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Republic of the Philippines

Marciano del Rosario Memorial National High School

Pamaldan, Cabanatuan City
SY 2018-2019
Junior High School Department
Lesson Plan in English
Date: November 5, 2018 (Monday)
Quarter: Second (2nd)
Grade Level/Section: 10 Paglingap (7:30-8:30), 10 STE (8:30-9:30), Pag-unawa (11:00-
12:00), and Paglilingkod (1:00-2:00)
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. identify the elements of the story in the reading material “Federigo’s Falcon”;

b. determine the tone and the mood of the selection; and (EN10LT-lle-2.2.3)
c. show the value of selflessness through differentiated performance-based tasks.

Topic: Federigo’s Falcon by Giovanni Boccacio
References: Teacher’s Manual pp. 181-186 and Leaner’s Manual pp. 200-208
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, Big Book, Chalk and Blackboard
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preliminary Activity

“Goodmorning Class!” “Goodmorning Ma’am”

“Before we start, will someone lead the (One student will lead the prayer)

“Before you all sit, pick up any trash under (students pick the trash under their chairs)
your chairs.”

“Group one is there any absent in your “Nobody is absent, Ma’am”


“Group two is there any absent in your “Nobody is absent, Ma’am”


“Group three is there any absent in your “Nobody is absent, Ma’am”


“Group four is there any absent in your “Nobody is absent, Ma’am”


“Excellent. Let us begin our discussion by

having a short review. Will someone share
what he or she learned from the topic last
“Our topic last meeting was about Subject
and Verb Agreement. It says that a subject
must always agree with its verb, number and
“Very good. To begin our lesson, I will show
you a video presentation that is related to our
topic. I want you to watch it and analyze what
is the video trying to tell us.”

“What is the video all about?”

“The video is about selfless love. Although
his wife does not remember him anymore, he
still love and take care of her.”
“Exactly. For today’s lesson we will see how
powerful love is. What love can do to a

B. Lesson Proper

 (Before Reading)

“Your assignment last meeting is to research “Yes Ma’am”

about Decameron. Did you do your

“Alright. Will someone share his or her “The Decameron was written by Giovanni
findings about Decameron. What is Boccacio (1313-1375), during this period,
Decameron all about? Who is the author of Europe was suffering from Bubonic plague or
it?” Black death in which it was a very serious
disease that was spread by rats and caused
many deaths during the Middle ages.”

“Alright. Very good. The Decameron

comprises of 100 Novellas told by three men
and seven women over a ten day journey
away from the plague-infested Florence. The
Decameron is said to be a portrayal of
everyday life including wit, and mockery. The
title comes from the two Greek words deka
meaning ten and hemera or day.”

“This is the map of Europe, which shows the

countries affected by the plague. Around 80%
of Europe was hit by the plague. This is
where the story took place.”

“Do you have any questions so far?” “None Ma’am”

 (Unlocking of Word Difficulties)

“Before we discuss the Federigo’s Falcon. Let

us first unlock the meaning of the difficult
words through the game
“Four Pic and One word. If you want to
answer just raise your hand.”

“None Ma’am”


loves selflessly. His generosity led him to

sacrifice his prized possession for the woman
“Do you have any questions? Any
he loves.”
“Mona. As a mother, she will do anything for
 (During Reading) her son.”
“Since the selection is too long I asked you “As I read the story I feel bad for Federigo
ahead of time to read Federigo’s Falcon.” because he lost all his possession but at the
same time I am happy because at the end he
“Did you read the story? If you really did, married his true love.”
Will you describe the characters in the story?”
“I was very touched with the kinds of love the
characters have shown in the story. The
unconditional love of Mona to her son and the
selfless love of Federigo towards Monna.”

“I think the author is mournful while writing

the story. As mentioned earlier the setting of
the story is in Europe, and that time there was
“Well said. What did you feel upon reading a plague that affected over 80% of the
the selection?” country. It reflects in the story because there
were many deaths and loses that happened in
the story.”

“Excellect. What attitude of the author is

reflected in the selection?”

“Very good. For further discussion, each

group will accomplish the Plot Diagram.”

“Here’s what you are going to do:

 The teacher will give each group an

envelope containing the strips of paper
that will form the plot the story.
 The group will use it to label the Plot
 The first group to finish will present their
work in front of the class.”

“Thank you for your participation. I provided None Ma’am.”

some questions to test if you really
understand the task.”

1. How do the elements help you

understand the flow of the story?
2. What is the central dominating
idea of Federigo’s Falcon?
3. In what way do the elements
contribute to your understanding
of the selection’s over all theme?
“Do you have any questions?”

“Okay then let’s have our group activity.”

C. Application

“Here’s what you are going to do:

 Group 1 will recite a spoken poetry

about the love story of Federigo and
Monna. “None Ma’am”
 Group 2 make a comparison of how
men court women in the old days
compare to the present day.
 Group 3 will write a slogan about the (one student will answer)
theme of the selection “Selfless love”
 Group 4 will assume the character of
Federigo and will write a love letter to
 Each group will have 5 minutes to do
the activity and 5 minutes to present
their works.”

“Any questions?”

D. Generalization

“To wrap up our discussion, what did you

learn from today’s discussion?”
“You will be given 30 second to answer each question. Read each statement carefully and
write the letter of the correct answer in ¼ sheet of paper. Afterwards, pass the paper to the
center aisle then forward.”

Directions: Read each statement comprehensively and write the letter of the correct answer in
¼ sheet of paper.

1. Who wrote “The Decameron”?

a. Giovanni Boccaccio
b. Geoffrey Chaucer
c. William Shakespeare
2. What happened to Federigo's love interest that makes her seek him out?
a. Her son got sick
b. She needs money
c. Her husband leaves her
3. How many people travel to the country and participate in the story telling?
a. 10
b. 29
c. 30
d. 5
4. Why is Federigo poor?
a. He spent all of his money trying to woo a woman.
b. He had a gambling addiction.
c. He spent it all on his falcon.
5. How many stories are told in The Decameron?
a. 10
b. 116
c. 100
d. 29
6. What does Federigo did to honor Monna?
a. He offered his money
b. He cooked his falcon
c. He gave her his barn
7. What is the main value implied in the story?
a. Depression
b. Comedy
c. Selflessness
8-10. Identify the theme, mood and the tone of the story.

“I will show you a video that is related to our next topic. Watch carefully and analyze what is
the message of the video.”

Guide Questions:

1. What is the video all about?

2. Is the video trying to convince you to do something?
3. Find out the purpose of the speech of Jesse Robredo entitled “Follow Your Heart;
Pursue Your Dreams”.

Reference: Learner’s Manual pp. 210-215

Prepared by: Verified by:

Practice Teacher Master Teacher I

Checked by: Reviewed by:

Cooperating Teacher Head Teacher I

Noted by:
Principal III

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