teachers.

None of them have any strained or “bad” relationships. Although there are several factors

contributing to the relationship with the respondents and their teachers, video gaming may and

may not have affected their bond with them.

Three of the respondents admitted that their video game play affected their school life

and their communication with their teachers, e.g. video games can distract them from their

school works at times. Student 8 admits that:

“Well, there are times when they’re discussing and I would hide to play them, play with
my games and if I get caught you know they’d be disappointed because I wasn’t listening and I
wasn’t learning.”
Student 9 also bears witness to this. He said that:

“Yeah, in a way. Academically because I couldn’t understand what the teacher is saying.
All I think is games I want to play but sometimes I just listen and ignore the gaming.”
Two respondents said that they agree that video games could affect their education and

the communication with their teachers, although their answers are on a gray area. They did not

state whether it was directly or indirectly affecting their studies and their relationship with their

teachers. Student 3 states an example that shows that kind of effect:

“Bagat kuan, kun nagmiminulay ak magiha di naak nakapansin hit oras tas pagkita kot
oras mga 1am na 2am tas mamata ak mga 5am tas it mga first subject, second subject, third
subject in the morning, nahingaturog ako bagat makakaafect kay diri ak makbaton hit mga
pakiana, diri ak makaanswer hit mga AS tas kukulangon ak hit time.”
Meanwhile, four of the respondents reported that their academics is not affected at all by

video games, or at least affected by them only minimally, as experienced by Student 6.

“No it does not affect my grades man…”

With response to whether video games were hindering him in class, he replied:

“Only a little bit since there are times that I study.”

Based on their responses, their relationship and communication is dependent on the

gamer, where one factor contributing to this is whether the gamer controls his habit.

Chapter V


A. Summary of the Findings

This study aimed to determine the impact of excessive video game usage on the social

interaction of Junior High School students of STEFTI. Through the data-gathering

methodology, the researchers sought to find the answers for the following questions:

1. What are the reasons behind excessive video gaming?

2. What are the impacts of excessive playing of video games towards the

following individuals/group;

a. Family

b. Friends/peers

c. Co-gamers

d. Teachers


The researchers have found that the reasons behind their excessive video gaming

can be attributed to the following: a) Stress relief, where players alleviate their stress by

doing relaxing pastimes like playing video games, b) Trend, where players turn to play

video games to keep up with the latest trends involving games and the gaming

community, c) Hobby, because video gaming is a source of entertainment that brings

delight and pleasure to the players and it allows them to pass the time while they are free,

d) Game features and recommendations, because the features and functions of the games

attracts certain, if not many gamers to play them, which is also a cause to give

recommendation to others to play, and e) Learnings from video games. Players have their

own unique descriptions about their gaming experiences across all platforms, thus they

may or may not learn something, if not a lot of things from video games. This learning

experience can also drive them to continue playing video games.

The researchers also inferred from the data gathered about the impacts of

excessive video gaming on their family, friends, co-gamers and teachers on two

dimensions, namely: a) perception, and b) relationship and communication.

Family’s Perception

It was concluded that most of the respondents’ parents were neutral or not against

their playing for five or more hours as long as they could manage both their leisure time

and their studies and maintain good grades. On the other hand, some parents expressed

their concern about their children’s video gaming, saying that their excessive habit could

lead to health complications. This, in turn, may lead them to do disciplinary actions to

treat this should they find their child playing uncontrollably.

Family’s Relationship and Communication

The researchers inferred that the effect of video game playing on the

communication is dependent on the user: the duration of his play, whether he gets hooked

into gaming or not and if they value family over gaming. Most of the respondents

reported that video gaming did not affect their relationship and communication with their

parents while some said it did.

Friends’ Perception

The findings state that there are some significant effects of excessive video

gaming that are positive towards the friends of gamers. Most of the respondents reported

that their friends just see them as normal people or they’re not really affected by

excessive gaming.

Friends’ Relationship and Communication

The researchers inferred that excessive video gaming has served as a pathway for

a better and stronger relationship toward their friends. However, there were still some

negative feedbacks around excessive video gaming. Video games may also be a cause of

strained relationships but based on the answers from the respondents, they and their

friends maintain good rapport with each other. It was found that video games didn’t

affect or inhibit normal communication.

Co-gamers’ Perception

Most of the respondents have said that they consider their online co-gamers as

real friends even if they have not met each other in real life and discussed that interacting

with their fellow gamers help them build stronger bonds while some stated otherwise

because they only interact with them through video games and they have no interaction

with them outside video games or in real life. All of them stated that they prefer their real

life friends over their online co-gamers.

Co-gamers’ Relationship and Communication

Similar to what they said about their relationship and communication with their

friends, the majority of the respondents said that they usually don’t fight with their co-

gamers as they have good rapport with each other. A case of a fight between them is quite

rare. On the other hand, some have said that they and their co-gamers treat video games

as a form of competition where arguments can possibly break out.

Teachers’ Perception

It was inferred that the teachers can even relate to the student-gamers if they share

the same interest. Some other teachers know the limits and boundaries in playing video

games, where it should be minimized. Other teachers express differing opinions about

their gaming habits, ranging from being able to relate to them on a gamer’s level to

expressing their concern about their habit turning detrimental to their health. Most of the

respondents, however, have said that their teachers don’t have any opinions about them

due to them not being caught or they never brought up the topic to them.

Teachers’ Relationship and Communication

Several had reported mostly positive relations with teachers. The rest of the

respondents expressed either distant or no significant relationship with their teachers. None

of them have any “bad” relationships. Although there are several factors contributing to the

relationship with the respondents and their teachers, video gaming may and may not have

affected their bond with them. Based on their responses, their relationship and

communication is dependent on the gamer, where one factor contributing to this is whether

the gamer controls his habit.

B. Conclusion

1. Reasons

The following are the reasons why gamers tend to play excessively:

- Stress Relief

- Trend

- Hobby

- Game Features and Recommendations

- Learnings from Video Games

The results indicate that these reasons contribute to the amount of time the gamers

play video games. Each player is affected by one or more of these reasons.

2. Impact

Each individual has a different level of relationship and communication with their

friends, family, co-gamers and teachers. The following are the effects of excessive

gaming to the said individuals or groups.

a. Family

Their parents expressed differing opinions about their children’s excessive

gaming. The gamers’ relationship and communication is dependent on the user’s

the duration of his play, whether he gets hooked into gaming or not and if they

value family over gaming.

b. Friends

Positive effects can be taken with regards to gaming with friends. They are not

affected by video games as they still see them as normal people. Video games

were also observed to cause strengthening and weakening of relationships yet it

didn’t inhibit normal communication.

c. Co-gamers

Many can consider online friends as real friends however most, if not all, would

prefer face-to-face communication. Like their responses to friends, it can be said

that video games can also serve to strengthen or weaken relationships.

d. Teachers

Some teachers are also able to relate to their students’ interests, if they choose to

do so and/or if they also share that interests, more specifically, video games.

Teachers have varying opinions about the video gaming habits ranging from

concern about their performance in school and being alright with it to being

outright negligent about it.

