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u'0f:t/ klqsf

aif{ ## c+s !, @)&#

k|d'v ;Nnfxsf/ ljifo;'lr k]h g+=
>L ljZjjfj' k'8f;}gL
;Nnfxsf/ ljefusf] :j?k / k|s[lt !
>L /f]dL dfgGw/ ljefusf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/ ^
>L bLgfgfy ld> ljefusf] ;+u7g ;+/rgf *
>L k|df]bf k|wfg
>L s[i0f k|;fb j:ofn ljefuaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf !$
;Dkfbg d08n ljefuaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf,;DjlGwt zfvf /
>L ;'j0f{ k|;fb pkfWofo lhDd]jf/ clwsf/L -gful/s j8fkq_
>L ;+hLj s'df/ 7fs'/ ;]jf k|bfg ug{ nfUg] b:t'/ / cjlw @@
>L lgdf s'df/L lwtfn
>L b]j]Gb| s]=;L= lg0f{o ug{] k|s[of / clwsf/L $#
o; klqsfdf k|sflzt lg0f{o pk/ ph'/L ;'Gg] clwsf/L $#
n]vx?df JoQm ljrf/x?
n]vssf cfkm\g} dflgg]5g . ;Dkfbg u/]sf]] ljj/0f $#
7]ufgf ;"rgf clwsf/L / ljefuLo k|d'vsf] gfd
g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n / kb
ljefu, sf7df08f}+ P]g, lgod, ljlgod jf lgb{]lzsfsf] ;'rL $$
kf]=a=g+= (*%
cfDbfgL, vr{ tyf cfly{s sf/f]jf/ ;DjGwL $*
kmf]g g+=$#%)*!*, $#%)$$% cBfjlws ljj/0f
km\ofS; M ))(&&–!–$#%)^*( cGo ljj/0fx? %!
Website:www.nbsm. cl3Nnf] cfly{s jif{df ;fj{hlgs lgsfon] !))
s'g} sfo{s|d jf cfof]hgf ;~rfng
sDKo'6/ n]–cfp6 ;fj{hlgs lgsfosf] a]e;fO{6 eP ;f] sf] ljj/0f !))
ch'{g Gof}kfg] a}bl] zs ;xfotf, C0f, cg'bfg P+j k|fljlws
(*%!!^!$%( ;xof]u / ;Demf}tf ;DjGwL ljj/0f

1 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

emG8} Ps bzs cuf8L ljZjJofkL?kdf b]lvPsf] cfly{s dGbL kZrft la:tf/} cfly{s
ljsf;sf] s|d k'gM lta| xF'b} uPsf] xfnsf] cj:yfdf ;a{;fwf/0fsf] qmozlQmdf x'b} uPsf]
j[4Laf6 g]kfn klg cnu /x]sf] 5}g . dGb ultdf eP klg g]kfnsf] cfly{s If]qsf]
lg/Gt/ ljsf; x'g'sf ;fy} ljk]|if0faf6 x'g] cfo ;a} :t/df hgtfsf] qmo zlQm a9\b}
uPsf] b]lvG5 . o; cj:yfdf b]z leq a9\b} uPsf] pkef]Stfjfb / ;f] af6 a9\g uPsf]
pkef]Uo a:t'x?sf] k|of]un] tyf dxfe'sDk kZrft k'gMlgdf0f{n] lnPsf] lta|tfn] u'0f:t/,
u'0f:t/sf] lg/LIf0f, k/LIf0f, k|df0fLs/0f tyf cg'udg, dfkg cfbL If]qsf] dxTj / e'ldsf
ylkb} uPsf] 5 . o;} s|ddf ;{j;fwf/0fsf] lhp wgsf] ;'/Iff / :jf:Yosf] k|Tofe'lt lbg]
/ Jofkf/df ;'lb[9Ls/0fsf] p2]Zon] :yflkt o; ljefun] cfˆgf] ;]jfsf] If]q lj:tf/ ub}{
hfg] k|of; o; aif{ klg hf/L /fv]sf] 5 .
o; ljefun] /fli6«o u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f, u'0f:t/ k|df0f lrGx k|bfg, u'0f k|df0fLs/0f,
k|of]uzfnf k/LIf0f, /fli6«o tyf cGt/fli6«o u'0f:t/x?sf] ;+sng tyf ;'rgf k|afx,
u'0f:t/x? ;DalGw k|fljlws ;]jfx?, sfg'gL gfktf}n sfof{Gjog tyf cf}wf]lus
gfktf}n nufotsf sfo{x? ub{5 . o; ljefuåf/f xfn ;Dd sl/a ()) j6f u'0f:t/x?
lgwf{/0f e};s]sf] 5 . g]kfn ;/sf/n] rfx]df hg;fwf/0fsf] :jf:Yo / ;'/Iff ;/f]sf/ /
fVg] a:t'÷kbfy{÷k|ls|ofnfO{ clgjfo{ u'0f:t/ tf]Sg ;Sg] Joj:yf 5 . xfn;Dd g]kfn ;/
sf/n] !! j6f a:t' / ! j6f k|ls|of u/L !@ j6f g]kfn u'0f:t/nfO{ clgafo{ tf]s]sf] 5 .
u'0f:t/Lo ;fdfg pkefu ug{ kfpg] pkef]Stfsf] clwsf/nfO{ ;'/lIft ug{' tyf sfg'gL
gfktf}n af6 x'g;Sg] 7uL /f]Sg of] ljefu ;b}a nflu k/]sf] 5 . o;} ;Gb{edf hgtfsf]
lhp Hofgsf] ;'/Iffsf] lglDt r'gf}ltsf] ljifo alg/x]sf] 5 . vfgf ksfpg] Uof; l;lnG8/sf]
k|of]unfO{ ;'/lIft / Jojl:yt agfpg o; ljefusf] kxndf g]kfn ;/sf/n] @)&#÷)&÷@
( ut]af6 nfu' x'g]ul/ g]=u'=%## M Pn=kL=hL= af]6ln+u k|ls|ofnfO{ clgjfo{ ul/Psf] 5 . of]
k|ls|ofsf] clgjfo{ eP ;Fu} ca pk|fGt ;a} Pn=kL=hL= lkmln+u KnfG6x?n] g]=u'=%##M cg'?k
cfjZstfx? k'/f u/]df dfq cfˆgf] KnfG6 ;+rfng tyf lals| ljt/0f ug{ kfpg]5g .
g]kfn ;/sf/sf] 6\ofS;L ld6/ x?df sDKo'6/ lk|lG6ª lalnªsf] lg0f{o sfof{Gjog
ug{ o; ljefun] sDKo'6/ lk|lG6ª lalnªnfO{ @)&#÷)(÷!& b]lv clgjfo{ ?kdf nfu'
u/L/x]sf] 5 . 6\oflS; ;+rfnsx?sf] ;xhtfsf] nflu 6\oflS; g+Da/ sf cfwf/df lgoldt
tflnsf agfO{ 6\oflS;x?df sDKo'6/ lk|lG6ª d]l;g h8fg ug{] sfo{ lgoldt e}/x]sf] 5 w]/}
pkef]Stfx? 7luPsf] ;'rgf tyf u'gf;f]sf] cfwf/df 6\oflS; ld6/x?nfO{ Jojl:yt ug{
ul/Psf] of] lg0f{on] kSs} klg cfd pkef]Stfx?nfO{ /fxt lbg] 5 . ;f]sf] sfo{Gjog ;+u} 6\oflS;
ld6/x?df e}/x]sf] 7uL tyf nfk/jfxL lgoGq0fdf cfpg]5 elg o; ljefun] cf;f u/]sf] 5 .
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 2
pkef]Stfsf] ;'/IffnfO{ dWo gh/ ub}{ o; ljefun] g]kfn u'0f:t/ clgjfo{ ePsf a:t' jf
kbfy{sf] xsdf g]=u'=k| lrGx c+lst a:t'x? dfq g]kfn k}7f/L ug{ ;lsg] Jofj:yf u/]sf] 5
. o;sf nfuL ljefun] o;} aif{ b]lv ljb]zL a:t'x?sf] k|df0fLs/0f ;]jf klg ;'? u/]sf] 5 .
cfˆgf] ;]jf / ;'ljwfnfO{ cem ljZj;gLo / e/kbf{] agfpg o; ljefu ;w} nflu
kl//x]sf] 5 ljefun] cGt/f{li6«o Ps[8L6]zg -Accreditation_ ;+:yfaf6 j}1flgs
gfktf}n k|of]uzfnf, /;fog k|of]uzfnf, a:t' / k|df0fLs/0fnfO{ Ps[8L6]zg u/fO{ cfˆgf]
;]jfnfO{ kf/b{lztf / cGt/f{li6«o dfGotf ;d]t lbnfPsf] 5 . o;} s|ddf cfotg (Volume)
k|of]uzfnfsf] !) dfOs|f]ln6/ b]lv !) ;Ddsf] calibration ;]jf Ps[8L6]zg u/]sf] 5 .

3 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 4
s= ljefusf] :j?k / k|s[lt
! kl/roM
g]kfnsf] cf}Bf]lus ljsf;sf] lglDt cg's'n jftfj/0f tof/ x'g ;sf];\ eGg]
p2]Zon] g]kfn ;/sf/n] cf}Bf]lus gLlt @)#) nfu" ul/P cg';f/ @)## ;fndf
cf}Bf]lus pTkfbg / pTkfbsTjdf u'0ffTds Pj+ kl/df0ffTds ;'wf/ Nofpg u'0f:t/
lgwf{/0f ;ldltsf] u7g eP/ ljleGg j:t' jf kbfy{x?sf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f sfo{ @)#$
;fndf yfngL eof] . ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] lxtsf] nflu s'g} kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f
ug]{ / To:tf kbfy{x?df u'0f:t/ k|df0f lrGx k|of]u ug{] Joj:yf ug{ g]kfn u'0f:t/ -k|df0f
lrGx_ P]g @)#&, cg';f/ u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ;ldltnfO{ @)#( ;fndf pBf]u dGqfno
cGtu{t ljefuLo :t/sf] g]kfn u'0f:t/ sfof{nodf kl/0ft ul/g'sf ;fy} g]kfn u'0f:t/
kl/ifb\ [Nepal Councilfor Standards (NCS)] :yfkgf eof] . u'0f:t/ ;DaGwL lqmofsnfkdf
j}1flgs, cf}Bf]lus / sfg"gL gfktf}nsf] klg dxTjk"0f{ e"ldsf x'g] ePsf]n] o;
If]qdf klg ;'b[9Ls/0f u/L a9L k|efjsf/L agfpg] clek|fon] g]kfn u'0f:t/ sfof{no /
gfktf}n ljefunfO{ ufeL g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu [Nepal Bureau of Standards
and Metrology (NBSM)] sf] :yfkgf la=;+=@)$$ ;fndf ePsf] xf] . xfn of] ljefu
g]kfn ;/sf/, pBf]u dGqfno cGtu{t /xL sfo{;Dkfbg ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . o; ljefu g]kfnsf]
/fli6«o u'0f:t/ lgsfo National Standards Body (NSB) tyf /fli6«o gfktf}n lgsfo
National Metrology Institute (NMI) sf] ?kdf cGt/fli6«o :t/df kl/lrt /x]sf] 5 .

@= cGt/fli6«o ;b:otfM
u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}nsf] If]qdf cGt/fli6«o lgsfox?;Fu ;xsfo{ ub}{ u'0f:t/ ;DjGwL
sfo{x?nfO{ a:t'lgi7 Pj+ Jofks agfpg g]kfn b]xfosf cGt/fli6«o ;+:yfx?sf] ;b:o
/xL ;xsfo{ ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 .

;g\ !(^$ b]lv cGt/f{li6«o sfg'gL gfktf}n ;DjGwL ;+:yf, Organization for International
Legal Metrology(OIML)sf] kqfrf/ ;b:o (Corresponding Member) /x]sf]

;g\ !(*! b]lv j}1flgs gfktf}n ;DjGwL ;+:yf, Asia Pacific Metrology Program
(APMP) sf] ;+:yfks k"0f{ ;b:o /x]sf]

;g\ !((! b]lv cGt/f{li6«o u'0f:t/ ;DjGwL ;+:yf International Organization for
Standardization (ISO)sf] kqfrf/ ;b:o (Corresponding Member) /x]sf]df @)!$
hgj/L b]vL ISO sf] k"0f{ ;b:o /x]sf]

;g\ @))! b]lv cGt/f{li6«o On]S6«Ls tyf Onf]S6«f]lgs ljifos u'0f:t/ ;DjGwL
;+:yf International Electro-technical Commission (IEC)sf] Affiliate Member /x]sf]
5 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !
v= ljefusf] sfd, st{Jo / clwsf/
ljefusf] d'Vo sfo{ ;j{;fwf/0f hgtfsf] lxtsf] nflu s'g} kbfy{sf] u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ug]{ /
To:tf kbfy{x?df u'0f:t/ k|df0f lrGX k|of]u ug{] Joj:yf ug{ / g]kfne/L d]l6«s k4ltdf
cfwfl/t gfk / tf}nsf] :6f088{ sfod u/L k|rngdf Nofpg] /x]sf] 5 . pk/f]Qm cg';f/sf]
sfo{ ;+Dkfbg ug{ lgDg sfg"gx?df ul/Psf] Joj:yf cg';f/ sfd ub}{ cfPsf] 5 .

g]kfn u'0f:t/ -k|df0f lrGX_ P]g, @)#& tyf ;f] ;DjGwL lgodfjnL, @)$)

:6\of88{ gfk / tf}n P]g, @)@% tyf ;f] ;DjGwL lgodfjnL, @)@&

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 6

7 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !
u= ljefusf] ;+u7g ;+/rgf

/f=k=k|=k|f=! lk=P=gf=;'= !

pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k|=k|f= ! pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k|=k|f= ! pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k|=k|f= !

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

;'kl/G6]G8]G6 s]ldsn O{lGhlgo/ ;'kl/G6]G8]G6 s]ldi6 k|d'v lg/LIfs

of]hgf zfvf k|zf;g zfvf

u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f tyf ef}lts k|of]uzfnf k|of]uzfnf a}1flgs gfktf}n
k|0ffnL k|df0fLs/0f j:t' k|dfl0fs/0f TBTzfvf zfvf zfvf
k|j4{g zfvf k|dfl0fs/0f zfvf lgb]{zs, pk ;lrj /f=k=l4 !
zfvf zfvf
lgb]{zs l;=l8=d]6f=O{= lgb]{zs, l;=l8=d]=O{=, l;=l8=s]=/f=k=lå=k|f=!
lgb]{zs, lgb]{zs, jl/i7 lg/LIfs, zfvf clws[t,/f=k=t[= !
lgb]{zs l;=l8=s]= lgb]{zs, l;=l8=s]=O{=
/f=k=lå=k|f=! l;=l8=O{=/f=k=lå=k|f=! /f=k=l4=k|f=! l;=l8=s]=,/f=k=lå=k|f=! s]ldi6, /f=k=t[=k|f=!
tfkqmd 3gTj / gf=;'= /f=k=cg+=k|=!
lg/LIf0f tyf cg'udg k|f]lkml;oG;L 6]li6Ë
d]=O{=,/f=k=t[=k|f=! rfk
OsfO{ 6fOlki6,/f=k=cg++=k|=#vl/bf/
k|dfl0fs/0f OsfO{ u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f tyf OsfO{ , /f=k=cg+=l4=!
k|j4{g OsfO{ O{=O{=/f=k=t[=k|f=! hfFr OsfO{
s]= Ol~h=, /f=k=t[=k|f= ! tflnd tyf k':tsfno zfvf

d]sflgsn O{l~h=
s]=O{=,/f=k=t[=k|f= ! On] tyf 6]ln=O{, lg/LIfs, cfly{s k|zf;g zfvf
/f=k=t[=k|f= ! km'=6]= /f=k=t[=k|f= ! /f=k=t[=k|f=! nDjfO{, rf}8fO{ / cfotg lgb]{zs /f=k=l4=k|f=!
d]=O{,=/f=k=t[=k|f= ! hfFr zfvf n]vf clws[t, /f=k=t[= !
d]6f=O{= /f=k=t[=k|f= ! k':tsfnoclws[t, /f=k=t[= !
k|dfl0fs/0f OsfO{
l;=O{=,/f=k=t[=k|f= ! lg/LIfs, /f=k=t[=k|f= ! n]vfkfn, /f=k=cg+=k|= !
d]=O{l~h= /f=k=t[=k|f= ! O{lGhlg=/f=k=t[=k|f= ! 6\ofS;L ÷6]kf] OsfO{ If]qLo Pj+ cGrn:t/Lo
s]ldi6,/f=k=t[=k|f= ! sfof{nox?
jL/u+h, lj/f6gu/,
/;fog k|of]uzfnf zfvf vfB k|of]uzfnf zfvf dfOqmf]jfof]nf]hL 6]S:6fon k|of]uzfnf zfvf jhf/ cg'udg zfvf hDdf b/jGbL M ((
k|of]uzfnf zfvf sf7df8f}, j'6jn,
lgb]{zs, lgb]{zs, lgb]{zs, lgb]{zs /f=k=l4=k|f=!
j=vf=cg';Gwfg c=, lgb]{zs,
l;=l8=s]ldi6,/f=k=l4=k|f=! /f=k=l4=k|f=! j=6]=c, /f=k=l4=k|f=! s]ldi6, /f=k=t[=k|f=@
s]ldi6, /f=k=t[=k|f=@ 6]=OlGhlgo/ /f=k=t[=k|f=! lg/LIfs /f=k=t[=k|f=!
s]ldi6, /f=k=t[=k|f=!
ljefusf] b/jGbL ljj/0f / kbk"lt{sf] cj:yf

l;=g+= kbsf] gfd >]0fL ;]jf ;d'x s'n b/ kbk"tL{sf]

jGbL cj:yf
k"lt{ l/Qm

! dxflgb{]zs /f=k=k|=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë ;d'xs[t gx'g] ! ! )

@ pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k|=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldli6« ! ! )
# pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k| k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]6«|f]nf]lh ! ! )
$ pkdxflgb]{zs /f=k=k| k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldsn ! ! )
-;'= s]=O{_
% pk;lrj /f=k= l4 g]kfn k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g ! ! )
^ lgb{]zs -l;=l8=s]=O{_ /f= k=l4 g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldsn ! ! )
& lgb{]zs /f k==l4=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]=sf ÷h=d]=sf ! ! )
-;L= l8 d]=O{_
* lgb{]zs /f= k g]kfn O{lGhlgo/LË d]6fnlh{sn ! ! )
-l;=l8=d]=6f=O{_ =l4=k|f
( lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]_ /f=k=l4=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]d]i6«L % % )
!) lgb{]zs -l;=l8=O{_ /f= k=l4=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë l;len ljlN8ª @ ! !
P08 cfls{6]s
!! lgb{]zs-a=lg_ /f=k=l4=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]lh ! ! )

!@ lgb{]zs-a=vf= c=c_ /f=k=l4=k|f g]kfn s[lif vfB kf]if0f ! ) !

!# lgb{]zs -a=6]=O{_ /f=k=l4=k|f g]kfn ljljw ljljw @ @ )

!$ s]ldsn O{lGhlgo/ /f=k= t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldsn # ! @

!% d]sfgLsn O{lGhlgo/ /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]sfgLsn # # )

!^ l;len O{lGhlgo/ /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë l;len ! ) !

!& d]6fnlh{sn /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]6fnlh{sn ! ) !
!* 6]S:6fon OlGhlgo/ /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn ljljw ljljw ! ) !

9 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

!( OlGhlgo/ /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë l;len ljlN8ª @ ) @
P08 cfls{6]S6
@) s]ldi6 /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldli6« !) !) )
@! ;xfos s[lif lj1 /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn s[lif Pu|f]gf]dL Pu|f]gf]dL ! ) !

@@ km'8 6]Sgf]nf]lh /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn s[lif km'=Sof=Go'=Sof=s= # ! @

@# On]lS6«sn /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë On]lS6«sn @ @ )
@$ Onf]S6f«]lgs /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë On]lS6«sn P08 ! ) !
OlGhlgo/ 6]nLsDo'gLs];g
@% lg/LIfs /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]lh $ $ )
@^ zfvf clws[t /f=k=t[ g]kfn k|zf;g ;f=k| @ ! !
@& n]vf clws[t /f=k=t[ g]kfn k|zf;g n]vf ! ! )
@* sDKo'6/ clws[t /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn ljljw ljljw ! ) !
@( k':tsfno clws[t /f=k=t[=k|f g]kfn lzIff k':tsfno lj1fg ! ! )
#) sDKo'6/ ck/]6/ /f=k=cg=k|=k|f g]kfn ljljw ljljw ! ) !
#! k|fljlws ;xfos /f=k=cg=k|=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldli6« ( & @
#@ 6f=gf=;' /f=k=cg+=k| g]kfn k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g # ) #

## n]vfkfn /f=k=cg+=k| g]kfn k|zf;g n]vf ! ! !

#$ gfoj ;'Jjf /f=k=cg+=k| g]kfn k|zf;g ;f=k| @ @ )

#% vl/bf/ /f=k=cg=l4= g]kfn k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|;f;g ! ! )

#^ gf=k|f=; /f=k=cg=l4=k|f g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldli6« !) * @

#& x=;=rf ljxLg g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë d]=sf÷lg=p $ # !

#* sfof{no ;xof]uL ljxLg g]kfn k|zf;g ;f=k| !@ ^ ^

hDdf (( ^* #!

