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Noun (નામ /સં ા)

1) Proper noun -નામ ( યિ તવચક સં ા) : Maulik, Canada, Ahmedabad
2) Common noun – િતવાચક સં ા : teacher, country, city.
3) Material noun – યવાચક સં ા ( વાહી, ધાતુ, દાણેદાર વ તુઓ કે જેને તોલી કે માપી શકાય પરંતુ ગણી
ના શકાય) :gold, silver, iron, milk, coffee, tea, sugar, rice
4) Abstract noun – ભાવવાચક સં ા :love, care, anger, truth, happiness.
5) Collective noun –(સમૂહ વાચક સં ા) :herd, bench, batch, panel, jury, troop, army,
(countable – (ગણી શકાય) - Common noun and Collective Noun
Non countable ( ન ગણી શકાય ) – Proper Noun, Material Noun, Abstract Noun

Articles (A, An, The)

A ( યારે આવે છે ) An ( યારે આવે છે )
A boy, a toy, A book, A table, An elephant, An inkpot, An injection,
A chair, A university, An apple, An honest man, An hour
A uniform, A eucalyptus, glass, An hour,
A Master of arts, An M.A. An M.B.A.
A one day match, An ST bus, An NRI
A one rupee note

Article the હંમેશા િનિ તતા દશાવવા માટે વપરાય છે .
- સૌથી ચુ,ં સૌથી નીચુ,ં સૌથી ડું , સૌથી પાતળુ, વગેરે જેવી િવશ તાઓ દશાવવા માટે તથા એકમા હોય તેવી
વ તુઓ સાથે The લાગે છે
િનયમ નં ૧ : - અવકાશીપદાથ જે એકમા હોય તેની સાથે,
Ex. The Sun, The Moon, The Earth, The pole Star, The evening Star, The sky etc.
િનયમ નં ૨ : - પિવ થ ં ો , નદીઓ પવતમાળાઓ વગેરે સાથે
Ex. The Ganga, The Yamuna, The Narmada, The Ramayana, The Bible,
The Mahabharata, The Quran , The Zand Avesta, The Himalayas, The mt.
િનયમ નં ૩ : - ે તાવાચક શ દ (superlative degree)
Ex . The tallest ,The shortest, The longest, The highest, The most intelligent,
The most awesome, The most stupendous, The most fantastic, The fabulous
િનયમ નં ૪ ; - અગાઉ જન ે ી ચચા થયેલે હોય તે જ વ તુની ફરી વાત આવે યારે article the લાગે છે ,
Ex. There is a cow in the garden. The cow is grazing.
There are some mangoes in that box. The mangoes smell quite nice.
િનયમ નં ૫ :- કોઈ િનિ ત વ તુ કે યિ તની વાત કરતા હોય કે આખી િતની વાત કરતા હોય યાં article
the લાગે
Ex. The water in that bottle is not suitable for drinking.
- The bag you gave me was stolen.
- This is the boy who lost his purse yesterday.

Anamika Academy English 9979 9979 45

- There is a horse in that field.

- The horse is a very kind animal.
- There is a man standing outside my house.
- The man is a social animal.

 સામા ય રીતે Proper noun એટલે કે યિ તનું નામ, દેશનું નામ, રા ય કે ભાષાનું નામ કે રમતનું
નામ વગેરે સાથે કોઈપણ article લાગતો નથી પ ં તુ કં ઈક િવિશ રીતે વપરાય તો article the
લાગે છે .
Ex. The USA- TheUSSR, The UK , The game of cricket.

 ____-___ gujarati is a sweet language (no article)
 I am proud to be ____a___gujarati
 __The_____gujaratis are known for their kindness

Exercise No.1
Put articles a/an/the /X(none) in the following blank:
1. Arvind is the most faithful peon in our school.
2. _(no article)_ Haryana is not a big state.
3. The sun sets in the west.
4. Mr. Trivedi is an honorable man.
5. Ceylon is an Island in the Indian Ocean.
6. Monday is the first day of a week.
7. A bullock is a useful animal for our farmer.
8. Please see me in the office after an hour.
9. The Cow is a domestic animal.
10. The Ramayana is a holy book of the Hindus.
11. The Titanic was a heavy ship.
12. Football is a popular game.
13. The rice of India is exported to many countries.
14. The honesty shown by Deval is praiseworthy.
15. Kalidas is the Shakespeare of India.
16. The English defeated the German in the last World War.
17. The Taj Mahal is one of the best monuments in India.

 એકવચનમાંથી બહુવચન કરવા માટે સામા ય રીતે શ દની પાછળ “S” લગાડવામાં આવે છે પરં તુ નીચે
મુજબના અપવાદો છે ,
શ દની પાછળ s,ss,sh,ch,x કે o હોય તો “es” લાગે છે .
bus- buses bench – benches brush- brushes
bush- bushes torch – torches class – classes
fox – foxes church – churches box – boxes
potato – potatoes mango – mangoes tomato – tomatoes

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 પરં તુ નીચેના શ દોમાં છે ે ‘O’ હોવા છતાં સીધો ‘s’ લાગે છે જમ
ે કે

kilo -kilos stereo-stereos canto-cantos
logo -logos photo-photos dynamo- dynamos અનાિમકા એકે ડમી

 શ દની પાછળ “Y” આવતો હોય તો તેની જ યાએ ‘ies’ લાગે છે .
story -stories baby- babies lady -ladies
body -bodies city- cities

 પરં તુ એ જ “y” ની આગળ a,e,i,o,u હોય તો સીધો ‘s’ લાગે છે .
boy – boys donkey - donkeys key - keys
toy - toys bay - bays monkey- monkeys

 શ દની પાછળ “f” કે “fe” હોય તો તેના થાને “ves” લાગે છે .
thief - thieves knife -knives wife - wives
loaf- loaves wolf- wolves leaf- leaves

 પરં તુ નીચેના શ દોમાં સીધે સીધો “s” લાગે છે .

proof - proof handkerchief – chief - chiefs
roof - roofs Belief-beliefs safe- safes
cliff-cliffs dwarf – dwarfs brief – briefs
Strife – strifes reef – reefs fife – fifes

 નીચેના શ દો અને િનયમ follow કરે છે અને બ ે િનયમનું પાલન કરે છે અને બંને સરખા છે .
calf – calfs – calves half -halfs – halves scarf – scarfs – scarves
નીચેના શ દોમાં પાછળ કોઈ ફે રફાર થયો નથી પરં તુ શ દની વ ચેના વરો બદલાઈ ય છે .

man - men foot – feet louse– lice
woman–women tooth – teeth mouse– mice
 નીચેના શ દોમાં એકવચન અને બહુવચન બંને સરખા છે ,
sheep (ધેટુ) swine ( ડુ ર) species-( િત)
deer ( હરણ) cod ( માછલી) innings (દાવ)
Fish (માછલી) Series ( ણ ે ી) Means(મા યમ)

 નીચેના શ દો બી કોઈ ભાષામાંથી લેવામાં આવેલ હોવાથીતેભાષાનાિનયમો કોઈક વાર અ ે માં પણ લાગે છે ,
અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
formula – formulae radius – radii bacterium – bacteria
child – children bandit – banditti cherub – cherubim ( નાનુ બાળક)
ox –oxen cloth – cloths – clothes brother – brothers – brothren

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Gender ( િત)
1) Masculine :- boy, tiger, poet, gentleman, horse, colt, deer, drake
2) Feminine :- girl, tigress, poetess , lady,mare, filly, doe, duck
3) Neutral ;- book, eunuch, table, chair, bottle, paper, computer, speaker, box
4) Common:- child, baby, student, pupil, person
Animal Names: Male, Female, and Young ones
Animal Male Female Young Ones
Jack Jenny Foal
Boar Sow Cub
Tom Queen Kitten
Bull, Bullock Cow Calf, kid
Chicken Rooster/cock
Hen Chick
Buck Doe Fawn
Dog Dog Bitch Pup
Duck Drake Duck Duckling
Elephant Bull Cow Calf
Fox Fox Vixen Cub
Goose Gander Goose Gosling
Horse Stallion, stud, sire Mare, dam Foal
Lion Lion Lioness Cub
Rabbit Buck Doe Bunny
Sheep Ram Ewe Lamb
Swan Cob Pen Cygnet, flapper
Swine Boar Sow Piglet, boarlet, shoat, farrow
Tiger Tiger Tigress Cub, whelp
Leopard leopard leopardess Cub

Pronoun (સવનામ)
Person Singular plural
Ist બોલનાર I (હં ુ ) We ( અમે)

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IInd સાંભળનાર You (તુ ં /આપ) You (તેમ આપ)

IIIrd ી યિ ત He (તે) , she (તેણી), it (તે) They (તેઓ)

Sub, (કતા) Obj. Whose (કોનુ)ં Special Reflaxive
active (કમ) માિલકી દશાવતા શ દો usage pronoun
passive િવિશ પ (આ મવાચક)
I Me My Mine Myself
We Us Our Ours Ourselves
You(s) You Your Yours Yourself
You (p) You Your Yours Yourselves
He Him His His Himself
She Her Her Hers Herself
It It Its Its Itself
They Them Their Theirs Themselves
 My shirt is red how is his ? (our, their, his , her)
 Boys, finish the task yourselves! (himself, yourself, yourselves, myself)
અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
 Ours is a vibrant state (we, us, our, ours )
 He gave me a nice gift, while I was unable to fetch his gift (me, my, myself , I )
Wh questions
Who કોણ ? કે જે
યિ ત (કતા) 1st column
What શું ? કે જે (િનજ વ) વ તુ
When યારે ? કે યારે સમય અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
Why કે મ ? કે જેમ કારણ
Which કયું ? કે જે (િનજ વ) વ તુ (િનિ ત)
Where કયાં ? કે યાં થળ
Whom કોને ? કે જેને કમ િવભિ ત ( 2nd column)
Whose કોનું ? કે જેન ું
માિલકી ( 3rd column)
how કઈ રીતે? કે જેવી રીતે યા