C. Recommendation

The researcher would like to recommend the following:

1. Use other research method in order to know what the researchers have failed to cover

2. Widen the scope and set more parameters/objectives to fully understand the topic

3. Explore on other activities that is usually done excessively

4. Revalidate said study on different respondents

5. Accurately determine effects of video games on communication and relations of

different people.


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I. Reasons behind excessive gaming

1. Do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Why?

2. How often do you play video games? (once a month, once a week, 5 times a week)

3. Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive, negative, or


4. How does playing video games tend to make you feel?

5. What is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

6. Do you feel any guilt or shame when you play games? why or why not?

7. Have you learned anything from playing video games?

8. Can you give us a few reasons why you play video games for more than 5 hours?

9. What is your favorite thing about video gaming or the gaming industry in general?

10. What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you treat the

people around you?

II. Interaction with the family

1. Do you play games with your parents or siblings? If yes, how often do you play games with


2. What did your parents think of you playing video games for more than 5 hours?

3. Do you hide or lie about your excessive video gaming to your family? why or why not?

4. What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you're into excessive

video gaming?

5. What can you say about your relationship with your sibling/siblings now that you're into

excessive video gaming?

6. Can you explain how concerned your family is about you regarding your [excessive] video


7. Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with your family?

why do you think so?

8. Have you sacrificed important family events or occasions because of video games?

III. Interaction with friends

1. Do you play games with your friends? If yes, how often do you play games with them?

2. You have some friends that are gamers like you. How do you feel around them?

3. How is your relationship with them? (Optional: Elaborate)

4. What do you think they feel around you, in and out of the gaming world?

5. You also have peers who don't share the same interest as you. What do they think about


6. Are they concerned about you regarding your excessive video gaming?

7. How is your relationship with them so far?

8. Would you use video games to make your relationship with them better? Why or why not?

9. Can you explain how video games brought you and your friends together/tore your

relationship apart?

IV. Interaction with co-gamers

1. Do you usually play with gamers you met online or your friends in real life?

2. How often do you play with co-gamers?

3. What do you feel upon playing with other co-gamers?




Interviewer 1: Hi [redacted], so we are from Grade 11-Love and we are conducting a study tapos

yana we are doing an interview since nag qualify kaman for our criterion so you are part of our

interview with regards to video gaming. So today we will ask you some questions.

Interviewer 2: First question is; do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Why?

Student 1: Yes, I do because I usually play video game between 3 hours to 6 hours a day and


Interviewer 2: Aw sge… do you feel that gaming affected your life in a way that is more

positive, negative or neither?

Student 1: I think it affected me positively because gaming is my way of relieving my stress

when I come back from school going home and it really help me a lot.

Interviewer 2: Now, what is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

Student 1: For me excessive use of video games can have negative effect, it’s because you know

it’s bad for the eye sight but you still play excessively so it’s pretty bad.

Interviewer 2: Have you learn anything from playing video games?

Student 1: No, I think I have not.

Interviewer 2: Regards with the ano, interaction with the family. Do you play games with your

parents or siblings? If yes, how often do you play games?

Student 1: Uhhh no, I don’t play games with them because I’m the only gamer in my family and

they don’t seem to have fun in games.

Interviewer 2: What did your parents think of you playing games for more than 5 hours?

Student 1: They said it’s okay as long as I maintain my good grades in school, it’s fine to play

games for a long time.

Interviewer 2: What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you’re into

excessive video gaming?

Student 1: My relationship with my parents are still pretty good because I don’t let video games

get a head of me because I usually go family first before video games.

Interviewer 2: What can you say about your relationship with your siblings now that you’re into

excessive video gaming?

Student 1: For me my relationship with my brother is pretty steady because video games won’t

really get in between because we have a strong bond. Love you [redacted].

Interviewer 2: Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with

your family? Why do you think so?

Student 1: No I don’t think so.

Interviewer 2: Do you play games with your friends? If yes, how often do you play with them?

Student 1: Uhhh yes, I do play games with my friends and I play like every Saturday afternoon

like 1-3:00.

Interviewer 2: How is your relationship with them?

Student 1: Uhm, it’s good because playing video games with them is having relationship with

them stronger in your bonds.

Interviewer 2: You also have fear – I mean peers who don’t share the same interest as you? And

what do they think about you?

Student 1: Maybe they think actually I don’t know how they think about me because I don’t see

in their eyes but I hope they see me as a good person and a successful person because you know

video games when someone is into video games they think that he sucks at something and

unintelligent. I just hope that they don’t see me that way.

Interviewer 2: Are they concern about your aw you regarding your excessive video gaming.

Student 1: No they are not.

Interviewer 2: How is your relationship with them so far?

Student 1: Pretty strong, like what I’ve said a while ago it strengthens our relationship and our


Interviewer 2: With regards with your interaction with your co gamers, do you usually play with

gamers you met online or friends in real life.

Student 1: Uhh yes I do.

Interviewer 2: How often do you play with co gamers?

Student 1: Uhm I play with them uhm every free time cause that’s the only schedule I get to play

video games.

Interviewer 2: What do you feel upon playing with other co gamers?

Student 1: Uhm it makes me good because I get to know how they act and stuff since I never met

them in real life…yup

Interviewer 2: With regards to gamers you met online, do you form any friendship with them? If

yes, do you classify them as real friends? Why or why not?

Student 1: Uhhh yes I did form a lot of relationships with strangers online in video games but I

consider them as real friends too because in the game we help each other and we form bonds like

what I said so yeah.

Interviewer 2: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers than real life people.

Student 1: No I don’t because after all, online people are just strangers and I don’t know what

they can do to me but for real life people since I know them I am in a relationship with them I

feel more comfortable with them

Interviewer 2: With regards to the interaction with teachers, how are your relation with your


Student 1: Uhm I don’t think they uhhh know that I play video games so yeah I don’t think; I

think our relationship it pretty good.

Interviewer 2: Can you explain how your excessive gaming may affect them?

Student 1: Uhm I think it will affect them negatively because you know video games make you

dumb according to what people say dumb or stupid person means low grades and….

Interviewer 2: How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

Student 1: Uhm I would feel that I should not let my students play video games because it affects

their studies and all yeah.

Interviewer 2: Do you care about the teachers think? Why or why not?

Student 1: Uhm no I don’t care about the teachers because what do they have to do with me

playing video games; it’s not their lives I can do whatever I want.

Interviewer 2: In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering from your class or not?

Student 1: Uhh for me no because I have like a scheduled time to play video games and a

scheduled time to study so it’s pretty balanced.

Interviewer 2: How would you react should a teacher relate to you on a gamers level?

Student 1: Uhm I think I would be sad because uhh the society looks at gamers as low class

people like lifeless and never goes outside to see sunlight. If a teachers relate to a gamer, then

even if I am a gamer then it’s pretty insulting cause yeah.

Interviewer 2: Has your teacher scolded you or have any opinions about your video gaming?

