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La Salle Green Hills




A Mixed Method (Qualitative and Quantitative) Research Presented to Adult Night High School

Senior High School La Salle Green Hills

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Practical Research II

Prepared by:


ALMOETE, Princess S.


ESCALA, Angel Mikaela L.


LATONERO, Julieta L.

TALABON, Angelyn M.


Submitted to:

Mr. Hardie Gieben M. Cruz

La Salle Green Hills


Chapter 1: The Problem and Its Background

Introduction 1

Statement of the Problem 3

Scope and Delimitations 3

Significance of the Study 4

Definition of Terms 5

Chapter 2: Review of Related Literature

Factors: Personal 6

Society 6

Family 7

Financial 8

Chapter 3: Methodology

Research Design 10

Research Location 10

Population and Sample 11

Respondents Profile 11

Instrument Used 12

Data Gathering Procedure 12

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The Problem and a Review of Literature

Background of the Study

Nowadays, there are certain factors of an individual that affects how to choose or make a

decision choosing their strand. Factors are one of the things that affects an event, decision, or

situation in one person’s life. This research focused on what factors that Influence Grade 10

Students in Choosing Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Course. As we all know

there are many courses in Senior High School but why do students choose ABM course? There

are several factors that cause students to pick their strand, one main reason is their parents. The

parents’ influence the decision of the children on how to pursue their life in college. The

disadvantage to this scenario is they will dictate their future and they will need to follow that. And

the other problem is that their parents will have compared them to other family member on what

they have achieved in life. According to Carpio (2018), it cannot be denied that parents, most of

the time, want to have a say on what is the “right,” “best,” or “most practical” course.

Passion is also affecting the student on choosing a course, because some of the students

have a confusion on what they want to pursue in college, and it may be a mistake if they are not

happy to that. And also, the problem is sometimes they really want it but the standard of that

course was not reached. According to Digos (2016), your guide to choose your course is all about

passion. Your passion for your course, and for your future career. Because the secret to

happiness is being able to love whatever it is you do in life. Their passion on what they want to

take is an advantage for them to pursue the course they want.

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Peers or Friends are also a factor that affect the students, if their friend wants to pursue

other course in college and you want is not the same, you may shift to that course so that you

and your friends will be together, the dilemma here is the decision you made is not based on what

you want. The disadvantage is you may be constrained on what you’ve taken. Furthermore, Chico

(2018) mentioned that students ambition in life or the career that they wanted to pursue in the

future is due to their peer’s influence. It is based on his research about what affect the students

to choose their strand.

There are students who like Math subject that they think ABM strand is all about math

problems or most of the lesson is related to math computations. They don’t have the knowledge

that all strands compose of math subject, they only consider ABM strand because of mathematics.

So, if you take ABM strand as not what you want, it is just based because you only love math.

And if you think that if you’re good at math, it will be easy? Absolutely not.

Some of the students don’t have enough financial to take what course they want, so they

go to a school that they can afford with limited courses only. Jackson (2012) conducted a research

with findings that the parents influence their child in choosing their course/ track because they

think about their financial situation.

Students also take this course because if they chose it, they would have a secured future.

They chose ABM strand because they want to make their lives rich and they did not consider if

they will be happy taking that course. Pecilicious (2018) concluded that choosing ABM track is

just choosing to be more future oriented because this program will not just give you learns but

also knowledge to stand alone, to start a business and to be financially free without investing a

large of money, but just a big risk and faith.

Math, Peers and business are outstanding factors as to why ABM is the desired strand for

many. Observed from the statements from the authors that we’ve gathered such as,
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“I really love math because math is fun. I like it because it helped me to obtain and develop my

personality as a Public Accountant Someday” (Casilac, 2016). In fact, some are affected by peers

(Chico, 2018).