Exercise No.2
1. You should take up the responsibility only of the person ___ you have enough
confidence. (in whom, in whose, with whom)
2. M F Hussain was an artist _____ paintings had become popular in the world.
(who, whom, whose)
3. The Secretary doesn’t know ____ name was selected as the captain of the team.
(who, whom, whose)
4. I thank you _____ you have done for me. (that, at what, for what)
5. Have you any money _____ you can spare for me? (who, whom, which)
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6. Do you know ____ this necklace belongs to? (who, whom, which)
7. The person ____ Sudhaben talk on telephone was the police inspector. (to whom,
for whom, to which)
8. The girl ____ I met yesterday was very clever.
(who, whom, whose)
9. The time ____ is lost, is lost forever. (who, whom, which)
10. Wisdom can be imparted only to one ____ has a desire to learn.
(who, whom, whose)
11. Gandhiji gave ___ massage ___ was give by Mahavir and Buddha long ago.
(the same…as, such…as, such…that)
12. The Hindu ____ follows the Rama will never become Ravana. (whom ,
who, whose)
13. Mr. Modi spoke in ____ a way ____ all were surprised. (such…as,
such…that, so…that)
14. The man ___ talks too much is seldom respected. (whom ,
who, whose)
15. The boy ___ farther is dead wants my help. (whom , who, whose)
16. Is this the way ____ leads to the station? (who, whose, that)
17. This is the same book ____ you have. (as, that, but)
18. There was not a man present ____ wept to hear the news.
(who, but, that)
19. He ____ climbs too high is sure to fall. (who, whom, whose)
20.Here is the book ____ you want to buy. (who, which, as)

Adjective (િવશેષણ)
કે વું ? Qualitative કે ટલું / કે ટલાં ? Quantitative કયું / કયાં ? Demonstrative
How How , much Which
Examples:- Examples:- Examples:-
Big , intelligent One, two, three…… This That
Small , innovative First, seond third These Those
Green , Nice Any, many, much Such
Sweet , clean Zero, none, no અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
Yellow , long More, some, few
Red , short Afew, little
Examples in sentences
 I have a big apple.
 He hus a small apple.
 She is eating a sweet apple
 They are bringing some apples.
 There are five apples in fridge.
 There is no apple in his fridge,
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 I have a few apples. Do you have any ?

 There is an apple in his pocket.
 He found out the first apple from the box.
 They don’t like such apples.

Quantitative adjective

Some થોડાંક/કે ટલાંક, ગણી/ન ગણી શકાય એવા બંને
Much થોડું ક / કે ટલુંક – ન ગણી શકાય
Many ઘણાં, ગણી શકાય અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
Several ઘણાં, ગણી શકાય
Few થોડાંક – ગણી શકાય (નકારા મક)
A few થોડાંક – ગણી શકાય (હકારા મક)
The few થોડાંક – ગણી શકાય એવાં િનિ ત
Little થોડું ક – ન ગણી શકાય (નકારા મક)
A little થોડું ક – ન ગણી શકાય (હકારા મક)
The little ન ગણી શકાય એવા િનિ ત
More થોડાંક/થોડું ક વધારે , ગણી/ ન ગણી શકાય
Both બ ે
Every દરે ક _ of the ના હોય અને બ.વ.ના હોય યારે
Each Of the હોય અને બ.વ. હોય યારે
All બધાં
Anybody કોઈક
Somebody કોઈક
No body કોઈ ન હ,
 There is some sugar in the bowl
 He gave me much milk
 Do you have any money ?
 Are you sure ? There is only little water in the pot. Can we all drink it?
 Who gave you the money?
 This is the man whom everybody respects
 All the students were very sincere but. None of them was able to get
distinction. only few could get to the passing marks.

Exercise No.3
1. Can ____ of you write Urdu? (any, many, some)
2. ____ of them revealed secrets. All were patriots.
(Each, None, Some)
3. It was very cold last night so there were ____ people in the street. (little,
few, a few)
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4. Ask ___ of the students if he is ready to go to Kashmir on a tour. (each, every,

5. ____ of the carpenters has come. We will have to wait till tomorrow. (either,
neither, any)
6. Mr. Gohil has ____ knowledge but he just makes show that he knows
everything. (little, a little, few) અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
7. Do you know ____ who can repair my lap-top?
(somebody, anybody, everybody)
8. You are advised to spend only ____ your salary and deposit the rest in a bank.
(some of, none of, much of)
9. Have you ____ to add? (anything, something, someone)
10. ____ of the players is in reach. (Some, None, Many)
11. ____ of the boys could answer my question. I was disappointed. (None,
All, Some)
12. I shall be glad to help ____ of my student in their studies. (all, one,
13. ____ can go wrong; nobody is perfect in this world. (Anybody,
Somebody, Nobody)
14. Is there ____ in the Kitchen? I hear some noise.
(Anybody, Somebody, Nobody)
15. My mother never remains idle. She always likes to do ___. (nothing,
something, anything)
16. ____ my neighbors has a car. They have bicycles and scooters. (Some of,
None of, A lot of)
17. ____ must go to call the doctor as is serious.
(Somebody, Nobody, Everybody)
18. ____ must be done to improve your English.
(nothing, something, anything)
19. He is confused. He needs ____ time to think. (little, a little,a few)
20. There were ____ members present so the meeting was cancelled. (few, a
few, little)
21. I have done some of the work. ____ is left for you.
(The rest, Rest, Rest of)
22. The pure water is ____ harmful, isn’t it?(the more, the less, little)
23. It is good to be ____ proud of one’s country. (little, a little, a few)
24. ____ people who were out, quickened their steps.
(a little, a few, few)
25. Take some water from this jug and leave ____ for me.
(less, little, the rest)
26. ____ of these two boys knows English. (Both, Each, Every)
27. Would you lend me ____ books on literature from your library, Sir? (a little,
a few, few)
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28. As the time is very short, prepare only the selected questions and leave ____.
(Some, a few, the rest)
29. Don’t ask me anything about the politics. I know____ about it. (little, a little,
30. My teacher keeps very busy with his work, so he takes ____ interest in home
affairs. (little, few, a little, much)
31. ____ of the two mechanics has come yet. What shall we do?
(None, Neither, Either) અનાિમકા એકે ડમી
32. My brother had a quarrel with ____ yesterday and he has threatened to kill
him. (anybody,somebody,nobody)
33. Mayur is a narrow-minded boy so he has ____ friends.
(a little, a few, few)
34. Rely only on ____ persons ___ are most trustworthy.
(such.. as, same.. as, such.. that)
35. Call ___ of the candidates on the stage and congratulate him for his good
performance. (all, some, each)
36. __ Of the opposition party members was pleased with the ruling party-
leader’s secret visit. (Some, None, Neither)
37. Sir, will you, please put me in ____ words to the Director of your
acquaintance? (few, a few, little)
38. Sometimes ____ of the prisoners are freed earlier considering their good
behavior in the jail. (Some, None, Each)
39. Considering their poor performance ___ of these two candidates will be
selected for the post. (none, neither, both)
40. There were terrible mosquitoes there, so ___ of us could sleep well that
night. (none, everyone, all)
41. Mr. Trivedi teaches so well that ___ likes to remain absent. (everybody,
nobody, anybody)
42. I have two assistants, but ____ of them can be helpful to you as they are on
leave. (both, neither, none)
43. There is yet ____ water in the pot. (little, a little, a few)
44. Many passed by the injured one, but ____ helped him. (few, some, many)
45. ____ should do one’s duty well. (One, few, some, many)
46. The dealer showed me two beautiful models of two vehicles, but I liked ___.
(either, neither, both)
47. I knew lots of methods and I showed them ___. (few, a few, little)
48. Please don’t argue now as I have ____ to ask you anymore. (something,
nothing, everything)
49. The ticket checker asked every passenger for the ticket to make sure that
___ was traveling without a ticket. (anybody, somebody, nobody)
50. ____ care would have prevented the accident. (little, a little, the little)

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Degrees of Comparison / adjective

Positive Comparative Superlative
No comparison બે જણ વ ચેનું ણ કે ણથી વધુ વ ચેનું
નાના શ દો Comparison Comparison
(er-than) (the-est)
Long, longer. the longest,
sweet Sweeter the sweetest
મોટા શ દો More - than The most-
Beautiful More beautiful than The most beautiful
Handsome More handsome than The most handsome
 શ દની છે ે y આવતો હોય તો તેની જ યાએ ier લાગશે
Happy Happier Happiest
ugly uglier Ugliest
અમુક શ દો અલગ થી યાદ રાખવા પડે જેમ કે ......
Bad Worse Worst
Much More Most
Little Lesser Least
Less Lesser Least
 બે યંજનની વ ચે એક હોય તો પાછળનો અ ર double થાય
Hot Hotter Hottest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Big Bigger Biggest

Jignesh is a good boy.
Hely is a honest girl
Priyanshu is an intelligent student.
Mehul is better than Darshil.
Vidhi is more honest than Rutva.
Karan is more intelligent than Rahul.
Darshil is the best boy in the class.
Jainil is the most honest person in the whole city.
Hely is the most intelligent girl in India.

Change the degrees
Superlative :-Maulik is the best teacher in the world.
Comparative :-Maulik is better than any other teacher in the world.
Positive :- No other teacher in the world is so good as Maulik.

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1 આપણે કોઇ બે વ તુઓ/ યાઓ એક સમાન છે કે એક જેવી છે તેવું દશાવવા `` નો ઉપયોગ કરીએ છીએ.
You're as bad as your sister.
The airport was as crowded as ever.
2 યારે નકારા મક વા યોમાં સમાનતા `not`થી દશાવાય છે .
The food wasn't so good as yesterday.
They are not so clever as they appear to be.
3. યારે એવુ દશાવવું હોય કે કોઇક વ તુ કશાકના જેવું છે યારે noun પછી `the same as`નો ઉપયોગ થાય છે . જેમ
કે ...
Your bag is the same as mine.
I said the same as always.
She looked the same as she did yesterday.
5 લોકો અથવા વ તુઓનું comparison verb જેવા કે `be`, `feel`, `look`, કે `seem` કે પછી `like`થી શ
થતાં વા યોથી થાય છે .
It was like a dream. He still feels like a child.
He looked like an actor. The houses seemed like mansions.