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 10

ljefusf sd{rf/Lx?sf] ljj/0f
l;=g= kb gfd y/ >]0fL ;]jf ;d'x÷pk;d'x

! dxflgb{]zs >L ljZjjfj' k'8f;}gL /f=k=k|yd g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë —

@ pkdxflgb{]zs >L/f]dL dfgGw/-/fjn_ /f=k=k|yd g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldsn
# pkdxflgb{]zs-k|=lg_ >L bLgfgfy ld> /f=k=k|yd g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]lh
$ pkdxflgb{z ] s -;'=s]_ >L k|df]bf k|wfg /f=k=k|yd g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
% pk;lrj >L s[i0fk|;fb j:ofn /f=k=lå k|zf;g ;f=k|zf;g
^ lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=_ >L /fdls;'g lu/L /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
& lgb{]zs >L ;+hLjs'df/ 7fs'/ /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6fnlh{sn
* lgb{]zs-l;=l8=O{=_ >L u0f]zk|;fb kf7s /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë l;len, hg/n
( lgb{]zs-a=6]=O{_ >L ;'j0f{k|;fb pkfWofo /f=k=lå=k|f ljljw ljljw
!) lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=_ >L n]vgfy s8]n /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
!! lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=O{=_ >L cfnf]s s'df/ ld> /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldsn
!@ lgb{]zs-a=6]=O{_ >L z'lzn s'df/ ;fx -t]nL_ /f=k=lå=k|f ljljw ljljw
!# lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=_ >L lsz' dfgGw/ /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
!$ lgb{]zs-l;=l8=d]=O{_ >L d0fL/fd e';fn /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]sflgsn hg/n
!% lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=_ >L u+ufd}of zfSo /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
!^ lgb{]zs-l;=l8=s]=_ >L lbks 1jfnL /f=k=lå=k|f g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
!& a=lg/LIfs >L ;Gtf]if zdf{ /f=k=l4=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]hL
!* zfvf clws[t >L b]j]Gb| s]=;L /f=k=t[ k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
!( n]vf clws[t >L tf/fk|;fb Gof}kfg] /f=k=t[ k|zf;g n]vf
@) km'8 6]Sgf]nf]hL >L /d]z v8\sf /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë km'=Go'= P08 =Sjf
@! s]ldi6 >L dgf]h s'df/ pkfWofo /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
@@ s]ldi6 >L zlzsnf dfgGw/ /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
@# O{n]lS6«sn OlGhlgo/ >L g/x/L e08f/L /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë hg/n O{n]lS6«sn
@$ s]ldi6 >L ls/0f ;'j]bL /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
@% lg/LIfs >L ltns s]=;L /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]hL
@^ s]ldi6 >L /fd;'Gb/ ;fx /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
@& k'=c >L lgdf s'df/L lwtfn /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn lzIff k':tsfno lj1fg
@* lg/LIfs >L ch'{g 9sfn /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]hL

11 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

@( d]sflgsn >L pd]z ofbj /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]sfgLsn hg/n
#) s]ldi6 >L bLk]Gb«s'df/ emf /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
#! O{n]lS6«sn OlGhlgo/ >L zDe' emf /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë hg/n O{n]lS6«sn
#@ s]ldi6 >L z'qm/fh clwsf/L /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
## s]ldi6 >L /~hg g]kfn /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
#$ s]ldi6 >L ljho bf; /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
#% d]=O{= >L lzjlh zdf{ /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]sfgLsn hg/n
#^ s]=O{= >L dlgif s0f{ /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
#& s]ldi6 >L OGho s'df/ dfgGw/ /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
#* lgl/Ifs >L e'jg bjf8L /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]hL
#( s]ldi6 >L l/ljtf tfd|fsf/ /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
$) d]sflgsn OlGhlgo/ >L s[i0f jxfb'/ ;f]8f/L
/f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]sfgLsn hg/n
$! lg/LIfs >L kljqf sf]O/fnf /f=k=t[=-k|f_ g]kfn OlGhlgol/Ë d]6«f]nf]hL
$@ gfoj ;'Jjf >L ejfgL g]kfn /f=k= k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
-nfld5fg]_ cg=k|yd
$# gfoj ;'Jjf >L ;'/Iff sfkm\n] /f=k= k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
$$ k|fljlws ;fxfos >L sflnsf s'df/L /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
cfrfo{ cg=k|yd
$% k|fljlws ;fxfos >L s[i0f dxt /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
$^ k|fljlws ;fxfos >L xl/x/ k|;fb kf}8]n /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
$& k|fljlws ;fxfos >L ;'lht s'df/ rf}w/L /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
$* k|fljlws ;fxfos >L zf/bf lji6 /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
$( vl/bf/ >L d'gf l3ld/] /f=k= k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g

%) k|fljlws ;fxfos >L s[i0fk|;fb kf}8]n /f=k= cg= g]=O{= s]ldi6«L

k|yd k|f=
%! k|fljlws ;fxfos >L s]zj/fh a:g]t /f=k= cg= g]=O{= s]ldi6«L
k|yd k|f=

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 12

%) gf=k|f=; >L /fh]Gb|k|;fb l3ld/] /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%! gf=k|f=; >L t'nsjxfb'/ e08f/L /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%# gf=k|f=; >L >'hgf e§/fO{ /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%$ gf=k|f=; >L /f]dL dxh{g /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%% gf=k|f=; >L >j0fs'df/ rf}w/L /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%^ gf=k|f=; >L b]jL kf}8]n /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%& gf=k|f=; >L chos'df/ u'Ktf /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%* gf=k|f=; >L odg l;+x /fgf /f=k= g]kfn O{lGhlgol/Ë s]ldi6«L
%( x=;=rf >L gj/fh dxt >]0fL ljlxg g]=O{= d]sf=÷lg=p=
^) x=;=rf >L 1fgL/Tg dxh{g >]0fL ljlxg g]=O{= d]sf=÷lg=p=
^! x=;=rf >L ;/\h' v8\uL >]0fL ljlxg g]=O{= d]sf=÷lg=p=
^@ sf=; >L Clif jxfb'/ e08f/L >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
^# sf=; >L lji0f' jxfb'/ dxh{g >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
^$ sf=; >L gfgL d}of >]i7 >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
^% sf=; >L l;tf g]kfn-ˆo'ofn_ >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
^^ sf=; >L s[i0f rf}w/L >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g
^& sf=; >L gj/fh l/dfn >]0fL ljlxg k|zf;g ;fdfGo k|zf;g

13 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

3= ljefuaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf
! g]kfn u'0f:t/x? th'{df ug]{
s'g} klg j:t', k|lqmof, k|0ffnL / ;]jfsf] ;DjGwdf /fli6«o u'0f:t/sf] ?kdf o; ljefun] g]kfn
u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . ;/f]sf/jfnfx?jf6 dfu eO{ cfPdf cyjf s'g} klg ljifodf
u'0f:t/sf] cfjZostf ePdf ljefun] ;/f]sf/jfnfx?sf] ;xeflutfdf u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f sfo{ c3L
j9fpb} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . xfn ;Dd o; ljefun] *** cf]6f g]kfn u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ul/;s]sf] 5 eg]
yk ljifx?df u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f sfo{ lgoldt ;+rfng eO{/x]sf] 5 . g]kfn u'0f:t/ -k|df0flrGX_ P]g,
@)#& cg';f/ g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\jf6 :jLs[t ul/Psf] g]kfn u'0f:t/x? :j]R5Ls k|s[tLsf x'G5g
/ s;}n] o:tf u'0f:t/x? k|df0fLs/0f u/L NS k|df0flrGX c+lst u/L cfkm\gf pTkfbgx? ljs|ljt/0f
ug{ ;S5g\ . o;/L NS c+lst j:t'x?n] tf]lsPsf] u'0f:t/sf cfjZostfx? clgjfo{ ?kdf k'/f
ug'{ kg]{ x'G5 . t/ ;j{;fwf/0fsf] :jf:Yo / ;'/Iffsf] nflu g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn /fhkqdf ;'rgf
k|sfzg u/L g]kfn u'0f:t/ clgjfo{ ug{ ;Sg] k|fjwfg cg';f/ xfn !@ k|sf/sf j:t'x?df g]kfn
u'0f:t/ clgjfo{ ul/Psf] 5 . pQm u'0f:t/ clgjfo{ ePsf j:t'x? NS c+lst gu/L ahf/df lalqm
ljt/0f ug{ kfO{b}g
g]kfn u'0f:t/
g]kfn u'lgwf{
0f:t/ /lgwf{
0f /0fk|lk|qmof

pBf]u :6f088{sf] dfu ;]jfu|fxL

k|f/lDes d:of}bf

k|fljlws ;ldltdf 5nkmn

u'0f:t/ d:of}bf

clGtd d:of}bf

kl/ifbdf k]z

kl/ifbaf6 :jLs[tL

g]kfn u'0f:t/

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 14

g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\

g]kfn ;/sf/n] g]kfn u'0f:t/ -k|df0flrGX_ P]g, @)#& sf] bkmf # n] lbPsf] clwsf/ k|of]u
u/L s'g} kbfy{, k|lqmof jf ;]jfsf] ;DjGwdf u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ug{ / To:tf] kbfy{df k|df0f–
lrGXsf] k|of]usf] Joj:yf ug{ b]xfo adf]lhd cWoIf / ;b:o /xg] u/L g]kfn u'0f:t/
kl/ifb\ u7g u/]sf] 5 . -g]kfn /fhkq efu % ldlt @)&@÷)(÷)^_

g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\

!=pBf]u dGqL jf pBf]u dGqL lgo'Qm gePsf] cj:yfdf k"0f{ sfo{ef/ ;lxtsf] pBf]u /fHodGqL –cWoIf
@= ;lrj, pBf]u dGqfno – ;b:o
#= ;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, pBf]u dGqfno – ;b:o
$=;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, jfl0fHo tyf cfk"lt{ dGqfno – ;b:o
%= ;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, lj1fg, k|ljlw tyf jftfj/0f dGqfno – ;b:o
^= ;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, s[lif ljsf; dGqfno – ;b:o
&= ;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, ef}lts k"jf{wf/ tyf oftfoft Joj:yf dGqfno – ;b:o
*= ;x;lrj jf ;f] ;/x, sfg'g, Gofo tyf ;+;bLo dfldnf dGqfno – ;b:o
(= ;xk|fWofks ;/x, lqe'jg ljZjljBfno – ;b:o
!)=;xk|fWofks ;/x, sf7df8f} ljZjljBfno – ;b:o
!!= cWoIf jf pkfWoIf, g]kfn pBf]u jfl0fHo dxf;+3 – ;b:o
!@= cWoIf jf pkfWoIf, g]kfn r]Da/ ckm sd;{ – ;b:o
!#= pkef]Qmf ;/f]sf/sf] If]qdf sfo{/t ;+3 ;+:yfx?af6 dGqfnoaf6 dgf]lgt
dlxnf ;lxt b'O{ hgf – ;b:o
!$= u'0f:t/sf] If]qdf sDtLdf bz jif{ cg'ej k|fKt dGqfnoaf6 dgf]lgt lj1 – ;b:o
!%= dxflgb{]zs, g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu –;b:o ;lrj
qmd;+Vof !# / !$ adf]lhdsf ;b:osf] sfo{ cjlw tLg jif{sf] x'g] .

15 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\sf] ($ cf+} a}7ssf] lg0f{o
ldlt M @)&#÷)(÷!( ut]

!= g]kfn u'0f:t/ k'gl/If0f÷ ;+zf]wg :jLs[t ul/Psf]

-s_ Pg=P;=$) M t]>f] k'gl/If0f @)&# xfO{ 8]lG;6L kf]lnlyg kfO{k
NS 40: 2042 Third Revision 2073 High Density Polythene Pipe
@= ljljw
-s_ k|s[of k|df0fLs/0f ;DjGwL k|df0fkqsf] 9fFrf k]z eP jdf]lhd :jLs[t ug{] .
-v_ k|s[ofsf] k|dfl0fs/0f ;]jfsf] lgDgfg';f/ ;]jf z'Ns tf]lsPsf]
c_ cfj]bg z'Ns M ? !)))÷– -lgj]bg lbbfsf] avt_
cf_ k|df0fkq z'Ns M ? @)))÷– -k|df0fkq hf/L x'Fbfsf] avt_
O_ k|To]s jif{ -cf=j+=_ sf] jflif{s z'Ns M? @%)))÷– -klRr; xhf/_
O{_ k|df0fLs/0f x'g' eGbf cuf8L lg/LIf0fsf] s|ddf nfUg] vr{ -oftfoft, jf;,b}lgs eQf
/ cGo km'6s/ vr{_ ;DjGwLt pBf]un] a]xf]g'{ kg]{

g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\sf] (# cf} a}7ssf] lg0f{o

ldlt M @)&#÷)^÷!$ ut]

!= lgDg u'0f:t/ ;DjGwL d:of}bfx? :jLs[t ul/Psf]

-s_ la6'ldg / 6f/ ;DjlGw kfl/eflifs zJbfjnL
Glossary of Terms Relating to Bitumen and Tar

-v_ sfnf]kq] ug{] lj6'ldgsf] ljlzi6 ljj/0fx?

Paving Bitumen - Specifications

-u_ 6f/ / lj6'ldghGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] kl/If0f ljlw M g/dkg ljGb' lgwf{/0f ug{]
Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Softening Point

-3_ 6f/ / lj6'ldghGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] kl/If0f ljlw M d}gsf] dfqf lgwf{/0f

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 16
Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Wax Content
-ª_ 6f/ / lj6'ldghGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] kl/If0f ljlwM le:sf]l;6L lgwf{/0f M sfOgfd]l6s le:sf]l;6L
Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity
-r_ 6f/ / lj6'ldghGo ;fdfu|Lx?sf] kl/If0f ljlw M le:sf]l;6L lgwf{/0f M PA;f]n6' le:sf]l;6L
Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Viscosity- Absolute Viscosity
-5_ k|of]uzfnfdf k|of]u x'g] sf+rsf ;fdfu|Lx? M cfotlgs ;fwg – Ifdtf kl/If0f tyf pkof]u
Laboratory Glassware: Volumetric Instrument – Methods for Testing of Capacity and for Use
-h_ cf}iflwhGo tyf ;'ulGwt jg:kltx?sf] c;n v]lt kBlt M ;fdfGo l;4fGtx? tyf lgb{z
] gx?
Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs): General
Principles and Guidelines

@= ljljw

:jLs[t g]kfn u'0f:t/x?sf] k|efjsf/L sfof{Gjogsf nflu ljefun] ;DjlGwt ;/f]sf/

jfnfx?;+u ;dGjo Pj+ 5nkmn ul/ :jLs[t u'0f:t/x?n] ;DjlGwt If]qdf s]– s;/L
k|efjsf/L of]ubfg k'¥ofpg ;Sb5 eGg] ;DjGwdf /fo ;'emfj k|fKt u/L sfo{of]hgf agfO{
cfufdL kl/ifb\sf] a}7sdf k]z ug{ ljefunfO{ lgb{]zg lbg] .

@ u'0f:t/ k|df0f lrGX k|bfg

g]kfn u'0f:t/ lgwf{/0f ePsf] j:t'x?df ljefun] g]kfn u'0f:t/ k|df0flrGX k|of]u ug{
Ohfht lbg] ub{5 eg] k|df0flrGX k|of]u ug{ pko'Qm gePsf] k|lqmof, k|0ffnL / ;]jfsf]
;DjGwdf ljefun] g]kfn u'0f:t/ k|df0fkq k|bfg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd ljefun]
ljleGg ^) k|sf/sf :jb]zL j:t'x?df !() pBf]ux?nfO{ #)) sf] ;+Vofdf u'0f:t/
k|df0flrGX k|of]u ug{ Ohfht k|bfg u/]sf] 5 . !# cf]6f j:t'x?df - rfprfp, bfgf,
lj:s'6, ux'sf] lk7f], kmnfd] 808L, lhcfO tf/, l;lhcfO l;6, lhcfO kfO{k, Prl8kL kfO{k,
lkle;L kfO{k, tLg k|sf/sf l;d]G6 _ ul/g] k|df0fLs/0f ;]jfsf ;DjGwdf ljefun] NABCB,
India jf6 Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt u/]sf] 5 .

17 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

g]kfn u'0f:t/ k|df0f lrGX pkof]u ug{ Ohfht lbg] k|lqmof

# k|0ffnL k|df0fLs/0f
ljefun] ISO 9000 Management System Certification,ISO22000 FoodSafety
ManagementSystem h:tf ljifox?df k|0ffnL k|df0fLs/0f ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 . o;
ljefu ISO 9000 k|df0fLs/0fsf] nflu g]kfndf Ps dfq Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ;+:yf /x]sf] 5 . t/
s]xL pBf]u k|lti7fgx?n] pkef]Qmfx?nfO{ e|d ;[hgf ug]{ u/L ISO u'0f:t/ k|df0fLt
pTkfbg h:tf lj1fkg ug]{ ul/Psf] kfOG5 . ISO 9000 k|0ffnL k|df0fLs/0f j:t'sf] u'0f:t/
eGbf km/s ljifo xf] / of] k|df0fLs/0f ;+:yfsf] x'G5 g sL j:t'sf] .

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 18

$ k|of]uzfnf k|dfl0fs/0f zfvf
g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefusf] j}1flgs gfktf}n dxfzfvf cGtu{t /x]sf]
k|of]uzfnf k|dfl0fs/0f zfvfn] laut em08} !% jif{ b]lv g]kfndf /x]sf ljleGg
k|of]uzfnfx?nfO{ tL k|of]uzfnfsf pknAw kfgL, ljleGg vfBkbfy{, l;d]G6, /f;olgs
dn, sf]Onf, r'g9'Ëf, cf}iflwhGo pTkfbg tyf o;sf sRrf kbfy{x?sf] kl/If0f ljlw
tyf If]qx?df NEPLAS Criteria-NS-ISO/IEC 17025:2005 sf] cfwf/df k|dfl0fs/0f
ub}{ cfO/x]sf] 5 . xfn;Dd sf7df8f}F pkTosf tyf pkTosf aflx/sf ljleGg !) j6f k|of]
uzfnfx?nfO{ k|dfl0fs/0f ul/;s]sf] 5 .
o; zfvf cGtu{t Pp6f ProficiencyTestingOsfO{ /x]sf] 5 . o; OsfO{n] o;} zfvfaf6 k|dfl0fs/0f
ul/Psf k|of]uzfnfx?sf] kl/If0f glthfsf] :t/ t'ngf tyf dfkg ug]{ p2]Zon] k|dfl0fs/0f
ul/Psf k|of]uzfnfx? / cGo ;/sf/L tyf u}/;/sf/L k|of]uzfnfx? ;+nUg u/fO{ cGt/fi6«Lo
dfkb08df cfwfl/t eO{ Inter-laboratory Comparisonub{5 / o;sf] gtLhf ljt/0f ub}{
cfO/x]sf] 5 .
% v]k k|dfl0fs/0f
o; ljefun] lglZrt dfkb08sf] cfwf/df b'O{ kIf ljrsf] ;+Demf}tf jdf]lhd t];|f] kIfsf]
?kdf v]k k|df0fLs/0f ug]{ ;]jf k|bfg ub}{ cfO{/x]sf] 5 .
^ kl/If0f tyf ljZn]if0f ;]jf
o; ljefun] ;/sf/L / gLlh If]qjf6 cg'/f]w eO{ cfPdf kl/If0f ;]jfx? pknJw u/fpb}
cfO{/x]sf] 5 . ;fy} NABL, India jf6 /;fog tyf vfB ;DjGwL ^! cf]6f kl/If0fdf -kfgL,
rfprfp, lhcfO{ tf/, lhcfO{ kfO{k, l;d]G6, l3pt]n_ Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ePsf] 5 .
& Soflnj|]zg ;]jf
o; ljefun] u'0f Joj:yfkg sfo{df ;xof]u k'–ofpg] pb]Zosf ;fy Mass, Temperature,
Volume, Length, Force, Pressure, Humidity, Electrical Parameters h:tf j}1flgs
gfktf}nsf ljifox?df Soflnj|z ] g ;]jfx? pknJw u/fpb} cfO{/x]sf] 5 . o;/L k|bfg ul/g]
Soflnj|z ] g ;]jfx?sf] cGt/fli6«o ;DjGw :yflkt x'g] ePsf]n] ;+;f/e/ gfk / tf}ndf km/s
gkg]{ x'G5 . ;fy} ljefusf] Mass / Volume SofnLj|zg k|of]uzfnfx?sf] NABL, India jf6
Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt u/]sf] 5 .

19 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

*= k|fljlws ;]jf, tflnd tyf k|j4{g
u'0f:t/ / gfktf}nsf] ljifodf ;/sf/L / gLlh If]qjf6 cg'/f]w eO{ cfPdf k|ljlws ;]jf,
tflnd ;]jfx? k|bfg u/fpb} cfO{/x]sf] 5 .
( k':tsfno ;]jf

o; ljefudf /x]sf] k':tsfnodf ASTM, BSI, BIS tyf u'0f:t/ / gfktf}n ;DjGwL
pkof]uL k':tsx? ;j{;fw/0fsf] nflu v'nf ul/Psf] 5 .
!) sfg"gL gfktf}nsf] sfof{Gjog
o; ljefu cGtu{tsf lgDg gf} cf]6f sfof{nox? sfg'gL gfktf}n sfo{Gjogsf] nflu
sfo{/t /x]sf 5g\ . s'g} klg Joj;foLs gfKg] tf}ng] oGq ljs|L ljt/0f ug{, k|of]u ug{,
dd{t ug{ tyf ;]jf k|bfg ug{ ;DjGwLt sfof{nojf6 clgjfo{ Ohfht lng' kg]{ tyf
lgoldt hfFr tyf gljs/0f ug]{ sfo{ tL sfo{fnox?jf6 k|bfg ul/b} cfO{/x]sf] 5 .
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, la/f6gu/ -d]rL, sf]zL / ;u/dfyf_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n sfof{no, hgsk'/ -bf]nvf afx]s hgsk'/_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, lj/u+h -gf/fo0fL_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, sf7df08f} -afUdtL / bf]nvf_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n sfof{no, kf]v/f -u08sL / wf}nfuL/L_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, a'6jn -n'lDagL_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, g]kfnu+h -e]/L, /fKtL / s0ff{nL_
 u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n If]lqo sfof{no, wgu9L -;]tL / dxfsfnL_
 6\ofS;L÷6]Dkf] OsfO{, afnfh', sf7df08f}

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 20

ª=ljefuaf6 k|bfg ul/g] ;]jf,;DjlGwt zfvf / lhDd]jf/ clwsf/L -gful/s j8fkq_

21 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

r= ;]jf k|bfg ug{ nfUg] b:t'/ / cjlw

!= g]kfn u'0f:t/ k|df0flrGX k|of]u ug{ Ohfhtb:t'/

s_ w/f}6L afkt ? @))))÷– -g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\sf] !) cf} a}7ssf] lg0f{o_
v_ Pp6} pBf]un] ljleGg pTkfbgdf g]kfn u'0f:t/ lrGxsf] k|of]u ug{ Ohfht k|fKt u/]
afkt lgDg cg';f/ jflif{s z'Ns nfUg] 5 . -g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\ %# / *@ cf} a}7ssf]
pBf]usf] pTkfbg jf j:t' pBf]usf] lsl;d
;fgf demf}nf / 7'nf
klxnf] a:t'sf] Ohfht kq afkt ? %))) ? !%)))
bf];|f] a:t'sf] Ohfht kq afkt ? $))) ? !@)))
t];|f] a:t'sf] Ohfht kq afkt ? #))) ? ()))
rf}yf] a:t'sf] Ohfht kq afkt ? @))) ? ^)))
kfFrf} / ;f] kl5sf a:t'sf] Ohfht kq afkt ? !))) ? #)))

u_ s'g} klg Ohfht k|fKt a:t'sf] yk a|f08sf] nflu yk @) k|ltzt jflif{s z'Ns nfUg] 5 .
-g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifbsf] *$ cf} j}7ssf] lg0f{o_

@= v]k k|df0fLs/0f b:t'/

v]k k|df0fLs/0f afkt nfUg] z'Ns pTkfbgsf] las|L d'Nosf] )=% k|ltzt /sd .–
-g]kfn u'0f:t/ kl/ifb\sf] &% cf} a}7ssf] lg0f{o_
#= g]kfn u'0f:t/x?sf] laqmL d'No b:t'/
l;=g+ u'0f:t/x?sf] k]h ;+Vof d"No -?_
!= !% k]h ;Dd !)).–
@= #) k]h ;Dd @)).–
#= %) k]h ;Dd #)).–
$= %) k]h eGbf dfyL $)).–

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 22

$= k|of]uzfnf k|dfl0fs/0f b:t'/
k|of]uzfnf k|dfl0fs/0fsf] aflif{s z'Ns ? &,%)).–
k|df0f kq z'Ns ? #)).– -ltg aif{sf] nflu_

%= k|0ffnL k|df0fLs/0f b:t'/

l;=g ljj/0f 7'nf pBf]u demf}nfpBf]u ;fgfpBf]u
! klxnf] jif{ k|df0fLs/0f z'Ns ##))) #)))) @%)))
@ bf]>f] / t]>f] aif{ ;le{n]G; z'Ns !#))) !)))) &)))
# rf}yf] jif{ k'g k|df0fLs/0f z'Ns @())) @^))) @!)))
$ u'0fkl/Ifssf] cft]hft] vr{ lgj]bsn] Joxf]g'{ kg]{
% u'0f kl/Ifssf] k|ltlbg cl86 z'Ns ?= @%)).– u'0fkl/IfsnfO{ pknJw u/fpg' kg]{

^= :6\of88{ gfk / tf}n lgodfjnL, @)@& cg';"rL –(-lgod !$ sf] pklgod -!_ /
-@_ ;Fu ;DalGwt_hfFr tyf 6fFrf z'Ns
gfk÷tf}n k|sf/ ;+1f k|lt O{sfO -?=_
tf}nxfg ! ldlnu|fd b]lv %) u|fd;Dd !).–
a'lnog !)) u|fd b]lv %)) u|fd;Dd @%.–
! lsnf]u|fd b]lv % lsnf]u|fd;Dd $).–
!) lsnf]u|fd b]lv @) lsnf]u|fd;Dd *).–
Sof/]6 )=% Sof/]6 b]lv @ Sof/]6;Dd @).–
% Sof/]6 b]lv %)) Sof/]6;Dd #).–
Jofkfl/s ! ldlnu|fd b]lv %) u|fd;Dd !).–
!)) u|fd b]lv %)) u|fd;Dd !%.–
! lsnf]u|fd b]lv @ lsnf]u|fd;Dd @).–
% lsnf]u|fd #).–
!) lsnf]u|fd b]lv @) lsnf]u|fd;Dd %).–
%) lsnf]u|fd !)).–