Urbecon (2017) threw some light on the role of school facilities in determining student

performance. The author added that environmental conditions and school size can contribute the

influence of school towards student choice of career. The ABM track is for those who plan on

taking up Economics, Business Administration, Accountancy and Marketing. You will be trained

in practicing proper time management and develop many other skills that are going to be

applicable for almost any career path that you choose in pursuing college. Hard work and

determination are also the key success. Based on the researcher, the advantage in choosing a

career life is you must not only consider on what you want to be. You must consider also the

people around you, the situation you faced on and the capacity of your brain to survive. In taking

this step, you must be serious and clear this up before wasting so much time, effort and money.

This study aimed to determine the factors that influence Grade 10 Students in choosing

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) course.

La Salle Green Hills
Review of Literature


According to Digos (2016), your guide to choose your course is all about passion. Your

passion for your course, and for your future career. Because the secret to happiness is being able

to love whatever it is you do in life. When choosing your course, you must think about your existing

experience and skill set, to consider prospective careers and employment opportunities, to think

subject interest you and to talk to your employer, colleagues or peers about which courses are

relevant and may improve your career. Related to this, Hernandez (2016) stated that working

hard for something we don’t care about is called stress, while working for something we loved is

called passion. Tying up to this, Soriano (2017) also mentioned that when she found out about

the different tracks her heart was immediately set on ABM because this is what she wants to do

for the rest of her life. She believes that entrepreneurship is her passion and didn’t have a hard

time choosing her track.

Looking into this, it only means that when you choose a strand, you must love what you

chose for you to be successful in the near future. If you’re determined enough to study even

though you chose a strand that is only aligned to you and not the strand that interest you, there’s

always possibly that you can do it. ABM is one of the strands that needs a determination. So, if

you want to be successful someday you need to have hard work, willpower, focus and you also

need to love your strand and studies.


Jeynes (2002) believed that parent socio-economic condition, which includes parent’s

academic and professional qualification, revenue and occupational affliction, is also associated

with student’s decisions in choosing the right track or course for them. In addition, the result of

many studies confirmed that the choice of track or course of students is contingent upon parent’s
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socio-economic status. So, the students belonging to background from higher social economic

standard will perform better than those students associated with low socioeconomic status is

generally determined by combining parent’s qualification, occupation and income standard (Harry


A family is a place in which the children acquire and understand realities (Wary &

Passman, 1996) and parents are there to serve as significant interpreters of information to their

children about the real world (Hal et al., 1996). But most of the time, the difficult or challenging

part when entering senior high school is the fact that parents tend to meddle with their children’s

decisions. Although the influence of parents on the course of their children can be categorized

broadly due to different factors which include their financial capacity, their own careers or interest

and their personal aspirations.

Parent’s job/occupation

Mtemeri (2017) revealed that the influence of parents was rated highly as compared to

other family members. Furthermore, Forges (2018) added that the most chosen factor affects the

ABM students is because of their parent’s occupation, and parent’s educational attainment.

It means that parents remarkably affect the decisions of the students in choosing ABM as their


Most often than not, parents convince their children to take up a course that they think is

better for them (Hoffeses, 2018). A lot of parents think that what they took up is also what is good

for their own children. Some wants to grow and have their own business. Their minds are set to

the notion that having a business means better financial stability. Maybe because of what they

are today in their workplace. Kids might have their own idea of what they want to take but because

they love and respect their parents, they get influenced and tend to obey decisions when it comes

to their choice of strands (Martin, 2019). That is mainly the reason why they ask their kids to take

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Parents own dream career before

Parents should support their children’s passion and interest not their own interest. Some

student’s choice of career was influenced by their parents own dream (Dollaga, 2019). Connected

to the parent’s influence on their kids. Other parents nowadays have also experienced being

forced to take up courses that their parents wanted when they were in their school years. Because

of that, they were not able to pursue their own dreams, reason why they tend to pass it to their

own children. They want their kids to pursue their own unfulfilled dreams promising them a brighter

future. Still other parents have already gotten their dream career and wants to pass it down to the

next generation. They want their sons and daughters to follow their footsteps and be like them


Parents educational attainment

Students who have degree holder parents can give big impact in choosing their strand.