Student 1: Actually a lot of teachers are fan to me about video games because there are a lot of

teachers in STEFTI who played Dota 2 like Sir [redacted] and then it makes the bond stronger

and our opinions with each other like it become better and we get to know each other more.

Interviewer 2: Thank you [redacted] for participating.


Interviewer: Hi! [redacted], so today we are going to conduct an interview with regards to our

study in practical research so this is about video gaming, so for our first question, do you

consider yourself to be a gamer? Why?

Student 2: Yes, I consider myself to be a gamer

Interviewer: Okay so, do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more

positive, negative, or neither?

Student 2: I think of gaming as negative but like there’s an addiction that it’s hard to stop, so

like my mom keeps telling me to stop gaming but the addiction, like is so hard to stop.

Interviewer: What is your opinion of excessive use of video game?

Student 2: First it will like affect your eyesight because of too much radiation

Interviewer: Now, have you learned anything about playing video games?

Student 2: Not really.

Interviewer: Okay so, what makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way

you treat other people around you? Do you think it would affect the people around you, when

you play games?

Student 2: If you’re addicted to games then you can’t really cope with other people because you

are too concentrated on the game.

Interviewer: Moving on to the next one, this is related to the interaction with your family. Do

you play games with your parents or siblings?

Student 2: Sometimes my siblings

Interviewer: So what can you say about your relationship with your siblings that you’re in to

video gaming?

Student 2: Very close, we like playing online games and that’s all we do

Interviewer: How about your relation with your parents do they agree with you playing games?

Student 2: As long as I balance it

Interviewer: Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with your

family? Why do you think so?

Student 2: Yes because too much, I play too much video games before so like I can’t really talk

with my parents and siblings

Interviewer: So now for the friends, interaction with friends. Do you play video games with your


Student 2: Sometimes

Interviewer: How is your relationship with them?

Student 2: Like sometimes me and my friends play games each night and sometimes we like,

fight over games

Interviewer: Can you explain how video games brought you and your friends together or tore

your relationships apart?

Student 2: Well first I had a friend, I haven’t met before but when I play the game with him, that

game made us close to each other

Interviewer: Moving on to co-gamers. Do you usually play with gamers you met online or your

friends in real life?

Student 2: Not really

Interviewer: You don’t play with co-gamers that much?

Student 2: No

Interviewer: When you do what do you feel upon playing with them?

Student 2: Surprised.

Interviewer: With regards to the gamers you met online. Have you formed any friendship with

them yet? Do you classify them as real friends?

Student 2: Not really because I haven’t met them in person so I can’t really call them real friends

Interviewer: Do you feel comfortable talking to them than people in real life or no?

Student 2: Whenever I play with a game and someone online, I just mute them

Interviewer: *giggles* Next for the teachers so, how is your relationship with your teacher?

Student 2: Good

Interviewer: Do you think excessive gaming may affect your relationship with your teachers?

Student 2: Maybe

Interviewer: Why do you think so?

Student 2: If I focus too much on gaming, I won’t really focus on my studies so my teacher

would get mad at me for not studying

Interviewer: In your point of view is video gaming really hindering you from class or no? Does it

hinder you from doing your homework, AS or school activities?

Student 2: Yes, because as I said too much gaming like I can’t really concentrate on my studies

so sometimes I pass my AS’s late and my project like sometimes go over the deadline

Interviewer: Because of video gaming. Has your teacher scolded you about it or not?

Student 2: Yes because of my projects

Interviewer: Okay so that would be it, thank you for participating in our interview


Interviewer: Hi! [redacted]. We are going to ask you a series of questions related to our topic

about excessive video gaming. First question, do you consider yourself a gamer?

Student 3: Yes, because I play different kinds of video games, various different types and I play

for like five to eight hours of excessive video gaming

Interviewer: How often do you play video games?

Student 3: Whenever I have free time

Interviewer: Do you feel that gaming has affected in your life in a way that is more positive,

negative, or neither?

Student 3: I can say positive and negative. The positive effect, kay nakakabiling ak hin iba nga

sangkay through gaming, it mga negative bagat nakakalain tak batasan kay kumbaga naoover na

it pagminulay naiba it batasan

Interviewer: What is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

Student 3: Bagat as for me ginttry ko na paglessen asya tak opinion, iglessen gihap it

pagmumulay hin excessive video gaming kay nakakaruba ito tim health

Interviewer: Have you learned anything from playing video games?

Student 3: Cooperation, amo ito it pinakanumber one, tapos friendship dapat strong talaga tim

bond haimo mga friends mga sugad

Interviewer: Can you give us a few reasons why you play video games for more than five hours?

Student 3: Waray man ak kuan, waray man kami mga neighbors kay haamon street bagat waray

mga kaedad ko tapos hirayo it mga balay tak mga sangkay asya nagmiminulay la ako haamon for

five hours or more. And paragmulay man liwat akon iba na classmate so bagan ako nakikijoin in

nala liwat.

Interviewer: What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you

treat the people around you?

Student 3: Would not affect kay nacocontrol ko pa man

Interviewer: Ngadi kita ha family. Do you play video games with your parents or siblings?

Student 3: No

Interviewer: What did your parents think of you playing video games for more than five hours?

Student 3: Waray man, an ira la bagat nasisira na tak health mismo tas naruruba na tak mata, mga


Interviewer: What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you’re into

excessive video gaming?

Student 3: Okay la amo la gihap kay nacoccontrol ko man namulay la ako kun may free time

ako, waray ak ginhihimo, waray gihap hira ginhihimo

Interviewer: Imo siblings?

Student 3: Waray ak siblings

Interviewer: Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with your


Student 3: Waray kay I still find time na makasama hira, makigisturya haira amo ito

Interviewer: Ngadi liwat kita ha friends. Do you play games with your friends?

Student 3: Oo

Interviewer: You have friends that are gamers like you, how do you feel around them?

Student 3: I feel comfortable kay bagat close kami hin duro kay pirme kami nagkakamulay,

paaaga han summer, asya mas nagstrengthen an amon bond

Interviewer: Would you use video games to make your relationship with them better? Why or

why not?

Student 3: Yes because ngadto man kami nagkakasama pirme bagat early man hiya nga nauli

ngadi bagat asya ako late, diri kami nagkakaupod pero through gaming bagat nagcocommunicate

kami all the time

Interviewer: Can you explain how video games brought you and your friends together or tore

your relationships apart?

Student 3: Han summer bagat mas nag brought haamon together kay tikang ha gabi hasta mag

aga nagmiminulay kami tas bagat nagstrengthen pa an amon bond han relationship

Interviewer: Sige ngadi liwat kita ha co-gamers. Do you usually play with gamers you met online

or your friends in real life?

Student 3: Friends in real life

Interviewer: How often do you play with co-gamers?

Student 3: Usually kun online hira

Interviewer: With regards to gamers you met online, have you formed any relationship/

friendship with them yet?

Student 3: Oo

Interviewer: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life?

Student 3: No, mas maupay it real life

Interviewer: Have you ever been involved in a squabble/quarrel about video gaming?