23 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

!) ldlnln6/ b]lv @)) ldlnln6/;Dd !).–
%)) ldlnln6/ b]lv @ ln6/;Dd @).–
% ln6/ b]lv !) ln6/;Dd &%.–
@) ln6/ b]lv %) ln6/;Dd !@%.–
u|lxtf !)) ln6/ b]lv %)) ln6/;Dd %)).–
!))) ln6/ b]lv %))) ln6/;Dd %))).–
%))) ln6/eGbf dflysf] nflu &%)).–
)=% b]lv @ ld6/;Dd &%.–
gfkx? nDafO{ )=% b]lv !) ld6/;Ddsf] 6]k ld6/ !%.–
!) ld6/eGbf dflysf] 6]k ld6/ @%.–
tf}ng] oGq %)) u|fd;Dd @%.–
%)) u|fd eGbf dfly % lsnf]u|fd;Dd %).–
>]0fL æuÆ
/ æ3Æ %lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly @) lsnf]u|fd;Dd &%.–
@) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly %) lsnf]u|fd;Dd !@%.–
%) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly !)) lsnf]u|fd;Dd !&%.–
!)) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly @%) lsnf]u|fd;Dd @%).–
@%) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly !))) lsnf]u|fd;Dd #&%.–
!))) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly &%).–
@)) u|fd;Dd %).–
%)) u|fd;Dd &%.–
%)) u|fd eGbf dfly % lsnf]u|fd;Dd !)).–
% lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly @) lsnf]u|fd;Dd !@%.–
@) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly @%) lsnf]u|fd;Dd @%).–
@%) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly !))) lsnf]u|fd;Dd %)).–
>]0fL æuÆ
!))) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly %))) lsnf]u|fd;Dd !))).–
/ æ3Æ
afx]s c? %))) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly !))) lsnf]u|fd;Dd !&%).–
!))) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly @%))) lsnf]u|fd;Dd #))).–
@%))) lsnf]u|fd eGbf dfly %))).–
cfotg, k]6«f]lnod kbfy{ ljt/0f kDk !%)).–
nDafO{ / jNs ld6/ @%).–
;do gfKg] 6\ofS;L #)).–
gfKg] oGq ld6/
c6f]l/S;f !%).–
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 24
&= :6\of88{ gfk / tf}n lgodfjnL, @)@& cg';"rL –!! -ª_ -lgod !* sf] pklgod -@_
;Fu ;DalGwt_ Ohfhtkqsf] nflu nfUg] w/f}6L /sd / b:t'/
l;=g+= Joj;fosf] lsl;d /sd / b:t'/ -?_
w/f}6L /sd gjLs/0f b:t'/
! gfktf}n jf gfKg] tf}ng] oGq agfpg] !),))) !)))
@ gfktf}n jf gfKg] tf}ng] oGq dd{t ug{] @))) %))
# gfktf}n jf gfKg] tf}ng] oGq laqmL ug{] @))) #&%
$ gfktf}n jf gfKg] tf}ng] ;DaGwL ;]jf k|bfg ug{]
-s_ Ps 6g;Dd Ifdtf ePsf]nfO{ !%)) #&%
-v_ bz 6g;Dd Ifdtf ePsf]nfO !),))) %)))

*= Soflna|];g afktsf] b:t'/ -@)&!÷)&÷!* b]lv nfu' ePsf]_

S.n. Discription Revenue Time Remarks
1 F1/F2 Class 4300 7 days For a set of weights having fewer
(1mg-1kg) mass numbers of mass piece the pur-
set posed calibration fee per mass
piece is NRs 175.00
2 M Class 3500 7 days For a set of weights having fewer
( 1mg-1kg)mass numbers of mass piece the pur-
set posed calibration fee per mass
piece is NRs 140.00
3 F1/F2 Class 400 7 days
assorted weight
(1mg to 1kg)
4 M Class assort- 300 7 days
ed weight (1mg
to 1kg)
5 F2/M Class 400 7 days
assorted weight
(2kg to 20kg)

25 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

6 Balance having 1200 7 days
resolution 0.1
mg and capacity
7 Balance having 1000 7 days
resolution 1 mg
and capacity <kg
8 Balance having 700 7 days
resolution >10
mg and capacity
9 Pressure gauge 1600 7 days
10 Compressive 3500 30 days
test machine
11 Universal testing 3500 30 days
machine (UTM)
12 CBR machine 3500 30 days
13 Liquid in glass 1200 7 days Additional charge of NRs 400 is
thermometer proposed for 1 additional
(0ºC–50ºC) (for celebration point upto 50ºC
3 point calibra-
14 Liquid in glass 1400 7 days Additional charge of NRs 350 is
thermometer proposed for 1 additional cel-
(0ºC–100ºC) ebration point above 50ºC to
(for 5 point cali- 100ºC
15 Liquid in glass 1700 7 days Additional charge of NRs 400 is
thermometer proposed for 1 additional 50ºC
(0ºC–200ºC) celebration point above 100ºC to
(for 5 point cali- 200 ºC
16 Liquid in glass 1900 7 days Additional charge of NRs 400 is
thermometer proposed for 1 additional 50ºC
(0ºC–250ºC) celebration point above 200ºC to
(for 5 point cali- 250 ºC

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 26

17 Thermocouple 4200 10 days Additional charge of NRs 1500
(0ºC–1200ºC) is proposed for 1 additional
(for 3 point celebration point
18 Volumetric 1400 10 days
apparatus (single
19 Volumetric 2500 10 days Additional charge of NRs 900 is
apparatus (vari- proposed for 1 additional
able volume) celebration point
(for 3 point
20 Caliper (vernier/ 1000 5 days
21 Micrometer 1000 5 days
22 Thickness 1000 5 days
gauge/dial gauge
23 Lenth bar 3200 7 days

( gd'gf kl/If0f b:t'/

Parameters Test Fee Sample need Time
(Per sample) Rs
Total count 300
Coliform count + Fecal Coliform 800
Salmonella (Confirmatory) 1500
2. BISCUIT, WHEAT FLOWR, BACKERY, PROD- 100 gm./ 2 10 Days
PH 100
Net Weight 25
Moisture 100
Free Fatty Acid 250
Acid Insoluble Ash 600
Acidity of Alcoholic Extract 250

27 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Sulphated Ash 300
Total Sugar 250
Reducing Sugar 250
Total Solids 100
Crude Fiber 500
Gluten 100
Moisture 100
Brix Value 100
Water Insoluble Matter 150
Total Sucrose Content 250
Total Reducing Sugar 250
Total Ash 300
Sulphated Ash 400
Calcium Oxide 200
Specific Gravity 100
Free Acid and PH 250
Dextrose Percent 300
Fructose Dextrose Ratio 300
Total Nitrogen 300
4. NOODLES 3 Pkts 7 Days
Moisture 100
Acid Insoluble Ash + (total Ash) 400
Protein 300
Gruel Content 150
Acidity Of Extracted Fat 250
Peroxide Value of Extracted Fat 250
Acidity of Oil 100
Starch 350
Azo dyes 250
5. CHEESE 200 gm. 5 Days
Moisture 100
Fat 150
Sodium Chloride 150
6. TEA AND COFFEE 100 gm. 10 Days

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 28

Caffeine Content 350
Water Extract 250
Crude Fiber 500
Moisture 100
Total Water Soluble Ash + Alkalini- 400
ty of Soluble Ash
Acid Insoluble Ash+ Total Ash 600
7. Drinks (BEVERAGES) 2 bottle 10 Days
Total Count + Coliform 300
Total Soluble Solids 250
Acidity 100
Benzoic Acid 300
Saccharine 350
Drained Weight 50
Brix Reading 50
PH 50
Carbon dioxide Content (By Pres- 50
sure Measurement
Alcohol Content 200
Heavy Metals One Parameter 200
8. OIL AND GHEE 1/2 kg.X2 15 Days
Oil Complete Analysis 800
Ghee Complete Analysis 800
Moisture 100
Free Fatty Acid (Acid Value ) 100
Specific Gravity 100
Argemone Test 75
Peroxide value 100
Iodine Value 150
Saponification No. 200
Unsaponifiable Matter 300
Refractive Index (or BR reading) 150
Melting Point 50
Color 100

29 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Hexa bromide Test (Linseed Oil 100
Test )
Sesame Oil test 50
Allyl isothiocynate test (Volatile 200
Oils )
Rapeseed Oil test 100
Bellyer Turbidity Temperature 200
Mineral Oil + Argimone mexicana 150
9. MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS 200 ml/ gm. 7 Days
Determination of Fat 150
SNF 50
10. KETCHUP AND SAUCE 100 gm 4 Days
TDS 250
Specific Gravity 100
Acidity as Acetic Acid 100
11. SPICES 100 gm.X2 10 Days
Moisture 200
Acid Insoluble Ash 400
Steam Volatile Oil 200
Non Volatile Ether Extract 500
Alcohol Extract 200
Curcumine 200
Lead Chromate Test 100
12. FEED AND FEED PRODUCTS 500 gm 7 Days
Crude Protein 300
Free Fatty Acid (Extracted) 250
Acid Insoluble Ash+ Total Ash 600
Moisture 100
crude Fat 250
Crude Fiber 500
Calcium 150
Phosphorus 200
Sodium Chloride 100
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 30
Sodium Bicarbonate 200
13. TABLE SALT 1 kg/pkt 5 days
Iodine Content 150
Sodium Chloride 300
Moisture 100
Water Insoluble 100
Magnesium 250
Potassium Chlorid 200
14. RICE AND GRAINS 500 gm 7 days
Moisture 100
Grain Analysis 250
Broken Grans+
Foreign Matter+
Damaged Grain+
Decolorized Grain+
Chalky Grains+
Red Grains+
Bulk Density 100
15. Beer 2 bottle 7 Days
Ethyl Alcohol %
Carbon dioxide
16. GYPSUM 500 gm 4 days
Purity 300
Zinc Oxide 600
17. DETERGENT AND SHOPS 100 gm 10 days
Active Ingredient 300
Phosphate Content (As Tripoly 250
Phosphate )
Water Insoluble matter 100

31 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Alcohol Insoluble Matter 100
Caustic Soda 300
PH 50
Volatile Matter 150
Moisture 100
Total Fatty Matter 300
Matter Insoluble in Alcohol 100
Unsaponofiable Matter 300
Free Caustic Alkali 100
Chloride 100
18. WATER AND EFFLUENTS 2 bottles (1 7 Days
liter each)
Heavy Metals - One Parameter 200
Total Dissolved Solids 300
Total Suspended Solids 150
PH 50
Total Chloride 100
Total Sulphate 400
Total Sulphide 150
Oil and Grease 250
COD 200
BOD 600
Total Chromium 200
Chromium(6+) 250
Acidity/Alkalinity 100
Total Phosphorus 250
Water Soluble Phosphorus 200
Total Nitrogen 300
Ammonical Nitrogen 200
Total Hardness 150
Calcium hardness 150
Methyl Orange Alkalinity 100
19. PAINT 1 sealed con- 1 week
Gloss (Qualitative) 50

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 32

Drying Time 50
Surface Dry 50
Hard Dry 50
Consistency , Viscosity 50
Color 50
Finish 50
Scratch hardness 100
Net weight /Volume 100
Flexibility 100
Stripping test 100
Flash Point 100
Density (Wt/10 Litre) 100
20. CEMENT PAINT 500 gm 7 Days
Chloride 200
Sulphate 300
Water Soluble 100
Cement & motars total analysis 1200
Sand Cement Ratio 200
Calcium Oxide + Magnesium Ox- 300
Sulphur Trioxide 400
Iron Oxide 150
R2O3 400
Loss On ignition 400
Silica 400
Insoluble Residue 400
22. FERTILIZER 1 kg. 5 days
Moisture 500
Particle Size 50
Total nitrigen 300
Ammonical Nitrogen 200
Total Phosphorus 250
Water Soluble Phosphorus 200

33 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Biuret 200
Potassium 200
Calcium 200
23. G.I WIR,PIPE AND SHEETS 4 pieces 10 cm, 3 days
5 cmX5 cm
Uniformity 100
Mass of Zinc Coating + Dimension- 250
al Measurement
Single Spot Uniformity of Plate 50
Triple Spot 150
Zinc Coating +Adhesive Test 200
24. Diesel HSD 1 Ltr. 4 days
Density at 15oC,Kg/metre3
90% Recovery by volume, degree
Copper Strip Corrosion for 3 hrs at
100oC, Degree Centigrade
Colour visible
Copper strip corrosion 300
Flash Point 150
Distillation 300
Initial Boiling Point
Final Boiling Point
Recovery at 70 c
Recovery at 125 c
Recovery at 180 c
Recovery at 200 c
Total Recovery
Moisture 300
Viscosity 150
Total Sediments 100
Density 50
Inorganic Acidity 100
Lead Content 350
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 34
Extraction of Dye and sizing Material 200
Single Digestion 100
Cotton + Viscous Percentage 300
Wool Percent 300
Polyester 300
Protein Fiber 150
Nylon Fiber 300
Plastic Lamination (Percentage) 150
Aluminum Acetate Coating 200
Polypropylene 150
Jute 150
Color Fastness to Rubbing 300
Size 100
Width 50
Rope 50
Net Weight 100
27. LEATHER 6 Inch 1 week
Moisture 100
Water Soluble 100
PH Differential Number 150
Oils And Fats 150
Hide Substance 300
Total Ash 300
Total Chromium 350
Hexavalent Chromium 250
Available chlorine 150
Sodium Bicarbonate 200
29. SPIRIT 1liter 1 week
Specific Gravity (Distillation Method ) 200
Alcohol Content (Distillation Method ) 200
Alcohol Content(Hydrometer Method) 50
Methanol Content 150
Miscibility With Water 50

35 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Alkalinity 100
Residue on Evaporation 100
Aldehyde Content 150
Fusel Oil 200
Furfural Content 100
Ester Content 150
Total Acidity 100
Volatile Acidity 100
Fixed Acidity 100
Permanganate Reduction Time 50
30. STEEL Chemical Test 100 gm. 7 Days
Carbon 500
Chromium Percent 500
Manganese Percent 500
Phosphorus Percent 500
Sulphur Percent 500
Nickel Percent 500
Silicon Percent 500
31. TOOTH PASTE 1 pkt. 7 Days
Net Weight 50
Residue on 150 Micron sieve , 150
Residue on 75 Micron sieve
PH 50
Abrasion 50
Foaming Power 50
Castic soda (purity) 300
Copper (Purity ) 300
Bulk Density 200
Freezing Point 50
Formic Acid And Acetic Acid Content 300
Metals( Except Aluminum) 200
Wood 100 gm. 4 days

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 36

Moisture 100
Oven Dry Method 100
Dean and Stark Method 150
COAL 100 gm. 5 days
Moisture 100
Total Ash 400
Volatile Matter 400
Calorific Value 1000
35. HELMET 3 Pices 7 Days
Shock Absorption Test 100
Penetration Resistance test 100
Chain Step Test 100
Eclectic Resistance test 200
Flammability Resistance Test 450
Melted Metal Projection Test 100
Heat Resistance Test (Total ) 3500
Up to 1 Hour 700
Up to 2 Hour 1300
Up to 3 Hour 2000
Up to 4 Hour 2800
36. ACSR CONDUCTORS 20 meter 10 days
Dimensional Measurement 150
Mass of ACSR 150
Electrical Resistance Test 250
Tensile Test
Each Aluminum Conductor 300
Each Steel Conductor 600
37. DROP WIRE 20 meter 10 days
Clamp (Per Piece) 200
Dimensional Measurement 150
Mass of PVC Conductor 150
Electrical Resistance Test 150
Insulation Resistance test 200
Fire Resistance Test 100

37 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Tensile Test( PVC , Conductor )
Test of Dum bell 350
Tensile Test of Copper Conductor 200
Insulation Thickness 150
High Voltage 300
Solder Bath test 100
Diameter of Conductor 150
Resistance of Conductor 250
Insulation Resistance 150
Insulation Thickness 150
Tensile Strength of steel (Any No 600
of wire )
Elongation of Copper 200
Mutual Capacitance 100
Diameter of Suspension wire 150
Sheath Thickness (Suspension) 150
Sheath Thickness (wire) 150
Supporting Cable 2 to 5 Pairs 1600
Supporting Cable for 1 Pairs 1000
Supporting Cable for 10 Pairs 3850
Supporting Cable for 11 to 25 Pairs 5600
Supporting Cable for 26 to 50 Pairs 7350
Supporting Cable for 51 to Above 14700
39. HDPE PIPE 1 meter (5 10 days
Reversion test 100
Hydraulic test 400
Dimensional Measurement 50
Density (Bulk) 50
Melt flow Index 50
40. POLY VINYL CHLORIDE PIPE 1 meter (5 10 days
Reversion test 100
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 38
Stress Relief Test 100
Dimensional Measurement Test 50
Impact Test 150
Opacity 50
Hydrostatic test 400
41. PHYSICAL CEMENT 10 Kg. 35 days
Fineness 300
Soundness, Le Chat 400
Soundness, Autoclave 700
Setting time (initial and final) 500
Specific Gravity 300
CST Up to 7 days 1000
CST Up to 28 days 1600
Concrete Cubes (Prepared By the 150
Client )
Mortar Cubes (Prepared By the 150
Client )
42. BRICKS 10 Numbers 7 Days
Compressive Strength 1100
Dimension 100
Efflorence 100
Water Absorption 700
Hollow Cement Concrete Block 700
(Per 2 Pieces )
43. MECHANICAL TESTING 5 pcs/60 cm. 7 Days
Tensile Strength 600
Bend test 150
Re bend Test 300
Bond test 50
44. TEXTILE Physical Test 1 pc/100 gm. 5 days
LAC( Length After Carding) ( LBM) 400
GSM 300
Staple Length ( Arithmetic Mean) 100
Diameter 200
Modulation 100
39 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !
45. WOOLEN FABRICS 100 gm 5 days
% of wool 300
Yarn 100 gm. 5 days
Tensile Strength 200
Wt.Pr 100 M 50
Breaking Load 100
Elongation 100
FABRIC 1.5 meter 7 Days
Tensile Strength 200
Warp and Weft 150
Linear Density 125
46. THREAD 200 gm. 7 Days
Count 150
Twist 150
Single 150
Skein 200
47. SACK AS PER NS (POLY Woven BAG) 1 sample 5 Days
Microscopic Analysis 150
48. PASMINA 1 pcs./ 100 gm. 7 Days
Warp % 150
Weft % 150
Pashmina+ Average Fiber Diameter 1000
Total % Wool 300
Wool/Silk Ratio 500
Dimensional Measurement 50
49. SHOES 1 pair 10 days
Toe test 100
Heel Test 100
Flexible Test 1500
Trace Metal By Graphite Furnace 700
Trace Metal By Vapor Generation 500
Calorific Value By Bomb Calorimeter 1000
Metal By Flame Photometer 200

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 40

Anion By ion Selective Electrode 150
Flammability test of Fabric 1000 100 gm.
Fabric Diameter by Optical Fiber 1000 "
Diameter Analyzer
Microscopic Examination of Nature 1000 "
of Fiber
Flexing Cycle Test of leather goods 1500 1 pair
Chemical Analysis of binary mix- 500 100 gm
ture of yarn/fabric
Chemical Analysis of ternary mix- 1000 "
ture of yarn/fabric
Tensile Strength test of paper and 500 20 pcs/sheets
paper Board
Bursting Strength of paper and 500 1 sample
paper Board
Compressive Strength of paper Board 500 "
Impact test of paper Board 500 "
Brightness /opacity/gloss/porosity/ 250 each 10 sheet
stiffness of paper
Tear Resistance of paper 250 10 sheet
Folding Endurance of paper 500 "
Color Fastness of rubbing yarn/fabric 300
Color Fastness of washing yarn/fabric 500 100 gm/
20X20 cm.
Color Fastness of perspiration yarn/ 500 "
Color fastness of light yarn/fabric 1000 "
Thickness of paper/film/fabric 250 each "
Oil absorbency test of paper surface 250 "
Oil Penetration test 250 "
Cobb Sizing Test of paper 200 "
Curl Test of paper 100 "
Number of threads in fabric (warp 300 "
and weft )
Determination of PH glass 100 "
electrode Method
Total Ash and Acid Insoluble Ash 600 100 gm
41 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !
Refractive Index of oils and fat 150 100 ml
Total dissolved solid in water 300 100 ml
Total Sulphate on Water /waste water 400 100 ml
Oil and grease in water/waste water 250 100 ml
Mass of zinc coating in Galvanized 250
wires/pipes /sheet with dimensional
Migration test in Coal 300
Total Ash in coal 400
Volatile Matter in Coal 400
PH 50
Moisture 100
Grammage 150
Brightness 200
Smothness 100
Porocity 100
Opacity 200
Tear Index 200
Thickness 250
Tensile Strength 200 20 pcs
Feather/Swelling test 50
Cobb value 100
Grammage (GM/M2 250
Plastic Container 1 container 4 Days
Total Migration 300
LPG Cylinder 2 cylinder 3 days
LPG Valve 3 pcs 3days
LPG Regulator 3 pcs 3days
Furnace Oil 1 Ltr. 4 days
Density at 27o C, Kg/metre3
Calorific Value, cal/g
Flash Point min (Pensky Martin,
closed), degree centigrade
Transformer Oil 1 Ltr. 4 days
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 42
Density at 27o C, Kg/metre3
Flash Point min (Pensky Martin,
closed), degree centigrade
Water Content max (Dean &Stark
Juniper Oil 200 ml 3 days
Specific Gravity, g/ml
Optical Rotation , degree
Refractive index
Flash Point), degree centigrade
Vapour Pressure, Kpa
52. JEWELRY BY EDX METHOD 1 pcs. each 3 days
Gold 200
Silver 200
Copper 200
Nickel 200
Chromium 200
Lead 200
Cadmium 200

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1. NS 1:2035  Brick    First Amendment
2. NS 2:2035  Ghee (  Butter Oil  )   First Amendment
3. NS 3:2035  Mustard oil    First Amendment
4. NS 4:2036  Toilet Soap  
5. NS 5:2036  Recording Ink  
6. NS 6:2036  Matches  
7. NS 7:2036  Laundry Soap    Second Amendment
8. NS 8:2036  Grading of Tobacco  
9. NS 9:2036  Lime for Construction  
10. NS 10:2036  Wheat flour  
11. NS 11:2037  Chicken feed    First Amendment
12. NS 12:2037  Dry ginger  
13. NS 13:2037  Woolen carpet   Superseded by NS276:2049
14. NS 14:2037  Animal feed  
15. NS 15:2037  White bread  
16. NS 16:2037  Performance testing of the machineries used in rice mills  
17. NS 17:2037  Rules for Rounding off numerical values    First Amendment
18. NS 18:2038  Biscuit    First Amendment
19. NS 19:2038  Ordinary ink    Second Amendment
20. NS 20:2038  Lycopodium Powder  
21. NS 21:2038  Cigarette  
22. NS 22:2038  Agriculture Lime   
23. NS 23:2039  Beer    First Amendment
24. NS 24:2039  Pasteurized milk    First Amendment
25. NS 25:2039  Milk bottle  
26. NS 26:2040  Bone meal  
27. NS 27:2040  Vegetable Ghee and Oil Industry    Third Amendment
28. NS 28:2040  Nepali paper (  Hand made  )  
29. NS 29:2040  PVC Cable   ( Superseded by NS344:2052 & NS345:2052 )
30. NS 30:2040  Powder soap  
31. NS 31:2040  Toothpaste    First Amendment
32. NS 32:2040  Tooth powder  
33. NS 33:2040  Salseed oil cake  
34. NS 34:2040  Rice bran oil  
35. NS 35:2040  Large cardamom  
36. NS 36:2040  Ice - cream  
37. NS 37:2040  Jute bag for cement  
38. NS 38:2040  Plywood  