This result concludes that maybe due to traditions which is to follow the parent’s footsteps

(Sierra, 2016). More so, Forges (2018) stressed that the second most chosen factor that affected

the choice of students in choosing ABM as their course is their parents’ educational attainment.

Commonly factor that also influence the students is that parent’s educational attainment.

Parents level of education would also really affect student’s choice. Educated parents can assess

their child choosing the right track for them by knowing their strengths and weaknesses

(Gooding, 2001). Their thinking is that whatever they have attained in their education, their child

should be able to attain also or even better. Though, most parents were not able to take up a

degree in their school years, they want their children to be better and since ABM is the easiest

way to get into, they influence their children to choose ABM strand.

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Mtemeri (2017) stated that the factors affect the students to choose their strand is by the

influence of their peers. Whereas Chico (2018) also mentioned that students ambition in life or

the career that they wanted to pursue in the future is due to their peer’s influence. It is based on

his research about what affect the students to choose their strand. Similarly, Villoga (2019) said

that close friend can convince and push the person to go to ABM strand.

Psychology experts Laurence Steinberg and Jason Chein have detailed many elements

of peer influence and adolescent decision-making. He revealed that peers can give big impact to

someone’s life. That every individual has experienced how peers influence every decision that we

make in our lives (National Center if Biotechnology Information, US, 2012). It only proves that

peers are there and almost takes over our views towards the outside world. Relating to this

research is how peers influence our take when choosing the right track or course in senior high

or college. As the saying goes by an anonymous author “Your friends don’t just influence your

decisions but they can alter your view of the world, change your perception and turn you into a

different person! (,2018)


“I do really love mathematics because it’s easier for me than the other subjects and it’s very

fun and exciting.” (Villoga, 2019). Likewise, Casilac (2016), enunciated that she really loves math

because math is fun. She like it because it helped her to obtain and develop her personality as a

Public Accountant someday. As well as Iahmysterious (2016) stated that the students choose

ABM is because they want to improve their skills in mathematics and be prepared for the harder


Choosing a career is difficult as it will predict your future (Grant, 2013). Choosing a track or

course to take in senior high school or college is crucial decision for students (Carpio, 2018). More

often than not, students see ABM as something very related to math. They think that this course

focused on math problems or most of the things that they will learn is related to computations.
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Students who excel in their math subjects tend to think ABM as strand destined for them. Most

students enter ABM because math is their passion and they enjoy doing it. They believe that if

they enter this strand they will enjoy and they will love learning new thing about it.


Financial matters would greatly support or hinder the students when it comes to choosing

the right track in college. Financial factor can be categorized into two, family’s financial and future


Families financial

For practically reasons, it is also reported that parents usually encourage careers that will

not cost much money, but at the same time, are stable source of income. Family decides in what

track or course students should take is also associated with the financial status of the family

(Pascual, 2019).

A family financial status would greatly give big impact to the students when it comes to

choosing the right track in college (Cruz, 2018). Most of the difficulties of upcoming senior high

school students is that they don’t have the capacity to finance or to support their studies

(Ciumacova, 2019). Low income families are limited mostly to public schools and some may even

not be able to attend school. Wealthy families have the financial resources to send their son or

daughter to high-quality schools, may hire tutors and can obtain supplemental education sources

(Jennifer, 2018).

According to Constantino (2016), the expenses need to study Senior High School is much

more than what they have spent during high school years that they think they can no longer

continue studying. Added by (Fezir, 2013), most of students are not financially stable and a large

size of population is affected by the fact that they need money to go to school as fare and to buy

lunch and that they need money to pay for projects and miscellaneous expenses. Most schools
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offer ABM strand cheaper than any other strands. Tuition fee and miscellaneous fees are much

lower than other strand being offered. ABM strand is less costly than any other constitutes, reason

some students to choose ABM.

Future income

According to Afac (2017), financial outcomes, ease of subject and future job and salary

opportunities was observed to have minor impact. Moreover, Pecilicious (2018) specified why she

choose ABM track is because she wants to be more future oriented. Because ABM track will not

just offer her learning but also to have enough knowledge for her own business and to be

financially free.