Student 3: Oo, yes

Interviewer: Ngadi liwat kita ha teachers. How are your relationships with your teachers?

Student 3: Okay la

Interviewer: Okay la?

Student 3: Diri man hira nakuan, nagkakaproblema

Interviewer: Can you explain how your excessive gaming may affect them, your teachers?

Student 3: Bagat kuan, kun nagmiminulay ak magiha di naak nakapansin hit oras tas pagkita kot

oras mga 1am na 2am tas mamata ak mga 5am tas it mga first subject, second subject, third

subject in the morning, nahingaturog ako bagat makakaafect kay diri ak makbaton hit mga

pakiana, diri ak makaanswer hit mga AS tas kukulangon ak hit time

Interviewer: In your point of view is video gaming really hindering you from class or not?

Student 3: Diri kay haamon class damo gihap it nagmumulay hin mga online games tapos bagat

amo ito tam giniisturyahan, mga sugad hito

Interviewer: Has your teacher scolded you or had any opinions about your video game usage?

Student 3: Waray, wala

Interviewer: The end, thank you

Student 3: Thank you



Interviewer 1: Okay so good morning sir. How are you today?

Student 4: I’m great

Interviewer 1: Okay I’m going to ask you some questions. They’re not that many... okay do you

consider yourself to be a gamer?

Student 4: Yes

Interviewer 1: Why?

Student 4: I have consoles... I have pc games at home

Interviewer 1: How often do you play?

Student 4: Let’s say…uhm…I often play games after doing my school works and then

extracurricular activities

Interviewer 1: Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive,

negative or neither?

Student 4: Neither, because I know man how to balance uhhh my acads and extracurricular,

‘cause gaming is just this thing that I do in my past time

Interviewer 1: How do you feel whenever you’re playing?

Student 4: I just want the time to pass because whenever I play games it is for the sake of


Interviewer 1: What is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

Student 4: Excessive use of video games I think is a bit much because you could be using your

time in other activities that can make you better may it be extra co or you may utilize the time for

your studies

Interviewer 1: Ahhh I see... do you have any shame or guilt when you play video games?

Student 4: None

Interviewer 1: Really?

Student 4: Yes

Interviewer 1: Have you learned anything in playing video games?

Student 4: Morally? Nothing

Interviewer 1: I see. Can you give us a few reasons why you kind of play games for more than

5hrs if you do?

Student 4: I only play a game for more than 5hrs if I’m really into it. And then-if that game has a

very good story and that story is somewhat I find interesting that I can spend 5hrs of my time to

spend on the ill go with it pero if it was unnecessary the I wouldn’t pursue. And usually I play

games if someone recommend good games.

Interviewer 1: What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you

treat people around you?

Student 4: Excessive use of kuan uhh video gaming cauun affect the friends around you because

instead of actually interacting with your friends you go to this console and this console it has

no... it cannot, it is just a game. What can it do with you personally, physically, nothing diba?

Interviewer 1: Let’s talk about your family. Do you play game with your parents or siblings? If

yes, how long do you play with them?

Student 4: I play with my father; a console less than 30 minutes lang

Interviewer 1: What did yours parents think of you when you were playing more than 5 hours a


Student 4: It was okay because most of my time or majority of my time is given to scouting or

academics so they said its fine i i can unwind even if it’s just like that lang.

Interviewer 1: Do you hide about your excessive video gaming to your family why or why not?

Student 4: No

Interviewer 1: What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you kinda

play video games?

Student 4: My relationship with my parents are great because i don’t really go with... i don’t

really play console that much

Interviewer 1: The same goes with your siblings

Student 4: Yes, very much. Likewise

Interviewer 1: During that time can you explain on how concerned your family was about to your


Students 4: They are not really concerned... I won’t say responsible pero I just know how to


Interviewer 1: Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with

your family

Student 4: Uhhhhh in video games.... English is the most common language diba? So it can be

used to enhance ghap your skills orally so i won’t say sometimes it can.

Interviewer 1: Did you ever sacrificed any-important family events or occasions because of

video game?

Student 4: No of course not

Interviewer 1: Oh okay, So let’s talk about your friends. Do you play games with your friends if

yes how often?

Student 4: I play with friends again for the sake of boredom because for example there is free

time and then I don’t have responsibilities with scouting anymore or may it be taekwondo or

even my acads the I play with friends for that lang

Interviewer 1: Well you have some friends that are gamers like you? How do you feel around


Student 4: Wala lang

Interviewer 1: Nothing else to elaborate? Like how is your relationship with them?

Student 4: Nothing

Interviewer 1: I see. Well mostly you feel the friendship outside the gaming world rather within

the gaming world.

Student 4: I would prefer outside the gaming world I don’t think you’ve really met them

especially if it was online diba? Its Be better if you interact with the persons outside, outside

talaga outside the four walls of your house

Interviewer 1: Ahh I see. So you also have peers who don’t play video games and something like

that. What did they think about you?

Student 4: They think of me as okay lang because anyway I don’t really prioritize kuan gaming

Interviewer 1: So I guess they’re not concerned about your excessive video games at time… I

see. So okay, how do you describe your relationship with them? The ones that are non-gamers

Student 4: My relationship with nongamers are, I would say amazing because again I am a

gamer, I have the things to prove because I have a console and then PC but then I would rather

bond with my scouts, bond with my other friends than playing console games

Interviewer 1: Uhmmmmmm well, do you usually… I f you were to play with your friends, are

they online friends or in real life mostly?

Student 4: In real life friends, yes

Interviewer 1: How often or how long do you play with them?

Student 4: Maybe just an hour or kuan or an hour or 40minutes

Interviewer 1: Have you ever had any online friends that you made friendships with?

Student 4: None

Interviewer 1: Ahhh I see… okay, we’ll move to interaction with teachers. How are your

relations with your teachers?

Student 4: Ah they’re great

Interviewer 1: *laughs* Can you explain how excessive video gaming may affect them?

Student 4: Excessive video gaming may affect the teachers? I think it can only affect the teachers

if your academics standing is poor and if you cannot balance it out but then if you can, if you can

balance your acads, your extra-co tapos if you ue those consoles game or gaming for kuan wala

lang yun pastime lang then its fine and they won’t be as much concerned because you know how

to balance everything

Interviewer 2: Ah I see. How would you feel if you were in their shoes if you find out that

there’s that student who doesn’t know how to balance his time?

Student 4: A student who doesn’t know how to balance his time?

Interviewer 1: Like he plays excessively, how would you feel if you were in their shoes?

Student 4: If I was in the shoes of that person, I would control nalang my usage of kuan of

playing those games tapos if worst case scenario or my last resort would be uhhh giving my

phone to my parents so that they can keep check

Interviewer 1: How about if you were in the place of the teachers, how would you feel?

Student 4: I will do the same thing; I would confiscate whatever that makes them kuan occupied

Interviewer 1: Uhmmm I see. Has your teacher ever scolded you or have any opinion about your

video game use

Student 4: None, wala

Interviewer 1: I see. Okay well that’s all the questions we have. That’s for today. Thank you


Student 4: Okay thank you!!