51 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

39. NS 39:2040  Butter  
40. NS 40:2049  High density polythene pipe  ( Second Amendment )
41. NS 41:2040  Stamp pad ink  
42. NS 42:2040  Turmeric    First Amendment
43. NS 43:2040  Sampling methods of cereal grain  
44. NS 44:2040  Squash of fruit    First Amendment
45. NS 45:2041  SI Unit  
46. NS 46:2041  Nail  
47. NS 47:2041  Mosaic tile  
48. NS 48:2041  Basic requirements for the meat stall  
49. NS 49:2041  Ordinary portland cement    Second Amendment
50. NS 50:2041  Jute bag for sugar   First Amendment
51. NS 51:2041  Sand for cement testing  
52. NS 52:2041  Polythylene container for food and drug  
53. NS 53:2041  Skim milk powder  
54. NS 54:2041  Aluminium cap for milk bottle  
55. NS 55:2041  Specification for paper sizes    First Amendment
56. NS 56:2041  Basic dimension and nomenclature of letter envelope  
57. NS 57:2041  Hard cheese  
58. NS 58:2041  Soft drinks  
59. NS 59:2041  Mustard and Rapeseed Oil Cake  
60. NS 60:2041  Nylon socks  
61. NS 61:2041  Inch screw threads  
62. NS 62:2041  Signal for transportation of goods  
63. NS 63:2041  Method of test for meat and meat product  
NS 63:2059  Part 1  -  Specification of Ash (  Reference method  )  
64. NS 63:2041  Part 2  -   Determination of nitrogen content  
65. NS 63:2059  Part 3  -  Determination of moisture content  
66. NS 63:2059  Part 4  -  Determination of total fat content   
67. NS 64:2041  Carbon paper  
68. NS 65:2041  Test methods of Jute bags  
69. NS 66:2041  Grading of wheat  
70. NS 67:2041  Basic dimension of metric screw threads  
71. NS 68:2041  Determination of titrable acidity of dried milk  
72. NS 69:2041  Aluminium Utensils    First Amendment
73. NS 70:2041  Local wine  
74. NS 71:2041  Spaghetti  
75. NS 72:2041  Tin container (  18.5 L. capacity  )  
76. NS 73:2041  Test methods for determination of linear density of cloth  
77. NS 74:2041  Distilled water (  for industrial uses  )  
78. NS 75:2041  Determination of pH in meat & meat products  
79. NS 76:2041  Flooring tiles  
80. NS 77:2041  Glossary of terms for sensory evaluation of foods  

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 52

NS 77:2041   Part 1  -  Methods of sensory evaluation characteristics of  foods  
81. NS 77:2044   Part 2 - Sensory quality characteristics of foods  
82. NS 77:2048   Part 3 -  Sensory evaluation of foods  
83. NS 78:2042  Code of practice for packing readymade garments  
84. NS 79:2042  Sampling methods for tea  
85. NS 80:2042  Precast concrete pipe    First Amendment
86. NS 81:2042  Determination of salmonella bacteria in meat &meat products  
87. NS 82:2042  Determination of weight of 1000 grains of seeds and pulses  
88. NS 83:2042  Domestic Pressure cooker  
89. NS 84:2042  Mild steel rod  
90. NS 85:2042  Powder cement paint  
91. NS 86:2042  Ink for finger print  
92. NS 87:2042  Curry powder Specification    First Amendment
93. NS 88:2042  Tea  
94. NS 89:2042  Hard boiled sugar confectionary  
95. NS 90:2042  Three pin electric socket  
96. NS 91:2042  Specification for Substances of Paper and Pulp Board    First Amendment
97. NS 92:2042  Air tightened metal container for beverages  
98. NS 93:2042  Preferred numbers  
99. NS 94:2042  Pre packed food labeling  
100. NS 95:2042  Specification for Tomato ketchup  
101. NS 96:2042  Semi solid boot polish  
102. NS 97:2042  Test method for polyethylene molding materials polyethylene compounds  
103. NS 98:2042  Code for hygienic condition in food industries  
104. NS 99:2042  Logs for plywood  
105. NS 100:2042  Test methods for liquid petroleum gas cylinder   
106. NS 101:2042  Test Methods to determine length and breadth of cloths  
107. NS 102:2042  Sampling plan for pre packed food  
108. NS 103:2042  Soybean oil    First Amendment
109. NS 104:2042  Cast iron manhole cover and frame  
110. NS 105:2042  Whole milk powder    First Amendment
111. NS 106:2042  Specification of Rum  
112. NS 107:2042  Coated emery  
113. NS 108:2042  Catechu  
114. NS 109:2042  Determination of fat in milk & milk products  
115. NS 110:2042  High density polythene raw material for moulding & extraction  
116. NS 111:2042  Sampling method for alcoholic beverages    First Amendment
117. NS 112:2043  Enamel Paint  
NS 112:2043  Part 1 -  for external use  
118. NS 112:2044  Part 2 -  for internal use  
119. NS 113:2042  Yoghurt  
120. NS 114:2042  Test methods for plywood  
121. NS 115:2042  Chalk ( white and coloured )  

53 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

122. NS 116:2043  Three pin electric plug  
123. NS 117:2042  Aluminium paint  
124. NS 118:2043  Tea chest  
125. NS 119:2042  Hollow cement concrete block  
126. NS 120:2043  Peanut oil  
127. NS 121:2043  Anatto food colour  
128. NS 122:2043  Salseed fat  
129. NS 123:2043  Method of Physical tests for hydraulic cement  
130. NS 124:2043  Writing and printing paper specification    First Revision
131. NS 125:2043  Specification of jam and Jelly  
132. NS 126:2043  Roasted coffee  
133. NS 127:2043  Apparatus for determination of milk by Garbar method  
134. NS 127:2043  Part 1  -  Pippet  
135. NS 127:2043  Part 2 -  Butryrometer  
136. NS 128:2043  Baby milk food  
137. NS 129:2043  Salt, edible grade   
138. NS 130:2043  Polyurethane foam for mattress  
139. NS 131:2043  Plastic container up to 5 litre capacity  
140. NS 132:2043  Terminology, Defects in cloth  
141. NS 133:2043  Linseed oil ( not edible )  
142. NS 134:2043  Test methods for alcoholics beverages  
143. NS 135:2043  Tarpaulin  
144. NS 136:2043  Polyester suiting     First Amendment
145. NS 137:2043  Synthetic detergent    Second Amendment
146. NS 138:2043  Instant noodles   Third Amendment
147. NS 139:2043  Colour code for the identification of pipe lines  
148. NS 141:2043  Galvanized corrugated sheet    First Amendment
149. NS 142:2043  Tooth brush  
150. NS 143:2044  Wood adhesive based on polyvinyl acetate dispersion  
151. NS 144:2044  Flavoured milk  
152. NS 145:2044  Random sampling method  
153. NS 146:2044  Polyester shirting    First Amendment
154. NS 147:2044  Terminology of artificial fabric  
155. NS 148:2044  Steel locker with hinged door    First Amendment
156. NS 149:2044  Gun metal gate valve  
157. NS 150:2044  Low density polyethylene film  
158. NS 151:2044  Mild steel for metal arc welding electrode core wire  
159. NS 152:2044  Condensed milk   First Amendment
160. NS 153:2044  Sampling method for milk and milk products  
161. NS 154:2044  Processed cheese  
162. NS 155:2044  Chewing tobacco  
163. NS 156:2044  Cotton poplin cloth  
164. NS 157:2044  Hexagonal nut & bolts,   

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 54

165. NS 157:2044  Part 1  -  Basic dimensions  
166. NS 157:2044  Part 2  -  Screw threads  
167. NS 159:2044  Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, food grade  
168. NS 160:2044  Molasses  
169. NS 161:2044  Plastic emulsion paint  
170. NS 161:2044  part 1  -   for internal uses  
171. NS 161:2044  part 2 – for external uses  
172. NS 163:2058  Galvanized coated mild steel wire    First Revision
173. NS 164:2045  Carbolic soap  
174. NS 165:2045  Distemper oil/acrylic emulsion  
175. NS 166:2045  Specification for Power Transformer    First Amendment
176. NS 167:2045  Wood screw  
177. NS 167:2045  Part 1 -   General requirements  
178. NS 167:2045  Part 2 – Slotted rated counter sunk head  
179. NS 167:2045  Part 3 -  Slotted countersunk head  
180. NS 167:2045  Part 4 -  Slotted round head  
181. NS 168:2045  Galvanized steel barbed wire  
182. NS 169:2045  Mild Steel Wire    Superseded by NS163:2058
183. NS 170:2045  Paint brush  
184. NS 171:2045  Hand Hammer  
185. NS 172:2045  Hinges  
186. NS 173:2045  Mineral water    Second Amendment
187. NS 174:2060  Textiles - Tests for colour fastness  
NS 174:2060  Part A01Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part A 01 General Principles of Testing   First Revision
188. NS 174:2060  Part A02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part A 02 Grey Scale for assessing change in colour   First Revision
189. NS 174:2060  Part A03Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part A 03 Grey  Scale for Assessing staining   First Revision
190. NS 174:2060  Part B01 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part B 01 Colour fastness to ligh t:Daylight    First Revision
191. NS 174:2060  Part B02Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part B01 Colour fastness to Artificial Light:Xenon arc fading lamp test   First Revision
192. NS 174:2060  Part C01 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part C 01 Colour fastness to washing: Test 1   First Revision
193. NS 174:2060  Part C02 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part C02 Colour fastness to washing: Test 2   First Revision
194. NS 174:2060  Part C03 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part C03 Colour fastness to washing: Test 3   First Revision
195. NS 174:2060  Part C04 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part C 04 Colour fastness to washing: Test 4   First Revision
196. NS 174:2060  Part C05 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part C 05 Colour fastness to washing: Test 5   First Revision
197. NS 174:2060  Part E01 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part E 01 Colour fastness to water   First Revision
198. NS 174:2060  Part E04 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part A 04 Colour fastness to perspiration   First Revision
199. NS 174:2060  Part X12  Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Part X12 Collur fastness to rubbing   First Revision
200. NS 175:2045  Tericotton shirtings  
201. NS 176:2045  Code of safety for chemical laboratory   
202. NS 177:2045  Methods of tests for ready fixed paints and enamels  
203. NS 178:2045  Methods of physical tests for dead burned pea magnesite  
204. NS 179:2045  Malted milk food  
205. NS 180:2045  Dimensions for hot rolled steel sections  
NS 180:2045  Part 1 – Channel sections  

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206. NS 180:2047  Part 2 –  Angles  
207. NS 181:2045  Hardness conversion table for metals  
208. NS 182:2045  Shovel  
209. NS 183:2045  Pencils  
210. NS 184:2045  Methods of sampling for dolomite, magnesite and allied minerals  
211. NS 185:2045  Methods of chemical tests for limestone, dolomite, magnesite and allied minerals  
212. NS 186:2045  Methods of chemical tests for food products  
213. NS 187:2045  Estimation and detection of coliform in food stuff  
214. NS 188:2045  Code of packaging of carpets  
215. NS 189:2046  Ready mixed paint, aluminium, wood primer  
216. NS 190:2046  Ready mixed paint, cement primer  
217. NS 191:2046  Deformed steel bars and wires for concrete reinforcement  
218. NS 192:2046  Methods for Brinell Hardness test for steel  
219. NS 193:2046  Methods for Vickers Hardness test for steel  
220. NS 194:2046  Methods for rockwell Hardness test for steel  
221. NS 195:2046  Mechanical testing of steel wire  
222. NS 196:2046  Methods of test for total plate count in food stuff  
223. NS 197:2046  Ball point pen  
224. NS 198:2046  Tread rubber  
225. NS 199:2046  Galvanized mild steel pipe for water supply    Second Amendment
226. NS 200:2046  Textiles  -  preparation of laboratory test sample and test specimens for chemical testing  
227. NS 201:2046  Methods of test for rubber  
NS 201:2046  Part 1 –Tensile stress -  strain properties  
228. NS 202:2046  Bolts, screws, studs  -  nominal length and thread lengths for general purpose bolts  
229. NS 203:2046  Tensile testing of metals  
230. NS 204:2046  Petroleum hydrocarbon solvent  
231. NS 205:2046  Ready mixed wood primer, pink, brushing  
232. NS 206:2046  PVC pipe for drinking water supply    First Amendment
233. NS 207:2046  Bitumen emulsion ( cationic type )    First Amendment
234. NS 208:2046  Code of hygienic condition in dairy industry  
235. NS 209:2046  Textile fibre - method of sampling for testing  
236. NS 210:2046  Method for testing uniformity of coating on zinc coated articles  
237. NS 211:2046  Methods of sampling and tests for drying oils for paints for dolomite, magnesite and allied minerals  
238. NS 212:2046  Methods of sampling and tests for oils and fats  
NS 212:2047  Part 1 – Sampling, physical and chemical tests purity tests  
239. NS 212:2046  Part 2  -   Purity tests   
240. NS 213:2046  Methods for determination of mass of zinc coating on zinc coated steel and iron articles  
241. NS 214:2046  Method for the determination of breaking strength of yarn -  skein method  
242. NS 215:2046  Textile  -  Standard atmospheres for conditioning and testing  
243. NS 216:2046  Cereal based infant food  
244. NS 217:2046  Protein rich baby food  
245. NS 218:2046  Method for the determination of distillation range and of distillation yield  
246. NS 219:2046  Gum spirit of Turpentine  

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247. NS 220:2046  Textiles -  yarn from packages -  determination of linear density ( Mass per unit length ) -  skein method  
248. NS 221:2046  Methods for testing tar and bituminous material  
NS 221:2046  Part 1 -  Ductility test  
249. NS 221:2046  Part 2  -  Viscosity test  
250. NS 221:2047  Part 3 –  Determination of penetration  
251. NS 221:2047  Part 4 –  Determination of solubility in carbon disulphide  
252. NS 222:2046  Methods of sampling and test for sewage effluents  
253. NS 223:2047  Methods of test for water  
NS 223:2047  Part 4  -  Microbiological examination  
254. NS 224:2047  Methods of test for packed fruit and vegetables  
NS 224:2047  Part 1 – Determination of Drained Weight  
255. NS 224:2047  Part 2 –  Determination of water capacity of containers  
256. NS 225:2047  Canned pineapple  
257. NS 226:2047  Determination of twist in yarn  -  direct counting method  
258. NS 227:2047  Determination of elongation and breaking strength of yarn twist in yarn  -  direct counting method  
259. NS 228:2047  Textiles -  Determination of elongation and breaking strength of woven fabrics  
260. NS 229:2047  Tolerance limits for industrial effluents discharge into inland surface water  
NS 229:2050  Part 1 -   Tannery Industry  
261. NS 229:2054  Part 2 – Wool Processing Industry  
262. NS 229:2054  Part 3 –Fermentation Industry  
263. NS 229:2054  Part 4 – Vegetable Ghee and Oil Industry  
264. NS 229:2054  Part 5 –  Paper and Pulp Industry  
265. NS 230:2047  Methods of sampling for tar and bitumen  
266. NS 231:2047  Hand made carpets  -  Determination of types and knots  
267. NS 232:2047  Hand knotted carpets  -  sampling and selection of areas of test  
268. NS 233:2047  Code for surface transport packaging of man - made fibre and man - made yarns  
269. NS 234:2047  Cold rolled light structural steel sections  
270. NS 235:2047  Bristles  
271. NS 236:2047  Lead acid battery  
272. NS 237:2047  Methods of test for petroleum and its products  
NS 237:2047  Part 1 – Burning quality  
273. NS 237:2047  Part 2 – Calorific Value  
274. NS 237:2048  Part 3 – Density ( Hydrometer Method )  
275. NS 237:2048  Part 4 – Distillation  
276. NS 237:2047  Part 5 –  Determination of Water   
277. NS 237:2047  Part 6 –  Aniline point  
278. NS 237:2049  Part 7 –  Flash point  
279. NS 237:2050  Part 8 – Kinetic and dynamic viscosity  
280. NS 237:2050  Part 9 – Colour by Saybolt  
281. NS 237:2050  Part 10 – Sulphur dioxide  
282. NS 237:2051  Part 11 – Smoke point of kerosene  
283. NS 237:2051  Part 12 – Diesel index  
284. NS 237:2051  Part 13 – Carbon residue  

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285. NS 237:2051  Part 14 – Copper corrosion  
286. NS 237:2051  Part 15 –  Acidity  
287. NS 237:2052  Part 16 –  Determination of ash, sulphated ash and water soluble ash  
288. NS 237:2052  Part 17 –  Colour by ASTM colour scale  
289. NS 237:2052  Part 18 – Evaporation loss of Lubricating oil by Knock's method  
290. NS 237:2047  Part 19 –  Cloud point  
291. NS 237:2047  Part 20 –  Pour point  
292. NS 237:2047  Part 21 –  Freezing point of Aviation fuels  
293. NS 237:2047  Part 22 –  Test for water without charateristics of lubricating grease  
294. NS 237:2047  Part 23 –  Test for oxudation stability of lubricating grease by the oxygenayum method  
295. NS 237:2047  Part 24 –  Determination of dimulsification number of Lubricating grease  
296. NS 237:2047  Part 25 – Estimation of Dilitirius particle in Lubricating grease  
297. NS 237:2047  Part 26 –  Crude Petroleum and its products  
298. NS 237:2047  Part 27 –  Calorimetric determination of Phosphrous in Lubricating oils  
299. NS 238:2047  Glossary of terms used in Plastic industry  
300. NS 239:2047  Methods of test for pesticides and their formulations  
301. NS 240:2047  Ball point pen refills  
302. NS 241:2047  Methods for estimation of moisture, total size, or finish, ash and fatty matter in grey and finished cotton textile  
303. NS 242:2047  Methods for determination of scouring loss in grey and finished cotton textile materials  
304. NS 243:2048  Textile, designation of yarn  
305. NS 244:2048  Textile, description of woven fabrics  
306. NS 245:2048  Textile, basic weaves and terminology  
307. NS 246:2048  Cast iron pipe, vertically cast  
308. NS 247:2048  Ball point pen ink    Second Amendment
309. NS 248:2048  Soyabean Products - determination of cresol red index  
310. NS 249:2048  Soyabean Products - determination of Urease activity  
311. NS 250:2048  Pig feed  
312. NS 251:2048  Staple  
313. NS 252:2048  Cotton seed oil  
314. NS 253:2048  Edible flavouring agent  
315. NS 254:2048  Cast iron pipe, Centrifugally cast  
316. NS 255:2048  Textile, Determination of dimension change after washing and drying  
317. NS 256:2048  Textile, Preparation , marking and measuring of specimens and garments in tests for determination of dimensional change  
318. NS 257:2048  Textile, domestic washing and drying procedure for textile testing  
319. NS 258:2048  Specification of limestone used in chemical industries  
320. NS 259:2048  Aluminium conductor, Galvanized steel reinforced ( ACSR )  
321. NS 260:2048  Chemical test for leather  
322. NS 261:2048  Hacksaw blade  
323. NS 262:2048  Water quality, Vocabulary    
NS 262:2048  Part 1 –  Water Quality Vocabulary  
324. NS 262:2048  Part 2 –  Water Quality Vocabulary  
325. NS 262:2062  Part 3 –Water Quality Vocabulary  
326. NS 262:2062  Part 4 –  Water Quality Vocabulary  

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327. NS 262:2062  Part 5 – Water Quality Vocabulary  
328. NS 262:2062  Part 6 – Water Quality Vocabulary  
329. NS 262:2062  Part 7 – Water Quality Vocabulary  
330. NS 262:2062  Part 8 – Water Quality Vocabulary  
331. NS 262:2062  Part 9 –  Water Quality Vocabulary  
332. NS 263:2048  Textile, Determination of wood fibre length using Comb shorter   
333. NS 264:2048  Textile, Determination of percentage of modullated fibre in wool, Projection microscope method  
334. NS 265:2048  Textile, Scoured wool for handmade carpet  
335. NS 266:2049  Parboiled Rice  
336. NS 267:2049  Samolina ( Suzi or Rawa )  
337. NS 268:2049  Salt glazed Stoneware Pipe  
338. NS 269:2049  Galvanized steel bucket  
339. NS 270:2049  Sensory Evaluation of Milk  
340. NS 271:2049  Sensory Evaluation of Table butter  
341. NS 272:2049  Sensory Evaluation of Ghee  
342. NS 273:2049  Textile, method for determination of fibre diameter  
343. NS 274:2049  Method for determination of Paper and allied products  
NS 274:2049  Part 1 – Method for determination of Paper and allied products  
344. NS 274:2049  Part 2 – Method for determination of Paper and allied products  
345. NS 274:2049  Part 3 – Method for determination of Paper and allied products  
346. NS 275:2049  Terminology of Coffee  
347. NS 276:2049  Handmade Woolen Carpet  
348. NS 277:2049  Edible Palm Oil    First Amendment
349. NS 278:2049  Edible Palm Kernel Oil    First Amendment
350. NS 279:2049  Edible Coconut Oil  
351. NS 280:2049  Dry Cell and Battery  
352. NS 281:2049  Palmoline    First Amendment
353. NS 282:2049  Fine Rice, Food grain    
NS 282:2049  Part 1 –  Ushina Mashinu  
354. NS 282:2049  Part 2 –  Aruwa Masinu  
355. NS 283:2049  Terminology of Packing Materials, Paper and Pulp  
356. NS 284:2049  Terminology used in Paper industry and trade   
357. NS 285:2049  Test Method, PVC Insulated Cable  
NS 285:2049  Part 1 – Insulation Resistance Test  
358. NS 285:2049  Part 2 – Conductor resistance Test  
359. NS 285:2049  Part 3 – Voltage Test  
360. NS 285:2049  Part 4 –  Pressure at High Temperature  
361. NS 285:2049  Part 5 –  Fire resistance Test  
362. NS 285:2049  Part 6 –  Flexing Test  
363. NS 285:2049  Part 7 –  Measurement of Insulation and Sheath thickness  
364. NS 285:2049  Part 8 –  Annealing and tensile Test  
365. NS 286:2050  Food Grains  
366. NS 287:2050  Quick lime  

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367. NS 288:2050  Electric Lamp  
368. NS 289:2050  Polythene Bucket  
369. NS 290:2050  Methods of Test for Processed Fruits and Vegetables    
NS 290:2050  Part 1 – Can  
370. NS 290:2050  Part 2 – Vacuum of the can  
371. NS 290:2050  Part 3 – Head space  
372. NS 290:2050  Part 4 – Drain weight  
373. NS 290:2050  Part 5 – pH  
374. NS 290:2050  Part 6 – Specific gravity  
375. NS 290:2050  Part 7 – Acidity  
376. NS 290:2050  Part 8 – Sodium Chloride  
377. NS 290:2050  Part 9 – Calcium  
378. NS 290:2050  Part 10 – Trace Metal  
379. NS 291:2050  Sampling method for processed fruits and vegetables  
380. NS 292:2050  Iodinized Edible Salt  
381. NS 293:2050  Whole Cumin  
382. NS 294:2050  Fruit Juice  
383. NS 295:2050  Hot rolled St®eel Sections, Beam, Flat, Strip etc.  
384. NS 296:2050  Full Chrome Upper leather for shoe  
385. NS 297:2050  Aggregate  
386. NS 298:2050   Sampling Method for Aggregate  
387. NS 299:2050  Quality -  Vocabulary   Superseded by NS/ISO 9000:2000
388. NS 300:2050  ISO9000   Superseded by NS/ISO 9000:2000
389. NS 301:2050  ISO9001   Superseded by NS/ISO 9001:2000
390. NS 302:2050  ISO9002   Superseded by NS/ISO 9001:2000
391. NS 303:2050  ISO9003   Superseded by NS/ISO 9001:2000
392. NS 304:2050  ISO9004   Superseded by NS/ISO 9004:2000
393. NS/ISO 9000: 2000:2059  Quality Management system fundamental and Vocabulary  
394. NS/ISO 9001: 2000:2059   Quality Management system Requirements  
395. NS/ISO 9004: 2000:2059   Quality Management system Guidelines for performance improvements  
396. NS 305:2050  Methods of test for Aggregates for concrete   
NS 305:2050  Part 1 – Particle size and shape  
397. NS 305:2050  Part 2   -  Estimation of deleterious material and organic impurities  
398. NS 305:2050  Part 3 –Specific gravity, density, voids, absorption and bulking  
399. NS 305:2050  Part 4 – Mechanical properties   
400. NS 305:2050  Part 5 – Soundness  
401. NS 305:2050  Part 6 –  Measuring mortar making properties of fine aggregate   
402. NS 305:2050  Part 7 – Alkali aggregate reactivity  
403. NS 305:2050  Part 8 –  Petrographic examination  
404. NS 306:2050  Tolerance limits for Poisonous metals  
405. NS 307:2050  Tolerance limits for pesticide residue in food products  
406. NS 308:2050  Amaranth Food Colour  
407. NS 309:2050  Sampling for food colour  