Saracino (2013) stated that the real-life future career income could be useful for

understanding career decisions. It only shows that one of the considerations students take when

choosing a track is the thinking of what they can be in the future. What career they can take, how

easy it is to secure job, how good is the pay with the job that they can get or is there a backup

plan if in case that they won’t be able to secure a work. On this note, most students take up ABM

because that believe that it will be easier for them to secure a role or a job. Nocum (2018) also

mentioned that they believe that work won’t be very limited because ABM is almost a general or

fit to all kind of strands and will be able to find a work in any field of industry. They also believe

that if they take up ABM, even if they won’t be able to secure a role, they will still be able to put

up their own business and manage it themselves because they would be able to acquire these

skills in this strand.

Occupational/Career Availability/Interest

Most high school students who are upcoming Senior High School chooses to become

ABM students because they want to be their own boss after they finish. They wish to create their

own legacy by putting up their own business, both Hernandez (2016) and Pedragoza (2016)
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revealed. On the other hand, Pecilicious (2018), concluded that choosing ABM track is just

choosing to be more future oriented because this program will not just give you learns but also

knowledge to stand alone, to start a business and to be financially free without investing a large

of money, but just a big risk and faith. In relation to this article, Cruz (2016) revealed that she sees

herself as a businesswoman, manager or a boss in the future. She wants to have a sari-sari store

and it will become grocery store someday. Another reason why she chooses ABM strand simply

because it is a marketable career where she can easily find a job or make her own business. She

thinks that ABM is suitable for her since she wants to manage a company as well as establish

effective business-related policies.

We can see in this comments and statements that most students took into consideration

on their future before choosing the strand that they will take. According to, they think that it will be easier to apply for a job if you will

take ABM strand in Senior High since now a day’s graduates find it difficult to find a job even if

they have finished well know courses. Whilst some of them also think that if they won’t be able to

find a job, they can still find ways to earn money because they have the option to grow their own

business and able to manage it because they will have the knowledge that they will get if they

choose ABM strand in Senior High. To sum it up, they believed that future is much secured with

ABM that any other strands due to you have already trained proper time management and develop

other skills that is applicable for almost any career path that you choose to pursue. Mtemeri

(2017), further agree that it is a strand for those people who seek to grow their money by risking

going into business with the hopes that it will help them succeed in life. Overall, they all thought

that ABM is a track that related her much to business.

Availability of Education
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Chico (2018) quoted that one of the factors that affect the students to choose their strand is

the availability of the school. Consistently, Mtemeri (2017) articulated that school’s location is

added to the factors that influence the student’s choice of career. Similarly, Medha (2018)

mentioned that the career choice is influenced by the availability of schools in student’s areas.

While pursuing school is becoming more and more essential for individuals to keep up with

the current rapid change, local schools and other trying opportunities are not accessible in most

rural area, students have only limited schools to choose but limited schools mean limited

opportunity (Ayers, 2019). Since few strand and course offers in rural area, students struggling

from financial problem and can’t afford to enrolled to known universities in their city. They choose

to be in a school that are near their area and house so that it won’t be hard for them going to

school and that they can relax and not be stressed about the travel cost and the distance facilities

to campus. Students living in urban areas get many access to different schools compared to

students living in rural areas. This only expounded that the availability of education varies by

places (Woesmann, 2001).