* 1) Rohit is the richest person in the whole city.
comparative :- Rohit is richer than any other person in
the whole city.
Positive :- No other person in the whole city is so rich as
2) Kautilya is the most intelligent boy of India.
Comparative :- Kautilya is more intelligent than any other
boy of India.
Positive :- no other boy of India is so intelligent as Kautilya.
3) Surat is the cleanest city in Gujarat.
Comparative :-Surat is cleaner than any other city in Gujarat.
Positive :- No other city in Gujarat is so clean as Surat.
 ચાવી નં : 1) one of the ના હોય યારે
૧) Superlative માંથી Comparative બનાવવા આગળનો શ દ + Superlative ના પમાંથી
Comparative નું પ + any other + પાછળના શ દો
૨) Superlative માંથી Positive બનાવવા No other + આગળનો શ દ + Superlative ના
પમાંથી Comparative નું પ (so …… as) + પાછળના શ દો
 ચાવી નં : 2) one of the હોય યારે
૧) Superlative માંથી Comparative બનાવવા આગળનો શ દ + Superlative ના પમાંથી
Comparative નું પ + many/most other + પાછળના શ દો
૨) Superlative માંથી Positive બનાવવા Very Few + આગળનો શ દ + Superlative ના
પમાંથી Comparative નું પ (as …… as)+ પાછળના શ દો
ે ી short tricks
યાદ રાખવા જવ

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 Hardly had સાથે યાપદનું ીજુ ં પ (V3) અને when આવે

 Scarcely had સાથે યાપદનું ીજુ ં પ (V3) અને when આવે
 ખાલી જ યા પછી adjective હોય તો However આવે.
 Adjective અને Noun ની વ ચે ખાલી જ યા હોય તો As આવે.
 ખાલી જ યા વા યની શ આતમાંજ હોય અને પાછળ noun હોય તો મોટે ભાગે Though કે
Although આવે.
 ખાલી જ યા પછી આખુ વા ય હોય તો so સાથે that આવે અને અધુ ં વા ય હોય તો મોટે
ભાગે As આવે.
 પછી કે પાછળથીના અથ માટે then આવે યારે comperative નું પ હોય તો એની સાથે
than આવે.
 No sooner સાથે did અને verb નું સાદું પ (V1) + than આવે.
 થળ માટે where, સમય માટે when, કારણ માટે why મુકવુ.ં
 નકારા મક વા ય કે ાથ હોય એટલે ઓ શનમાં હોય તો Any જ મુકવું.

Exercise No.4
1. Our monitor behaves ___ he were a principal. (as, as if, that)
2. Hardly had the lion seen the hunter ___ it roared loudly.
(than, then, when)
3. Scarcely had the sun risen ____ the birds started singing.
(than, then, when)
4. ____ happy he was, he did not reply. (As, However, Though)
5. Always say the right thing, so ____ you may win friends. (as, that, what)
6. Much ____ he tried to rise, he always failed. (though, as, however)
7. I was so weak ____ I could not walk fast. (as, so, that)
8. Can you tell me ____ did you come late? (that, how, why)
9. ____ had the thief stopped ____ the police man caught him.
(Hardly…when, As…when, No sooner…than)
10. The place ____ Bob was standing was slightly dark.
(where, when, why)
11. April is the month ____ we have a shortage of drinking water. (why, when,
12. Do you know the time ____ our principle becomes angry? (when, where, why)
13. ____ both of them are foolish, they will not understand the lecture. (Since, for,
14. He should not live ___ others do. (that, as, what)
15. Stay ____ you like to live. (when, why, where)
16. The film had hardly started ____ a big sound was heard inside.
(as, since, when)
17. He is so tired ____ he is disinclined to continue to work. (therefore,
that, as)
18. March and April are the months ____ public examinations are held.
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(when, were, why)

19. He called me home ____ he could discuss the matter further.
(so that, so as, in order to)
20. He is so fat ____ he cannot walk properly. (that, as, also)
21. That is the reason ____ he failed in the examination.
(why, for, that)
22. The police had hardly left the ground ____ the bomb exploded. (when,
then, than)
23. ___ easy she takes it, she is in great tension. (Tough, However, As)
24. The plan had hardly taken off, ____ it began to roll violently. (when, then,
25. Open the window ___ the sunlight and fresh air may come in. (therefore, so,
so that)
26. ____ we can’t take anything with us after death, we try to possess
more and more. (As, since, Though)
27. Would you mind to tell me ____ do you go after office hours? (when, why,
28. This is the reason ____ he was punished. (what, why, when)
29. Take care ____ you say anything to anybody. (that, what, when)
30. Mr. Smith requires ____ a clerk ____ is experienced and efficient in
the office management. (so…that, such…as, Same…as)
31. Picasso painted his picture so cleverly ____ they looked real. (as, so that,
32. ____ intelligent Chirag is, he is not industrious.
(Though, However, As)
33. Doctors do not know the reason ____ a person develops cancer. (why,
where, when)
34. The new manager works so amicably ____ everyone in the office
likes him. (as, that, therefore)
35. This is the place ____ he was stable. (when, which, where)
36. Do you know ____ there is no enthusiasm on the faces of
organizers of farewell party? (when, where, why)
37. Scarcely had I met the manager ____ he asked me to join the
service immediately. (than, when, as soon as)
38. Scarcely had he left ____ the police came. (as, when, that)
39. ____ often do you visit the Juhu beach? (How, When, Why)
40. Naresh is stronger ____ I. (than, then, as)
41. Doctors do not know the reason ____ a person develops cancer. (why,
where, when)
42. The new manager works so amicably ____ everyone in the office
likes him. (as, that, therefore)
43. ____ clever he was, he could not get first class.
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(Though, As, However)

44. The match had hardly started ____ it began to rain.
(as, when, since)
45. I don’t know the time ____ they will go to Kashmir.
(when, how, why)
46. Intelligent ____ he is, he is cheated by even a child. (though,
however, as)
47. Do you know ____ he passed the examination?
(that, whether, how)
48. That is the hospital ____ I was born. (when, where, what)
49. All ____ a child wants is its mother’s love. (what, that, why)
50. ____ Kinnu worked hard, she did not get good marks. (However, though,

Verb ( યાપદ)
 વા યમાં થયેલી/થનાર યા દશાવતાં શ દને યાપદ કહે છે .
 યાપદને મદદ કરવા જે વપરાય તેને સહાયક યાપદ કહે વાય.
(1) to be
present: am, is, are; eg. To be happy, to be sad, to be angry, to be sick, to be
Past: was,were; kind, to be nice, to be handsome, to be attractive, to be
Future: will be/shall be popular, to be silent
(2) to do
present: do/does; Do+ verbનું મૂળ પ= Verbનું પહે લું પ (V1)
Past: did; simple present
Future: will do/shall do Did+ verbનું મૂળ પ= Verbનું બીજુ ં પ (V2)
for example… simple Past
go- (V1) simple present verbનું 3જુ ં પ= V3
went- (V2) simple Past Does+ verbનું મૂળ પ= Verbનું ‘S’વાળું પ
gone- verbનું 3જુ ં પ= V3 (Vs) simple present
goes- Does+ verbનું મૂળ પ= Verbનું ‘S’વાળું પ verbનું મૂળ પ + ing = Present Participle
going- verbનું મૂળ પ + ing = Present Participle
(3) to have:
present: have/has
Past: had
Future: will have /shall have

Verb forms
Base Form Past Participle Form ‘ing’ form
Past Form V2
V1 V3 Ving
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Abide Abided Abided/Abidden Abiding

Arise Arose Arisen Arising
Awake Awoke Awoken Awaking
Be Was/Were Been Being
Bear Bore Born/Borne Bearing
Beat Beat Beaten Beating
Begin Began Begun Beginning
Bid Bade Bidden Bidding
Bite Bit Bitten Biting
Blow Blew Blown Blowing
Break Broke Broken Breaking
Choose Chose Chosen Choosing
Do Did Done Doing
Draw Drew Drawn Drawing
Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
Drive Drove Driven Driving
Eat Ate Eaten Eating
Fall Fell Fallen Falling
Fly Flew Flown Flying
Forbid Forbade Forbidden Forbidding
Foresee Foresaw Foreseen Foreseeing
Forget Forgot Forgotten Forgetting
Forgive Forgave Forgiven Forgiving
Forsake Forsook Forsaken Forsaking
Freeze Froze Frozen Freezing
Give Gave Given Giving
Go Went Gone Going
Grow Grew Grown Growing
Hide Hid Hidden Hiding
Know Knew Known Knowing
Lie Lay Lain Lying

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Mistake Mistook Mistaken Mistaking

Mow Mowed Mown Mowing
Overdraw Overdrew Overdrawn Overdrawing
Overtake Overtook Overtaken Overtaking
Re-prove Re-proved Re-proving
Ride Rode Ridden Riding
Ring Rang Rung Ringing
Rise Rose Risen Rising
Rive Rived Riven/Rived Riving
Saw Sawed Sawn/Sawed Sawing
See Saw Seen Seeing
Sew Sewed Sewn/Sewed Sewing
Shake Shook Shaken Shaking
Shave Shaved Shaven/Shaved Shaving
Show Showed Shown Showing
Shrink Shrank Shrunk Shrinking
Sing Sang Sung Singing
Sink Sank Sunk Sinking
Slay Slew Slain Slaying
Slide Slid Slid/Slidden Sliding
Sow Sowed Sown Sowing
Speak Spoke Spoken Speaking
Spin Span/Spun Spun Spinning
Spit Spat/Spit Spat/Spit Spitting
Split Split Split Splitting
Spoil Spoilt/Spoiled Spoilt/Spoiled Spoiling
Spread Spread Spread Spreading
Spring Sprang Sprung Springing
Stand Stood Stood Standing
Steal Stole Stolen Stealing
Stride Strode/Strided Stridden Striding
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Strike Struck Struck/Stricken Striking

Strive Strove Striven Striving
Swear Swore Sworn Swearing
Swell Swelled Swollen Swelling
Swim Swam Swum Swimming
Take Took Taken Taking
Thrive Throve/Thrived Thriven/Thrived Thriving
Throw Threw Thrown Throwing
Tread Trod Trodden Treading
Undergo Underwent Undergone Undergoing
Undertake Undertook Undertaken Undertaking
Wake Woke Woken Waking
Wear Wore Worn Wearing
Weave Wove Woven Weaving
Withdraw Withdrew Withdrawn Withdrawing
Write Wrote Written Writing
Verbs in which all two forms are identical
Base Form Past Form V2 Past Participle Form ‘ing’ form
V1 V3 Ving
Alight Alit/Alighted Alit/Alighted Alighting
Bend Bent Bent Bending
Become Became Become Becoming
Behold Beheld Beheld Beholding
Bleed Bled Bled Bleeding
Bring Brought Brought Bringing
Buy Bought Bought Buying
Bind Bound Bound Binding
Broadcast Broadcast/Broadca Broadcast/Broadca Broadcasting
sted sted
Burn Burnt/Burned Burnt/Burned Burning
Build Built Built Building
Breed Bred Bred Breeding
Catch Caught Caught Catching
Cost Cost Cost Costing
Clap Clapped/Clapt Clapped/Clapt Clapping
Clothe Clad/Clothed Clad/Clothed Clothing
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Come Came Come Coming