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408. NS 310:2050  Method of test for food colour  
NS 310:2050  Part 1 – Dye Content  
409. NS 310:2050  Part 2 – Volatile matter  
410. NS 310:2050  Part 3 –  Water insoluble matter  
411. NS 310:2050  Part 4 –  Combined Ether extract  
412. NS 310:2050  Part 5 – Subsidiary Dye  
413. NS 310:2050  Part 6 – Dye intermediate  
414. NS 311:2050  Tomato Juice  
415. NS 312:2050  Marmalade  
416. NS 313:2050  Stencil Duplicator  
417. NS 314:2050  Malathin Technical  
418. NS 315:2050  Microbiological test for leather  
NS 315:2050  Part 1 – Mild Dew  
419. NS 315:2050  Part 2 – Mild dew resistance including chrome  
420. NS 315:2050  Part 3 – Optimum dosage of fungicides  
421. NS 316:2050  Kerosene  
422. NS 317:2050  Diesel index    First Amendment
423. NS 318:2050  Petrol    First Amendment
424. NS 319:2050  Chilly powder  
425. NS 320:2050  Corrugated Fibre Board Boxes specification  
426. NS 321:2050  Canned food cocktail  
427. NS 322:2050  Sampling method of condiments and spices  
428. NS 323:2050  Physical test of spices and condiments   
NS 323:2050  Part 1 – Mass/litre  
429. NS 323:2050  Part 2 – Extraneous matter  
430. NS 324:2050  Chemical test of spices and condiments   
NS 324:2050  Part 1 – Grinding   
431. NS 324:2050  Part 2 – Total ash  
432. NS 324:2050  Part 3 –  Water soluble ash  
433. NS 324:2050  Part 4 – Moisture content  
434. NS 324:2050  Part 5 – Alcohol soluble extract  
435. NS 324:2050  Part 6 –  Cold water soluble extract  
436. NS 324:2050  Part 7 – Calcium  
437. NS 324:2050  Part 8 – Crude Fibre  
438. NS 324:2050  Part 9 –  Non volatile ether extract  
439. NS 324:2050  Part 10 – Volatile Oil  
440. NS 324:2050  Part 11 – Salt  
441. NS 324:2050  Part 12 – Acid insoluble ash  
442. NS 325:2050  Cumin Seed Powder    First Amendment
443. NS 326:2050  Coriander powder  
444. NS 327:2050  Tratezine food colour  
445. NS 328:2050  Sole leather  
NS 328:2050  Part 1 – Vegetable tanned sole leather  

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446. NS 329:2050  Apple  -  Guide to cold storage  
447. NS 330:2050  Pickled Goat skins  
448. NS 331:2050  Guideline for auditing Quality System  
NS 331:2050  Part 1 – Auditing  
449. NS 331:2050  Part 2 – Qualification criteria for Quality System Auditors  
450. NS 331:2050  Part 3 –  Management of audit programme   
450. NS 332:2050  Methods for measurement for air pollution  
NS 332:2050  Part 1 –  Sulphur dioxide  
452. NS 332:2050  Part 2 –  Carbon disulphide  
453. NS 332:2050  Part 3 –  Nitrogen oxide  
454. NS 332:2050  Part 4 –  Oxidants  
455. NS 332:2050  Part 5 –  Free Chlorine  
456. NS 333:2050  Method for bend test  
457. NS 334:2051  Grading of Lentil dal  
458. NS 335:2051  Processed skim Milk  
459. NS 336:2051  Bakery shortening  
460. NS 337:2051  Baking Powder  
461. NS 338:2051  Shallow well hand pump  
462. NS 339:2051  Sunset yellow FCF Food Grade  
463. NS 340:2051  PVC Vocabulary ( Cable, Conductors and Accessories )  
464. NS 341:2052  Rectified spirit  
465. NS 342:2052  Copper conductor for insulate cable  
466. NS 343:2052  Aluminum conductor for insulated cable  
467. NS 344:2052  PVC Insulated cable for fixed wiring with Copper Conductor    Second Amendment
468. NS 345:2052  PVC Insulated cable for fixed wiring with Aluminum Conductor    
469. NS 346:2052  Prestressed concrete pole for overhead power and telecommunication  
470. NS 347:2052  Non prestressed reinforced concrete pole  
471. NS 348:2052  Rapid method of test for milk  
 NS 348:2052  Part 1 – Acidity  
472. NS 348:2052  Part 2 – Clot on boiling test  
473. NS 348:2052  Part 3 –  Alcohol test  
474. NS 348:2052  Part 4 – Specific gravity  
475. NS 349:2052  Colour Fastness test method for leathers  
NS 349:2052  Part 1 –Evaluating change in colour  
476. NS 349:2052  Part 2 – Evaluating staining of colour leather  
477. NS 349:2052  Part 3 – Determination of fastness to day light of colour leather  
478. NS 349:2052  Part 4 – Determination of fastness to artificial light of colour leather  
479. NS 349:2052  Part 5 – Determination of fastness to heat of colour leather  
480. NS 349:2052  Part 6 – Determination of fastness to organic solvent of colour leather  
481. NS 349:2052  Part 7 – Determination of fastness to colour leather to persiration  
482. NS 349:2052  Part 8 – Determination of fastness to water spotting  
483. NS 349:2052  Part 9 –  Fastness to rubbing of light leather  
484. NS 349:2052  Part 10 – Fastness to rubbing  

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485. NS 349:2052  Part 11 – Fastness to marking  
486. NS 349:2052  Part 12 – Fastness to washing  
487. NS 349:2052  Part 13 – Colour Transfer during washing  
488. NS 349:2052  Part 14 – Fastness to rubbing of light leather with organic solvent  
489. NS 350:2052  Honey  
490. NS 351:2052  Jaggery  
491. NS 352:2052  Erythrosine Food Colour  
492. NS 353:2052  Rotational moulder Polyethylene Water storage tank Specification  
493. NS 354:2052  Prestressed concrete lighting column  
494. NS 355:2052  Test Methods of Honey  
NS 355:2052  Part 1 – Determination of Specific gravity  
495. NS 355:2052  Part 2 – Determination of Moisture  
496. NS 355:2052  Part 3 – Determination of Reducing sugar  
497. NS 355:2052  Part 4 – Determination of Sucrose  
498. NS 355:2052  Part 5 – Determination of Sfructose/Glucose ratio  
499. NS 355:2052  Part 6 – Determination of Ash  
500. NS 355:2052  Part 7 – Determination of Acidity  
501. NS 355:2052  Part 8 – Determination of HMF  
502. NS 356:2052  Test Methods of Rectified Spirit  
NS 356:2052  Part 1 – Determination of Specific gravity  
503. NS 356:2052  Part 2 – Determination of Moisture  
504. NS 356:2052  Part 3 –  Ethanol content  
505. NS 356:2052  Part 4 –  Acidity  
506. NS 356:2052  Part 5 – Residue on Evaporation  
507. NS 356:2052  Part 6 –  Aldehyde content  
508. NS 356:2052  Part 7 –  Ester content  
509. NS 356:2052  Part 8 –  Copper  
510. NS 356:2052  Part 9 –  Lead content  
511. NS 356:2052  Part 10 –  Methyl alcohol content  
512. NS 356:2052  Part 11 –  Fusel Oil  
513. NS 356:2052  Part 12 –  Furfural  
514. NS 356:2052  Part 13 –  Permanganatic reaction test  
515. NS 357:2053  Maize  
516. NS 358:2053  Low fat milk  
517. NS 359:2053  Indigo carmine  
518. NS 360:2053  Tin coated container  
 NS 360:2053  Part 1 – Tin coated container for ghee an vanaspati oil ( 0.5,1,2 and 5 kg )  
519. NS 360:2053  Part 2 –  Tin coated container for ghee an vanaspati oil ( 10 and 20kg )  
520. NS 360:2053  Part 3 –  Tin coated container for Ghee, vanaspati and edible oil 15 Kg Capacity  
521. NS 360:2053  Part 4 –  Tin coated round container for paints 40ml to 4 liter  
522. NS 361:2053  Ferrules for water services  
523. NS 362:2053  Bib taps and Stop Valves  
524. NS 363:2053  Reinforced Concrete fence pole  

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525. NS 364:2053  Microbiological laboratory Part 1  -  General Guideline for Microbiological laboratory  
NS 364:2053  Part 2 – General Guideline for dilution Technique  
526. NS 364:2053  Part 3 – General Guideline for Method of detection of Salmonella  
527. NS 364:2053  Part 4 – General Guideline for detection of Coliform by MPN method  
528. NS 364:2053  Part 5 – General Guideline for transfer detection of Coliform by CCT method  
529. NS 365:2053  Storage of cereals and Pulses  
NS 365:2053  Part 1 – General condition  
530. NS 365:2053  Part 2 – Essential requirement  
531. NS 365:2053  Part 3 –  Vertebrate  
532. NS 366:2053  Terminologies used in Gas Cylinder Technology  
533. NS 367:2053  Specifications of hot rolled steel plate ( up to 6 mm ) Sheet and strip for the manufacture of lo
pressure LPG cylinder   First Amendment
534. NS 368:2053  Specifications of hot rolled micro - alloyed steel plate (  6 mm. ) sheet and strips for the manufacture of LPG cylinder  
535. NS 369:2053  Specifications of LPG Cylinders   First Amendment
536. NS 370:2053  Code of practice for visual inspection of newly manufactured low pressure welded steel gas cylinder  
537. NS 371:2053  Code of practice for visual inspection of low pressure sheet gas cylinder in use  
538. NS 372:2053  Test methods of LPG cylinders   First Amendment
NS 372:2053  Part 1 – Acceptance  test  
539. NS 372:2053  Part 2 –  Burst test  
540. NS 372:2053  Part 3 –  Hydrostatic Stretch Test  
541. NS 372:2053  Part 4 –  Hydrostatic Test  
542. NS 372:2053  Part 5 –  Pneumatic leakage test  
543. NS 372:2053  Part 6 –  Radiographic examination  
544. NS 373:2053  Recommendation for safety devices LPG cylinder  
545. NS 374:2053  Valve fittings for LPG cylinders  
NS 374:2053  Part 1 – For newly produced LPG cylinders  
546. NS 375:2053  Specifications of gauge for testing gas cylinder valve grades Type 1, 3/4 in. taper 1 in 16  
547. NS 376:2053  Code of Practice for LPG cylinders  
548. NS 377:2054  Specification for Maize ( Corn ) Oil    First Amendment
549. NS 378:2054  Specification for Sunflower Oil    First Amendment
550. NS 379:2054  Specification for Sesame Oil  
551. NS 380:2054  Specification for LPG  
552. NS 381:2054  Polythene pouches for liquid milk    First Amendment
553. NS 382:2054  Copper Alloy globe and Check valve  
554. NS 383:2054  Cast Iron Pipe Fittings  
555. NS 384:2054  Portland slag Cement  
556. NS 385:2054  Portland Pozzolana Cement  
557. NS 386:2054  Method of sampling of Hydraulic cement  
558. NS 387:2054  Guide for Electrical Layout in Residential Buildings  
559. NS 388:2054  Code of Practice for Electrical Wiring  
NS 388:2054  Part 1 – Definitions and general requirements  
560. NS 389:2054  Method of Measurement of Building and Civil Engineering Works  
561. NS 389:2054  Part 1 –  Earthwork  

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562. NS 389:2054  Part 2 –  Concrete Work  
563. NS 389:2054  Part 3 –  Brickwork  
564. NS 389:2054  Part 4 –  Stone Masonry  
565. NS 389:2054  Part 5 –  Formwork  
566. NS 389:2054  Part 6 –  Refractory Work  
567. NS 389:2054  Part 7 –  Hardware  
568. NS 389:2054  Part 8 –  Steel work and iron Work  
569. NS 389:2054  Part 9 –  Roof covering including Cladding  
570. NS 389:2054  Part 10 –  Ceiling and lining  
571. NS 389:2054  Part 11 –  Paving, Floor Finishing, Dado and Skirting  
572. NS 390:2054  Moong Dal  
573. NS 391:2054  Rahar Dal  
574. NS 392:2054  Cement concrete Flooring Tiles  
575. NS 393:2054  Polyethylene Bag for general purpose  
576. NS 394:2054  HDPE woven sacks for packing cement  
577. NS 395:2054  Specification for mono - axially oriented high density polythene tapes  
578. NS 396:2054  Method of test for mono - axially oriented high density polythene tapes  
NS 396:2054  Part 1 – Linear density  
579. NS 396:2054  Part 2 –  Width  
580. NS 396:2054  Part 3 – Thickness  
581. NS 396:2054  Part 4 – Breaking Load, Tenacity, Extension  
582. NS 396:2054  Part 5 – Heat Shrinkage  
583. NS 397:2054  Method of Test for Concrete Flooring Tiles  
NS 397:2054  Part 1– Determination of flatness of tile surface  
584. NS 397:2054  Part 2 – Determination of perpendicularity  
585. NS 397:2054  Part 3 – Determination of straightness  
586. NS 397:2054  Part 4 – Determination of Water absorption  
587. NS 397:2054  Part 5 – Determination of Wet transverse test  
588. NS 397:2054  Part 6 – Determination of Resistance to wear  
589. NS 398:2054  Method of test for Liquefied Petroleum Gas ( LPG )  
NS 398:2054  Part 1 –  Dryness  
590. NS 398:2054  Part 2 –  Odour  
591. NS 398:2054  Part 3  –  Hydrogen Sulphide  
592. NS 399:2054  Specification for Plantation White sugar  
593. NS 400:2054  Edible Maize Starch ( Corn Flour )  
594. NS 401:2054  Maize Starch for Cotton Textile industry  
595. NS 402:2054  Injection Moulded High density HDPE Fittings for Potable Water  
NS 402:2054  Part 1 –  General requirements  
596. NS 402:2054  Part 2 –  Specific requirements for 900 Bends  
597. NS 402:2054  Part 3 –  Specific requirements for 900 Tees  
598. NS 402:2054  Part 4 –  Specific requirements for Reducer  
599. NS 402:2054  Part 5 –  Specific requirements for Ferrule Reducer  
600. NS 402:2054  Part 6 – Specifications of pipe end  

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601. NS 402:2054  Part 7 – Specifications of sandwich flanges  
602. NS 403:2054  Concrete Terminology  
NS 403:2054  Part 1 – Types of Concrete  
603. NS 403:2054  Part 2 –  Concrete aggregate  
604. NS 403:2054  Part 3 –  Materials other than Aggregate  
605. NS 404:2055  Specification for Urea Fertilizer  
606. NS 405:2055  Specification for Potassium Chloride ( Murata of potash ) Fertilizer  
607. NS 406:2055  Specification for diammonium phosphate Fertilizer  
608. NS 407:2055  Specification for Whiskies   
609. NS 408:2055  Specification for Road marking Paints  
610. NS 409:2055  Test method for metal Containers  
NS 409:2055  Part 1 –  Air Pressure Test  
611. NS 409:2055  Part 2 –  Hydraulic Pressure Test  
612. NS 409:2055  Part 3 –  Handle Pull Test  
613. NS 410:2056  Particle board ( medium density )  
614. NS 411:2056  Pre - laminated particle board  
615. NS 412:2056  Paper stationary objects used in schools  
616. NS 413:2056  Tensile bend test of steel rods  
617. NS 414:2056  Terminology used in iron and steel  
NS 414:2056  Part 1  -   Related to making steel  
618. NS 414:2056  Part 2  -   Hot Rolled Steel Products  
619. NS 414:2056  Part 3  -   Steel sheet and strip  
620. NS 414:2056  Part 4  -   Bright steel bar and steel wire  
621. NS 415:2056  Test method of fresh concrete  
NS 415:2056  Part 1 –  Compaction index  
622. NS 415:2056  Part 2 – Slump test  
623. NS 415:2056  Part 3 –  Vebe test  
624. NS 416:2057  Specification of Lemon grass oil  
625. NS 417:2057  Specification of Mentha arbensis el Oil  
626. NS 418:2057  Specification of Setronella oil ( Java )  
627. NS 419:2057  Specification of flour used to make biscuit  
628. NS 420:2057  Specification of rubber gasket for pressure cooker  
629. NS 421:2057  Specification of papad  
630. NS 422:2057  Specification - Rapeseed ( edible oil ) oil imported from overseas  
631. NS 423:2057  Glossary of terms relating to natural and synthetic performary material  
632. NS 424:2057  Method of olfactory assessment of natural and synthetic performary material  
633. NS 425:2057  Sampling and testing method of papad  
634. NS 426:2058  Wheat flour  
635. NS 427:2058  Steel tube for structural  use  
636. NS 428:2058  Water meter ( domestic )  
637. NS 429:2058  Specification for Brandies  
638. NS 430:2058  Specification for Gin  
639. NS 431:2058  Specification for Vodka  

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640. NS 432:2059  Characteristics of pipe distributed drinking water    
641. NS 433:2059  Characteristics of bottled water from natural source  
642. NS 434:2059  General requirements of test for dry cell and battery  
643. NS 435:2059  Characteristics of Heavy duty battery  
644. NS 436:2059  Characteristics for synthetic separator for  lead acid batteries  
645. NS 437:2059  Water quality  
NS 437:2059  Part 1 – Determination of dissolved Sulfide ( ISO 10 530 )  
646. NS 437:2059  Part 2 –  Determination of pH ( ISO 10 523 )  
647. NS 437:2059  Part 3 – Determination of Suspended Solid ( ISO 11923 )  
648. NS 437:2059  Part 4 – Determination of Mercury ( ISO 5666 )  
649. NS 437:2059  Part 5 –  Determination of Cadminium ( ISO 5961 )  
650. NS 437:2059  Part 6 –  Determination of Arsenic by AAS ( Hydrade technique ) ( ISO 11969 - 1996 )  
651. NS 437:2059  Part 7 –  Determination of borate - spectrometric method using azomethine - H ( ISO 9390 - 1990 )  
652. NS 437:2059  Part 8 –  Determination of chloride -  silver nitrate titration with chromate indicator ( Mohr's method ) ( ISO 9297 - 1989 )  
653. NS 437:2059  Part 9  –  Determination of the sum of calcium and magnesium - EDTA titrimetric method ( ISO 6059 - 1988 )  
654. NS 437:2059  Part 10 –  Determination of iron - Spectrometric method using 1,10 - phenathroline. ( ISO 6332 - 1988 )  
655. NS 437:2059  Part 11 – Determination of calcium content  -  EDTA titricmetric method ( ISO 6058 - 1984 )  
656. NS 437:2059  Part 12 –  Determination of cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, cadmium and lead Film AAS ( ISO 8288 - 1986 )  
657. NS 437:2059  Part 13  –  Determination of Aluminum Atomic absorption spectrometric method ISO 12020 - 1997  
658. NS 437:2059  Part 14 –  Determination of nitrite - Molecular absorption spectrometric methods ISO 6777 - 1984  
659. NS 437:2059  Part15 – 2059 Determination of chemical Oxygen demand ISO 6060 - 1989  
660. NS 437:2059  Part 16 –  Determination of dissolved oxygen iodometric method ISO 5813 - 1983  
661. NS 437:2059  Part 17 –  Determination of Ammonium Part 1: Manual spectrometric method ISO 7150/1 - 1984   
662. NS 437:2059  Part 18 –  Determination of Ammonium Part 2: Automated spectrometric method ISO 7150/2 - 1986  
663. NS 437:2059  Part 19 – 2059 Determination of ammonium Distillation and titration method ISO 5664 - 1984   
664. NS 437:2059  Part 20 – 2059 Determination of Nitrate, Part 1:2,6 - Dimethylphenol Spectrometric method ( ISO 7890/1 - 1986 )  
665. NS 437:2059  Part 21 –  Determination of Nitrate, Part 2: 4 - Fluropheno spectrometric method after Distillation ISO 7890/2 - 1986  
666. NS 437:2059  Part 22 –  Determination of Nitrate Part 3: Spectrometric method using Sulfosalicyic acid ISO 7890/3 - 1988  
667. NS 437:2059  Part 23 –  Determination of Free chlorine and total chlorine Part 2: Colorimetric method using N,
N - diethyl - 1,4 - phenylene - diamine, for routine control purposes ISO 7393/2 - 1985  
668. NS 437:2059  Part 24 –  Determination of Free chlorine and total chlorine Part 3: Iodometric titration method for
the determination of total chlorine ISO 7393/3 - 1990  
669. NS 437:2059  Part 25 –  Determination of dissolved oxygen -  Electrochemical probe method ISO 5814 - 190  
670. NS 437:2059  Part 26 –  Determination of calcium and magnesium - atomic absorption spectrometric method ISO 7980 - 1986  
671. NS 437:2059  Part 27 – 2059 Determination of sodium and potassium Part 3: Determination of sodium and
potassium by flame emission spectrometry ISO 9964/3 - 1993  
672. NS 437:2060  Part 28 –  Determination of cyanide Part - 1: Determination of total cyanide  
673. NS 437:2060  Part 29 –  Determination of cyanide Part - 2: Determination of easily liberable cyanide  
674. NS 437:2060  Part 30 –  Determination of cyanide Part - 3: Determination of cynogen chloride  
675. NS 437:2060  Part 31 –  Water Quality - Determination of fluoride  
676. NS 437:2060  Part 2 Determination of inorganically bound total fluoride after digestion and distillation  
677. NS 437:2060  Part 32 –  Water Quality - Determination of ammonium - Potentiometer method   
678. NS 437:2060  Part 33 –  Water Quality -  Spectrometric determination of phosphorus using ammonium molybdate  
679. NS 437:2060  Part 34 – Determination of biochemical oxygen demand after 5 days ( BOD5 ) – Dilution and seeding method   

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680. NS 437:2060  Part 35 –  Determination of Chromium - automatic absorption, spectrometric method  
681. NS 437:2060  Part 36 –  Determination of chromium ( VI ) spectrometric method using 1,5 diphenylcarbazid  
682. NS 437:2062  Part 37 –  Determination of Alkalinity Part I - Determination of total and composite alkalinity  
683. NS 437:2062  Part 38 –  Determination of alkalinity Part II determination of carbonate alkalinity   
684. NS 438:2060  Specification for fortified wheat maida  
685. NS 439:2060  Specification for maize suji ( Semolina )  
686. NS 440:2060  Specification for fortified course wheat flour ( atta )  
687. NS 441:2060  Water quality sampling  
NS 441:2060  Part 1 – Guidance on the design of sampling programme  
688. NS 441:2060  Part 2  –   Guidance on the sampling techniques  
689. NS 441:2060  Part 3  –  Guidance on the preservation and handling of samples  
690. NS 441:2060  Part 4  –  Guidance on the sampling from lakes, natural and man made  
691. NS 441:2060  Part 5  –   Guidance on sampling of drinking water and water used for food and beverage pro-
692. NS 441:2060  Part 6  –   Guidance on sampling of rivers an streams  
693. NS 441:2060  Part 7  –  Guidance on sampling of water and steam in boiler plants  
694. NS 441:2060  Part 8  –  Guidance on sampling on wet deposition  
695. NS 441:2060  Part 10  –  Guidance on sampling of waste water  
696. NS 441:2060  Part 11  –  Guidance on sampling of bottom groundwater  
697. NS 441:2060  Part 12 –   Guidance on sampling of bottom sediments  
698. NS 441:2060  Part 13  –  Guidance on sampling of sludges from sewage an water treatment works  
699. NS 441:2060  Part 14  –   Guidance on quality assurance of environmental waster sampling and handling  
700. NS 441:2060  Part 15  –  Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and sediment sample  
701. NS 441:2060  Part 16  –   Guidance on bio - testing of samples  
702. NS 441:2060  Part 17  –  Guidance on sampling of suspended sediments  
703. NS 441:2060  Part 18  –   Guidance on sampling of groundwater at contaminated site  
704. NS 442:2060  Mosquito coils  
705. NS 443:2060  specification for tower bolts ( latch )  
NS 443:2060  Part 1 –  Ferrous metals  
706. NS 443:2060  Part 2 –  non - ferrous metals  
707. NS 444:2060  Specification for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps  
NS 444:2060  Part  1 –  General and safety requirements  
708. NS 444:2060  Part  2 –   Performance requirements  
709. NS 445:2060  Specification for cheese powder   
710. NS 446:2060  Specification for protein enriched biscuits    
711. NS 447:2061  Wheat specification  
712. NS 448:2061  Ginger  
713. NS 449:2061  Peanuts  
714. NS 450:2061  Asparagus  
715. NS 451:2061  Litchi  
716. NS 452:2061  Vegetable Juice  
717. NS 453:2061  Concentrated apple juice  
718. NS 454:2061  Concentrated Orange juice  