Academic Experience

Dollaga (2019) specified that the academic experience is the most influencing factor in

choosing junior, senior academic track. The academic ability may account for differences in

assessment of the importance of choosing a course. In the same way, Paschal (2016) enunciated

that their experiences in their elective subject can be used as bases in suited courses students

can take in after high school. These findings presented that students subject interest, high grades,

talents, skill and ability can be a factor that influence their decision in choosing the strand or

course to take. Student who excel in a certain subject tends to look for a course related to their

skills. So those who excel in subjects related to ABM, most of the time take ABM as their chosen

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School and Physical Facilities

According to The Scotts College (2017), even though, for most parents, a school’s facilities

are not usually the highest priority when choosing a course in school, there are multiple studies

that indicate the quality of a school’s physical resources plays a large hole in determining student

choice of career.” Likewise, Urbecon (2017) revealed that some light on the role of school facilities

in determining student career choice. The author added that environmental conditions and school

size can contribute the influence of school towards student choice of career. He also suggested

that school’s physical appearance can greatly hinder the choice of courses students want to take

in certain schools.

McGovern (2017) stressed that most of the millennial today have developed an attitude of

being very much fashionable or very much focused on the looks and feel of the school.

Furthermore, Ferlazo (2018) added that most of the students nowadays wants to be in schools

that are famous and are very appealing to the eye. They want to go to schools where they feel

comfortable and where they will feel good going to school every day. They want to be in a school

that are near their area and house so that it won’t be hard for them going to school and that they

can relax and not to be stressed about the distance and facilities inside the campus.

Research Framework

Factors that
Influence the Grade
10 Students
La Salle Green Hills
In Choosing ABM
Course in Senior
High School

- Familial
- Peers
- Math
- Financial
- Future Income
-Future Career
- Academic Experience
-Availability of Education
-School and Physical Facility

Figure 1.
The framework above shows the flow of the study of the factors that influenced the

decision of Grade 10 students in choosing ABM course in senior high school. When choosing

your course, you must think about your existing experience and skill set, to consider prospective

careers and employment opportunities, to think subject interest you and to talk to your employer,

colleagues or peers about which courses are relevant and may improve your career (Digos,


Statement of the Problem

This study determined the factors that influenced grade 10 students in choosing

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Course. Specifically, the researcher’s intended

to answer the following questions.

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1. Which factor/s influence them in choosing ABM Strand?

2. Since when do they decide to take ABM strand?

3. Which factor influenced them the most?

4. How do you find ABM strand?

Significance of the Study

This is a mixed method (qualitative and quantitative) descriptive study that intend to

determine the factors that influence grade 10 students in choosing Accountancy, Business and

Management (ABM) course.

In addition, this research will benefit the following:

To Respondents

This study helps the Grade 10 students to determine the different factors in considerations

of choosing Accountancy, Business and Management in Senior High School.

To Parents and Teachers

This enquiry can provide additional information both to parents and teachers that serve as

the main influence in guiding the students in choosing different track in Senior High School and


To Future Researchers

This study can help the future researchers as their reference in conducting their own

research in the near future.

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This chapter describes the methods of the researcher and procedural techniques that

were employed in the course of investigation. The research design, sources of data, instruments

used, and data analysis were discussed and presented accordingly.

Research Design

This study used a mixed (qualitative and quantitative) descriptive design. The term “mixed

methods” refers to an emergent methodology of research that advances the systematic

integration, or “mixing,” of quantitative and qualitative data within a single investigation or

sustained program of inquiry. The basic premise of this methodology is that such integration

permits a more complete and synergistic utilization of data than do separate quantitative and

qualitative data collection and analysis (Wisdom & Cresswell, 2013).

Quantitative research is defined as the systematic investigation of phenomena by

gathering quantifiable data and performing statistical, mathematical or computational techniques.

Quantitative research gathers information from existing and potential customers using sampling

methods and sending out online surveys, online polls, questionnaires etc., the results of which

can be depicted in the form of numerical. After careful understanding of these numbers to predict

the future of a product or service and make changes accordingly (Surendran, 2019).

Qualitative Research is primarily exploratory research. It is used to gain an understanding

of underlying reasons, opinions, and motivations. It provides insights into the problem or helps to

develop ideas or hypotheses for potential quantitative research. Qualitative Research is also used

to uncover trends in thought and opinions, and dive deeper into the problem. Qualitative data

collection methods vary using unstructured or semi-structured techniques. Some common

methods include focus groups (group discussions), individual interviews, and

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participation/observations. The sample size is typically small, and respondents are selected to

fulfil a given quota (De Franzo, 2011).