Creep Crept Crept Creeping
Dare Dared Dared Daring
Deal Dealt Dealt Dealing
Dig Dug Dug Digging
Dream Dreamt/Dreamed Dreamt/Dreamed Dreaming
Dwell Dwelt Dwelt Dwelling
Feed Fed Fed Feeding
Feel Felt Felt Feeling
Fight Fought Fought Fighting
Find Found Found Finding
Fit Fit/Fitted Fit/Fitted Fitting
Foretell Foretold Foretold Foretelling
Flee Fled Fled Fleeing
Fling Flung Flung Flinging
Forecast Forecast/Forecaste Forecast/Forecaste Forecasting
d d
Get Got Got/Gotten Getting
Grind Ground Ground Grinding
Hang Hung/Hanged Hung/Hanged Hanging
Have Had Had Having
Hear Heard Heard Hearing
Hold Held Held Holding
Inlay Inlaid Inlaid Inlaying
Input Input/Inputted Input/Inputted Inputting
Interlay Interlaid Interlaid Interlaying
Keep Kept Kept Keeping
Kneel Knelt/Kneeled Knelt/Kneeled Kneeling
Knit Knit/Knitted Knit/Knitted Knitting
Lay Laid Laid laying
Lead Led Led Leading
Lean Leant/Leaned Leant/Leaned Leaning
Leap Leapt/Leaped Leapt/Leaped Leaping
Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned Learning
Leave Left Left Leaving
Lend Lent Lent Lending
Lie Lied Lied lying
Light Lit Lit Lighting
Lose Lost Lost Losing
Make Made Made Making
Mean Meant Meant Meaning
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Meet Met Met Meeting

Melt Melted Molten/Melted Melting
Misundersta Misunderstood Misunderstood Misunderstand
nd ing
Miswed Miswed/Miswedde Miswed/Miswedde Miswedding
d d
Mislead Misled Misled Misleading
Overhear Overheard Overheard Overhearing
Pay Paid Paid Paying
Preset Preset Preset Presetting
Prove Proved Proven/Proved Proving
Rid Rid/Ridded Rid/Ridded Ridding
Run Ran Run Running
Say Said Said Saying
Seek Sought Sought Seeking
Sell Sold Sold Selling
Send Sent Sent Sending
Shear Shore/Sheared Shorn/Sheared Shearing
Shine Shone Shone Shining
Shoe Shod Shod Shoeing
Shoot Shot Shot Shooting
Sit Sat Sat Sitting
Sleep Slept Slept Sleeping
Sling Slung Slung Slinging
Slink Slunk Slunk Slinking
Smell Smelt/Smelled Smelt/Smelled Smelling
Sneak Sneaked/Snuck Sneaked/Snuck Sneaking
Soothsay Soothsaid Soothsaid Soothsaying
Speed Sped/Speeded Sped/Speeded Speeding
Spell Spelt/Spelled Spelt/Spelled Spelling
Spend Spent Spent Spending
Spill Spilt/Spilled Spilt/Spilled Spilling
String Strung Strung Stringing
Strip Stript/Stripped Stript/Stripped Stripping
Stick Stuck Stuck Sticking
Sting Stung Stung Stinging
Stink Stank Stunk Stinking
Sweat Sweat/Sweated Sweat/Sweated Sweating
Sweep Swept/Sweeped Swept/Sweeped Sweeping
Sunburn Sunburned/Sunbur Sunburned/Sunbur Sunburning
nt nt
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Swing Swung Swung Swinging

Teach Taught Taught Teaching
Tell Told Told Telling
Think Thought Thought Thinking
Tear Tore Torn Tearing
Understand Understood Understood Understanding
Vex Vext/Vexed Vext/Vexed Vexing
Wed Wed/Wedded Wed/Wedded Wedding
Weep Wept Wept Weeping
Wend Wended/Went Wended/Went Wending
Wet Wet/Wetted Wet/Wetted Wetting
Win Won Won Winning
Wind Wound Wound Winding
Withstand Withstood Withstood Withstanding
Wring Wrung Wrung Wringing
Withhold Withheld Withheld Withholding
Zinc Zinced/Zincked Zinced/Zincked Zincking

Verbs in which all three forms are identical

Base Form Past Form Past Participle Form ‘ing’ form
V1 V2 V3 Ving
Bet Bet Bet Betting
Burst Burst Burst Bursting
Bust Bust Bust Busting
Bid Bid Bid Bidding
Cast Cast Cast Casting
Cut Cut Cut Cutting
Hit Hit Hit Hitting
Hurt Hurt Hurt Hurting
Let Let Let Letting
Put Put Put Putting
Quit Quit Quit Quitting
Read Read Read Reading
Set Set Set Setting
Shed Shed Shed Shedding
Slit Slit Slit Slitting
Shut Shut Shut Shutting

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Thrust Thrust Thrust Thrusting

Being able to find the right subject and verb will help you correct errors of subject-verb
Basic Rule. A singular subject (she, Bill, car) takes a singular verb (is, goes, shines),
whereas a plural subject takes a plural verb.
Example: The list of items is/are on the desk.
If you know that list is the subject, then you will choose is for the verb.
Rule 1. A subject will come before a phrase beginning with of. This is a key rule for
understanding subjects. The word of is the culprit in many, perhaps most, subject-verb

Incorrect: A bouquet of yellow roses lend color and fragrance to the room.
Correct: A bouquet of yellow roses lends . . . (bouquet lends, not roses lend)
Rule 2. Two singular subjects connected by or, either/or, or neither/nor require a
singular verb.
My aunt or my uncle is arriving by train today.
Neither Juan nor Carmen is available.
Either Kiana or Casey is helping today with stage decorations.
Rule 3. The verb in an or, either/or, or neither/nor sentence agrees with the noun or
pronoun closest to it.
Neither the plates nor the serving bowl goes on that shelf.
Neither the serving bowl nor the plates go on that shelf.
This rule can lead to bumps in the road. For example, if I is one of two (or more)
subjects, it could lead to this odd sentence:
Awkward: Neither she, my friends, nor I am going to the festival.
Neither she, I, nor my friends are going to the festival.
Rule 4. As a general rule, use a plural verb with two or more subjects when they are
connected by and.
Example: A car and a bike are my means of transportation.
Rule 5. Sometimes the subject is separated from the verb by such words as along with,
as well as, besides, not, etc. These words and phrases are not part of the subject. Ignore
them and use a singular verb when the subject is singular.
The politician, along with the newsmen, is expected shortly.
Excitement, as well as nervousness, is the cause of her shaking.
Rule 6. With words that indicate portions—percent, fraction, majority, some, all, etc.—
Rule 1 given earlier is reversed, and we are guided by the noun after of. If the noun
after of is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural verb.
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Fifty percent of the pie has disappeared.
Fifty percent of the pies have disappeared.
A third of the city is unemployed.
A third of the people are unemployed.
All of the pie is gone.
All of the pies are gone.
Some of the pie is missing.
Some of the pies are missing.
Rule 7. In sentences beginning with here or there, the true subject follows the verb.
There are four hurdles to jump.
There is a high hurdle to jump.
Here are the keys.
Rule 8. Use a singular verb with distances, periods of time, sums of money, etc., when
considered as a unit.
Three miles is too far to walk.
Five years is the maximum sentence for that offense.
Ten dollars is a high price to pay.
Ten dollars (i.e., dollar bills) were scattered on the floor.
Rule 9. Some collective nouns, such as family, couple, staff, audience, etc., may take
either a singular or a plural verb, depending on their use in the sentence.
The staff is in a meeting.
Staff is acting as a unit.
The couple disagree about disciplining their child.
The couple refers to two people who are acting as individuals.
Rule 10. The word were replaces was in sentences that express a wish or are contrary
to fact:
Example: If Joe were here, you'd be sorry.
Either……. or and neither ………. nor
1.Either / or – બે માંથી એકની પસંદગી કરવાની હોય યારે
We can either eat now or after the show - it's up to you.
2. Neither / nor – બે માંથી કોઇ ન હં (નકારા મક)
Neither my mother nor my father went to university.
Singular or plural
either/or અને neither/nor, વાપરતી વખતે આટલાં િનયમોનું યાન રાખવું:
1. If both elements are singular, then the verb is singular too.
 Either the father or the mother has to attend the meeting. (father and mother are
singular; so the verb has is singular too)
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Neither Leila nor Nancy is going to write the report. (Leila and Nancy are
singular; so the verb is is singular too)
2. However, if one of the elements is plural, then use a plural verb.
 Either Sue or the girls are going to prepare dinner tonight. (the girls is plural; so
the verb are is plural too)
 Neither the teacher nor the students were in the classroom this morning. (the
students is plural; so the verb were is plural too)

Exercise No.5
1. Those two boys are clever ____ of them will answer any question. (either, neither, both)
2. She had books not only in her bags ____ in her hands. (but, also, but also)
3. You will ____ find him at school or at the playground. (either, neither, as well)
4. He got neither prize ____ praise. (or, nor, but)
5. Rajesh is ____ smart ____ intelligent. (Not only..but also, the,
6. The two brothers were shy; ____ of them stood up to speak. (each, either, neither)
7. ____ accept it ____ reject it. You yourself should decide.
(Either…or, Neither…nor, Not only…but also)
8. ____ of the two artists has come. What shall we do? (Some, Neither, Any)
9. Mr. Desai said to the pupils”_____sit quietly____ leave the class.”
(Either..or, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)
10. ____ could win the match as it started raining. (either, neither, both)
11. She is ____ so clever ____so honest, as she pretend to be.
(Either…or, Neither…nor, such…as)
12. Congratulations, Mohini, you type ____ quickly____ accurately.
(Either..or, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)
13. ____ Ram ____ Shyam sings well. (Both..and, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)
14. My father insists on ____ education ____ discipline.
(Either…or, so…that, not only…but also)
15. ____ Sree ____ her sister were surprised to see the huge animal.
(Both…and, Either…or, Neither…nor)
16. Mr. Trivedi is very rich. He has ____ TV ____a DVD player.
(either…. or, neither…nor, not only…but also)
17. I have forgotten my mobile ___ at school ____ at home. I don’t remember.
(Either..or, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)
18. Hiren Markand was ____ honest____ sincere so he didn’t cheat.
(Both..and, Neither..nor, either…)
19. I like ____ tea ___ coffee. I like only cold coffee.
(Either..or, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)
20. Though he is a villager, he can ___ write ___ read.
(Either..or, Neither..nor, Not only..but also)

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Gerunds and Infinitives

1. Gerund એટલે યાપદનું ingવાળું પ કે જે વા યમાં સં ા noun નું કામ કરે છે . દા.ત.
 After certain verbs - I enjoy singing
 After prepositions - I drank a cup of coffee before leaving
 As the subject or object of a sentence - Swimming is good exercise

2. Infinitive એટલે યાપદનું મૂળ પ (to વાળું પ) કે જે વા યમાં સં ા (noun) નું કામ કરે છે . દા.ત.
 To learn is important. (subject of sentence)
 The most important thing is to learn. (complement of sentence)
 He wants to learn. (object of sentence)
gerundનો ઉપયોગ કરીને બનાવેલાં કે ટલાક વા યો:
enjoy I enjoyed living in France.
fancy I fancy seeing a film tonight.
discuss We discussed going on holiday together.
dislike I dislike waiting for buses.
finish We've finished preparing for the meeting.
mind I don't mind coming early.
suggest He suggested staying at the Grand Hotel.
recommend They recommended meeting earlier.
keep He kept working, although he felt ill.
avoid She avoided talking to her boss.
miss She misses living near the beach.
appreciate I appreciated her helping me.
delay He delayed doing his taxes.
postpone He postponed returning to Paris
practise She practised singing the song.
consider She considered moving to New York.
can't stand He can't stand her smoking in the office.
can't help He can't help talking so loudly.
risk He risked being caught.
admit He admitted cheating on the test.
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'to' અને infinitiveનો ઉપયોગ કરીને બનાવેલાં કે ટલાક વા યો:
agree She agreed to give a presentation at the meeting.
ask* I asked to leave early / I asked him to leave early.
decide We decided to go out for dinner.