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719. NS 455:2061  Concentrated pineapple juice  
720. NS 456:2061  Concentrated grape juice  
721. NS 457:2061  Guideline for mixed fruit nectars  
722. NS 458:2061  Guideline for mixed fruit juice  
723. NS 459:2061  Oilseeds – determination of content of impurities  
724. NS 460:2061  Oilseeds residues – determination of oil content    
NS 460:2061  Part 1 –  Extraction method with hexane  ( or light petroleum )   
725. NS 460:2061  Part 2 –  Rapid extraction method  
726. NS 461:2061  Specification for pulp board  
727. NS 463:2061  Paper and board – determination of grammage  
728. NS 464:2061  Paper – determination of tearing resistance ( Elmendorf method )  
729. NS 465:2061  Classification and codification of coals and lignites  
730. NS 466:2061  Specification for Coal dust for use in cast iron foundry  
731. NS 467:2061  Solid Mineral Fuels -  vocabulary  
NS 467:2061  Part 1 –  Terms relating to coal preparation  
732. NS 467:2061  Part 2 –  Terms relating to sampling, testing and analysis   
733. NS 467:2061  Part 3 –  Glossary of terms relating to solid mineral Part 3 coke  fuels  
734. NS 468:2061  Glossary of terms relating to coal carbonization products  
NS 469:2061  Method of sampling of coal and coke  
735. NS 469:2061  Part 1/section 1 –  Sampling of coal Section 1 – Manual sampling  
736. NS 469:2061  Part 1/section 2 –  Sampling of coal  Section 2 Mechanical sampling  
737. NS 469:2061  Part 2 – Sampling of coke  
738. NS 470:2061  Method of sampling of coal for float and sink analysis  
739. NS 471:2061  Method of test of coal and coke  
NS 471:2061  Part 1 –  Proximate analysis  

740. NS 471:2061  Part 2 –  Determination of calorific value  

741. NS 471:2061  Part 3 –  Determination of sulfur  
742. NS 471:2061  Part 4/Sectioni 1 –  ultimate Analysis Section 1 Determination of carbon and hydrogen  
743. NS 471:2061  Part 4/section 2 –  Ultimate analysis Section 2 Determination of nitrogen  
744. NS 471:2061  Part 5 –  Special impurities  
745. NS 472:2061  Method of determination of the chemical composition of ash of coal and coke  
746. NS 473:2061  Method of test for coal carbonization  - caking, index, swelling number and ( LT ) grey - king Assay   
747. NS 474:2061  Method for the determination of mineral matter in coal  
748. NS 475:2060  Specification for absolute alcohol  
749. NS 476:2061  Test method and sampling for absolute alcohol  
750. NS 477:2061  New insulating oils – specification  
751. NS 478:2061  Method for determination of hardgrove grindability index of coal  
752. NS 479:2061  Coal ( Char ) reactivity for direct reduction process  -  method of determination  
753. NS 480:2061  Specification for test sieves   
NS 480:2061  Part 1 –  Wire cloth test sieves  

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754. NS 480:2061  Part 2 –  Perforated plate test sieves  
755. NS 480:2061  Part 3 –  Method of examination of apertures of test sieves  
756. NS 481:2061  Specification for gel - coated glass fiber reinforced polyester resin bath tubs  
757. NS 482:2061  Glass fiber reinforced polyester resin ( GRP ) squatting pans - specification  
758. NS 483:2063  Plastic translucent sheets made from thermo - setting polyester resin ( glass fiber reinforced )  -  specification  
759. NS 484:2061  Glass fiber chopped strand mat for the reinforcement of  epoxy, phenolic and polyester resin system – specification  
760. NS 485:2061  Unsaturated polyester resin system – specification  
761. NS 486:2061  Glass fiber rovings for the reinforcement of polyester and epoxide Resin system  - specification  
762. NS 487:2062  Determination of water – Karl Fischer Method  
763. NS 488:2062  Soil Quality – determination of pH  
764. NS 489:2062  Soil Quality – determination of cadmium, chromium, cobalt, copper, lead, manganese, nickel and
zinc in aquaregia extracts of soil – flame and electro thermal, atomic absorption spectrometric method.  
765. NS 490:2062  Specification for news print paper  
766. NS 491:2062  Aluminum conductor for over head transmission purposes – specification  
767. NS 492:2062  Galvanized strand for earthling – specification  
768. NS 493:2062  Specification for steel tubes for mechanical and general engineering purposes  
769. NS 494:2062  Steel wire for mechanical spring – specification ( cold drawn unalloyed steel wire )  
770. NS 495:2062  Specification for plain  hard drawn stressed steel wire for pre stressed concrete ( As - drawn wire )  
771. NS 496:2062  Specification for indented wire for pre stressed concrete   
772. NS 497:2062  Specification for uncoated stress relieved strand for pre stressed concrete  
773. NS 498:2062  Low carbon galvanized steel wires, formed wires and tapes for  armoring of cables  -  specification  
774. NS 499:2063  Integral waterproofing compounds for cement Mortar and concrete  -  specification  
775. NS 500:2060  National building code  seismic design of building in Nepal  
776. NS 501:2060  Code of practice for ductile detailing of reinforced concrete structure subjected to seismic forces  
777. NS 502:2060  Seismic design of building code in Nepal Part: 2 Commentary  
778. NS 503:2060  Code of practice for design and construction of shallow foundation in soils (  other than raft, ring and cell  )  
779. NS 504:2060  Requirement for the State of art design  
780. NS 505:2060  Material specification  
781. NS 506:2060  Unit weight of materials  
782. NS 507:2060  Code of practice for design loads other than earthquake for building and structure Part 2 -  – Occupancy load  
783. NS 508:2060  Wind load  
784. NS 509:2060  Provisional recommendation on fire safety  
785. NS 510:2060  Site consideration for seismic hazards  
786. NS 511:2060  Plain and reinforced concrete  
787. NS 512:2060  Unreinforced Masonry  
788. NS 513:2060  Mandatory rule of thumb: reinforced concrete building with masonry infill (  Construction of wall before and after )  
789. NS 514:2060  Guidelines for earthquake resistant construction: Low strength masonry  

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790. NS 515:2060  Guidelines for earthquake resistance building construction : Earth buildings  
791. NS 516:2060  Mandatory rule of thumb: re - inforced concrete buildings without masonry infill  
792. NS 517:2060  Mandatory rule of thumb: Load bearing masonry  
793. NS 518:2063  Guidelines for the Design of Simple Aluminium Structures  
794. NS/ISO 14050:2002:2063  Environmental Management – Vocabulary  
795. NS/ISO14001:2004:2063  Environmental Management Systems – Requirements with guidance for use  
796. NS/ISO14004:2004:2063  Environmental management systems – General guidelines on principles, systems
and support techniques  
797. NS/ISO19011:2002:2063  Guidelines for quality and/or environmental management systems auditing  
798. NS/ISO/IEC 17025:2005:2063  General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories  
799. NS/ISO/IEC 17000:2004:2063  Conformity assessment - vocabulary and general principles  
800. NS/ISO 7864:1993:2063  Sterile hypodermic needle for single use  
801. NS/ISO 7886 - 1:1993:2063  Sterile hypodermic syringe for single usePart 1: Syringes for manual use  

802. NS/ISO 4226:1993:2063  Air  quality - general aspects – Units of measurement  

803. NS/ISO 9855:1993:2063  Ambient air – determination of the particulate lead content of aerosols collected on
filters – Atomic absorption spectrometric method  

804. NS/ISO 9835:1993:2063  Ambient air -  determination of black smoke index  

805. NS/ISO 4224:4224:2063  Ambient air – Determination of carbon monoxide – non - dispersive infrared spectrometry method  

806. NS/ISO 10849:1996:2063  Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of nitrogen
oxide – performance characteristics of automated measuring systems  
807. NS/ISO 7935:1992:2063  Stationary source emissions – determination of the mass concentration of sulfur diox-
ide – performance characteristics of automated measuring methods  
808. NS 519:2064  Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (  UPVC ) injection moulded fittings for soil and waste discharge
system for inside and outside buildings including ventilation and rain water system – Specification  

809. NS 520:2064  Thermoplastics Pipes and fittings – Method of Test Part 1 - Stress Relief Test  

810. NS 521:2064  Thermoplastics Pipes and fittings – Method of Test Part 2 - Resistance to Sulphuric Acid  

811. NS 522:2064  Thermoplastics Pipes and fittings – Method of Test Part 3 - Determination of Titanium Dioxide Content  

812. NS 523:2064  Thermoplastics Pipes and fittings – Method of Test Part 4 - Determination  of Ash Content  and Sulphated Ash Content  

813. NS 524:2064   Specification for Besan  

814. NS 525:2064   Specification for Magnesium Sulphate (  EPSOM Salts )  

815. NS 526:2064   Grading for green coffee  

816. NS 527:2064   Specification for grading for mansooned coffee  

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817. NS 528:2064  Specification for spent coffee Grounds fat  

818. NS/ISO 2507 - 1:1995:2064  Thermoplastics pipes and fittings – Vicat softening temperature  -   Part 1:General test method  

819. NS/ISO 2507 - 2:1995:2064   Part 2:Test condition for unplasticized poly( vinyl chloride ) ( PVC - U ) or chlorinated
poly( vinyl chloride ) ( PVC - C ) pipes and fittings and for high impact resistance poly( vinyl chloride ) ( PVC - HI )  pipes  

820. NS/ISO 3126:2005:2064  Plastics piping systems – Plastics components – Determination of dimensions  

821. NS/ISO/IEC 17021:2006 :2064  Conformity assessment -  Requirement for bodies providing audit and certifica-
tion of management systems  

822. NS/ISO/IEC 17020:1998:2064   General criteria for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection  

823. NS/ISO/IEC 17030:2003:2064   Conformity Assessment -  General requirements for third - party marks of conformity  

824. NS/ISO 22000:2005:2064  Food safety management systems – Requirements for any organization in the food chain  

825. NS/ISO/TS 22003:2007:2064   Food safety management systems – Requirements for bodies providing audit
and certification of food safety management systems  

826. NS/ISO 22004:2005:2064  Food safety management systems – Guidance on the application of  ISO 22000:2005  

827. NS/ISO/TR 210:1999:2064  Essential oils – General rules for packaging, conditioning and storage  

828. NS/ISO/TR 211:1999:2064   Essential oils – General rules for labeling and marking of containers  

829. NS/ISO 212:1973:2064   Essential oils – Sampling  

830. NS/ISO 279:1981:2064  Essential oils – Determination of relative density at 20 0C ( Reference method )  
831. NS/ISO 280:1998:2064   Essential oils – Determination of refractive index  
832. NS/ISO 356:1977:2064    Essential oils – Preparation of test sample  
833. NS/ISO 22650:2002:2064   Footwear — Test methods for whole shoe — Heel attachment  
834. NS/ISO 20877:2001:2064  Footwear — Test methods for whole shoe — Thermal insulation  
835. NS/ISO 17702:2003:2064  Footwear — Test methods for uppers —Water resistance  
836. NS/ISO 17706:2003:2064  Footwear — Test methods for uppers —Tensile strength and elongation  
837. NS/ISO 20871:2001:2064  Footwear — Test methods for outsoles —Abrasion resistance  
838. NS/ISO 20872:2001:2064  Footwear — Test methods for outsoles — Tear strengh  
839. NS/ISO 20869:2001:2064  Footwear — Test methods for outsoles, insoles, lining and insocks — Water soluble content  
840. NS/ISO 17708:2003:2064  Footwear — Test methods for whole shoe  — Upper sole adhesion  
841. NS/ISO 1673:1991:2064  Onions  -  Guide to storage  
842. NS/ISO 2166:1981:2064  Carrots  -  Guide to storage  
843. NS/ISO 6663:1995:2064   Garlic  -  Cold storage  
844. NS/ISO 7922:1985:2064  Leeks  -  Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport  
845. NS/ISO 7561:1984:2064  Cultivated mushrooms  -  Guide to cold storage and refrigerated transport  

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846. NS/ISO 9930:1993:2064  Green beans  -  Storage and refrigerated transport  
847. NS/ISO 9719:1995:2064  Root vegetables  -  Cold storage and refrigerated transport  
848. NS/ISO 6322-1:1996 Storage of cereals and pulses – Part 1: General recommendation for the keeping of cereals.
849. NS/ISO 6322-2: 2000 Storage of cereals and pulses – Part 2: Practical recommendation.

849. NS/ ISO 6322-3:1989 Storage of cereals and pulses – Part 3: Control of attacks by pests.

850. NS/ISO-21:1997 Technical drawings – General principles of presentation Part 21; Preparation of lines by CAD systems.

851. NS/ISO 128 Part 30:2001 Technical drawings – General principles of presentation part 30: Basic conventions for views.

852. NS/ISO 128 Part 40: 2001 Technical drawings – General Principles of presentation Part 40: Basic conventions for cuts and sections.

853. NS/ISO 128 Part 50:2001 Technical drawings – General Principles of presentation Part 50: Basic conventions
for representing areas, cuts and sections.
854. NS 529: 2068 Methods of tests for cables part 1: Tensile strength and elongation at break of thermoplastic and
elastomeric insulation and sheath.

855.NS529:2068 Methods of test for cables part 2::shrinkage test

856. NS 529: 2068 Methods of test for cables part 3: Loss of mas test.

857. NS 529: 2068 Methods of test for cables part 4: heat shock test

858. NS/ISO 6734:1989/2068 Sweetened condensed milk – Determination of Total Solids content (Reference Method

859. NS/ISO 2911:2004/2068 Sweetened condensed milk — Determination of sucrose content — Polarimetric method)

860. NS/ISO 4833:2003/2068 Microbiology of food and animal feeding stuffs – Horizontal method for the enumera-
tion of microorganisms – colony-count technique at 30 oC

861. NS/ISO 5541/1:1986/2068 Milk and Milk Products – Enumeration of coliforms – Part 1: Colony count technique at 30 o C.

862. NS/ISO 5541/2:1986/2068 Milk and Milk Products – Enumeration of coliforms – Part 2: Most probable number technique at 30 o C

863. NS/ISO 7954:1987/2068 Microbiology – General guidance for enumeration of yeasts and molds – Colony count technique at 25 o C.

864.NS/ISO7887:1994/2068 water quality-Examination and determination of colour.

865.NS/ISO 7027:1999/2068 water quality-Determination of turbidity.

866..NS/ISO8288:8288:1986/2068 Water quality-determination of cobalt,nickel,copper,zinc,cadmium and lead.Flame

atomic absorption spectrometric methods.

867.NS 530:2068Specification for regulator for LPG cylinders.

868.NS/ISO 15189:2003/2068 Medical laboratories -particular requirements for quality and competence.

869.NS/ISO 50001::2011/2069 Energy management system-Requirements with guidance for use.

73 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

870.NS/ISO 3961:2069: Animal and vegetable fats and oils-Determination of iodine value.

871.NS/ISO 11119-1/2069: Gas cylinders-Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes -design,construction and
testing-Part 1:Hoop wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes upto 450L
872.NS/ISO 11119-2/2069: Gas cylinders-Refillable composite gas cylinders and tubes -design,construction and testing-Part 2
Fully wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders and tubes upto 450L with load sharing metal liners.
873.NS/ISO 11119-3/2069: Gas cylinders of composite construction specification and test methods-part 3 - Fully
wrapped fibre reinforced composite gas cylinders with non-load sharing metallic or non metallic liners

874.NS 531:2069 Specification for bottle packed processed Drinking water.

875.NS 532:2070 Method of chemical analysis of hydraulic cement.

876.NS533:2070 Standard for LPG bottling operation.

877.NS534:2071 Gold and Gold alloys,jewellery/Artefacts-fineness and marking-specification.

878.NS/ISO 11426/2071 Determination of Gold jewellery alloys-Cupellatioin method.

879.NS/ISO1242/2071 Essential oils-Determination of Acid value.

880.NS/ISO 1241/2071 Essential oilsi-Determination of Ester value,Before and after Acetylation and Evaluation of the content of free and
total alcohols.

881 NS 535 Glossary of Terms Relating to Bitumen and Tar

882 NS 536 Paving Bitumen – Specifications

883 NS 537 Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Softening Point

884 NS 538 Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Wax Content

885 NS 539 Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Viscosity- Kinematic Viscosity

886 NS 540 Method of Testing Bituminous Materials: Determination of Viscosity- Absolute Viscosity

887 NS/ISO 47871073 (Second Revision) Laboratory Glassware: Volumetric Instrument – Methods for Testing of Capacity
and for Use

888 NS 541 Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) for Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs): General Principles and Guidelines

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 74

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S. N. Name of District Product Brand License NS No. Date of
Industry No. Issue
Agni Rupandehi OPC Cement Alpha 273 49 3/28/2070
Ltd PPC Cement Agni, Tridev and Orient 248 385 12/30/2069

Ambe Parsa OPC Cement Hitech, Ambe Premium 276 49 3/28/2070

Cement P
Ltd PPC Cement Ambe 185 385 8/29/2063
PSC Cement Ambe Metro, Sahara Super 277 384 3/28/2070
Ambe Rupandehi Iron bar Ambe Fe -500 grade (8-32mm) 218 191 4/17/2067
Steels p
Ankur Banke Bib tabs Ankur Plus, 15 mm 366 362 3/26/2073
Taps and
Valves Ind.
P. Ltd.
Annapurna Biratnagar PVC Cable Annapurna cable 217 344 2/20/2067
Cable P ltd

75 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Annapurna Bara Soya oil Amrit (500ml, 1L,2L, 5L 15L) 26 103 11/17/2056
Products Vegetable Amrit (500g, 1kg,2 kg, 5 kg 27 27 11/17/2056
Ghee 15kg)
Appolo Chitawan Aluminium Appolo 179 117 4/9/2063
Paints P Paint
Enamel Appolo 112 4/9/2063
Powder Appolo 85 4/9/2063
Wood Appolo 205 4/9/2063
Aqua Min- Kathmandu Mineral La 100, aqua 100 67 173 6/28/2053
erals Nepal water
P Ltd
Araniko Dhading OPC Cement Advance Plus 346 49 11/28/2071
Cement Ind PPC Cement Advance Power 345 385 11/28/2071
Pvt ltd PSC Cement S.D. Advance 335 384 6/28/2071
Araniko Bara OPC Cement Advance 324 49 2/27/2071
Pvt ltd PPC Cement Super Advance 325 385 2/27/2071

Arati Morang G I Sheet Arati Surakshya 175 141 1/21/2063

Argakhachi Kapilbastu PPC Cement Kriti, Appollo, Deurali, crystal, 268 385 2/2/2070
Cement arunodaya
Pvt ltd
OPC Cement Argakhachi 339 49 8/23/2071
Arrowtech Bara LPG Cylinder 33.3 Lts LPG Cylinder 70 369 8/10/2053
P Ltd
Ashok Bara Iron bar 8-32mm CDT and 8-25 Fe 17 191 6/11/2057
Steels Ind 500
Pvt Ltd
Asia Tech Hetauda LPG Valve ATI 240 374 4/30/2069
Ind Pvt Ltd Fittings
Asian Sunsari Biscuit Good Life Healthy Star 360 18 9/20/2072
Biscuit and

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 76

Asian Makawanpur Aluminium Aluminium Paint ( 3 mangoes 45 117 11/11/2056
Paints Paint silver stroke 200ml, 500ml,
(Nepal) 1L,4L20L)
Pvt Ltd
Cement Decco Prime Cement Primer 190 11/11/2056
Primer solvent thinnable (1L, 4L,
20L), Decco prim cement
primer water thinnable (1L,
4L, 20L)
Distemper 1,5,20,25 kg 165 11/11/2056
Enamel Appco Lite Synthetic Enamel 112 11/11/2056
Paint (50ml, 100ml, 200ml, 500ml,
1L, 4L, 20L), 3 mangoes
synthetic enamel (500ml, 1L,
4L, 20L), Good J.P Synthetic
enamel (500ml, 1L, 4L, 20L),
Appco lite Hammerstone finish
(1L, 4L, 20L)
Plastic Apcolite super acrylic emul- 161 11/11/2056
Emulsion sion (1,4,20 L),
Powder Tractorcem superior cement 85 11/11/2056
Cement paint (1,5,25,50 kg)
Wood widdoright primer white 205 11/11/2056
Primer (500ml, 1L,4L, 20L), wid-
doright primer pink (1L,4L,
Asian Thai sunasari Instant Rum PuM 352 138 1/28/2072
foods P. Ltd, Noodles
Baba Sunsari Distemper Rangoli 330 165 3/29/2071
Wood Baba 205 3/29/2071
Bageshwori Nepalganj Iron bar Fe 415 8,10, 12, 16mm, Fe 500 105 191 1/30/2057
Iron and (10,12,16)
Steel P Ltd
Barsa Banke Pressure Presto, Shalimar (1,1.5,2,2.5,3 320 83 1/3/2071
Metal Pvt cooker ,4,5,6,7,8,10,12,14) and Titan
Ltd (3 &5 L)
Berger Makawanpur Cement Jensolin, Brolac 206 190 5/17/2066
Jenson and Primer
Distemper Jensolin, Brolac 165 5/17/2066
(Nepal) P
Ltd (het) Enamel Jensolin, Brolac 112 5/17/2066
Plastic Jensolin, Brolac 161 5/17/2066
Wood Jensolin, Brolac 205 5/17/2066
Berger Bhaktapur Enamel Brolac, Jensolin (Enamel, 103 112 8/17/2056
Jenson and Paint Wood Primer, Distemper,
Nicholson Cement Paint)
(Nepal) P
Wood Brolac, Jensolin (Enamel, 205 8/17/2056
Ltd (ktm)
Primer Wood Primer, Distemper,
Cement Paint)

77 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Bhagawati Morang Dry cell Lion(R-20, R-6) King 91 280 12/15/2055
Carbide Battery (R-20,R-6) Dyanamic Gold
Ind P Ltd (R-20, R-6) Gainda (R-20)
Bhagawati Bara G I Sheet B. S. T. (0.35-0.50mm) 116 141 7/25/2057
Steel Ind P
Ltd Galvanized Light/ Heavy/ Medium 48 199 2/12/2057
mild steel
Bijaya Kapilbastu OPC Cement Bijaya, Master Builders 149 49 8/15/2060
Cements P
Ltd PPC Cement Vijaya Gold, Vijaya sun, 263 385 2/2/2070
Vijaya power, Vijaya Super,
Bikas Banke Maida Gyan,888 146 10 4/9/2060
Fluor Mill
P Ltd Wheat fluor Gyan, Gyanchakki aanta 145 426 4/9/2060

Bishal Kathmandu HDPE Pipe Vishal (16-110mm) 227 40 2/29/2068

Ind P Ltd PVC Cable Ajanta cable 172 344 8/21/2062
PVC Pipe Ajanta (50-160mm) 171 206 8/21/2062
Bish- Bara PPC Cement Bishwokarma gold 293 385 5/14/2070
Cement P Parsa OPC Cement Bishwokarma 156 49 6/14/2061
Brij Ce- Rupandehi OPC Cement Brij Super Premium, Shankar 274 49 3/28/2070
ment ind P Shakti
PPC Cement Brij, Brij Super kings, Laxmi, 191 385 4/28/2064
Jumbo, Brij Gold
Butwal Nawalparasi OPC Cement Dovan 326 49 2/27/2071
mills pvt PPC Cement Nirman, Butwal Extra 262 385 2/2/2070
ltd PSC Cement Nirman Gold, Butwal Extra 347 384 11/28/2071
C. G. Foods Nawalparasi Instant Wai Wai (Chicken) 114 138 8/2/2057
Nepal P Ltd Noodles
C.G Brew- Nawalparasi Beer Hayward 5000( Strong 650ml 133 23 6/29/2058
ery Nepal bottle, Nepal Ice (330ml and
650ml bottle) Orange boom
(650ml bottle), Nepal Ice (500
ml in bottle and can)
CG cement Nawalparasi OPC Cement CG 315 49 9/4/2070
Pvt Ltd
PPC Cement CG gold 318 385 11/8/2070
Chitawan Nawalparasi PPC Cement Chitwan, Himal Bajaranga 176 385 3/16/2063
Cement P
Chitawan Chitawan HDPE Pipe 16-200mm 219 40 6/15/2067
Poly pipe
Cosmos Danusha OPC Cement Tej Gold 290 49 5/14/2070
Ind P Ltd PPC Cement Tej, Cosmos 301 385 6/23/2070