Sample and Sampling

The participants in this study were students studying at Sta. Lucia High School during the

Academic Year 2019 – 2020. A total of 100 students from the Grade 10 students were randomly

selected. All students who took part in the study were chosen through stratified random sampling.

Stratified random sampling is a method of sampling that involves the division of a

population into smaller sub-groups known as strata. In stratified random sampling or stratification,

the strata are formed based on members' shared attributes or characteristics such as income or

educational attainment (Hayes, 2019).

Instrument Used

The main instrument used by the researchers was a structured survey questionnaire which

determined the factors that influenced grade 10 students in choosing

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) course.

There were 4 questions from the questionnaire which was created base on the objectives

stated in Chapter I. The questionnaire was assessed and was validated by the course teacher.

Data Gathering Procedure

Review of Related Construction of Survey

Literature and Studies Questionnaire
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Seeking Permission to Validation of

Conduct the Study Instruments from
(administrators) Experts

Obtaining Informed Actual Answering of

Consent to Participants Questionnaires

Interpretation of Data
Using Thematic Encoding of Data Being
Analysis and Statistical Gathered

Data Analysis

Figure 2.

The flow of the data gathering started from compiling related literature to understand well

what the topic was all about. With this step, we were able to construct possible questions to ask

our audience and capture responses. After it was finished, it was submitted for approval thus was

given permission to conduct survey. After which, we asked permission to several respondents or

individuals to do the actual survey and compiled the results therefore interpretation of the data

gathered was performed data analysis was made.

Statistical Treatment
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The data that was gathered in this study were analyzed in order to answer the questions

raised in the study.

The following statistical treatments were used in order to give meaning to the data

gathered from the participants:

Percentage (%)

In mathematics, a percentage is a number or ratio expressed as a fraction of 100. It is

often denoted using the percent sign, "%", or the abbreviations "pct.", "pct"; sometimes the

abbreviation "pc" is also used. A percentage is a dimensionless number (pure number).

Percentage represent raw streams of data as a percentage (a part in 100 - percent) for

better understanding of collected data. Percentages can be calculated to assess the percent of

the sample that corresponds with the given frequency; typically presented without decimal places

(De Lima, 2018).

Frequency (f)

For an oscillating or varying current, frequency is the number of complete cycles per

second in alternating current direction. The standard unit of frequency is the hertz, abbreviated

Hz. If a current completes one cycle per second, then the frequency is 1 Hz; 60 cycles per second

equals 60 Hz the standard alternating-current utility frequency in some countries (Rouse, 2010).


Results and Discussion

Results and Discussion

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The figure below would like to determine the factors that influence the Grade 11students

in choosing Accountancy, Business and Management or ABM course.

Figure No. 1: Factors in choosing ABM


The figure above shows the number of different factors that influence the respondents in choosing
ABM strand.
The graph above shows that amongst the grade 11 respondents, 58% claim that the most
of the common factors that affect them in choosing ABM course is the “Availability of Education”,
followed by the influence of “Peers” mentioned by 30% respondents, their “Academic Experience”,
and their interest in “Math” subject. Whilst it shows that the influence of “Families Financial” does
not affect their decision that much.

The second research question would like to know the respondents grade level of when
they decided to choose Accounting, ABM course.
Figure No. 2: Respondents grade Levels when they decided to take up ABM
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Grade 7 Grade 8 Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Others

The figure above shows the number grade levels of when the respondents decided to take
up ABM course in Senior High.
71% of the students stated that they choose ABM course when they were Grade 10 stage.
12% of the students also answered that they had decided to take up ABM during their grade 9
year. Few said that they were in grade 11 and grade 8 when they had decided to take ABM.

Figure No. 3: Number of greatest factor influence the respondents the most
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1. The figure above shows the number of the greatest factor that influenced the respondents

the most in choosing ABM as their strand.