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He helped to clean the kitchen / he helped his flatmate to clean the

plan She plans to buy a new flat next year.
hope I hope to pass the exam.
learn They are learning to sing.
want* I want to come to the party / I want him to come to the party.
would like* I would like to see her tonight / I would like you to see her tonight.
promise We promised not to be late.
can afford We can't afford to go on holiday.
manage He managed to open the door without the key.
They prepared to take the test / The teachers prepared the students to
take the test.
demand He demanded to speak to Mr. Harris.
choose I chose to help.
offer Frank offered to drive us to the supermarket.
wait She waited to buy a movie ticket.
I'd hate to be late / I'd hate you to be late.
I'd love to come / I'd love him to come.
seem Nancy seemed to be disappointed.

Exercise 6
State whether the –ing forms given in the following sentences are participles or
1. Hearing a loud noise, we ran to the window.
2. The motorcyclist was fatally injured in the accident and is now fighting for his life.
3. He ruined his sight by watching TV all day.
4. We saw a clown standing on his head.
5. Asking questions is a whole lot easier than answering them.
6. Waving their hands, the audience cheered the winner.
7. Plucking flowers is forbidden.
8. Jumping over the fence, the thief escaped.
9. I was surprised at Mayur’s being absent.
10. We spent the whole day playing cards.
11. A miser hates spending his money.
12. Mayur was angry at Alice trying to lie to her.
13. Praising all alike is praising none.

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14. Are you afraid of speaking the truth?

15. Singing to herself is her chief delight.
1. Hearing – participle, qualifying the pronoun we
2. Fighting – participle, qualifying the noun motorcyclist.
3. Watching – gerund, object of the preposition by
4. Standing – participle, qualifying the noun clown
5. Asking – gerund, subject of is; answering – gerund
6. Waving – participle, qualifying the noun audience
7. Plucking – gerund; subject of the verb is
8. Jumping – participle, qualifying the noun thief
9. Being – gerund, object of the participle at
10. Playing – gerund, complement of the noun whole day
11. Spending – gerund, object of the verb hates
12. Trying – gerund, object of the preposition at
13. Praising – gerund, subject of the verb is; praising – gerund
14. Speaking – gerund, object of the preposition of
15. Singing – gerund, subject of the verb is
Exercises 7
A * નીચેના Participleને Gerundમાં ફે રવો
1. She was talking to her friend and forgot everything around her.
→__Talking to her friend she forgot everything around her.___
2. Since we watch the news every day we know what's going on in the world.
3. They are vegetarians and don't eat meat.
4. The dog wagged its tail and bit the postman.
5. While she was tidying up her room she found some old photos.
6. He was a good boy and helped his mother in the kitchen.
7. As they didn't have enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.
8. The man was sitting in the cafe. He was reading a paper.
9. Since I didn't feel well I didn't go to the cinema.
10. She walked home and met an old friend.

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B. Complete each pair of sentences with the correct form of the Same
verb, once as a present participle and once as a past participle.
1. I hurt my leg ____________ football.
Bridge is a card game ___________ by four people.
2. It says “________ in Korea” on my camera.
I have a job in a café ___________ sandwiches.
3. I’ve spent the whole morning __________ an essay.
On the wall was some graffiti _____________ in big letters.
4. Goods ___________ in the sales cannot be refunded.
I’ve spent all my money ____________ Christmas presents.
5. The police caught the burglar ____________ into a house.
Careful! There’s a lot of __________ glass on the floor.
2. Watching the news every day we know what's going on in the world.
3. Being vegetarians they don't eat meat.
4. Wagging its tail the dog bit the postman.
5. Tidying up her room she found some old photos.
6. Being a good boy he helped his mother in the kitchen.
7. Not having enough money they spent their holidays at home last year.
8. The man was sitting in the cafe reading a paper.
9. Not feeling well I didn't go to the cinema.
10. Walking home she met an old friend.
1. I hurt my leg playing football.
Bridge is a card game played by four people.
2. It says “made in Korea” on my camera.
I have a job in a café making sandwiches.
3. I’ve spent the whole morning writing an essay.
On the wall was some graffiti written in big letters.
4. Goods bought in the sales cannot be refunded.
I’ve spent all my money buying Christmas presents.
5. The police caught the burglar breaking into a house.
Careful! There’s a lot of broken glass on the floor.

Modals and Auxiliaries

auxiliary verbs uses
Will/ shall ભિવ ય કાળની ઘટના, યોજના,ઇરાદો વગેરે સૂચવે છે .
may વતમાનની સંભિવતતા, આછી શ યતા, આશીવાદ, આ ા, પરવાનગી
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might ભૂતકાળની સંભિવતતા/આછી શ યતા

can વતમાનની શ યતા સૂચવે છે . વતમાનની મતા, શ યતા, િમ તાપૂણ પરવાનગી
could ભૂતકાળની શ યતા સૂચવે છે . િવનંતી સૂચવે છે .
Must/ Have to ફરિજયાતપ ં સૂચવે છે .
ought to કરવું જ પડશે એવો ભાવ સૂચવે છે .
should નૈિતક ફરજ સૂચવે છે .
would ઇ છા/િવનંતી સૂચવે છે .
used to ભૂતકાળની આદત દશાવે છે .
need જ રયાત/જ ર હોવાનું દશાવે છે .
dare હંમત/આછી ધમકી દશાવે છે .


Helping Verbs To be (હોવુ,ં થવું) To do (કાંઈક કરવુ)ં (આ સહાયક To have (ની પાસે હોવુ)ં
યાપદમાં મુ ય યાપદ merge
થાય છે . )
Present: am, is, are Present : do, does (do=V1)) Present : have, has
(does = Vs)
Past: was, were Past : did ( did = V2) Past : had
Future: <will> + be Future : <will> = do (V1) Future : <will> +

ઊપરો ત <will> ના થાને ઉપર જણાવેલ તમામ Models વાપરી શકાય

1. Simple present tense (સાદો વતમાન કાળ)
Format Active To be : am, is,are
To do : V1, V s
To have : have, has
Passive To do : am,is,are +V3

ઉપયોગો :
 રોજબરોજની ઘટનાઓ દશાવવા માટે :
 I wake up at six in the morning.
 He goes to college at 9 am.
 They exercise in the park every evening.
 We meet every day to discuss concerning issues.
 (ઉપરો ત વા યમાં to Discuss યાપદ નથી પરં તુ infinitive છે યારે Concerning યાપદ નથી
પરં તુ Gerund છે .)
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 આદતો દશાવવા માટે

 Suresh reads newspapers every day
 Pinky teases her uncle without any reasons.
 Mohan and Sohan smoke a packet of cigarettes regularly. સામા ય હકીકતો દશાવવા માટે
( સામા ય રીતે To Be નું પ વપરાય છે )
 Rohit is a doctor while his sister is a nurse.
 Ali and Khali are best friends. I am not their friend.
 He knows Little English whereas we know better.

 સનાતન સ ય દશાવવા માટે :
 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
 The moon revolves around the earth.
 Children are the future of any country.
 The ball is round but the chess board is square.

 વાતા કે કથાનો સાર કહે વા માટે :
 The hare goes to the turtle and requests for a race.
 The Lion calls the foolish donkey and eats him up.
 The animals now fear what to do.
 િનિ ત સમય પ કનો ભાગ હોય તેવી ભિવ યની ઘટનાઓ દશાવવા માટે :
 The train for Ahmedabad leaves at 7 am tomorrow.
 The next flight for Mumbai departs at 3 am.
 The match starts again after the lunch.

 Adverbs of frequency (વારંવાર થતી યાઓ દશાવવા)
દરરોજ - Every day, daily, always, regularly
લગભગ રોજ – Almost….
ઘણીવાર – Mostly, most of the times, often
કે ટલીક વાર – Some times
ઓછી વાર – Occasionally , rarely, once in a while
નકાર – Seldom, never
 સામા ય રીતે સાદા કાળમાં adverbs of frequency વપરાય છે .

2. Simple past Tense (સાદો ભૂતકાળ)

Format To be : was, were
To do : did (V2) Active
To have : had
To do : was, were + V3 Passive

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ઉપયોગ :
 ભૂતકાળમાં ઘટે લી કોઈ યા, ઘટના દશાવવા માટે
- He fell off the chair Yesterday
- They ate up all the ice-cream from the fridge.
- She met me last Sunday.
- I received his letter a week ago.

 ભૂતકાળની આદતો દશાવવા માટે તેમજ લંબાણમાં વાતા કહે વા માટે :
- He used to exercise daily.
- They read very good novels whenever they found some extra time.
- Till last year, Mohan visited his uncle everyday.
- Once upon a time there lived a Lion King. He ordered all his subjects to bring
him an animal daily. They decided to approach the King.
- All animals gathered up for a discussion. They Wanted to resolve the matter
as soon as Possible.
- That was the time when everyone was happy. They lived a quiet life. His wife
brought fresh fruits for him every morning. She got ready and they went for

૩. Simple Future Tense (સાદો ભિવ ય કાળ)
Format Active To be : <will> +be
To do: <will> + V1
To have: <will> + have
Passive : To do: <will> + be + V3

 ઉપયોગો:
ભિવ યમાં થનારી ઘટનાઓ, યોજનાઓ વગેરે દશાવવા માટે :
E.g I shall be 20 next Sunday.
I will be a doctor when I grow up.
She will call you tomorrow.
They will meet my aunt and go home.
We will have a big house soon!
Rohit will dance on the tune of bravo champion.