Interviewer 1: Okay so how are you today?

Student 5: I’m fine

Interviewer 1: Okay okay, so I’m going to ask some questions regarding excessive video gaming.

Okay so do you consider yourself a gamer?

Student 5: Yes

Interviewer 1: Why?

Student 5: Yes, I play kuan games like uhmm shooting games, battle royals’ games uhmm and I

play like everyday

Interviewer 1: How long is your game play?

Student 5: 3-5 hours

Interviewer 1: Ah I see. Why do you play for 5hrs or more and do you feel like gaming has

affected you in a more positive, negative or somewhere in between?

Student 5: Uhmm, I play games because it’s my hobby. It has affected me positively and


Interviewer 1: Ah I see. Have you learned anything from playing video games?

Student 5: Uhm yes

Interviewer 1: What did you learn?

Student 5: Uhm playing more accurately, that’s all

Interviewer 1: So what makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you

treat other people around you?

Student 5: What?

Interviewer 1: How would your gaming affect the people around you?

Student 5: Uhmm it doesn’t really affect

Interviewer 1: Okay so let’s talk about your family. So do you happen to play video games with

your parents or siblings?

Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: Both of them no?

Student 5: Yes

Interviewer 1: Ah I see. What did your parents think about you playing video games?


Student 5: I think nothing or they do not think about me

Interviewer 1: Or they are not really concerned?

Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: Not that much. How is your relationship with your parents?

Student 5: It’s doing great

Interviewer 1: How bout you siblings?

Student 5: Not much

Interviewer 1: Understandable, do you think that playing video games has affected the way you

communicate to your parents and the rest of your family?

Student 5: A little bit

Interviewer 1: I see. Why do you say so?

Student 5: Sometimes I don’t listen to my parents or my siblings

Interviewer 1: Have you sacrificed important family events or occasions because of video


Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: Okay. Let’s talk about your friends. You have friends you play with, right?

Student 5: Yeah

Interviewer 1: How often do you play with them?

Student 5: Not all the time

Interviewer 1: How do you feel around them?

Student 5: I feel excited to play with them

Interviewer 1: For you, what do they think you in and it the gaming world?

Student 5: They feel like I’m good at gaming

Interviewer 1: Well I believe you also have some friends who don’t really play games just like

you. What do they think about you?

Student 5: They feel aw they feel like or they think about me like im to addicted to gaming

Interviewer 1: Are those same people concerned about you when it comes to video gaming?

Student 5: Not much

Interviewer 1: But how’s your relationship with them? Some of your friends are not really into


Student 5: They’re okay with it

Interviewer 1: Well in your opinion, would you use video games to make your relationship with

them better? Why or why not?

Student 5: What as the question again?

Interviewer 1: Would you use video games to make your relationship with them better? Why or

why not?

Student 5: No, because they don’t really know how to play games and I don’t really want to

teach them

Interviewer 1: I see. Describe how video game has brought you and your friends together or tore

your friendship apart?

Student 5: It doesn’t really tore my friendship apart but uhm like my relationship with my friends

is becoming bigger and greater

Interviewer 1: Do you have online friends that you play with too?

Student 5: Yeah

Interviewer 1: How often do you play with them?

Student 5: I have from other countries

Interviewer 1: Other countries or other places

Student 5: Sometimes

Interviewer 1: Are you comfortable around them or playing with them?

Student 5: Yeah

Interviewer 1: Well, with regards to those online friends, have you made like official friendships

or something like that? And do you classify them as real friends?

Student 5: Yeah a little bit

Interviewer 1: Well do you wait sorry. Have you ever been involved in a quarrel about video

game with other gamers? If yes, what was the reason behind it?

Student 5: What was the question?

Interviewer 1: Have you ever been involved in quarrel or a fight about video games with other


Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: Ah I see. Let’s go talk about your teachers. How are your relationships with them?

Student 5: With my teachers?

Interviewer 1: Yes

Student 5: We’re not close at all

Interviewer 1: Ah I see. Well can you explain how gaming may affect them?

Student 5: Doesn’t really affect them

Interviewer 1: If you and the teacher switch places, how would you feel if you were in their


Student 5: I would feel. Nothing

Interviewer 1: Do you care about the opinions of your teachers of what they think about you and

your gaming?

Student 5: A little bit

Interviewer 1: Why do you say so?

Student 5: Stating that I’m not studying a lot or something like that

Interviewer 1: In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering you from class or not?

Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: Have you ever met a teacher who were least to you in some way in a gamers


Student 5: Yeah

Interviewer 1: Oh how did you react when you two interacted?

Student 5: Uhm I was shocked

Interviewer 1: *laughs* lastly, has your teacher scolded you or have any opinions about your

video game use?

Student 5: No

Interviewer 1: That’s all the questions that we have to ask. Thank you for your participation.

Student 5: Thank you!


Interviewer: Hi [redacted]. Today ma-ask kami questions with regards to our topic tapos you will

answer them in any dialect or language. Ini nga aton interview kay aton aton la ini. So first

question, do you consider yourself to be a gamer? And why?

Student 6: Actually, I consider myself to be a gamer because it has been a long time since I

started playing video games, I was like around 9yrs. old and I’ve been playing video gamers for

a majority of my time, not really majority but most of the time at home since I already have my

own computer at my house. I often go to computer stations just to play with my friends and all

that’s it.

Interviewer: Can you give us a few reasons why you play video games for more than 5 hours?

Student 6: My answer to that is that, because there’s a lot of games that help me reduce stress

and my anger you know, hold down my anger and my pressure and there's a lot of games that

helps with other things in my life and that's it.

Interviewer: How does playing video games tend to make you feel?

Student 6: Most games, there are some games that are stressful but when you accomplish them, it

feels so rewarding I want to have more of those feelings

Interviewer: What is your opinion of excessive use of video games?

Student 6: Playing too much video games will make you fat a bit because you don't have much

exercise and that’s why I go out as much as often.

Interviewer: Do you feel any guilt or shame when you play games? Why or why not?

Student 6: I don't, since playing video games also helps you to learn some things about the


Interviewer: Have you learned something from playing video games?

Student 6: Yes, a lot actually, almost a lot of things

Interviewer: Like what?

Student 6: Like learning how to deal with operations or something and learning how to deal with,

ano adto, multitasking and all that

Interviewer: What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you

treat the people around you?

Student 6: It does not really affect the people around me since I don’t really apply them to

people, only the things I do in life.

Interviewer: With regards to your family, do you play games with your parents or siblings? If

yes, how often do you play games with them?

Student 6: I don't play games with my family, just by myself

Interviewer: What dud your parents think of you playing for more than five hours?

Student 6: I don't play for more than eight hours, I play, around 4 or 5 hours at least for about a

week, I don't play that much

Interviewer: Do you hide or lie about your excessive video gaming to your family? Why or why


Student 6: I don't hide it from my family because they already know that I play too much, since I

was a child.

Interviewer: What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that you're into

excessive gaming?