The graph above shows that most of the respondents consider their “Future

Career” in choosing ABM strand in Senior High. Whilst the least chosen factor is their

“Parent’s Job/Occupation”.
La Salle Green Hills

In response to Research Question No. 4 that asks how the students feel about ABM
Table 4: Respondents feeling towards ABM

- Hard and challenging subjects/lessons

- not easy

- need effort

- It is challenging because Fundamentals of ABM is very

hard to learn and understand

- It’s quite difficult

- Challenging and quite difficult

- Not easy as I expected it to be

- Challenging and need effort

- Difficult since it’s about business and math

Difficult - Not easy as I thought it would be

- It is challenging

- Hard

- Pressured and Hard

- Not Easy

- It’s really difficult to person

- It is difficult

- It’s hard

- The Strand is difficult and hard

- Hard
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- Encounter some difficulties

- So Stressful

- I feel so hard

- Difficult at first

- It is so hard

- It is difficult because I’m not interested

- It would be difficult and need to study

- This strand is very difficult

- ABM is my weakness

- Lot of difficulties

- I’m not comfortable

- Not easy need hard work

- It’s difficult you will endure the struggles and stress

- I feel it Hard

- It was difficult

- ABM is so hard

- This is my weakness

- It is not easy

- It’s hard but it’s fun

- It is quite hard

- At first it is hard but as the days goes by I’m used to it

- So very hard strand

- There are so many trials and so very hard strand

- It’s hard

- I know ABM is hard

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- It’s hard

- I feel so bad because ABM strand is not easy

- Ito ay mahirap lalong lalo na ang Accounting

- I feel difficulty

- Of course it’s not easy

- I feel difficulty because some of the subjects are hard to


- ABM is so hard

- Worth to study ABM for it has a lot of opportunities in the

near future.

- it’s worth it because you will learn a lot of things that can

help you in the future

- will help me in my future career and more opportunity in


- it makes me think of my future dreams

Worthy - but worth it in the near future

- Benefit for the near future

- Mas Maraming opportunity na makahanap ng trabaho

- We can learn many things to help us in the future

- It will help me someday to become successful

- I imagine myself as Accountant someday

- I know that the knowledge that I will gain here is suit for

my future course or career that I dream to become

- I try my best to study this strand for my future.

- Exciting
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- It is exciting

- I’m Excited

- Very Exciting on how capable I am in this strand

- It was so very exciting

Exciting - It has a lot of exciting things in this subject

- I feel excited

- Excited

- Excited

- ABM will give me more knowledge about the course that

I will take in college

Dominant - You can gain more knowledge here

- You can learn many things

- Many knowledge can learn regarding businesses

- I feel so good in this ABM Strand

- Good

- It is Good

- Happy

- I feel happy

- Feeling Happy

- Feel fine

Good - I feel happy and excited to learn from this strand

- Comfortable from this strand and I like it

- Enjoy

- It easy if you are willing to learn

La Salle Green Hills
- It was easy

- Looks easy

- It’s good as long as you are responsible

- It was Happy

- This strand makes me aware to my financial

- Enjoyable

- But I am enjoying it

- Enjoyable

- Okay lang

- It is very enjoyable

- Of course I enjoy it to the max

- You just enjoy this subject

- Feeling great

- I feel happy

- I feel good

- It’s easy and basic

- I feel good

- Happy to see myself that I will survive in this strand

- It is manageable

- made a wrong decision

- I feel not good, not compatible to my passion

Dissatisfaction - I hate this Strand

- It is not what I expected it to be

- it’s reasonable

- Manageable
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Rational - It is more on understanding and analyzation

- I feel pressured

- Pressured

Pressure - Pressure in this strand

- I feel nervous

- Satisfying

- I feel it’s worth it and enjoyable

- I feel suitable to my knowledge and capabilities

Satisfaction - This is my passion and also compatible to my personality

- I don’t regret choosing ABM

- I felt satisfied because this is my passion.

