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Crans-Montana International School

Weekly Unit planning, Grade-5


23rd Sep Objectives: to What is Teaching Initial Activity (05 Minutes): Boy: Tales of
2018 learn new happening in the strategy : Review will be done on the Childhood
Sunday words and their story? Collaborative previous chapter.
Strand: Learning: Direct Development Activity (35
Reading Minutes):- Chapter- The great
Skills: mouse plot will be explained in
Summarizing class with the word meanings
Attribute Culminating Activity: Observation


24th Sep Objectives: to What do the Teaching Initial Activity (05 Minutes): Boy: Tales of
2018 learn new words mean? strategy : Recaps will be done for the Childhood
Monday words and their Collaborative previous class.
Strand: Learning: Direct Development Activity (35
Reading Minutes):- Chapter- The
Skills: Coombes will be explained in
Communication class with the word meanings
Attribute Culminating Activity:
Profiles: Observation: Observation

25th Sep Objectives: to Teaching Initial Activity (20 Minutes): Boy: Tales of Assessment
2018 assess their strategy : Question will be discussed from the Childhood Strategies:
Tuesday comprehending Collaborative two chapters Selected
skills response
Strand: Learning: Direct
Reading Development Activity (20 Assessment
Skills: Minutes- Students will be given Tools:
Communication time to write the answers provocative
Attribute Culminating Activity: Correction Learning
Profiles: and reflection. Outcomes:
Thinker. Students will
learn to
Attitudes: answer
Curiosity questions
26th Sep Objectives: how When to use Teaching Initial Activity (05 Minutes): Test Boy: Tales of Assessment
2018 to use singular singular and strategy : instructions will be given. Childhood Strategies:
Wednesday and plural plural. Collaborative Selected
Strand: Learning: Direct Development Activity (30
Minutes)- Dictation will be taken Assessment
Skills: Thinking on the two chapters Tools:
. provocative
Attribute Culminating Activity: Correction
Profiles: Thinker and reflection. Learning
Attitudes: Learn to
Curiosity speak
confidently in
27th Sep Objectives: Teaching Initial Activity (10 Minutes): They Assessment
2018 Students learn strategy : will be briefed on Impromptu Strategies:
Thursday the attributes of Collaborative Speech Selected
public speaking response
Strand: Learning: Direct
Speaking Development Activity (30 Assessment
Skills: Minutes)- Students will pick chits Tools: Speech
Communication and speak for 2 minutes on the
topic given to them Learning
Attribute . Outcomes:
Profiles: Culminating Activity: Correction Students will
Inquirer. and reflection. learn to speak
confidently in
Attitudes: public.

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