Student 6: My relationship with my parents is pretty much normal since there's not really much

going between us.

Interviewer: Do you still communicate or bond?

Student 6: They don’t really bring about the topic about video games, the just talk to me

normally like any other parents.

Interviewer: What can you say about your relationship with your siblings now that you are in to

excessive video gaming?

Student 6: I don't really have much to say about that since I have two siblings that are still 2 or 3

years old and the other one is like 12 years old and she's a special child so I don't really talk to

them as much

Interviewer: Have you sacrificed important family events or occasions because of video games?

Student 6: No

Interviewer: When it comes to your friends, do you play games with your friends? If yes, how


Student 6: There are times that I play with my friends and tines that I don't, more like, I mostly

play by my friends.

Interviewer: You have friends that are gamers like you, how do you feel around them?

Student 6: I feel, every time I meet them, I feel excited and everything

Interviewer: What do you think they feel around you in and out of the gaming world?

Student 6: In and out of the gaming world they still talk to me and we still talk online we are

basically friends

Interviewer: How is your relationship with them so far?

Student 6: My relationship with them, they're like close friends of mine

Interviewer: Interaction with co-gamers, do you usually play with gamers you met online or your

friends in real life?

Student 6: Mostly friends in real life

Interviewer: How often do you play with co-gamers?

Student 6: Almost all the time

Interviewer: With regards to gamers you met online, have you formed any friendship with them?

If yes, do you classify them as real friends?

Student 6: Yes, I classify them as real friends because, there was this one gamer that I met from a

specific video game, that I talk to him a lot then eventually I met him in V&G, and we became

close friends since then

Interviewer: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life friends?

Student 6: I prefer talking to real life people because in online they don’t know the way you are

speaking to them

Interviewer: So interaction with teachers, how are your relationship with your teachers?

Student 6: My relationship with my teachers are like a student and a teacher just like normal


Interviewer: Can you explain how your excessive video gaming may affect them, like if late ka

na come to school, sugad?

Student 6: No it does not affect my grades man

Interviewer: In your point of view is video gaming really hindering you from your class or not?

Student 6: Only a little bit since there are times that I study

Interviewer: Has your teacher scolded you or have any opinions about your excessive gaming?

Student 6: No they don't, they don't really bring up the topic about me playing video games

Interviewer: Ok, that's all [redacted], Thank you


Interviewer 1: Hi, whats your name?

Student 7: [redacted]

Interviewer 1: okay so [redacted] so we are going to conduct an interview with regards to our

research study related to video games so we will be asking you some questions

Interviewer 2: First question, do you consider yourself to be a gamer? Why?

Interviewer 1: Para mulay ka kuno?

Student 7: Oo

Interviewer 2: How often do you play video games?

Interviewer 1: Kada sano ka namulay?

Student 7: Saturday

Interviewer 2: Saturday la?

Student 7: Kada kagawas hit friday

Interviewer 1: Mga tag pira man ka hours

Student 7: Mga 4 la or 5

Interviewer 1: Pero permi ito?

Student 7: Diri

Interviewer 2: Do you feel that gaminf has affected your life in a way that is more positive,

negative or neither? Nakakaapekto ba it pag mulay mo ha imo life?

Student 7: Diri

Interviewer 1: How does playing video games tend to make you feel? Bagat stress reliever ba it

pag mumulay mo or diri?

Student 7: Stress reliever. Nagiging in ka liwat ha mga new games kun ano an mga sikat

Interviewer 2: Pastime, leisure time or ano? What is your opinion of excessive use of video

games? Ano tim mayayakan hit nag miminulay hin permi permi

Student 7: Kuan hira, na aadict na pag minulay, ira nala gin papabayan it ira pag iskwela

Interviewer 2: Have you learned anything from playing video games?

Student 7: Yes

Interviewer 2: Like ano man? Example?

Student 7: Teamwork friendship mga sugad hito

Interviewer 2: With regards to the interaction with the family. Uhm do yiu play games with your

parentsor siblings? If yes, how often do you play games with them?

Student 7: Uhmm diri

Interviewer 1: So ano, what did you parents think if you’re playing of videogames for more than

5 hours

Inteviewer 2: Ano it maiisip tim mama?

Student 7: Waray la

Interviewer 1: Waray la?

Interviewer 2: What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that youre into

excessive video gaming?

Student7: Waray

Interviewer 2: Close pa ba kamo?

Student7: Close paman ngan nag stostorya pa

Interviewer 1: Do you think that playing video games has affected your communication with

your family?

Student 7: Waray la

Interviewer 1: So ngadi kita ha friends, do you play games with your friends?

Student 7: Yes

Interviewer 2: You have some friends that are gamers like you? Hiw do you feel around them?

Student 7: Waray man, okay la

Inteviewer 1: Anay, would you use video games to make you relationship with them better?

Student 7: Oo

Interviewer 1: Can you explain how video games brought you and your friends together or tore

your relationship apart.

Interviewer 2: Ano it gin hihim hit video games haiyo pag ka sangkay, like nagiging close kamo?


Student 7: Waray man

Interviewer 1: Co-gamers, do you usuall play with gamers you met online or yor friends in real


Student 7: Friends in real life

Interviewer 1: How often do you play with co-gamers?

Student 7: Saturday la, weekends

Interviewer 1: What do you feel upon playing with other co-gamers?

Student 7: .......

Interviewer 1: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life


Student 7: No, real life

Interviewer 1: With regards to interaction with teachers, how are your relations with your

teachers? Tim pag mumulayhin sobra kiha, naapektuhan ba ito iyo relationship ht teacher?

Student 7: Diri

Interviewer 1: Can you explain how excessive video gaming may affect that?

Interviewer 2: Like late ka na sulod?

Student 7: Early man ako

Interviewer 1: Nakaturog ka ha class?

Student 7: Diri

Interviewer 1: How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

Interviewer 2: Ano tim ma fefeel kung it usa ka bata nakaturog ganun, tas ikaw teacher ka. Kung

ikaw it teacher ano tim ma fefeel hit im estudyante

Student 7: Uhhh mag iisog ak

Interviewer 1: Do you care about what the teachers think? Why or why not?

Interviewer 2: Gin iisip mo ba it ra na fefeel?

Student 7: Oo

Interviewer 1: In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering from your class or not?

Interviewer 2: Nakakaulang ba it pag mulay?

Student 7: Diri.

Interviewer 1: Has your teacher scolded you or have any opinion about your video game use?

Naisgan kana?

Student 7: Waray pa

Interviewer 1: That’s all, thank you [redacted] for participating


Interviewer: Umm okay so good morning! So how are you today?

Student 8: Fun.

Interviewer: [Inaudible]

Student 8: Sure

Interviewer: Okay, so do you consider yourself as a gamer? And why?

Student 8: Yeah I consider myself as a gamer ‘cause I spend many hours to in games.

Interviewer: So many hours. So how long?

Student8: More than 5 hours when there’s no classes. Actually, more than 10.

Interviewer: Aw okay. Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more

positive, negative or neither?

Student 8: It’s more likely positive.