 ભિવ યની ધારણા કરવા માટે <will> નું પ વપરાય છે પરં તુ ઘટના મ અગાઉથી ન ી કરે લ હોય તો
will ના બદલે am/is/are + going to + v1 વપરાય છે .
E.g I will watch Jungle book tonight.
I am going to watch jungle book tonight. I have the tickets
We will go to bali islands next month.
We have booked the tickets already. We are going to visit bali next
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Rohit will write an essay tomorrow.
Rohit is going to write an essay tomorrow. He has told me already.

4. Present Continuous Tense (ચાલુ વતમાન કાળ)
Format : Active : am, Is, are + Ving
Passive : am, Is, are + Being + V 3

 ઉપયોગો:
 વતમાનમાં બોલતી વખતે ચાલુ યાઓ દશાવવા માટે :
E.g - Ravi is reading a novel now.
- Deven is sleeping right now.
- Right now, they are working on their Computers.
- Look! The birds are flying.
- I am writing a letter to my father.
- I am eating an apple at this moment.

 કોઈ યા બોલતી વખતે ચાલુ ન પણ હોય છતાં ટૂં કાગાળા માટે ચાલુ હોય અથવા કોઈ યા back ground
માં ચાલુ હોય તો Present continuous tense વપરાય છે .
E.g Ravi is reading a novel now a days.
I am perusing masters in journalism these days.
This month they are joining swimming classes.

 is/am/are +going to દેખીતી રીતે ચાલુ વતમાનકાળનું પ વાપરે છે પરંતુ અગાઉથી ન ી કરે લી
ભિવ ય કાળની ઘટનાઓ દશાવવા માટે વપરાય છે .
E.g We are going to watch a movie tomorrow

5. Past Continuous Tense (ચાલુ ભૂતકાળ)

Format : Active : Was/were + ving
Passive : Was/were + being + V3

 ઉપયોગો :
ભૂતકાળના કોઈ એક િનિ ત સમયમાં ચાલુ યા દશાવવા માટે આ કાળ વપરાય છે .

E.g When I went to his house, he was watching TV.
Yesterday at this time we were playing cricket.
They were working on their computers when I called them.

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6. Future Continuous Tense (ચાલુ ભિવ ય કાળ)

Format Active <will>+ be + ving
Passive શ ય નથી

 ઉપયોગ : ભિવ યના(વતમાન) કોઈ એક િનિ ત સમયમાં કોઈ યા ચાલુ હશે એવી ધારણા કરવા માટે આ
કાળ વપરાય છે .
E.g It will be raining soon.
Tomorrow at this time he shall be writing a novel.
They will be leaving for manali next Sunday
Ravi will be writing letter to his father, I suppose.
Suhana may be searching for us right now.
Radhika should be preparing food for his sick aunt.

7. Present perfect Tense (પૂણ વતમાન કાળ)
Format : Active : Have/ has + V3
Passive: have/has + been + V3

 ઉપયોગ:
વતમાન કાળમાં/તાજેતરમાં પૂણ થયેલ યાઓ દશાવવા માટે :
E.g I have just completed the project.
He has just finished the letter. He will post it soon.
They have already submitted all their documents in the office.
He has just gone out with his friend.
Ramesh has recently delivered a speech.

8. Past Perfect Tense (પૂણ ભૂતકાળ)
Format: Active : had + V3
Passive : had + been + V3

 ઉપયોગ:
ભૂતકાળના કોઈ એક િનિ ત સમય પહે લા પૂણ થયેલી યા અથવા ભૂતકાળની બે સમાંતર યાઓમાંથી થમ
પૂણ થયેલી યા દશાવવા માટે :
E.g He had just gone out, when I went to his place.
They had already finished the project, when I asked.
We had already submitted the documents when the
principal demanded them.
When he called her. She had already left the house.

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9. Future Perfect Tense (પૂણ ભિવ યકાળ)

Format <will> + have + V3 Active
<will> + have + been + V3 Passive

 ઉપયોગ : ભિવ યના અથવા (ભૂત, વતમાનની ધારણા) કોઈ એક િનિ ત સમય પહે લા અથવા ભિવ યમાં
ઘટવાની બે સમાંતર ઘટનાઓમાંથી થમ પૂણ થવાની યા દશાવવા માટે :
E.g We will have submitted the documents by the time he will ask.
They shall have written the letter before 10th.
He would have easily passed the exam if he filled up the form.
If he had reached on time, he could have saved the child.
Milk is not in the cup. The cat must have drunk it.
We might have won the match if we didn’t had bowled badly.

 યારે verb ના પમાં {to have} પોતે હોય યારે તેનું V3 નીચે મુજબ થાય છે .
- Present Perfect Tense : have/has + had
I have just had my lunch.
- Past perfect tense : had + had
When I invited him at my house, he had had his lunch
- Future Perfect tense : will + have + had
She will have had her lunch by am tomorrow.
She must have had some problems with her father.
They should have had him admitted in a good school.

10. Present Perfect Continuous Tense (ચાલુ પૂણ વતમાન કાળ)

Format: Active: Have/has + been + ving
Passive : શ ય નથી

 ઉપયોગ : ભૂતકાળમાં શ થયેલી યા લાંબા સમયથી વતમાન કાળમાં પણ ચાલુ જ હોય યારે આ કાળ વપરાય
છે .
E.g I have been living in Gandhinagar since 2010
They have been cleaning the garden since morning
She has been writing the letter for the past two hours.

11. Past Perfect Continuous Tense (ચાલુ પૂણ ભૂતકાળ)
Format: Active : had + been + ving
Passive : શ ય નથી

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ઉપયોગ: ભૂતકાળના કોઈ એક િનિ ત સમય પહે લા શ થયેલી યા તે સમય સુધી પણ ચાલુ જ હોય યારે .
E.g She had been cleaning the house for the whole day yesterday.
He had been preparing food for his children since morning.
They had been dancing all night on new year’s eve.

12. Future Perfect continuous these (ચાલુપૂણ ભિવ યકાળ)
Format: Active : (will) + have +been + ving
Passive : શ ય નથી

 ઉપયોગ : ભૂતકાળમાં શ થયેલી યા ભિવ યમાં પણ ચાલુ જ હશે તેવી ધારણા કરવા માટે આ કાળ વપરાય છે . પરંતુ
યવહાર માં વપરાતો નથી.
She will have been cleaning the house since morning when my uncle will arrive in the
- For – સમય ગાળા માટે યારે
- since – િનિ ત સમય દશાવવા માટે વપરાય છે .

Use of Some, many, any, few, a little, since and for

Some, any, a little, a few are used to express quantity, to say or ask if you have a
quantity of something or not. (જ થો દશાવવા માટે વપરાશે.)
 Some is used in affirmative sentences, and also when asking for or offering
 Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences.
 A few is used with countable nouns : a few apples.
 A little is used with uncountable nouns : a little cheese.

A lot of - much - many :

 A lot of :
 A lot of can be used in all sentences: affirmative, negative and interrogative.
 Much - many :
 Much and many are used in negative and interrogative sentences.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative
We learn a lot I don't know a lot Do you learn a lot of English?
of English. of English.
I make a lot I don't Do you know much English?
of mistakes. know much English.
Much of our food I don't know a lot Do you make a lot of mistakes?
is exported. of words.
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Many people I don't Do you make many mistakes?

drive too fast. know many words.

a little: non countable nouns (milk, marmalade, money, time etc.)

a few: countable nouns (bottles of milk, jars of marmalade, dollars, minutes etc.)
He has a little money left.
He has a few dollars left.

much or many

much milk
much money
much time
much water
many glasses of milk
many dollars
many hours
many bottles of water

How much money do you have? - I don't have much left.
How many notes do you have? - I don't have many left.
In informal English these questions are often answered with a lot of/lots of. There is no
much difference between the two phrases.
Note: We use much or many after as, so and too. It is wrong to use a lot of/lots with
these words. (We have so a lot of homework to do.)
We have so much homework to do.
We have too much homework to do.

FORના ઉપયોગો:
We use For when we measure the duration – when we say how long something lasts.
For + a period of time
To measure a period of time up to the present, we use the present perfect tense and not
the present tense.
 I have known her for a long time. (Correct)
I know her for a long time. (Incorrect)
 I have lived here for ten years. (Correct)
I live here for ten years. (Incorrect)
The present tense with For refers to a period of time that extends into the future.
 How long are you here for? (Until when)
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 How long have you been here for? (Since when)

SINCEનો ઉપયોગ:
Since + a point in time (in the past), until now.
 I've been waiting since 7 o'clock.
 I have known him since January.
With since we use the present perfect tense or the past perfect tense.
 I have been here since 5 o'clock and I am getting tired.
 I had been working since 5 o'clock and I was getting tired.
Since can also be used in the structure It has been + period of time + since.
 It has been two months since I last saw her.
 It has been three years since the last earthquake.

For vs. Since

Knowing when to use FOR and when to use SINCE is important. Therefore it is useful to
look at a summary of the contrast between FOR and SINCE.

While we can use For in the simple past tense we can't use Since in the
simple past tense. Since can only be used in the perfect tense.
Correct Incorrect
She went to Nardipur for three years. She went to Nardipur since 2003.
I studied in New Zealand for one month. I studied in New Zealand since one month.
He walked his dog for four hours. He walked his cat since four hours.

Exercise 8
Complete the following sentences with 'for', during' or 'while'.
1. I have been waiting for the bus _______________ 20 minutes.
2. Tom played golf ______________ Deval went shopping with her friends.
3. The family lived in Japan _______________ three years.
4. Maulik called his mother _______________ Anamika was watching television.
5. My mother came to stay with us ______________ the summer ___________ 10 days.
6. Yesterday we played tennis _______________ 2 hours.
7. _______________ the holidays we relax, go sightseeing and visit friends.
8. In Europe, meals are different. People stay at the table ______________ a long time.