Crystal Makawanpur HDPE Pipe 16-200, 225,280,315 75 40 3/10/2054

Products P

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 78

1. Dak- Jhapa HDPE Pipe DPI 235 40 3/14/2069
Plastic Water Aqua tank 236 353 3/14/2069
Industries storage tank
P ltd
Delta (blank) PVC Cable Delta 337 344 8/23/2071
Cable and
Pipe Ind
Pvt ltd
Dharan Sunsari HDPE Pipe Haleshi 243 (blank) 8/20/2069
Dugad Morang Chilly Century 132 319 6/29/2058
Spices powder
and food
Coriander Century 326 6/29/2058
products p
Cumin Century 325 6/29/2058
Curry Century 87 6/29/2058
Eastern Morang PPC Cement Tej, Purbeli 291 385 5/14/2070
Ind P Ltd
Eastern Bara PVC Pipe Eastern (50, 75, 110,160mm) 157 206 6/13/2061
Ind P Ltd
Everest Bhaktapur Sterile Hy- Lifeline (1,3,5 and 10ml) 189 NS/ISO 3/1/2064
Made P podermic 7886-
Ltd Syringes 1:1993
Everest Dhanusha Paper WPP,WP, Colour WPP, Cream 61 124 9/21/2055
Paper laid, Cream woven
Mills Ind
Pvt Ltd
Everest Rupandehi Iron bar Fe 415 grade(8,10,12,16,20, 55 191 9/20/2051
Rolling 25mm0
Ind Pvt Ltd
Everest Dhanusha PVC Cable Agni cable 242 344 9/25/2069
Ganapati Kapilbastu PPC Cement Vinayak, Nanotech, Lokpriya, 275 385 3/28/2070
Cement Microtech, Raymond
Ind Pvt Ltd
Ganapati Bara Soya oil Safari 109 103 4/2/2057
P Ltd Vegetable Safari 108 27 4/2/2057
Ghorahi Dang OPC Cement Sagarmatha 310 49 8/19/2070
Pvt Ltd PPC Cement Sagarmatha Gold 311 385 8/19/2070

Global Kaski ACSR Global cable (30mm sq.) 223 259 6/18/2067
Cable Ind
P Ltd PVC Cable Global cable 222 344 6/18/2067

79 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Godavari Makawanpur HDPE Pipe 16-110mm 203 40 3/3/2066
Ind P Ltd
Goenka Rupandehi OPC Cement Goenka Solid 357 49 7/22/2072
Pvt Ltd PPC Cement Rakshak, Goenka Gold, Chait- 258 385 2/2/2070
anya, Dhanashree
Golden Morang Dry cell Tiger, Golden Eagle 329 280 2/27/2071
Battery Pvt Battery
Gorkha Nawalparasi Beer Gorkaha, Tuborg, Sanmeguel, 342 23 9/21/2071
Brewery Tuborg Strong, Calsberg
Gorkhkali Jhapa PPC Cement Gorakhkali, Gorakhkali premi- 186 385 9/6/2063
Cement um gold
Udhyog p
Goyanka Rupandehi Iron bar Fe-500 grade 210 191 8/19/2066
Steels P (8,10,12,16,20,25,28,32)
Griha Lax- Chitawan LPG Cylinder 33.3 Lts LPG Cylinder 213 369 12/19/2066
mi Metal
Ind P Ltd
Hama Iron Bara Iron bar 8-25mm, 28,32mm(Fe 62 191 10/8/2052
and Steels 415grade)
Hari En- Bara LPG Regu- Hari engineering works, 363 530 (blank)
gineering lator Koshi,HEW, KABSON
Works Pvt.
Hetauda Makawanpur OPC Cement Shakti 44 49 7/4/2057
Hetauda Makawanpur Sweetened Nesco Milk 232 152 9/24/2068
Dairy Ind Condensed
P Ltd milk
Hilltake Morang Water Hiltake (200-1000Lt) 177 353 2/25/2063
Ind P Ltd storage tank
Hilltake Kathmandu Water Hiltake Extra, (200-1000Lts) 163 353 4/23/2062
Ind P Ltd storage tank
Himal Iron Parsa Iron bar 8,10,12,16,20,25,28,32(Fe415 49 191 12/4/2056
and Steel grade TMT)
Pvt Ltd
Himalayan Kathmandu Beer Kathmandu, Iceberg, Com- 362 23 (blank)
Brewery mando
Himalayan Kathmandu Mineral Himalayan Spring 181 173 4/17/2063
Spring water
Water Ink
Himalayas Jhapa PPC Cement Mechi 266 385 2/2/2070
Cement P
Ltd PSC Cement Century 183 384 8/8/2063

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 80

Hisi Poly- Kathmandu HDPE Pipe 16-160mm 59 40 12/9/2057
thene and
Hulas Bara Cast Iron 15-100mm 87 383 5/8/2055
Steel Ind pipe fittings
Pvt Ltd
G I Sheet Gurans (0.35-0.55mm) 118 141 12/14/2057
Hulas Wire Morang ACSR 169 259 4/11/2063
Ind P Ltd
Aluminium 170 491 9/4/2062
for over-
head trans-
Galvanized Light/ Heavy/ Medium 14 163 4/11/2063
coated Mild
steel wire
Iron bar Hulash, 8-16 mm 288 191 4/30/2070
Low (blank) 193 498 8/18/2064
steel wire,
tapes for
of cables
Interna- Parsa PPC Cement OM, Rudraksha, Aayushmaan 312 385 9/4/2070
cement OPC Cement Om Premium, Jyoti Premium, 372 49
Rudraksha Premium
Intertech Rupendehi HDPE Pipe ITPF 16-110 mm 304 40 8/7/2070
Pipes and
Jagadamba Rupandehi OPC Cement Jagadamba Ultra 270 49 2/2/2070
Ind. Pvt PPC Cement Jagadamba, Jagadamba Ever- 251 385 12/30/2070
Ltd last, Jagadamba Ultra Active

Jagadamba Parsa Galvanized Jepl(15-150mm) Light, midi- 150 199 12/4/2060

Interprises mild steel um and heavy
p Ltd pipe
Steel tube Jepl(15-150mm) Light, midi- 151 427 12/4/2060
um and heavy
Iron bar Fe 500 grade 8 mm to 16 mm 340 191 9/21/2071
Jagadamba Bara Galvanized Jagadamba 208 163 8/1/2066
Steels P coated Mild
Ltd steel wire
Iron bar 8-16mm(Fe 415 71 191 8/19/2053
(Fe 500grade & Fe-500D
Janaki Dhanusha PVC Cable Janaki 338 344 8/23/2071
Cable Ind
Pvt ltd

81 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Janta Sunsari PVC Cable Janata cable 308 344 8/19/2070
Cable Pvt
Jasmine Chitawan Aluminium Always (200 ml, 500ml, 1L) 319 117 11/8/2070
Paints P Paint
Cement Always (1,5,10,20 kg) 190 11/8/2070
Distemper Always (1,5,10, 20kg) 165 11/8/2070
Enamel Always (50,200,500 ml & 112 11/8/2070
Paint 1,4,20 L)
Powder Always (25 kg) 85 11/8/2070
Wood Always (500ml, 1L, 4L & 20L) 205 11/8/2070
Jaya Bage- Banke PPC Cement Trishakti and Bajra shakti 355 385 3/27/2072
Jaya Banke PPC Cement Yeti 327 385 2/27/2071
Cements P
Kamala Janakpur HDPE Pipe 16-140, 160-315mm 122 40 11/17/2057
and Plas-
tics Ind P
Kamala Morang Galvanized ( L 2.032 to 3.251 M 3.251 to 316 163 11/8/2070
Rolling coated Mild 4.064 and H 2.032 to 4.470)
Mills Pvt steel wire
Iron bar Fe 500 8mm to 16 mm 302 191 6/23/2070
Kanchan- Jhapa OPC Cement Bhagawaati, Rainbow 359 49 9/20/2072
Cement PPC Cement Bhagwati, Halesi, Araniko 284 385 4/30/2070
Udhog Pvt
Kanchan- Kathmandu Mineral Pristine drop, swift drop, desire 234 173 2/24/2069
jungha water 1&0.5L
Foods and
Pvt Ltd
Karya Kathmandu PVC Pipe Nepatop Plus, 50-200mm 349 206 3/18/2071
Pvt. Ltd.
Kepy Dhading OPC Cement 353 49 2/18/2072
P Ltd PPC Cement Bhawani, Kripa 289 385 5/14/2070

Kishan Nawalparasi HDPE Pipe Kishan 244 40 9/3/2069

Pipe Prod-
ucts P Ltd PVC Pipe 50-110mm 220 206 6/24/2067
Water Kishan 371 353 4/19/2073
storage tank

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 82

Krishna Bara PSC Cement KCC, Mahashakti, Sagun 296 384 5/20/2070
Ind P Ltd
Kusum Oil Bara Soya oil Cook 224 103 11/17/2067
Ind p Ltd
Vegetable Cook 351 27 1/28/2072
Laxmi Banke HDPE Pipe 16-250mm 5 40 9/23/2056
Pvt. Ltd.
Laxmi Nawalparasi Iron bar Laxmi (Tmt Fe-500grade) 231 191 7/18/2068
Steel P Ltd 8-32mm
Lumbini Rupandehi PVC Cable Litmus cable 165 344 7/7/2062
Udhyog P
Lumbini Rupandehi PVC Cable Lumbini cable 94 344 11/12/2055
Cable Ind
P Ltd
Mahalaxmi Morang LPG Mahalaxmi 282 530 4/7/2070
Gas Regu- Regulator
Mahalaxmi Morang PVC Cable Mahalaxmi cable 295 344 5/20/2070
Wire and
Cable Ind
P Ltd
Mainawati Sunsari Galvanized 15-100mm, 125,150mm 83 199 2/4/2055
Steel Ind mild steel (Light,Medium, heavy)
P ltd pipe
Manasha Jhapa PPC Manasha, Hmt 265 385 2/2/2070
Cement Cement
Ind Pvt Ltd
Mangalam Rupandehi PVC Pipe Mangalam 361 206 2/28/2073
Pvt Ltd
Manmaiju Nuwakot HDPE Pipe Nepatop 228 40 2/26/2068
Ind P Ltd
Maruti Siraha OPC Maruti 297 49 5/20/2070
Cement Cement
Marval Morang PVC Pipe Marvel Aquaflo, 75 and 110 300 206 6/23/2070
Techno mm
plast pvt
Megha Banke ACSR 30, 50 mm2 279 259 4/2/2070
Cable and PVC Cable Megha, Delux gold 278 344 4/2/2070
Wire Ind
Pvt Ltd
Mittal Jhapa OPC Ce- Pashupati Super builder 115 49 7/29/2057
Cement ment
Ind P Ltd
PPC Ce- Pashupati Gold 286 385 4/30/2070

83 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Mjaypee Kapilbastu OPC Ce- Apex 367 49 4/27/2073
cement ment
PPC Ce- Lumbini, Buddha 313 385 9/4/2070
Mount Chitawan Beer GoldenTiger(650ml bottle, 78 23 6/10/2054
Everest 330ml can), Everest (650ml,
Brewery 330ml bottle)
Nandan Bara Soya oil Nandan (1/2, 1, 2, 5 and 15) Lt 101 103 3/23/2056
Ghee and
Oil Ind P Vegetable Nandan (1/2, 1, 2, 5 and 15) 100 27 3/23/2056
Ltd Ghee Kg

Narayani Bara OPC Ce- Trishakti, Trishakti Premium 259 49 2/2/2070

Cement ment
PPC Ce- Bajrashakti,, Trishakti super 174 385 2/15/2063
Narayani Bara Soya oil Nilkamal 107 103 4/24/2057
Refinery Vegetable Nilkamal 106 27 4/24/2057
Udhyog P Ghee
Narayani Chitawan HDPE Pipe 16-160mm 66 40 5/24/2053
Pipe Ind
Narayani Bara HDPE Pipe 16-315mm 6 40 7/21/2057
Pvt. Ltd.
Narayani Bara Iron bar Narayani (Fe 500 grade- 8, 10, 117 191 11/5/2057
Rolling 12, 16mm)
Mills P
Naryani Kalaiya HDPE Pipe 16-160 mm 255 40 2/2/2070
National (blank) PVC Cable National cable (1/1.12, 3/0.91, 341 344 9/21/2071
Cable and 7/0.71, 7/0.91)
Allied Ind
Pvt ltd
National Morang PPC Ce- Pyramid, Bhabya, Aadarshila 287 385 4/30/2070
Cement ment premium, Vishwas
Pvt Ltd
Nawa Ne- Rupandehi HDPE Pipe Nawa Nepal Plastic 245 40 9/25/2069
pal Plastic
Pvt ltd
Nebico Kathmandu Biscuit Malt Glucose, Milkose, Thi- 2 18 11/20/2060
Pvt. Ltd. nararot, Glucose, Mary, Nice,
Temple cream(nector, orange,
custurd, chocolate), Eaten, Di-
gestive, Khaja, Rohini, Chaja,
Coconut Crunchiz
Nepal Rupandehi PPC Ce- Mahalaxmi 253 385 12/30/2070
Ambuja ment
OPC Ce- Shree Ram 334 49 6/28/2071
Udyog Pvt.

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 84

Nepal Bara Bitumen Himalan (Fast, moderate and 112 207 4/10/2057
Bitumen Emulsion Slow setting)
and Barrel
Nepal Rupandehi HDPE Pipe 16-110, 160mm 65 40 4/30/2053
Gold and
Alied Ind
Pvt Ltd
Nepal Bara LPG Cyl- 33.3 Lts LPG Cylinder 214 369 12/19/2066
Cylinders inder
P ltd
Nepal Ikrat Makawanpur Power Neek 230 166 6/25/2068
Engineer- Transform-
ing c. p er
Nepal Sunsari HDPE Pipe 16-450 mm 1 40 1/7/2056
Nepal Kathmandu HDPE Pipe 16mm-315mm 162 40 2/18/2062
Polypipe P
Nepal Bara OPC Ce- Shalimar Gold, Kamdhenu 260 49 2/2/2070
Shalimar ment
Cement P
PPC Ce- Godawari Plus, Captain Plus,- 365 385 3/26/2073
ment Janaki Plus, Shalimar Plus
PSC Ce- Shalimar, Atlantic, Captain, 188 384 1/26/2064
ment Janaki, Godawari, Lotus
Nepal Thai Lalitpur Instant waiwai 56 138 7/17/2056
Foods Pvt Noodles
Nepal Wire Bara ACSR 30mm,50mm,100mm nominal 161 259 2/2/2062
and Cable size
pvt ltd
PVC Cable Nepal cable 22 344 5/15/2056
Nigale Dankuta OPC Ce- Konark, Munal. Kalika,koshi, 285 49 4/30/2070
Cement ment Nigale, Taj
Pvt Ltd
Om Chitwan OPC Ce- Balwan 369 49 4/19/2073
Cements P ment
PPC Ce- Prime 370 385 4/19/2073
Pan- Rupandehi UPVC Panchakanya 16-200mm 216 519 12/29/2066
chakanya fittings
Plast P Ltd
Pan- Bhairahawa HDPE Pipe 16-355mm 4 40 8/6/2056
Ind Pvt.
Pan- Bhairawa PVC Pipe Panchakanya 16-200mm 50 206 4/23/2057
Pvt Ltd

85 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Pan- Bhairahawa Iron bar 8-32mm (Fe 415 grade) 86 191 3/28/2055
chakanya 8,10,12,16,20,25,28,32mm
Steel P Ltd
Pashupati Sunsari Biscuit Pashupati 209 18 7/19/2066
Ind P Ltd
Pashupati Kapilbastu PPC Ce- Gorkha, Manakamana 264 385 2/2/2070
Cements ment
Pvt Ltd
OPC Ce- 364 49
Pashupati Kathmandu LPG Regu- indo, moauria, hari interna- 237 530 3/18/2069
Filter lator tional
Pashupati Sunsari Vegetable Postman and Superman (1/2, 305 27 8/7/2070
Khadya Ghee 1 L)
Tel Udyog
Soya oil Postman and Superman (1/2, 331 103 3/29/2071
1 L)
Pashupati Sunsari Aluminium Shakti 16 117 7/26/2056
Paints Pvt. Paint
Cement Pashupati 190 7/26/2056
Distemper Nepoline 165 7/26/2056
Enamel (Danphe, Nepolite) 112 7/26/2056
Plastic Oneway 161 7/26/2056
Powder Himsen 85 7/26/2056
Road mak- Pashupati 408 11/22/2060
ing Paint
Wood Pashupati 205 7/26/2056
Pashutipati Sunsari Iron bar 8-28mm (Fe 415 grade), 57 191 7/26/2056
Iron and 8-32TMT)
Steel Pvt
Pathak Rupandehi PPC Ce- Kedarnath, Golden City 344 385 9/21/2071
Cement P ment
PSC Ce- Kailash 322 384 1/3/2071
Pentax Kathmandu LPG Regu- everest, sunshine 238 530 3/18/2069
Regulator lator
Manf. Ind.
Pvt ltd
Pioneer Morang PVC Cable Pioneer cable (1mm² to 6 mm²) 38 344 4/4/2056
cables Pvt
Pioneer Morang Galvanized Pioneer 2-4 (Heavy, medium, 52 163 7/25/2057
Wires Pvt. coated Mild light coating)
Ltd steel wire

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 86

Popular Sunsari PVC Pipe 20-200mm 69 206 6/28/2053
Plastics P
Prakash Kathmandu PVC Cable Prakash cable (1mm² to 6 29 344 8/13/2055
Cable Ind mm²)
Pvt Ltd
Premier Morang Galvanized M 3.251 to 4.470, L 2.032 to 317 163 11/8/2070
Wires Ind coated Mild 3.251, H 2.640 to 4.470
Pvt Ltd steel wire
PVC Cable Premier cable 309 344 8/19/2070
Prime Morang PVC Cable PRIMA cable 283 344 4/7/2070
Pvt ltd
Priti Valve Sunsari Bib tabs Preeti 19 362 1/26/2058
and fittings
Ind Pvt ltd Copper Preeti 382 1/26/2058
alloy global
Ferul For Preeti 361 1/26/2058
Gun Metal Preeti 149 1/26/2058
Gate Valve
Probiotech Parsa Poultry Shakti 194 11 9/29/2064
Ind P Ltd Feed
R.M.C Bara OPC Ce- RMC shakti 323 49 1/3/2071
Cement ment
PPC Ce- RMC Premium 321 385 1/3/2071
PSC Ce- R.M.C cement 249 384 12/30/2070
Rajesh Bara G I Sheet Rajesh Shakti 202 141 1/10/2066
Crafts P Galvanized 15-100mm( Light, medium and 124 199 12/30/2057
Ltd mild steel Heavy)
Reliance Janakpur PVC Cable Reliance Cable 328 344 2/27/2071
cable and
wire pvt
Reliance Rupandehi OPC Ce- Reliance super shakti 294 49 5/14/2070
Cement ment
P ltd
PPC Ce- Reliance 197 385 9/16/2064

87 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Reliance Kathmandu Aluminium Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 205 117 2/28/2066
Paint Ind P Paint Protec
Cement Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 190 2/28/2066
Primer Protec
Distemper Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 165 2/28/2066
Enamel Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 112 2/28/2066
Paint Protec
Plastic Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 161 2/28/2066
Emulsion Protec
Powder Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 85 2/28/2066
Cement Protec
Wood Reliance, Shangrila, Barpimo, 205 2/28/2066
Primer Protec
Rijalco Sunsari Water Rijalco Polytank 306 353 8/19/2070
Polytank storage tank
Rukmani Kathmandu Cement Nerolac, superlac 207 190 7/23/2066
Chemical Primer
Ind P Ltd
Distemper Nerolac, superlac 165 7/23/2066
Enamel Nerolac, superlac 112 7/23/2066
Plastic Nerolac, superlac 161 7/23/2066
Wood Nerolac, superlac 205 7/23/2066
S.R Steels Rupandehi Iron bar S.R steel (10,12,16 mm Fe 500 307 191 8/19/2070
Pvt Ltd TMT)
Sakura Rupandehi HDPE Pipe 16mm-125mm,140-200mm 198 40 9/6/2065
Pipe udhyog
P Ltd
Satya Sai Lalitpur LPG Kalash 241 530 7/24/2069
Safety Regulator
Device pvt
Saurabh Banke Mustard Oil Dhara 254 3 12/30/2070
Oil Mill
Shakha Bara Iron bar (CDT8,10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 28 98 191 4/11/2056
Steel Ind P mm), TMT 8,10,16mm
Shalimar Bara Iron bar Shalimar TMT:Fe-500, 8-20 368 191 4/19/2073
Steels P. mm
Shaurav Bara Rice Gyan, 1-50 Kg 168 282 9/26/2062
Products P
Shikar Banke ACSR 30, 50 mm2 280 259 4/2/2070
cable ind
pvt ltd PVC Cable Shikar, Sangrila 247 344 11/6/2069

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 88

Shiva Bara Pamolin Shakti Super 212 281 10/25/2066
Ghee Soya oil Shakti (1L, 4.5L,5L& 15L 47 103 5/29/2057
Udhyog packing size)
Pvt Ltd Sunflower Family Health 211 378 10/25/2066
Vegetable Shakti (1 and 15 kg packing 46 27 5/29/2057
Ghee size)
Shivam Makawanpur OPC Ce- Shivam 267 49 2/2/2070
Cements ment
Pvt Ltd
Shree Parsa OPC Ce- Kalash 354 49 2/18/2072
Cement ment
Pvt ltd
PPC Ce- Kalash Gold 336 385 8/23/2071
Shreeram Morang Soya oil Pakwan (1/2Lt, 1, 2, 5and 97 103 2/10/2056
Refined 15) Kg
Oil Prod-
Vegetable Pakwan (1/2Lt, 1, 2, 5and 96 27 2/10/2056
ucts P Ltd
Ghee 15) Kg
Shri Krish- Bara Soya oil Diamond 111 103 5/9/2057
na Oil Re-
finery and Vegetable Diamond 110 27 5/9/2057
Vegetable Ghee
Ghee Ind P
Shubha Parsa OPC Ce- Jagadamba Ultra, Force F2R, 250 49 12/30/2070
Shree ment Jagadamba Ultra Premium
PSC Ce- Force, Jagadamba Ultra 252 384 12/30/2070
ment Ultimo,Mount, Shubha Shree
Mills Pvt
PPC Ce- Jagadamba Ultra Ultima, 343 385 9/21/2071
ment Force, Jagadamba Ultra
Shyam Rupandehi HDPE Pipe Ratna Flex 246 40 9/24/2069
Pvt ltd
Siddhartha Rupandehi OPC Ce- Siddhartha Buland, Super 281 49 4/2/2070
Cement ment Tower, siddartha tigher, chat-
Udhyog tan, omega
PPC Ce- Siddhartha, Tower 233 385 1/4/2069
Siddhi Dhanusha HDPE Pipe 20-110 mm 348 40 2/11/2072
Plastic Ind.
Pvt. Ltd.
Smart Chitawan Instant Yum Yum 229 138 5/13/2068
Food and Noodles
Snacks P
Sonapur Dang OPC Ce- Sona 256 49 2/2/2070
Cements ment
Pvt ltd
PPC Ce- Sona Shree, sonapur, sonatech, 257 385 2/2/2070
ment sona chandi and sonali

89 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Srijana Kathmandu Mineral Snowdrops (2L,1L) 76 173 3/18/2054
Prashodhit water
Piune Pani
Star Bara OPC Ce- Shikar 314 49 9/4/2070
cement ment
PPC Ce- Camel 333 385 5/25/2071
PSC Ce- Arati 332 384 5/25/2071
Sugam Kathmandu LPG Regu- Arnapurna, Sagun 358 530 9/20/2072
Manufac- lator
Sun fittings Rupandehi Cast Iron MUN , 10-100mm 215 383 12/29/2066
P Ltd pipe fittings
Supreme Rupandehi OPC Cement Shaktiman Plus 350 49 1/28/2072
Ind P Ltd PPC Cement Shaktiman 292 385 5/14/2070

Sushil Parsa Soya oil Anik, Rajhans (1, 2, 5 and 93 103 11/13/2055
Vanaspati 15kg/Lit)
P Ltd
Vegetable Anik, Rajhans (1, 2, 5 and 92 27 11/13/2055
Ghee 15kg/Lit)
Swastik Morang Soya oil Swastik 42 103 1/22/2057
Oil Ind Pvt
Ltd Sunflower Dhara health (500 160 378 2/11/2062
Oil ml,1,2,5,10,15L)
Vegetable Swastik 41 27 12/1/2056
Tilganga Butwal PVC Pipe 50, 75, 110 mm 272 206 3/24/2070
Tondon (blank) HDPE Pipe Tondon(16 to 250 mm) 303 40 8/7/2070
pvt Ltd
Tri Shakti Nawalparasi PVC Cable Trishakti cable 64 344 2/2/2053
Cable Ind
Pvt Ltd
Udayapur Udaypur OPC Cement Gaindachhap 53 49 5/24/2055
United Dhading OPC Cement United 356 49 7/22/2072
P Ltd
United Wire Chitwan PVC Cable United Cable 239 344 4/30/2069
and Cable
pvt ltd
Vishal Rupandehi OPC Cement Bishal 269 49 2/2/2070
Ind Pvt ltd PPC Cement Bishal Shakti, Ratna, Ashoka 299 385 5/28/2070

Yeti Plastic Kathmandu HDPE Pipe Yeti ( upto 2.5 kgf/cm2 of 298 40 5/20/2070
Ind P Ltd 225mm

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 90

$= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n laefuaf6 k|dfl0fs/0f ul/Psf k|of]uzfnfx?
1. AASTA Scientific Lab Pvt. Ltd, l8lNnahf/, sf7df8}f+ .
2. BatabaraniaSewa Kendra, lj/f6gu/,df]/ª
3. CEMAT Lab Pvt. Ltd. d}ltb]lj, sf7df8}f+ .
4. ENPHO Lab, aa/dxn, sf7df8}f+ .
5. GCT Scientific Research & Development Lab Pvt. Ltd. lj/u+h, k;f{
6. Multi Pharmaceutical Laboratory Pvt. Ltd. s'k08f]n, nlntk'/ .
7. Nepal Research Foundation, lj/u~h, k;f{
8. NESS Lab Pvt. Ltd.cgfdgu/, sf7df8}f+ .
9. Soil Test, Pvt. LtdalQ;k'tnL, sf7df8}f+ .
10. Water Engineering and Training Center, d}ltb]lj, sf7df8}f+ .

