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“kebab grammar”

Lecturer :

Rakhmawati, M.Pd

Created by:
Sulvi Dwi Anggraini (D75217059)
Moch Aksanun (D75217085)



Food is one of the important sources of protein for human development, food can
also increase energy and growth and development of a person, without human food will feel
weak of malnutrition in the body, at this time healthy food is the most popular thing in
society because besides healthy ways so it's not complicated, and can be eaten anywhere.
With innovation and new ideas, now we can make food for learning or eating while
learning can increase enthusiasm for learning. Seeing the low interest in reading the public.
We have an idea to develop people's interest in reading and learning through what is currently
popular, namely healthy food. In other hand this food besides being healthy can also increase
people's interest in learning and reading without malnutrition
Learning through this food, we pack in a kebab called kebab grammar, we provide a
variety of kebabs with various menus with the grammar name used for daily conversation,
and we pack the kebab with neat paper with an explanation written from the kebab the
grammar they ordered and examples of sentences and their use. Every buyer can also learn
and access our grammar class code through google classroom.

General description product

Kebabs grammar provide a variety of kebab flavors with a variety of grammar such
as simple present, present continuous, present perfect continuous and etc. We also provide
special classes for buyers who want to learn more, they can access our code in Google
classroom. They will get all the material about grammar in that class. To make the public
interested we also hold a quiz for buyers who can answer questions about our grammar and
will get a door prize.
SWOT Analysis

1. Strength
 Kebab grammar Is an innovation of healthy food and learning
 Kebab grammar can improve people knowledge
 Interesting healthy food
 We explain grammar for conversation everyday
 Easy to booking (via online)
 Provide for delivery service
2. Weakness
 Not all people like kebab
 Many people sell kebab
3. Opportunity (opportunity)
 Many of variant test in kebab grammar
 Good cover and have material about grammar
 Buyer get a code and join in our grammar class in google classroom
 Get a door prize
4. Thread (threat)
 Should have new innovation
 People don’t interest with grammar

To start our bussiness, we promote our product with these techniques bellow.
1. Mini Brochure
We make mini brochure that contain about the detail of our product such as name of
product, the variant, how to eat kebab grammar in best way and many more, we will
spread this mini brochure in highway road and in traditional market.
2. Deliver to retail shop
We put or send our product to retail shop in cword place like school, university, and
other retail shop.

3. Social media
Promote our product through social media such as whats app, instagram, facebook etc.
Beside that we can promote our product directly to our friend or people who we know.
Target market? Adult? Teenager? Analysis market

Finance plan

1. Assets
No Name Amount Price
1. Stand/place (Toko) 1 Rp 8.000.000
2. Fry pan 1 Rp 500.000
Total Rp 8.500.000

2. Fixed cost every month

No Needs Amount Price
1. Kulit kebab 100 Rp 100.000
2. Sosis 100 Rp 80.000
3. Vegetable 100 Rp 90.000
4. Cover 100 Rp 150.000
Total Rp 420.000

3. Variable cost every month

No Need Price
1. Gasoline Rp 100.000

Require cost
Assets + Variable cost + Fixed cost
= 8.500.000 + 420.000 + 100.000
= 9.200.000

Income = Amount of sold product x price of product
= 100 × Rp 7.000
= Rp 700.000 x 12
= 8.400.000
Cost variable and Fixed Variable = Rp 520.000 x 12
= 6.240.000
Profit = Income – Cost variable and fixed variable
= 8.400.000 – 6.240.000
= 2.160.000 : 12
= 180.000 permonth

Assest x Profits
= Rp 9.200.000 : Rp 2.160.000
= 4.2
So, the cost of assest will be back after 4 years 2 month


Chart of hierarchy

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fianancial staff


AMDAL analysis

From this product” kebab grammar” has effect for environment for example the paper
of package, the problem of our product. But we think is not necessary, when we think
almost product has impact positive or negative.
Executive Summarize

Kebab grammar is new innovation in healthy foot, we know that almost people should
eat some calorie to build their energy. We think that we make some food with new innovation
it can famous or popular in the market. Kebab grammar not only about a food but we cover it
with study, we wish that buyer interesting with this product because they can learn from that
and unforged to eat.


Learning through this food, we cover it in a kebab called kebab grammar, we

provide a variety of kebabs with various menus with the grammar name used for daily
conversation, and we pack the kebab with neat paper with an explanation written from the
kebab the grammar they ordered and examples of sentences and their use. Every buyer can
also learn and access our grammar class code through google classroom.

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