Answers :

1) for 2) while 3) for 4) while 5) during/for 6) for 7) during 8) for

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Prepositions (નામયોગી/નામયોગી અ યય)

વા યમાં noun/Pronoun ની િ થિત દશાવવા માટે વપરાતા શ દો ને Prepositions કહે છે .
Prepositions ના ણ કાર પાડી શકાય:-
 Simple અને Compound Prepositions
 Phrasal Prepositions
 Simple Prepositions અને Compound Prepositions ને નીચેના કારોમાં વહચી શકાય:

Prepositions – Time
Preposition Usage

 on  days of the week  on Monday
 in  months / seasons  in August / in
 time of day winter
 year  in the morning
 after a certain period of  in 2006
time (when?)  in an hour
 at  for night  at night
 for weekend  at the weekend
 a certain point of time (when?)  at half past
 since  from a certain point of time (past till  since 1980
 for  over a certain period of time (past  for 2 years
till now)
 ago  a certain time in the past  2 years ago
 before  earlier than a certain point of time  before 2004
 to  telling the time  ten to six
 past  telling the time  ten past six
 to / till / until  marking the beginning and end of a  from Monday
period of time to/till Friday
 till / until  in the sense of how long something  He is on
is going to last holiday until
 by  in the sense of at the latest  I will be back
 up to a certain time by 6 o’clock.

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Prepositions – Place (Position and Direction)

Preposition Usage Example
 in  room, building, street, town, country  in the kitchen, in
 book, paper etc. London
 car, taxi  in the book
 picture, world  in the car, in a taxi
 in the picture, in
the world
 at  meaning next to, by an object  at the door, at the
 for table station
 for events  at the table
 place where you are to do something  at a concert, at the
typical (watch a film, study, work) party
 at the cinema, at
school, at work
 on  attached  the picture on the
 for a place with a river wall
 being on a surface  London lies on the
 for a certain side (left, right) Thames.
 for a floor in a house  on the table
 for public transport  on the left
 for television, radio  on the first floor
 on the bus, on a
 on TV, on the radio
 by,  left or right of somebody or something  Jane is standing
next by / next to /
to, beside the car.
 under  on the ground, lower than (or covered  the bag is under
by) something else the table
 below  lower than something else but above  the fish are below
ground the surface
 over  covered by something else  put a jacket over
 meaning more than your shirt
 getting to the other side (also across)  over 16 years of
 overcoming an obstacle age
 walk over the

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Preposition Usage Example

 climb over the wall
 above  higher than something else, but not  a path above the
directly over it lake
 across  getting to the other side (also over)  walk across the
 getting to the other side bridge
 swim across the
 throug  something with limits on top, bottom  drive through the
h and the sides tunnel
 to  movement to person or building  go to the cinema
 movement to a place or country  go to London /
 for bed Ireland
 go to bed
 into  enter a room / a building  go into the
kitchen / the house
 towar  movement in the direction of something  go 5 steps towards
ds (but not directly to it) the house
 onto  movement to the top of something  jump onto the table
 from  in the sense of where from  a flower from the

અ ય મહ વના Prepositions
English Usage Example
 from  who gave it  a present from Jane
 of  who/what does it belong to  a page of the book
 what does it show  the picture of a palace
 by  who made it  a book by Mark Twain
 on  walking or riding on horseback  on foot, on horseback
 entering a public transport vehicle  get on the bus
 in  entering a car / Taxi  get in the car
 off  leaving a public transport vehicle  get off the train
 out of  leaving a car / Taxi  get out of the taxi
 by  rise or fall of something  prices have risen by 10
 travelling (other than walking or percent
horseriding)  by car, by bus
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English Usage Example

 at  for age  she learned Russian at
 about  for topics, meaning what about we were talking about
complex prepositions consist of a group of words that act as one unit. Some examples
of complex prepositions in English are:
 in spite of, with respect to, except for, by dint of, next to વગેરે... જેને Idioms and
Phrases વખતે detail માં ઇશુ.ં
conjunction is a word that "joins". બે વા યો/શ દોને ડતો શ દ
Here are some example conjunctions:
Coordinating Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions
and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so although, because, since, unless

Conjunctionsને નીચેના ણ ભાગોમાં વહચી શકાય
 Single Word
example: and, but, because, although
 Compound (often ending with as or that)
example: provided that, as long as, in order that
 Correlative (surrounding an adverb or adjective)
for example: so...that

Direct Indirect Narration

(Assertive Sentences)

Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

1. Boys said, “It has been raining since morning and we cannot play.”
Boys said that it had been raining since morning and they could not play.”
2. She said to him, “I am leaving now and shall return after two hours.”
She told him that she was leaving then and would return after two hours.
3. The girl said to me,” My father went to the market and brought toys for me.”
The girl told me that her father had gone to the market and had brought toys for her.
4. Her husband said to her, “I shall not go to the office today as I am not feeling well.
Her husband told her that he would not go to the office that day as he was not feeling well.
5. My father said to me, “I fear that you have caught cold again.”
My father told me that he feared that I had caught cold again.
6. His brother said to me, “I am not going to attend the meeting today.”
His brother told me that he was not going to attend the meeting that day.

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7. She said to him, ”Love begets love.”
She told him that love begets love.
8. The inspector said to the people, “We have caught the thief and he will be brought to
book soon.”
The inspector told the people that they had caught the thief and he would be brought to book
9. The teacher said, “Boys, I shall give you a test in English today.”
The teacher told the boys that he would give them a test in English that day.
10. My friend said to me, “I am going to my house now. I shall call on you tomorrow.”
My friend told me that he was going to his house then and he would call on me the next day.

(Interrogative Sentences)
1.His wife said to him, “Do you know that my servant maid stole our money ?”
His wife asked him if he knew that her servant maid had stolen their money.
2. Her friend said to her, “Can you spare your book for me for a week?”
Her friend asked her if she could spare her book for her for a week.
3. She said to him, “Can I do anything for you? Will you mind my extending help to
She asked him if she could do anything for him and if he would mind her extending help to him.
4. His mother said to him, “Will you come home in the evening in time?”
His mother asked him if he would come home in the evening in time.
5.His friend said to him, “Did I not warn you against this before hand?”
His friend asked him if he had not warned him against that before hand.

6. John said to his sister, “Is it not a surprise to see your friend here today?”
John asked his sister if it was not a surprise to see her friend there that day.
7. The doctor said to his patient, “Are you taking medicine prescribed to you
The doctor asked his patient if he was taking medicine prescribed to him regularly.
8. She said to me,” Do you know how to swim?”
She asked me if I knew how to swim.
9.The captain said to the players, “Will you put your heart and soul in playing the
game so that we may win the match?”
The captain asked the players if they would put their heart and soul in playing the game so
that they might win the match.
10. The stranger said to the lady,” Have you ever been to Delhi?”
The stranger asked the lady if she had ever been to Delhi.
11. The old man said to the child, “Why did you break this window pane?”
The old man asked the child why he had broken that window pane.
12. The teacher said , “Boys, what are you doing here? Why do you not go to your
class rooms?”
The teacher asked the boys what they were doing there and why they did not go to their class

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13. Her brother said to her, “What present should I bring for you when I return from
Her brother asked her what present he should bring for her when he returned from Bombay.
14. The rich man said to the beggar, “Why do you not do any work? Do you not feel
ashamed in begging alms from others?”
The rich man asked the beggar why he did not do any work and if he did not feel ashamed in
begging alms from others.
15. Boys said to the teacher, “When do you intend to start the class today?”
Boys asked the teacher when he intended to start the class that day.
16. The traveler asked the cab man, “How long will you take to reach the destination?
Can't you drive the cab a little faster?”
The traveler asked the cabman how long he would take to reach the destination and if he
could not drive the cab a little faster.
17. The customer said to the shopkeeper, “What is the price of this article? Can you
give me two of these articles?”
The customer asked the shopkeeper what the price of that article was and if he could give
him two of those articles.
18. The old lady said, “Can you tell me where does this road lead to? Will you guide
my way to the railway station, young man?”
The old lady asked the young man if he could tell her where that road led to and if he
would guide her way to the railway station.

19. The priest said, “Where does this young lady come from? Can you tell me this,
The priest asked the gentleman where that young lady came from and if he could tell him that.
20. Shylock said “ How can you call me a cheat ? Will you not pay me my dues
according to the deed,Portia ?”
Shylock asked Portia how she could call him a cheat and if she would not pay him his dues
according to the deed.

( Exclamatory Sentences)

1. The woman said, “What a beautiful child this is!

The woman exclaimed that that child was very beautiful.
2. His aunt said, “What a pleasant surprise to see you here!”
His aunt exclaimed that it was a pleasant surprise to see him there.
3. Hamlet said, “How unlucky I am that I cannot find out any solution!”
Hamlet exclaimed that he was very unlucky that he could not find out any solution.
4. The captain said, “Bravo ! well done,boys!”
The captain applauded the boys saying that they had done well.
5. The leader said, “Alas! We have lost the game.”
The leader exclaimed with sorrow that they had lost the game.
6. Boys said,” Hurrah! We have won the match!”
Boys exclaimed with joy that they had won the match.
7. She said,” What a beautiful weather it is!”
She exclaimed that it was a very beautiful weather.
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8. Father said,”What a lazy fellow she is!”
Father exclaimed that she was a very lazy fellow.
9. The cobbler said,” How stupid I am!”
The cobbler exclaimed that he was very stupid.
10. The girl said, ”What a stupid fellow I am!”
The girl exclaimed that she was a stupid fellow.
11. The captain said, "Good morning,Friends!"
The captain bade his friends good morning.
12. The leader said,"Farewell, my countrymen!"
The leader bade his countrymen farewell.
13. The boy said,"If I were a king!"
The boy wished that he had been a king.
14. The old lady said,"May you live long, my son!"
The old lady prayed that her son might live long.
15. They said," May you live a long and prosperous life!"
They prayed that you might live a long and prosperous life.

(Imperative Sentences)
1. The land lord said to his servant,"Go away and leave the room at once."
The land lord ordered his servant to go away and leave the room at once.

2. She said to her maid servant,"Bring me a glass of water."

She ordered her maid servant to bring her a glass of water.
3. The priest said to the boys,"Do not while away your time."
The priest advised the boys not to while away their time.
4. Mother said to her son."Work hard lest you should fail."
Mother advised her son to work hard lest he should fail.
5. The doctor said to the patient,"Do not smoke."
The doctor advised the patient not to smoke.
6. The clerk said to the man,"Do not disturb me.Mind your own business."
The clerk forbade the man to disturb him and advised him to mind his own business.
7. The officer said to the peon."Let the visitor come in."
The officer told the peon to let the visitor come in. OR
The officer told the peon that the visitor might be allowed to come in.
8. The father said to his son,"Let us go out for a walk."
The father suggested to his son that they should go out for a walk.
9. The girl said to her friend," Please show me your purse. "
The girl requested her friend to show her her purse.
10. The man said to me," Let us wait for our turn."
The man proposed to me that we should wait for our turn.