%=laefuaf6 Joj:yfkg k|dfl0fs/0f ePsf kmd{x?sf] ljj/0f

Certified by NS/ISO 9001:2008

1. Bhagwati Steel Industries Pvt. Ltd. ( Design, Manufacture and Supply of Mild Steel
Pipes( Black and Galvanized) Hollow Section GPI Sheets, CTL Sheets, Shutter Profiles,
Sheet Tubular Poles ( Welded and Folded), Steel Telescope Poles, Poles Accessories,
Telecommunication and Electrical Transmission Tower, Steel Bridge and Structure)
2. Pashupati Filter Candle Udhog Pvt. Ltd. ( Manufacture and Supply of Low Pressure
Regulator ( for L. P. Gas )
3. BarahaJewellery Industries Pvt. Ltd. ( Manufacture and Supply of Diamond, Gold and
Silver Jewellery)
4. Mahalaxmi Gas Regulator ( Manufacturing and Supply of Low Pressure Regulator for Use
with Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG)
5. New BarahaJewellery ( Manufacture and Sales of Gold, Silver, Diamond and Gems
6. BarahaJewellery , Dharan (Manufacture and Sales of Gold and Silver Jewellery)
7. Eastern Cosmos Cement Pvt. Ltd ( Manufacture and Supply of Portland Pozzolona
8. Crew Management Pvt. Ltd.( Management of Training , Private Recruitment and Job
Placement Services of Crew.
91 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !
9. Apushree Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. ( Providing Human Resources and Services Related to
Cleaning, Gardening and Sweeping)

10. Mangalam Industries Pvt. Ltd ( Manufacture and Sales of CPVC and u PVC)Certified by HACCP

11. Swastik Oil Industries Pvt. Ltd. , Sunsari by HACCP ( Receiving of Crude Vegetable Oil,
Processing ( Refining, Bleaching, Deodorization, Hydrogenation) of Crude Vegetable Oil
for Manufacturing of Packaged Refined Vegetable Oils ( Soyabean, Sunflower, Palmolein),
Bakery Shortening, Vegetable Ghee and Dispatch for the Sale in Nepal)

^= ljefusf] Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ePsf] ;]jfx?

 NABL, Indiajf6 /;fog tyf vfB ;DjGwL (@ cf]6f kl/If0fdf -kfgL, rfprfp, lhcfO{
tf/, lhcfO{ kfO{k, cf]lk;L, lklk;L, lkP;;L l;d]G6, l3pt]n_ Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ePsf]
 NABL jf6 df; k|of]uzfnf ! ldu|f b]vL @) s]hL ;Ddsf] ;fy} Volume
] g ;]jfsf] !) dfO{qmf]ln6/ !) ln6/ ;Ddsf] Soflnj|z ] g ;]jfsf]
Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ePsf] .
 !# j:t'df -rfprfp, bfgf, lj:s'6, ux'sf] lk7f], kmnfd] 808L, lhcfO tf/, l;lhcfO
l;6, lhcfO kfO{k, Prl8kL kfO{k, lkle;L kfO{k, tLg k|sf/sf l;d]G6 _ ul/g] k|df0fLs/0f
;]jfsf ;DjGwdf NABCB, India jf6 Ps|Ll86]zg k|fKt ePsf] .
 NABCB, India jf6 ljefun] ISO 9001:2008;DjGwL k|df0fLs/0f ;]jfdf Ps|Ll86]zg
k|fKt ePsf] .

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 92

&_ tflnd ;+rfng (2013 to 2016)
SN Date Topics Target group No of Location

July 30- August 2, Training on QMS Master degree students of 55( 2 NBSM,
2013 and Food Safety Padma Kanya College of groups) Kathmandu
Home Science
(Shrawan 15-18, Department
March 23-24, 2014 Training on QMS Bachelor level students 40 NBSM,
(Chaitra 9-10, 2070) and ISO 9001 of Industrial Engineering Kathmandu
of Thapathai engineering
May 19-20 2014 Requirements of Laboratory personnel of 30 NBSM,
(Jestha 5-7, 2071) ISO 17025 government and private Kathmandu
laboratories and NBSM
June 9,2014 ( Jestha Awareness on Top management of ISO 25 NBSM,
27, 2071) Management Sys- 9001 certified Kathmandu
tem Certification organizations
June 17-19,2014 Measurement Laboratory personnel of 25 NBSM,
Uncertainty government and private Kathmandu
(Asadh 3-5,2071) laboratories and NBSM
September10-11, Quality Assur- Employees of Hetauda 30 Hetauda
2014 ( Bhadra 25- ance in Cement and Udaypur Cement
26, 2071) Industries Industries
November 10-13, Training on QMS Master degree students of 40+40 (2 NBSM,
2014 (kartik 24-27, and Food Safety Padma Kanya College of batch) Kathmandu
2071) Home Science
November 18 -21, Laboratory Laboratory personnel of 15 Banke,
2014 (Mansir 2-5, accreditation, seed testing laboratories Nepalgunj
2071) weights and
March 25-26, 2015 Quality Manage- Bachelor level students of 45 NBSM,
(Chaitra 11-12, ment based on Industrial engineering of Kathmandu
2071) ISO 9001 Thapathali Campus
June 2015 Interaction pro- Private Industries and 30 FNCCI,
gram on WTO/ FNCCI staffs Kathmandu
(Jestha 2015) TBT
Dec 27-31, 2016 Laboratory Mgmt Employees of Seed 12 Harihar
(12-16 Poush 2072) in Seed testing testing laboratories Bhavan,
lab Lalitpur

93 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Jan 13, 2016 (Poush Training on Qual- NBSM employees 40 NBSM,
29, 2072) ity Infrastruc- Kathmandu
ture for NBSM
Feb 1-2, 2016 Training on NBSM Employees 20 NBSM,
(Magh 18-21, 2072) Reference Mate- Kathmandu
rials for NBSM
Feb 17, 2016 Interaction cottage and small scale 60 Bhrikuti
(Fagun 5, 2072) Program on industry entrepreneurs Manadap,
Standards and Kathmandu
Metrology for
cottage and small
industry entrepre-
June 2016, (Jestha Interaction pro- Industrialists and traders 40 Biratnagar
gram on WTO /
2073) TBT in Birat-
March 17, 2016 Interaction pro- NBSM Employees NBSM,
(Chaitra 4, 2072) gram on SARSO Kathmandu
and standardiza- 30
March 30- April 1, Training on QMS PK College students PK College
2016) (Chaitra and Food Safety , Kathman-
17-19, 2072) 60 du
June 13-14, 2016 Training on Qual- Employees of Cement NBSM,
(Jestha 31-32, 2073) ity Assurance in industries and NBSM Kathmandu
Cement Indus- 30
tries ,
June 15-16, 2016 Training on Qual- Employees of Steel indus- NBSM,
(Asadh 1-2, 2073) ity Assurance in tries and NBSM Kathmandu
Steel bar Indus- 30
August 8 2016 Training on lab- NBSM laboratory Staff 15 NBSM,
(Shrawan 24, 2073) oratory manage- Kathmandu
September 3-4, Transition course ISO 9001 Auditors of 12 Hotel
2016 ( Bhadra 18- on ISO 9001- NBSM Manaslu
19, 20173) 2015 Kathmandu
September 5-9, Lead Auditor NBSM employees 10 Hotel
2016 ( Bhadra 20- course on ISO Manaslu
24, 2073) 9001-2015 Kathmandu

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 94

*_ Pg=P; Sjfln6L cjf8{ ljh]tfx?sf] ljj/0f
NS Quality Award-2015
s|=;+= Pg=P;=Sjfln6L cjf8{ pBf]usf] gfd / 7]ufgf Af:t'/kbfy{ Gf]=u'0f=
!= NS Quality Award -2015 >L hubDaf :6LN; k|f=ln= l;d/f kmnfd] 808L !(!
@= Letter of Appreciation >L z'e>L hubDaf k|f=ln=rf]gL{ k;f cf]=lk=;L= $(
#= Letter of Appreciation >L kz'klt lkmN6/ Sof08n pBf]u,/fdsf]6 PnlkhL /] %#)
sf7df08f u'n]6/

NS Quality Award-2014
s|=;+= Pg=P;=Sjfln6L cjf8{ pBf]usf] gfd / 7]ufgf Af:t'/kbfy{ Gf]=u'0f=
!= NS Quality Award -2014 >L d}gfjtL :tLn O{=k|f=ln. hL=cfO{= kfOk !((
b'xaL, ;'g;/L
@= Letter of Appreciation >L z'e>L hubDaf ldN;, k|f=ln=,rf]/ cf]=lk=;L= $(
gL ,k;f{
#= Letter of Appreciation >L l;=hL=g]kfn, b'Dsf}nL, Gfjnk/f;L lao/ @#

NS Quality Award-2013
s|=;+= Pg=P;=Sjfln6L cjf8{ pBf]usf] gfd / 7]ufgf Af:t'/kbfy{ Gf]=u'0f=
!= NS Quality Award -2013 >L Plzog k]G6\;-g]kfn_ O{=k|f=ln= O{gfd]n k]G6\; !!@
x]6f}8f cf}=If]= dsjfgk'/
@= Letter of Appreciation >L k~rsGof Knfl:6s O{= k|f=ln=,sf]l6xjf ,?k]Gb]lx Pr=l8=lk=O{ kfOk $)
#= Letter of Appreciation >L g]kfn l;ln08;{ O{= k|f=ln=,cdn]vu+h ,af/f Pn=lk=hL=l;ln08/ #^(

*_ j}b]lzs tflnd, cWoog ljj/0f

l;=g+= sd{rf/Lsf] gfd kb tflnd ljifo / d'n's cjlw
! >L z}n]z s'df/ emf lgb]{zs BIS India 3-7 August 2015
@= >L u0f]z k|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs ” ”
verification and calibration of
#= >L of]u]G› s'df/ kf}8]n j=lgb]{zs 7-11September, 2015
CNG dispensers, Malaysia
$= >L /fs]z s'df/ emf j=lgl/Ifs Balance calibration, China 28-30September, 2015
%= >L ljsf; WjGh' lgl/Ifs ” ”

95 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

&= >L ;Gtf]; zdf{ lgl/Ifs ” ”
24 August 4 Septem-
*= >L n]vgfy sF8]n lgb]{zs NABCB Exposure visit, India
ber, 2015
(= >L ljho bf; s]ldi6 ” ”
Impannel of 3rd party Assess- 15-16 September
!)= >L n]vgfy sF8]n lgb]{zs ment & Accreditation, India 2015
!!= >L OGho dfgGw/ s]ldi6 ” ”
!@= >L x]dGt/fh l3ld/] k|f=;= ISO workshop, Malaysia 26-28 August @)!%

Collaboration road map

pk between SARSO & PTB, 25-26 August 2015
!#= >L O{Gb' ljqmd hf]zL
{ s Bangladesh
16-17 November
!$= >L dl0f/fd e'iffn lgb]{zs TOT in ISO 17025, Sri Lanka
!%= >L ljho bf; s]ldi6 ” ”
Fourth Meeting SEGA, Sri- 18-20 November
!^= >L /fdlsz'g lu/L lgb]{zs Lanka 2015
!&= >L n]vgfy sF8]n lgb]{zs ” ”
Product Certification to ISO,
!*= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ pk-dxflgb]{zs Malaysia 4-10 October 2015

!(= >L cfnf]s ld> lgb]{zs ” ”

@)= >L ;+hLj s'df/ 7fs'/ lgb]{zs ” ”
ISO General Assembly Week, 14-18 September,
@!= >L ljZjjfj' k'8f;}gL dxflgb]{zs Switzerland 2015
FSMS Lead Auditor Training, September 7-11,
@@= >L lsz' dfgGw/ lgb]{zs New Delhi 2015
FSMS Lead Auditor Training, September 7-11,
@#= >L z'qm/fh clwsf/L s]ldi6 New Delhi 2015
26 October-1
@$= >L u+ufd}of zfSo lgb]{zs Lab Training, New Delhi
November, 2015
@%= >L zzLsnf dfgGw/ s]ldi6 ” ”
@^= >L lbk]G› emf s]ldi6 ” ”
@&= >L lbks 1jfnL s]ldi6 ” ”
@*= >L pd]z ofbj d]=O{= ” ”
ICS National Mirror Commit-
@(= >L u0f]z k|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs 2-6 November, 2015
tee Training, Ghana
#)= >L /fd ;'Gb/ ;fx s]ldi6 ISO/IEC Training, Malaysia 15-17 October 2015
28 November- 13
#!= >L /~hg g]kfn s]ldi6 AAS Training, Germany
December, 2015

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 96

#@= >L lbk]G› s'df/ emf s]ldi6 ” ”
Workshop on Cook Stove, 30 September-7 Oc-
##= >L u0f]z k|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs New Delhi tober, 2015
16-18 November
#$= >L lsz' dfgGw/ lgb]{zs Gender Workshop, Combodia
#%= >L ;'lzn s'df/ ;fx lgb]{zs ” ”
ISO 14001 for South Asian 21-23 December
#^= >L ;+lhj s'df/ 7fs'/ lgb]{zs Countries, Srilanka 2015
#&= >L dgf]h s'df/ pkfWofo s]ldi6 ” ”
SARSO Directives Part I,
#*= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ pkdxflgb]{zs II & Technical Mgmt Body, 9-12 December 2015
SARSO Directives Part I, II,
#(= >L ;'j0f{ k|;fb pkfWofo lgb]{zs 9-11 December 2015
Meeting on Metrology,
$)= >L dlgif s'df/ bf; j=lg/LIfs 28-29 October 2015
$!= >L ch{'g 9sfn lg/LIfs ” ”
SESA Steering Committee,
$@= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ pkdxflgb]{zs 28-29 October 2015
Follow-up seminar on Quality
$#= >L n]vgfy sF8]n lgb]{zs Infrastructure for Food Safety, 17-22January, 2016
$$= >L zzLsnf dfgGw/ s]ldi6 ” ”
Follow-up seminar on Quality
Infrastructure Development
$%= >L ;'j0f{ k|;fb pkfWofo lgb]{zs 25-28 January, 2016
in Support of World Trade,
$^= >L u+uf d}+of zfSo lgb]{zs ” ”
$& >L u0f]z k|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs 16-19 February, 2016
17025, South Africa
Inter-laboratory Comparison
$* >L ch{'g 9sfn lg/LIfs Exercise for Hydraulic 25-29 January 2016
Pressure Standard, Thailand
$(= >L e'jg bjf8L lg/LIfs ” ”
Flammable Refrigerants in
%)= >L ljZjafj' k'8f;}gL dxflgb]{zs the Room Air Conditioner 29-3 March, 2016
-RAC_, China
Fourth Meeting of the
14-15 December,
%!= >L ljZjafj' k'8f;}gL dxflgb]{zs Governing Board of SARSO,
Training Course for Energy
%@= >L ;Gtf]if zdf{ lg/LIfs 8-11 May, 2016
Mgmt, Bangla

97 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

Follow up Gender Training,
%#= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ pk-dxflgb]{zs SriLanka 8-9 March, 2016

Follow up Gender Training,

%$= >L ;+hLj s'df/ 7fs'/ lgb]{zs 8-9 March, 2016
Follow up Gender Training,
%%= >L z'lzns'df/ zfx lgb]{zs 8-9 March, 2016
%^= >L n]vgfy s8]n lgb]{zs SEGA, Bhutan 13-14 April, 2016
%&= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ pk-dxflgb]{zs CASCO, UAE 3-5 May, 2016
%*= >L sdn cf]emf lg/LIfs Fuel Dispenser, Thailand 11-13 July, 2016
GPS time transfer & Calibra-
%( >L z'lzn s'df/ zfx j=lg/LIfs 27-28 April, 2016
tion Tech, Taiwan
STC on Food &Agri, Building
^)= >L u0f]zk|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs 10-11 May, 2016
Material, SriLanka
STC on Building Material,
^!= >L dl0f/fd e'iffn lgb]{zs 12-13 May, 2016
STC on Food &Agri,
^@= >L /d]z v8\sf km'=6]= 10-11 May, 2016
^#= >L n]vgfy s8]n lgb]{zs APLAC/PAC, Taiwan 12-17 June, 2016
^$= >L /d]z v8\sf km'=6]= APLAC/PAC, Taiwan 12-17 June, 2016
STC Chairs & Secretaries,
^%= >L u0f]zk|;fb kf7s lgb]{zs 31 May-2 June, 2016
STC Chairs & Secretaries,
^^= >L /fdls;'g lu/L lgb]{zs 31 May-2 June, 2016
^&= >L ljZjjfj' k'8f;}gL dxflgb]{zs Network Meeting Ozone, Fiji 14-20 June, 2016
ISO 14001 2015/LCA,
^*= >L ;+lhjs'df/ 7fs'/ lgb]{zs 6-8 June, 2016
^(= >L dgf]hs'df/ pkfWofo s]ldi6 ISO 14001 2015/LCA, SriLanka 6-8 June, 2016
&)= >L /f]dL dfgGw/ { s Lead Auditor Training, India 6-10 June , 2016
pk -dxflgb]z
14 July 2016 b]lv @
&!= >L zDe' emf O=O= PG Diploma in WRD, India
jif{sf] nflu

(_ lgo'lQm
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!= >L b]j]G› s]=;L= zfvf clws[t÷/f=k=t[= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
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$= >L ;'lht s'df/ rf}w/L k|f=;=÷/f=k=cg+=k|=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 98
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^= >L cho s'df/ u'Ktf gf=k|f=;=÷/f=k=cg+=l4=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
&= >L odg l;+x /fgf gf=k|f=;=÷/f=k=cg+=l4=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
*= >L s]zj/fh a:g]t k|f=;=÷/f=k=cg+=l4=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
(= >L s[i0fk|;fb kf}8]n k|f=;=÷/f=k=cg+=l4=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu

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!= >L OGb' ljs|d hf]zL pk–dxflgb{]zs g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n vfgL tyf e'ue{ ljefu,
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] s'df/ emf lgb{]zs÷ g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n vfgL tyf e'ue{ ljefu,
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$ >L zlz e'if0f s'df/ a=lg=÷ u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n
ofbj /f=k=l4=k|f= If]qLo sfof{no, g]kfnu+h If]qLo sfof{no, sf7df8f}
%= >L /fs]z s'df/ emf a=lg=÷ g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n
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&= >L sdn cf]emf lgl/Ifs÷ u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n
/f=k=t[= sfof{no,hgsk'/ If]qLo sfof{no, sf7df8f}

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emf /f=k=t[=k|f= sfof{no,hgsk'/ sfof{no, g]kfnu+h
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%= ejfgL k|;fb k|f=;=÷/f=k= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf s]ldi6÷ jg:ktL ljefu
clwsf/L cg+=k|=k|f= gfktf}n ljefu /f=k=t[[=k|f=

99 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

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!= >L zf}efUo nIdL hf]zL a=vf=c=c=÷/f=k=l4=k|f= g]kfn u'0f:t/ tyf gfktf}n ljefu
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adf]lhdsf] sd{rf/LnfO{ pTs[i6 sd{rf/Lsf] ?kdf k|z+zf–kq k|bfg u/L k'/:s[t ul/of] .

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Iflt k'u]sf] ejgx?sf] retrofitting, kfls{Ë ;]8 lgdf{0f, zf}rfno :t/f]GgtL ug{] sfo{s|d ;DkGg
ul/Psf] .
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!_ a}b]lzs ;xfotf, cg'bfg P+j k|fljlws ;xof]u
1. Implimentation Agreement between Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt PTB
Ministry of Industry (MoI) Support to Nepal in the field of Quality Infrastructure
(2nd Phase).
2. UNEP Ozone Secratariate
Institutional Strengthening, HCFC Phase-out Management Plan (HPMP) – First
Tranche& ODS Alternatives Survey
u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 100

Market access and Trade Facilitation Support for South Asian LDCs, through
Strengthening Institutional and National Capacities Related to Standards, Metrology,
Testing and Quality (SMTQ) – Phase III 2013 July to 3 years

4. Support for Trade and Economic Capacity Building: Trade and Private Sector
Development (Component 2: Quality Infrastructure Development)

Improved standards development capacity and increased capacity of relevant

institutions (including the Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology) to provide better
services to the private sector. Improved regulatory environment regarding Technical
Barriers to Trade (TBT),

#= If]lqo tyf b'O{klIfo ;Demf}tfx?

1. South Asian Regional Standards Organization (SARSO)
2. Bilateral Cooperation Agreement Between Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
and BIS, India
3. Agreement on Cooperation for Industrial Product Inspection Between General
Adminstration of Quality Supervision, Inspection & Quarantine of the People’s
Repblic of China (AQSIQ), China& Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology (NBSM)
at 6th Oct, 2005
4. Memorandum Of Understanding Between Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
(NBSM) &National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB), India as
a National Accreditation Focal Point (NAFP) at 22nd Jan, 2014
5. Memorandum Of Understanding Between Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
(NBSM) & National Accreditation Board for Laboratories (NABL), India as a
National Accreditation Focal Point (NAFP) at 25th March 2015
6. Memorandum Of Understanding Between Nepal Bureau of Standards & Metrology
(NBSM) & Bangladesh Standards & Testing Institution (BSTI) at 11th May, 2016 in
scope of to facilitate close cooperation & provide mechanism by which NBSM &
BSTI can work together towards the common aim of strengthening standardization,
certification, measurement & testing activities & facilitate sharing of expertise for
promoting mutual trade.

101 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s ! 102
103 u'0f:t/ klqsf jif{ ##, c+s !

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