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Silver Lakes Garden Club Meeting Minutes

February 12th, 2020

The meeting was called to order at 4:01 pm by Co-Chr. Margaret Weber. 24 members were
present plus our BOD liaison, Robert Raake. Minutes from the meeting on January 29th, 2020,
having been distributed via email were approved. Motion, Becki Vettiner, second, Dee Vito.
All members warmly welcomed Joyce Braungart back into our fellowship. Joyce's smile and
energy have been missed these past several months!
New members, Judy Holland and Barb Sweitzer were acknowledged and welcomed into our

FINANCIAL REPORT: Mary-Jo Kolde, reporting for Chautzie Wood, treasurer, reported
income of $228.00 ( Bake sale, 1/21/2020, and a donation to the garden club from Cindi Noble)
Expenses were $265.81 ( purchase of insect repellent and a watering can plus payment to the
SL Box Office for tickets purchased by our Annual Raffle winner) Our balance as of 2/12/2020
is $6,051.66.

Major Event for 2021 Season: Our investigative committee of Diane Schmaus, Gloria
Padula, Donna Mathewson and Jolene Smith have agreed to oversee our event for next season
and presented the following proposal:
^Event would feature a cocktail hour with hors d'oeuvres offered at food stations and timed
from 6:30 to 7:30 pm. (this would NOT be a dinner event)
^7:30 to 8:15 entertainment provided by Anton Tony Doran, featuring outstanding piano and
^8:15 to 8:45 dessert, coffee, tea and perhaps some interactive trivia.
^8:45 to 9:30 our singing piano man returns for a second set.
A vote of members was taken to accept this 'new event idea' for our club next season and it
Sign up sheets will be circulated for participation from all members on committees focusing
on hors d'oeuvres, desserts, decorations etc. All members are requested to bring to our next
meeting ideas or recipes for the food we would offer, preparation logistics and if
reimbursement costs would be a factor.
Watering Schedule: All members received an email from Chautzie Wood on 2/11/2020, with
important points on watering. Please refer to her email for reminders. Here is a summary:
*plants at the Starter Shack and Gazebo: watered by the Starters but WE fertilize every two
*Gazebo hanging baskets need to be “dead-headed”
*tool bags need to be cleaned out of debris and hoses dried out.
*pass tool bags on to the next Team Leader no later than Sunday afternoon.
*new plantings at the DCH pool (added by Margaret, Mel, Donna and Dee) DO NOT
*Kathy Bisonic purchased three ferns for the DCH pool.
Any questions, please call Chautzie.
Bake Sale: Kathy Bisonic reported that we have collected $431 thus far from our bake sale
goods at Hot Dog Tuesdays. She is transitioning the bake sale duties back to Joyce Braungart
who will be sending out reminders to bakers and workers.
Education: Nancy Kroupa reminded members that The Naples Orchid Society will be
hosting their 47th Annual Orchid Show and Sale--'Wild About Orchids!' Saturday and Sunday
February 22 and 23, at the Botanical Gardens.
Our next educational offering for the Silver Lakes Community will occur on Tuesday,
March 10th, 12 – 1:30 pm at the DCH. Speaker Twyla Leigh from the UF/IFAS Extension
Collier County will speak on the subject of orchids. Our club will have orchids for sale at this
On Thursday, March 19th Garden Club members have the opportunity to enjoy lunch at The
Ridgeway Grill on Third Avenue followed by a tour of the Palm Cottage in downtown Naples.
Since we have a large group, we will be divided into two groups for lunch and the tour. A sign
up sheet was circulated for members to commit to this event and groups will be divided at a
later date. The cost of this cottage tour is $12, payable to Jane Barry.
Social/Membership: Kathy Bisonic announced that with the addition of our two new
members, our roster is complete. Kathy distributed a description of our new Public Relations
position which can be found on our website: This position has
been filled by Nancy Kroupa.
Memorial Garden: Gloria Padula said we have one memorial brick ordered and information
on ordering will appear on SLPOA and Coffee Notes.

Planting Project: Margaret Weber acknowledged Margaret Raake, Mel Presgraves, Dee Vito
and Donna Mathewson, who purchased and planted the beautiful additions to the DCH pool
area. Peggy Shereda has treated the infested gardenia plants with Neem Oil. It was noted that
the palms outside the entrance to the DCH are infringing upon the entrance area. We will look
into adjusting the position of the pots. A suggestion was made to label the plantings around our
pools to enlighten those interested in types of Florida plantings.
Project ideas for Garden Club Support: Members are asked to bring good ideas to our next
meeting as to potential projects for our support. Ideas need to be researched with
documentation as to projected costs so we can vote next meeting. Three projects previously
brought to our attention by the Planning Committee of Silver Lakes: DCH pool deck
expansion, flagpole with lighting at our entrance and additional benches placed around our
community. Be prepared for discussion and vote Wednesday, February 26th.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, February 26th, 2020, 3 to be determined. Watch

for an email. Please note 3 pm time.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 pm

Respectfully submitted,
Mary-Jo Kolde

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