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One Word Substitutes
1. Having an evil reputation……………….. Notorious
2. One who plays a game for pleasure……… amateur
3. One who believes in existence of God……………… theist (X - atheist)
4. Someone who is unable to pay his/her debts…………….. bankrupt
5. One who looks at dark sides of the things…………….. pessimist (X- optimist)
A minister representing a sovereign or a state in a foreign country……
7. One whose parents are dead………………… orphan
8. One who cannot read or write……………………… illiterate
9. Incapable of being heard ……………. inaudible
10. Liable to be easily broken …………………… brittle
11. A substance that kills germs ………………… germicide
12. An assembly/group of listeners ………………………. audience
13. An office without any work but high pay……………… sinecure
14. The life story of a person written by himself………………… autobiography
15. The life story of a person written by someone else………………… biography
16. Of one’s own free will………………. Voluntary (X- involuntary, compulsory)
Taking of one’s own life ………. Suicide Anamika Academy
9979 9979 45
18. One who walks along the roadside ………… pedestrian
19. One who sells liquor against law …………….. bootlegger
20. One who abstains from all alcoholic drinks…………… teetotaller
21. That which cannot be corrected…………….. incorrigible
22. That which does not die or fade away……………… immortal, eternal, everlasting
23. A person who studies weather……………….. meteorologist
24. A person who compiles a dictionary …………….. lexicographer
25. A person who makes scientific study of insects………………… entomologist
26. One who calculates value of property for tax purposes ……………. assessor
27. A thing which catches fire easily……………… Inflammable
28. One who hates mankind………………… Misanthropist
Animals which live both on land and water …………………. Amphibious
30. A tank where fish or water plants are kept …………….. aquarium
31. One who believes easily…………. Credulous
32. Something done for the first time…………………. Maiden, debut
33. That which cannot be conquered………. invincible
34. A disease which spreads by contact……………….. contagious
A person who is violently hostile to established beliefs, customs, traditions…….
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A child born after the death of his father /or a book published after the death of
its author……. -Posthumous
37. Roundabout way of saying……. circumlocution
38. One who collects postage stamps ……………. Philatelist
39. One who is easily fooled………….. Gullible
40. Something that must happen and cannot be avoided ………Inevitable
41. One who is citizen of the world………………… Cosmopolitan
42. Government based on religion………….. Theocracy
43. That which cannot be rubbed off……………. indelible
44. One who studies the origin and growth of languages…………Linguist
45. The study of right and wrong in human conduct…………….. Ethics
46. The school or college in which one has been educated……Alma mater

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Anxiety X Apathy Fallacy X Certainty
Accessory X Adversary Graceful X awkward
Brave X Timid, Coward Incongruous X Harmonious
Benevolence X Malevolence Liberty X Captivity
Contended X Unhappy Impediment X Assistance
Condemned X Acquiesced Neglect X Care
Comfortable X Uncomfortable Obstinate X amenable
Deny X Confirm Pernicious X Salutary
Disparage X Approve Greedy X Generous
Delicious X Unpalatable Handle X Bungle
Frugality X Extravagance Horrible X agreeable
Above X Below Abundance X Scarcity
Absence X Presence Accept X Reject/Refuse
Admire X Despise/Condemn Fresh X Stale
Aggressive X Defensive Friend X Foe, Enemy
Alive X Dead Gain X Loss
Ancient X Modern General X Particular, Specific
Arrival X Departure Gentle X Rude
Attach X Detach Haste X Delay
Attack X Defend/ Protect Heaven/Paradise X Hell/Inferno
Attract X Repel Hope X Despair
Attraction X Repulsion Host X Guest
Benefit X Harm Hostile X Friendly
Blessing X Curse Humble X Proud
Bold X Timid Ignorance X Knowledge
Bravery X Cowardice Import X Export
Cheap X Expensive/Dear Include X Exclude
Confidence X Diffidence Increase X Decrease
Console X Congratulate Inferior X Superior
Consent X Dissent Inhale X Exhale
Construction X Destruction Initial X Final
Credit X Debit Lend X Borrow
Dark X Bright Loose X Tight
Debtor X Creditor Majority X Minority
Deep X Shallow Make X Mar (Mare- ઘોડી)
Deficit X Surplus Malignant X Benevolent
Diligent/Industrious X Idle, Lazy Miser X Spendthrift
Domestic X Wild Narrow X Broad
Downward X Upward Normal X abnormal
Dynamic X Static Occasional X Frequent
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Entrance X Exit Oppose X Support

External X Internal Noble X Ignoble
Extravagant X Frugal/Economical Oral X Written
Fact X Fiction Ordinary XX Extraordinary/ Rare
Faithful X Faithless Peace X War
Fertile X Barren Permanent X Temporary
Forget X Remember Persuade X Dissuade
Freedom/ Liberty X Slavery Pleasure X Pain

Proceed X Recede Top X Bottom Gently X Harshly
Propose X Dispose Tragedy X Comedy Crest X Base
Pride X Humility Tragic X Comic Cheerful X Cheerless
Quiet X Noisy Transparent X Opaque Fierce X Tame
Rear X Front Uniform X Varied Weep X Laugh
Remote X Near Upper X Lower Primeval X modern
Rise X Fall Useful X Useless Flimsy X Concrete
Rough X Smooth Conquest X Defeat Seized X Released
Sleep X Wake Victory X Defeat Alone X Together
Smile X Frown Triumph X Defeat Doomed X Blest
Somewhere X Nowhere Virtue X Vice Decimated X Created
Strange X Familiar Weal X Woe Sinking X Floating
Subtract X Add Wholesale X Retail Forward X Backward
Success X Failure Wisdom X Folly Dusk X Dawn
Superior X Inferior Comrade X Enemy, Foe Vain X Fruitful
Sympathy X Antipathy Poached X Reared Infect X disinfect
Thoughtful X Thoughtless Whisper X Shout Obvious X Hidden
Prolong X Discontinue Intimacy X Detachment Purity X Impurity
Evocative X Subdued Dangerous X Safe Odd X Even
Pinnacle X Base Sharp X Blunt Dyspeptic X Strong
Blunders X Accuracy Ability X Inability Negate X Affirm
Efficient X Inefficient Occasionally X Regularly Several X Few
Annoy X Please Honest X Dishonest Appreciate X Criticise
Fortune X Misfortune Attract X Repel Indolent X Busy
Corpulent X Skinny Astray X On line Beginning X End
Gloomy X Bright Fake X Genuine Stoically X happily
Redolent X Smelly Torrential X Light Canopied X Open
Gaunt X Thick Savour X Dislike Glance X Gaze
Dominating X Submitting Collect X Distribute Objection X Acceptance
Private X Public Doubt X Surety Aggressive X submissive
Composed X Fretting Unkempt X Stylish Variegated X Plain
Nether X Top Detain X Release Danger X Safety
Anamika Academy English 9979 9979 45
Contraband X Legal Reproach X Cajole Serene X Noisy
Poverty X Prosperity Sufficient X Insufficient Fraudulent X Genuine
Ennui X Excitement Snug X Comfortable Incoherent X Confident
Vividly X Hazily Depredation X Construction Rural X Urban
Risibly X Convincingly Fetid X Fresh Rustic X Urban
Mourning X Celebrating Cramped X Spacious Pastoral X Urban
Perished X Alive Enormous X Tiny Bucolic X Urban
Futile X Useful Bravely X Cowardly Commotion X Silence
Overt X Concealed Lurch X Steady Seldom X Often
Hamper X Support Human X Inhuman Hide X Reveal
Native X Foreign Innocence X Guilt Peace X Unrest
Motion X Stillness Inhabit X Vacate Brief X Lengthy
Decay X Fructify Allied X Alienated Mourn X Rejoice
Insularity -Loneliness Latent -Hidden Repudiate -Refuse
Drenched -Soaked, Wet Industrious -Hardworking Doctrine -Principle
Detriment -Loss Anguish -Pain, suffering Dispel -Remove
Proliferate -Multiply Fiend -Beast, Devil Impose -Encourage
Contrite -Apologetic Triviality -Worthless Compartment -Section
Lilt -Melody, Music Disposed -Inclined Hatchet -Axe
Suffused -Covered Furtive -Secret Imposed -Forced
Dreary -Boring Tremulous -Shaking Perpetuation -Continuation
Solitary -Alone Clammy -Sticky Ethics -Morals
Dither -Hesitate Oriental -Eastern Isolation -Separation
Sturdy -Strong Occidental -Western Advocate -Support
Obliged -Grateful Barbarous -Uncivilized Inconsistent -Conflicting
Meadow -Grassland Shun -Avoid, ignore Motion -Movement
Fortune -Luck Hygienic -Healthy, Clean Imply -Mean
Humane -Kind Custom -Practice Trend -tendency
Incredible -Unbelievable Stationary -still, fixed Attitude -approach
Practical -Virtual Spacious -roomy, airy Restrain -Control
Apparent -obvious Judicial -Impartial Stir -Mix, Blend
Stupefaction -Confusion Besides -additional Eloquent -Expressive
Rapidly -Quickly, Beside -Near Punctual -Prompt
Ruin -Destroy Practical -Realistic Fate -Destiny
Conjurer -Magician Humane -Kind, Caring Raw -Crude
Audience -Spectators Meadow -Grassland Row -Fight, Line
Coy -Shy Buoyant -Cheerful Formality -Procedure
Summon -Call Metaphor -Image, Symbol Bonnet -Cap, hat
Eternal -Immortal Inflection -Modulation Jealous -Envious
Frail -Weak Nuance -Shade, tone Reverence -Respect
Rage -Anger Glimpse -Glance, Look Assassination -Murder
Distress -Sorrow Worthy -Commendable Adore -Worship

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Queer -Strange, odd Propel -Push Statuesque -Elegant

Weary -Tired Sentimental -Emotional Tale -Story, Fiction
Stupefied -Amazed Convey -Communicate Rumble -Roar
Despise -Hate, spurn Disembodied -Ghostly Acute -Sharp, keen
Display -Show Brilliant -Bright, talented Odour -Smell
Pompous -Showy, arrogant Anguish -Torment Forbid -Prohibit
Fragment -Piece Torso -Chest Rapt -absorbed
Mob -Crowd Efficacy -Usefulness Suppress -Curb
Defy -Disobey, resist Inviolate -Pure Warren -Burrow, den
Tedious -Boring Inherent -innate, inbuilt Bivouac -Camp
Enormous -Large Untarnished -Spotless Earnest -Sincere
Austere -Simple, Sober Acquiesce -agree, comply Muffled -Quiet, Silent
Cherish -relish, appreciate Aghast -Stunned Sublime -Inspiring
Prudent -Wise, sensible Manifest -Obvious Solemn -Somber
Turmoil -Disturbance Endeavour -Effort Somber -Serious


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