- Quite challenging

- It is challenging to me

- It is challenging

- I feel challenging in this strand

- This strand is more challenging

- Challenging and sometime stress

Challenging - I feel challenging for choosing course to my college life

- I feel challenging

- ABM is a challenging strand

- Very challenging and stressful

- It was very challenging that come to my life

- It’s challenging

- Many task but for me it’s just a challenge that I used to

get through
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- Challenging

- I feel a little bit challenging into studying the strand

- challenging

- I feel Confused

Compound - At first there is uncertainty

Accommodation - I adopted the challenges and I overcome my knowledge

- It is interesting to do

- I find it interesting

Interesting - This is my choice and I really want this

- I find it interesting

- I feel stress

Stressful - It is stressful

- Stressful

4. The themes and statement above shows the results of respondents on how they feel about ABM


Base on the chart above on how the Grade 11 ABM students feel in their strand, it shows

that most of them have negative feelings towards their course. Most of the responses show that

Grade 11 ABM students find their strands rather difficult and stressful. However, according to

Hermozura (2017) on her blog when she answered the question about how hard is the ABM

Course, she stated that if the students would never make their brains active surely it will be hard

for them. On the other hand, some respondents say that they are unsatisfied and pressured in

ABM course. ABM has two math subjects, Business Math and Gen Math so the pressure for

students is high especially in exam, quizzes, projects, solving because of the solving. However,
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there are still some respondents that find their strands as challenging and interesting in a way

that they are enjoying what they have chosen as their strand.

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Summary of the Study

The current study is a mixed (quantitative and qualitative) research about factors

that influence Grade 11 students in choosing Accounting, Business and Management (ABM)


There are 100 Grade 11 students from Sta. Lucia High School were the respondents of

the research. Stratified random sampling is used when your population is divided into strata, and

you want to include the stratum when taking your sample (Glen, 2013). Structured questionnaire

was employed in order to acquire the information relevant for the study. The researcher likewise

made use of demographic questionnaire to trace the profile of the respondents. The

questionnaire was tallied and percentage was computed.

Summary of the Results

The following statements summarize the findings of the research grounded on the questions

raised in the statement of the problem.

Sets of questions were included in the questionnaire distributed and the results shows that

most of the common factors that affects the student’s decision to take up ABM strand was

because of the availability of education. It shows that they chose the ABM because that is the

available strand near their area. It also shows that besides the fact that it is the available strand,

they also think that they will have a better future if they take up this strand. Students think that if

they take ABM as their strand, it will be easier for them to look for a work in the future and their

status will be better compared to taking other strands. The study also presents several reactions

or feeling of the current grade 11 ABM students towards their chosen strand. All in all, the study

shows that most of them felt dissatisfied, stressed, and felt that what they have chosen is difficult

after all. However, some also thought that it was enjoyable and challenging at the same time.
La Salle Green Hills

Limitations of the Study

This study determined the factors that influenced grade 10 students in choosing

Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) Course. The researchers conducted a survey to

100 grade 10 students in Sta. Lucia High School in Barangay Sta. Lucia Pasig City. The research

was covered from November to December 2019.


The study presents different factors that affect Grade 11 students in choosing ABM course

and how they find ABM as their chosen strand. It can be concluded from this study that students

who decided to take up ABM strand in Senior high did not solely decide but were affected by

several factors.

Availability of education significantly affects the student’s decisions in choosing ABM

course. This entails that school’s locations can have an impact in choosing their strand. Because

some students are not capable to study away from their location due to financial difficulties or

other matters. Furthermore, we can conclude that not all students who decided to take up ABM

ended up happy with their chosen strand. Some of them felt negatively but still others felt happy

and satisfied.


Since the study was only focused with one school, the researchers were able to gathered

limited results. We would therefore encourage future researchers to cover several more schools
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to get a closer look to the exact factors that affect students in choosing ABM. The study also

focused only with Grade 11 students who are still adjusting to the new life and level, so we suggest

to future researchers to also conduct a study with Grade 12 students to see if they still feel the

same way as how the Grade 11 students in this study felt.

La Salle Green Hills

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