Interviewer: Ow, why so?

Student 8: Because it keeps my mind off of things and it relieves my stress most of the time.

Interviewer: Okay. How does it make you feel when you are playing?

Student 8: When I’m playing?

Interviewer: Uhmm

Student 8: It makes me feel better especially when I’m stressed.

Interviewer: So what is your opinion about excessive use of video games?

Student 8: Excessive use of video game isn’t good. I know that but I’m just addicted to it. It isn’t

really good for your eyes.

Interviewer: Do you feel any guilt or shame when you play video games?

Student 8: No

Interviewer: No? Why not?

Student 8: I’m just…I’ve nothing to hide from playing video games. It’s pretty normal to me.

Interviewer: Oh I see. Do you learn anything from playing video games?

Student 8: Yes, a lot. It has help me socialize to other people and talk better to unknown people

helps me make friends.

Interviewer: Can you give us few reasons why you play video games for more than 5 hours?

Student 8: I just love playing and I’ve got used to it and I have no other hobbies aside from


Interviewer: Okay. So what is your favourite thing about video gaming or the gaming industry in


Student 8: It depends on the game but I mostly like Moba games ‘cause it has strategy in them

and you have to communicate with your teammates and makes you communicate them.

Interviewer: Oh I see. What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the

way you treat the people around you?

Student 8: It doesn’t really affect the way I treat people around me. It depends on my friends. If

my friends don’t play games I wouldn’t talk about it. If they play games, I would talk about


Interviewer: Oh I see. So let’s go to your family. Do you happen to play games with your parents

or siblings? If yes, how often do you play with them?

Student 8: I play with them like more than 2 hours with my parents. They play the same games

as mine.

Interviewer: Oh, what did your parents think of you playing video games for more than 5 hours?

Student 8: My mother thought it was a bad idea because it could damage my eyes and ruin my

way of learning while my father said that it is a good idea for bonding.

Interviewer: Umm do you hide or lie about this excessive video gaming? Why or why not?

Student 8: No. Doesn’t really bring shame to me or anything. Doesn’t really embarrass me.

Interviewer: Ah okay. What can you say about your relationship with your parents now that

you’re into video gaming?

Student 8: I think... since our parents also like playing it actually brought us closer. It didn’t

really affect it in a bad way.

Interviewer: Oh I see. How about your siblings? What is your relationship with them okay too?

Student 8: Yeah, we also play games too.

Interviewer: Can you explain how concerned your family is about your video gaming?

Student 8: If I spend my time playing games past 12 o’clock they would think it’s way too much

and they would stop me from using my phone and they would give me punishments or

consequences if I play for too long. So that’s their way of taking care of me. They don’t want to

play that long.

Interviewer: Okay. So you think that playing video games has affected your communication with

your family?

Student 8: Umm no. Nah nah. No

Interviewer: Oh. Have you sacrificed an important family events or occasions because of video


Student 8: No. Not really. When there are some occasions, I would really prioritize my family

first instead of my games.

Interviewer: Oh I see. Well, let’s talk about your friends. So we know that you play games with

your friends, right?

Student 8: Yes.

Interviewer: Ah, How long?

Student 8: In school, it’s about you know when their free time or thing. It really depends on our

time in school. When there are no classes, we spend a lot of time playing games.

Interviewer: Oh I see. Now you have some friends that are gamers like you, how do you feel

around them?

Student 8: I feel much comfortable talking to them since they can relate to what I play or what I


Interviewer: Okay. So in your own words, can you describe your relationship with them?

Student 8: Really close. Yeah.

Interviewers: What do you think they feel around you in and out of gaming world?

Student 8: They also feel much close to me since we’re just the same. We have the same

common likes.

Interviewer: Whether you’re playing or just doing…?

Student 8: Yeah

Interviewer: Okay. So you also have peers who don’t share the same interest as you. What do

they think about you?

Student 8: I don’t really talk to them about games if they don’t like or play games so that I can

also relate them in any way except for games.

Interviewer: Are those people concerned about you regarding your excessive video gaming?

Student 8: No, ‘cause they also play a lot.

Interviewer: Oh haha! How ‘bout your friends who don’t play video games as much as you do?

Are they really that concerned?

Student 8: No

Interviewer: Ah I see. Well, how is your relationship with those non-gamers so far?

Student 8: We’re so close. Just not about all games.

Interviewer: Oh. Would you use video games to make your relationship better? Why or why not?

Student 8: Relationship with which one? The ones that don’t play?

Interviewer: With the ones that which you don’t play with.

Student 8: I wouldn’t use games to make the relationship close since they’re not interested as


Interviewer: Well, how would you explain video games that brought your friends together or tore

your relationship apart?

Student 8: How would what?

Interviewer: Can you explain how video games brought you together or tore your relationship


Student 8: I had a friend before I didn’t really know but we happen to play the same game so I

invited him to play along and we got closer because of the game.

Interviewer: Oh. So the same a price with everyone else and that eventually became circle of


Student8: Some of them. Yeah.

Interviewer: Oh I see. Okay. Do you usually play with gamers you met online or the ones in real


Student 8: Mostly the ones that I met in real life.

Interviewer: How often do you play with co-gamers?

Student 8: The ones that I’ve met.

Interviewer: The ones you have met. How long do you play with the online friends?

Student 8: Rarely ‘cause I don’t really know them and they’re just online friends.

Interviewer: And the same number of hours go with your real life friends?

Student 8: No. In real life friends, I spend more time playing with them.

Interviewer: If you’re playing with these online friends, how do you feel around them?

Student 8: Starting is kind of awkward but once I play long with them it’s not that awkward na.

It’s fine

Interviewer: Oh. Have you formed any friendship with an online friend or something? If yes, do

you classify them as real friends? Or why not?

Student 8: Some online friends I’ve planned to meet them in real life. So they became my real

life friends. Some online friends I never met in real life so they’re not really that much friends.

Interviewer: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life people?

Student 8: No. I wouldn’t open much to the ones I don’t know ‘cause it would be awkward.

Interviewer: Have you ever been involved in a squabble or quarrel about video games with other

gamers? If yes, what was the reason behind it?

Student 8: Maybe there are times when we lost in a team game and it’s my friend to blame or me

to blame and they would quarrel about it

Interviewer: How often does that happen?

Student 8: Umm. Quite often. Not very.

Interviewer: Okay. Well, let’s talk about your teachers, okay? How are your relationships with

your teachers?

Student 8: I’m not very good at talking to teachers. I’m not even close to any of these teachers


Interviewer: Can you explain how your excessive gaming may affect them?

Student 8: Well, there are times when they’re discussing and I would hide to play them, play

with my games and if I get caught you know they’d be disappointed because I wasn’t listening

and I wasn’t learning.

Interviewer: Hahaha! If you were in their shoes, how would you feel?

Student 8: I would also feel hurt and disappointed since I’ve put an effort into teaching them and

instead they’re just playing and not listening to me.

Interviewer: Do you care about what the teachers think? Why or why not?

Student 8: I do care because they want me to learn and it’s the best for me and I have to pass or

school so I’ll have a better future.

Interviewer: In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering you from your class or not?

Student 8: Yeah. Instead of studying or doing my project so I want to play games. So I ended up

forgetting it.

Interviewer: How could you react should a teacher relate to you on gamer’s level?

Student 8: It could be very shockingly ‘cause not much teachers actually play games but I have a

one teacher here that plays game as mine. So it makes him really cool.

Interviewer: Has your teacher scolded you or have any opinions about your video game use?

Student 8: Yeah. They actually talked to my parents about it to minimize my playing time so it

wouldn’t affect my school activities but I still continue playing hehehe

Interview: Okay, last question. If you don’t mind me asking.

Student 8: Sure

Interview: Overall, you think your video gaming brought more on the positive or negative?

Student 8: More on the positive for me ‘cause I get a lot of problems and when I play the games

it keeps my mind off them and relieves my stress.

Interviewer: I see. That’s all the questions we want


Interviewer: Okay so do you consider yourself a gamer and why?

Student 9: I consider myself as a gamer because I play games always. I’m an all-around gamer. I

play MOBA, FPS games and etc.

Interviewer: How often?

Student 9: Umm I play every day for like 2 hours but in weekends I play for 6-7 hours.

Interviewer: Do you feel that gaming has affected your life in a way that is more positive,

negative or neither?

Student 9: It has affected me in both ways. Positively because it can make new friends around

the world and connect to other people and also affects me in my other priorities such as school,

family and etc.

Interviewer: How does it make you feel when you’re playing?

Student 9: Makes me feel good. Makes me jump out in the real world and get in to the cyber

world. It’s as if like I’m playing the real match with the people around you.

Interviewer: Do you feel any guilt or shame when you play games? Why or why not?

Student 9: I don’t feel shame when I’m playing because I’m pretty confident of what I play from

my perspective and who am I playing and who are my teammates are.

Interviewer: What are the things that you’ve learned from playing video games?

Student 9: I learned how to be good to people and sometimes video games will even help you

with language because sometimes playing video games will teach you many things in language

and stuff like their culture, their behaviour and etc.

Interviewer: Can you give us a few more reasons why you play video games for more than 5


Student 9: I’ve been playing for more than 5 hours because I want to be good at what I’m doing.

I want to impress the people around me, watching me.

Interviewer: What makes you think that your gaming would or would not affect the way you

treat the people around you?

Student 9: I think it affects my mental health because I cannot focus on my studies anymore and

sometimes I have no time in making my AS, doing my homework. I just know how to manage

my time in playing games.

Interviewer: Regarding your family, do you play games with your parents or siblings?

Student 9: No. I sometimes play by myself. Sometimes I save my money for weekends to play

countless hours in the internet café.

Interviewer: What did your parents think of you playing video games for more than 5 hours?

Student 9: I think it’s bad because they would always tell me to stop studying and start playing

games if I like it. I don’t see playing video games as a bad thing.

Interviewer: Were you honest about your excessive gaming towards your family?

Student 9: I was partly honest. Sometimes I lied because I didn’t want them to think bad about


Interviewer: What can you say about your relationship with them?

Student 9: I sometimes have bad relationship with them because sometimes I don’t speak to

them. I lock myself to my room. Watch pro players play. Sometimes I don’t get to bond with

them but in some way, I try to go back to the real world and bond with them.

Interviewer: The same thing applies to your siblings?

Student 9: Yes.

Interviewer: Can you explain how concerned your family is about you regarding your excessive

video gaming?

Student 9: Sometimes I would play for 8 hours and when it is already night time, they will

already go to the internet café and they want me stop playing already and I said I’ll quit the game

and continue the day after.

Interviewer: Regarding your friends, we know you that you play games with your friends right?

If so, how often?

Student 9: Sometimes I would play on weekends with them for like from morning to the

afternoon I play with them.

Interviewer: You have some friends that are gamers like you. How do you feel around them?

Student 9: I feel good sometimes because they’re always there to comfort me.

Interviewer: How is your relationship with them so far? How do describe it?

Student 9: I think it’s an awesome relationship.

Interviewer: What do you think they feel around you, in and out of the gaming world?

Student 9: In the gaming world, they would always call me the toxic gamer for who I am,

shouting and raging but sometimes they would feel like I’m a good player.

Interviewer: You also have peers who don’t share interest as you. What do they think about you?

Student 9: Some people call me addict because I would burn my eyes for countless hours not

even knowing the time.

Interviewer: Are they also concerned about you regarding your excessive video gaming?

Student 9: No, they just leave me and I leave them.

Interviewer: Describe your relationship with them so far.

Student 9: It’s been good. We sometimes have fights and that fight learn how to become more

human ‘cause they told me that gaming has affected you in many ways.

Interviewer: Would you use video games make to your relationship with them better? Why or

why not?

Student 9: In sometimes I would use them because I’m skilled but not so skilled. Just a typical

gamer. We could teach each other and both of us could be a good gamer.

Interviewer: Do you usually play with gamers you met online or your friends in real life?

Student 9: Sometimes I would play persons that I have met online but usually I get to play

gamers I met in real life like my friends, classmate and etc.

Interviewer: With regards to gamers you met online, have you formed any friendship with them

yet? If yes, do you classify them as real friends? Why or why not?

Student 9: Yes, because those friends are typical Filipinos. Typical Filipino would understand

the words so I consider them as a real friend even if I haven’t met them.

Interviewer: Do you feel more comfortable talking to online gamers rather than real life people?

Student 9: Yes, because sometimes I really just couldn’t communicate with real people because

they don’t know what I feel and I also don’t know what they feel.

Interviewer: Regarding your teachers this time, how are your relationship with your teachers?

Student 9: They’re good because sometimes they don’t mind. Sometimes they’re concerned they

will always ask.

Interviewer: Do you think that your gaming has affected your teachers?

Student 9: Yeah, in a way. Academically because I couldn’t understand what the teacher is

saying. All I think is games I want to play but sometimes I just listen and ignore the gaming.

Interviewer: How would you feel if you were in their shoes?

Student 9: I would feel bad because I don’t want them to be the guy like me. If I would be a

teacher, I would teach them how to listen and focus with studies because there is a bright future

ahead of you. Something like that.

Interviewer: Do you care about what the teachers think? Why or why not?

Student 9: Yes, because my parents provide me a good school. I value what my parents and

teachers tell me

Interviewer: In your point of view, is video gaming really hindering from your class or not?

Student 9: Yeah, sometimes because sometimes I’m late and sleeping in class. Then after classes

I would just play at home and couldn’t study.

Interviewer: Well another question. How would you react should a teacher relate to you on a

gamer’s level?

Student 9: We have this math teacher, he played before Counter-Strike and DOTA then he

focused and he became what he is now.

Interviewer: One last question if you don’t mind asking. How did video gaming internally affect

you? More on positive or negative?

Student 9: Overall it affected me on the positive way because I learned how to be more confident

in and outside the gaming world

Interviewer: Thank you [redacted] for participating!


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